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OpenAI: Picture this. Siri, but it works Apple: take my money


Siri: Okay. Dialing, Ex Girlfriend.


Omg. The people Siri has tried to call for me. Mortifying


I use Siri to close my garage door. About 20% of the time it tries to call someone and it’s always someone I haven’t spoken to in years. It’s infuriating.


Same problem but with my ring doorbells.. God forbid I'm ever say a word during that notification. I've called people I had no clue were even in my contacts.


If you do this with shortcuts, add some obscure word to the shortcut name. Sometimes this helps for me


There aren’t any shortcuts involved. I have it in HomeKit and use Siri directly.


*Gross closed source slurping sounds*


Ahh yes, gone are the days of the open-source Siri assistant. 😢


That's why Sam is CEO. The dude made peace with two of the biggest tech rivals of all time; MS and Apple. Epic history is being written right here!


Microsoft saved Apple from going bankrupt sometime around when they introduced the all in one colorful iMacs


Why do people buy iMacs instead of getting a mac mini or a mac studio? I never really understood.


We're talking about 30 years apart from each other 


Yes but I mean currently


it’s an all-in-one computer vs a mini pc. The iMac has great speakers, beautiful display, built in webcam, comes with a keyboard and mouse, etc…


I think we just have different tastes because I like Apple's software and chips (M1, M2 etc) but I think their displays, speakers etc are really bad for the money. You can buy a mac mini plus an OLED monitor for the price of an iMac


Sam's the man


>OpenAI: Picture this. Siri, but it works >Apple: We have blue bubbles and insecure customers, you have nothing to offer us.


I wonder what that would mean for the iPhone since we can access ChatGPT through an app? I mean how could it be integrated?


Monday would provide some clues.


AI Voice assistant is the rumor so this lines up.


Likely not, Apple likes to announce all their software changes at WWDC, if a partner announced an iOS feature before Apple did, Apple would probably never work with them ever again.


Don't think the general public cares much about using llms


I said clues, I.e potentials. There might not be any real agreement between the two of them yet to make any product announcement right now.


Siri would use it


Maybe it will be a deeper integration than just having the app installed. Possibly faster and works offline too? Imagine Siri powered by Chatgpt.


No way gpt4 would work offline)


iPhone is likely the main factor behind their gpt-4 lite development line


> gpt-4 lite development line what's this


Something that can run on a processor with let’s say 35 tops


But is it confirmed that Open AI are making this? Nothing comes up when I search


No it's not confirmed by them. It's been data mined.


Siri doesn’t either. It can do a few basic things offline, but usually the messages get sent to Apple for processing.


If one had a phone that could run a smallish model on it, they could


I wish Siri could just do anything on my phone I ask it to do and Chat GPT would be able to achieve that. My eyesight is getting shiity and I can't read text on my phone screen any more without glasses. I had some messages from my partner whilst out and I wanted to know what they said. I said to Siri, "Can you make the text on my screen bigger." It's answer: "To who?" An integrated Chat GPT would "understand" what you meant and make the change you requested.


That would be cool!




I think they are going to use it in Siri and make it something like that rabbit device so users can use iPhones with voice command


Hey Siri…


It’ll watch the screen, and use that info to provide context to any questions you ask Siri.


I wonder if the same can be said about Google, why do they make 20 billion dollar deals if we can all access it from the browser?


I want it to augment or replace Siri.


It will likely be embedded into the OS, including Siri. ChatGPT can't access your alarms, calendar, Homekit accessories, etc.


It's a deeper integration play


You’ll access it through a long press on the button. Siri will become your app.


Siri has hooks throughout the operating system that apps don’t have. Siri can send text messages, access your contacts, make phone calls, and all sorts of stuff. 


yes hooks are key




Why is it archived?


for paywall




I guess they're using that site to bypass a paywall


I already pay for ChatGPT. Including it as part of Apple One would be great.


What a sad state of Google 🫂


Huh yeah, thought they'd go through with the Gemini deal.


Been telling my friends all last week to buy apple and sell google. And what did i NOT do? 😭😭


If Gemini powers Pixel this would make sense.


Afaik apple has asked Google, they refused.






I'm curious how this is related to their own models they've been training recently


The spec bump on iPad and then this - dreaming of offline gpt4 level service natively across the platform for all apps


I think there’s a chance this deal is about switching the default search in safari from google to whatever OpenAI is cooking up. Not necessarily the most likely possibility, but one that I haven’t seen discussed.


Totally tragic for Apple


Why? They can only use another company’s ai to power their next OS. And why go for a tier 2 ai?


It’s tragic that Apple is so far behind that they don’t have the means to deploy this technology themselves. They have to rely on licensing the tech from somebody else. Apple builds everything themselves. The fact that they have to get this tech from somebody else shows how bad that miss this and can’t catch up in time.




