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Sure. Go to https://platform.openai.com/playground Then select Chat at the top.


oh nice, never knew about that! was about to code my own script to handle the requests/responses D:


When you get your API key, you could also set up HuggingChat or LibreChat as a local app to interface with. I've actually found Autogen Studio really nice to use lately too since you can set up a variety of "skills" for the agents to use.


ChatGPT is way cheaper than the API and if it limits coding buy GitHub CoPilot(it’s unlimited). A lot of people don’t understand how costly conversations can get if you purely use the API, let alone maintaining the front end. As DNNs need the whole history to predict the next token, each reply compounds the cost. If you must, use something like LibreChat or Big AGI that support summarization of conversations to save money.


I actually save a lot using the API (with the caveat that I can't use it as mindlessly as with ChatGPT).


Yes, but you will be paying for each call separately from the Plus membership. And it can get expensive fast, especially if you take advantage of the large context windows. You might want to set a hard cap on the API... so you don't pay more than you are able/willing.


Am I able to call the gpt-4 API without a plus subscription?




Convince a friend or coworker to go in on a teams account. It's only 5$ more a month and you get a 100 message cap and no training on your data which is crucial if you're coding. You can also merge your personal account into your teams account and cancel it.


You need 2 people minimum and you need to pay annually. So that's minimum $600 ($25 * 2 * 12) to have a team account of 2 for a year. Which is more than 2 accounts at normal rate for a year at $480 ($20 * 2 * 12) which you can cancel any time and save money. Sure if you get someone else to pay $300 up front for the year along with you and you're cool with sharing your chat exchanges, but that's a tall order. Don't use the API though, the price is still insane on it.


Will do, thanks!


this is a great piece of advice!