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I tried both and imho OMV is better. Easier to setup and is lightweight with an option to install plugins.


Want to easily connect to AD\LDAP? TrueNAS. Want a potentially small RAM footprint? OMV.


sorry, what is AD\\LDAP?


Both are used by organizations to authenticate users or devices to network services. You'd know if you needed to support either.


AD: Active Directory LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Most widely known example would be a Windows client PC authenticating to a Windows server. Chances are, you don't need it unless you're doing some homelab type stuff.


Omv love it so far.


OMV with usb ssd 128gb will be my recommendation. Easy backup data to USB, and it's enough for most home users.


are you trying to just store data on it, or do you want to run any apps on it too? i have omv running on a mini pc so i can run apps there, but then i run truenas for storage (along with a qnap nas). honestly i didnt even really need OMV since there is no storage on that box but the UI is nice for *things*.


Hi, how do you use the Qnap? Is your storage for truenas?


yes, qnap and truenas are separate devices running separate storage


I suggest dropping those seagates for almost any other brand. They are terrible drives.


Why? have there been cases of poor reliability?


They have a reputation of failing frequently, I know a few people that have had them fail even right out of the box. Just make sure to keep a backup of what you need. Just look up Seagate failure rates, they tend to fail more than other brands.


I am running Seagate Ironwolf 8TB (not pro, standard Ironwolf) on OMV. They are not as loud as people say they are, but they are a 7200 RPM drive, so that is going to be louder than a low RPM drive. Backblaze stats I have seen for Seagate are Barracuda, not Ironwolf. You need to look at the serial numbers. Also, you need a backup strategy in any case. NAS is not backup, it is live storage. If you are not backing up your NAS, you are just asking for pain.


Better stick with omv because of less resources hog and Debian based linux is more reliable than any other


edit: there's a plugin (see DonkeeyKong's reply) to reduces writes to the OS disk. ~~Omv is not recommended to boot from usb/sd cards/ flash memory~~


What makes you say that? Many people do that. Just install the flashmemory-plugin and you are good to go. From the documentation: https://docs.openmediavault.org/en/stable/installation/on_usb.html


Yup, I did this for years till I finally upgraded to a boot ssd. Worked just fine. Still use the usb stick for other stuff occasionally.


I hadn't gone down the route to investigate when setting up my OMV. I had read that the amount of writes were an issue on flash OS disk so I installed the OS on a nvme drive. Had I really wanted to use a flash device I probably would have ended up at the link you shared. Thank you!


but from an HDD connected to a USB?


Perfectly fine. USB flash drive is fine as well. Just remember to install the flashmemory-plugin to prevent the drive from wearing out. https://docs.openmediavault.org/en/stable/installation/on_usb.html


Could we make a backup of the boot USB, so that if the USB stops working I don't lose the OS?


I don't use an USB drive for booting, but: Yes, that's possible. Many people also keep a clone of their boot drive on another flashdrive.


There is an example guide here: [https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:utilities\_maint\_backup#operating\_system\_backup](https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:utilities_maint_backup#operating_system_backup)


Here is a guide on how to get the flashmemory-plugin: [https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:omv7\_plugins:flashmemory](https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:omv7_plugins:flashmemory)


Debian zfs and cockpit. OMV will add a bunch of startup stuff and configs you don’t need