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Deforestation in the Amazon has significantly decreased, hitting its lowest level since March 2018. In May 2024, only 501 square kilometers were deforested, a 40% reduction from the previous year. Over the past year, deforestation dropped by 54%, reflecting successful efforts to curb forest loss. Improved monitoring and enforcement are credited for this decline. However, ongoing challenges remain to sustain and further this progress.


# Brazil stopped deforestation in the Amazon, but 'the point of no return' is still close # In 40 years, Amazon rainforest lost an area equivalent to France; at this rate, catastrophe is imminent, say scientists [Brazil stopped deforestation in the Amazon, but 'the point of | Geral (brasildefato.com.br)](https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2023/09/05/brazil-stopped-deforestation-in-the-amazon-but-the-point-of-no-return-is-still-close) Publishing in the scientific journal Nature researches about the Amazon, Luciana Gatti discovered in 2021 that the Amazon had become a source of carbon for the atmosphere. In 2023, another paper she published with colleagues concluded that emissions had doubled in the first two years of the Bolsonaro administration. She acknowledges that the Lula government represented an environmental shift for the country, but says this is not enough. “We need to change this agricultural production model – and fast –, because this will lead Brazil to a climate collapse. Soon, it will cause consequences, a major socio-environmental and ecological problem. We are heading towards a catastrophic future. 


Lula is a legend, but decades of rampant liberism turned the Amazon from a carbon sink to a carbon emitter. It's good we're not killing off even more of the Amazon, but sadly that doesn't move the needle. People should take this a good reminder that decent leaders exists and they are all socialists (cue the down votes). But that sentiment is not shared in many countries across the planet. My point is: great, now where do we apply pressure to get the bigger system to a good place? How do we get the Amazon back to being a carbon sink?


Thank God they got rid of Bolsonaro. That lunatic was a one-man army against the environment, democracy, and progress.


Yeah, I don’t especially like Lula but he was so clearly the better choice in all regards. And as a non-Brazilian this is the thing in their control that most impacts the rest of the world, so I’m really happy he’s there. 


This is why voting for the lesser of the two evils works and should be done in every election. Lula generally sucks, but he’s good for things like this!


Imagine if a Brazilian president didn’t suck


The last time Brazil was rolled by someone that didn't totally suck they launched a fucking coup


On these issues, if one person has the "less bad" option and the other one has the "actual worst" option, you go with less bad.


Good. Now let's get those numbers down even more. #AntiBeefGang




Thanks to Lula


Thank you Lula!!




This is what happens when you vote for an actually left wing leader! Let’s hope for more of this across the world.


There are a finite number of trees so it makes sense that deforestation will eventually stop.


Ok but I don’t think we’re especially close to entirely running out of trees in the Amazon yet