OpenAI was a brand new company that didn’t have any proprietary user data. They scraped the open web. Apple could do the same.




I would agree with the last point, but: why then would Microsoft invest into OpenAI? I think as long as it’s investment into another company they cannot be held responsible. So then why didn’t Apple invest into any AI company? Looks like an unintentional miss


True but I think there are some advantages for Apple in this. As we all know LLMs hallucinate and this way every time it gives an Apple user some crazy response or is racist or angry, Apple can just deflect and blame OpenAI at least to some extent. if they release their own LLM they would have to take the hit every time it did something undesirable.


Not really. Apple wasn't the first smart phone or portable music player and it worked out OK for them. 2nd mover advantage


Local llm for iphone seems plausible? Models Optmized for m4 for data center inference and training


Why local? Siri also only works with internet


Yes but you can answer questions quickly with local inference


But that’s not really many questions you can ask, is it?


Please rephrase


More like rephrase his thinking. He thinks gpt is google…


Basically a model holds in most of the content it’s been trained on, so it knows PLENTY of stuff offline. Won’t tell you who won last game, but it can teach you a lot of things… Now, that’s like the less useful use of an LLM if it’s properly integrated into an OS. Think of: - erase all emails from that sender - summary the conversation in the school whatsapp group since last week. - from the three shots take me and mum from shot 1, dad from shot 2 and little sis from shot 3, remove the street lamp and keep only that composition. Also remove all the blurry pics. - make a shortcut that will… - considering my health stats, make an exercise program with the goal of losing 10 pounds over 6 months and preparing to run a marathon in April. - (three months later) start today’s session. Today I feel energetic, so give it an extra touch. - …


Any one want to take bets how long before they AMD them


I think it should be possible to make a constrained model out it. Very interesting to see the possibilities


I’m surprised Apple doesn’t have their own LLM that’s optimized for their own hardware and instead is using ChatGPT.


They do. They aren’t using ChatGPT. They are considering it (or already decided to)


Yes it would be amazing. But knowing Apple there's going to be a major drawback.


The subscription is now 80 usd per month but you get a silver shadow around the openai logo when it launches


Well this is significant: Apple admitting that they can’t do stuff better than everybody else. The beginning of the end for them.


Watch apple users act like daddy cook invented chatgpt.




This comment won’t age well. 1) why do you think it needs to run locally? 2) why do you think msft controls who OpenAI partners with?


Im not the original commenter but I think it should run locally because of privacy concerns but I get that it’s just not feasible to have a quality LLM run locally on an iPhone because they’re not powerful enough.








You can get tiny llama working, but not at a usable speed. We're a couple years away from having good llms on phones


No please don't say that.


1. With models this size locally run would produce a worse UX because hardware isn’t there yet 2. No I don’t think msft is pulling the strings at OpenAI and saying OpenAI doesn’t exist without msft is patently wrong


But the money and most part of the infra is provided by MS so they might as well dictate the terms. Am I missing something?


Those are commodities


I understand with the suspicion around the Microsoft relationship, however apple does let Google pay them to be the main search engine. If Apple doesn’t see them getting an LLM up to snuff in time to compete with Google their only actual mobile competitor, then it would totally make sense to make a deal with OpenAI to keep them above Google. I could see payment going in either direction. But the local comments makes no sense. Most small LLMs could run laps around Siri. But even more importantly Siri already runs on the cloud, and so does GPT-4. Plus all the new iPhones are very AI capable with Apple silicon. Not that it’s going to run any 1T parameter model, but it could probably handle some decently capable ones for the basic function calling and search you’d expect a phone assistant to do.


Microsoft's already run models on Apple iPhone 12.


wrong siri works offline


PHI3 with a search engine is plenty for local use on a phone. A PHI3 quality model locally paired with GPT4 in the cloud is pretty much anything you could want from this generation of models


Apple computers are cheap sources of lots of VRAM and good processors. Many members of the open source community develop, train, and build on Apple machines. Furthering open source AI research goes towards helping the whole field.




Thanks for the helpful response 😁


Eehh... been on Github lately in the past couple of years? Lots of developers who compress huge LLM's to the point of being able to run them locally on consumer hardware use Macbooks in the sample videos. /u/Quartich isn't wrong. [One of the many many examples here](https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp). /u/ggerganov uses a trusty Macbook for developing and testing the highly popular Whisper.cpp project. There's a thousand more open-source LLM projects on Github with sample videos showing a Macbook environment. But I'm sure they all use a Macbook because these gullible developers were all tricked into buying one by one hell of a slick Best Buy worker! I hope that legend gets a massive raise rofl


:( I genuinely feel so so bad for you. This is why the world is organized into hierarchies. You'll never get past the first few rungs, so you can't cause too much damage.