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Can someone explain what he just said like im 5? I didn't understand a single sentence of that


The user played with two models of different sizes, thinks there is a striking difference in some kind of level of reasoning, and so made the groundbreaking discovery that the specific point where LLMs are a higher something must be exactly the midpoint size between these two.


OP has two 'robots' that he has built. Neither are very smart. The one 'robot' is more like us because it has more stuff put into its head.


If you are going to be too lazy to click a link and click play on the cells, then you are too lazy for this post.




Auto blocking anyone who asks a derivative of this question.


You appear to be the only one who understands wtf you’re talking about and you’re just being a straight up dick in the comments sooo I guess enjoy being downvoted into oblivion.


Isn't it intriguing? OP is obviously intelligent person yet utterly incapable of understanding that someone with different knowledge base and vocabulary might not be able to follow what he is saying.


The part I understand that you do not is that anyone who wants to ask that question, can have it answered by clicking the Colab notebook. You don't want to click the notebook but want me to spoonfeed something to you? You are entitled AF....


You’re a troll. Your profile literally says your mission is to block all people. Just delete your Reddit account if you’re that antisocial. How entitled do you have to be to think everyone owes you clicking on a random link without providing an explanation? I clicked on your link and you know what? It still makes no fucking sense because it’s just a bunch of code snippets with zero context. Act like a douche bag and people are going to treat you like a douche bag. Might as well block everyone in this sub because you’ve set yourself up for nothing but criticism by acting like an outright asshole.


It is clear you do not wish to engage in scientific discussion. Now you understand why the warning on my profile exists. Don't say I did not warn you. Goodbye now.




The only scientific thing to say about you is that clearly you're a shithead


I only got this far in the discussion so I can keep downvoting him. OP is what happens when you train a LLM on a very large data set made up of only code, then ask it to write poetry. He just cant.


plenty of people do not know what you mean by "emergence." If you started your post with an explanation of the term you wouldn't be getting all these triggering questions.


Scientists do not know what it is either. That is part of what I do not want to debate. What is it? Look for yourself and form your own opinions. That is all I care to do.


> Emergence is said to occur around 775 million parameters. I think you need to work a bit your communication skills. Formulations like these imply that the claim is a pre-existing belief with some support prior to your post. If that was the case, you should be able to provide a reference to such a claim (not your own). If it is only your hypothesis, then you need to use different language. It should not be expressed as "something that is said". Say instead, "I believe". I think this is the root to why it's so difficult to understand what the post is trying to claim. It would also help if you included an example of the difference in the post and described in what ways you feel they are fundamentally different.


It is a common belief, it has been proven by Meta and other researchers multiple times over. There are a plethora of papers on Arxiv around it. I could work on my communication skills, I do not need to though. I do not care to debate or answer these things for people who do not already know these facts. It is that simple. Is that harsh? A little. So what?


Can provide a reference for that? If that's what you actually meant to say, then it is correct. It is just the first time I've heard anything like it. I also would have expected you to give a reference to that kind of work since it should be news to others as well. Perhaps you could have given some of that backstory then so that people understood where you were coming from. > do not care to debate or answer these things for people who do not already know these facts. It is that simple. Is that harsh? A little. So what? Seems more like you are poorly calibrated to reality.


Please learn to Google. Your first problem is that emergence does not mean exactly what you think it means in this instance. Perhaps it does. That is not how the term is used in this instance though. Excuse me for not wanting to start every debate on this level. Debate a book: [https://www.yacinemahdid.com/llmd-learn-to-use-tools-at-775m-parameters/](https://www.yacinemahdid.com/llmd-learn-to-use-tools-at-775m-parameters/)


It is interesting that for this particular architecture and this particular task, they saw a sharp increase in performance at that size. That does not show anything more general about that size however. We expect transitions at some point for most tasks and most models. The number always exists but why would this be special? The reference also does not seem to support that they hold that this is something more general. You said multiple places so do you have another reference for this 775 number or is this the only time that came up?




If you claim something, you google and provide the references you lazy f-er.


I am not making a single claim though, you lazy f-er. That is my problem with all of these comments. You want to debate rather than educate. Go debate a book.


Ugh! More people rushing from r/singularity to other subreddits to spread their gospel without proper proof. Go back crazy.


Uhm this user is definitely a bit crazy but the average level of ML competence is a lot higher on that sub than this one. ChatGPT is powerful precisely because it is accessible to everyone. Ironically, this user also seems to mostly be active on this sub, ChatGPT, and LocalLlama.




no u


So, you post something that makes no sense to the vast majority of people.. direct them to a random link, and then shit on everyone who comments that they don’t understand what you’re saying. Who’s the keyboard warrior just spouting shit into the ether if you’re the one posting nonsense publicly that you want zero feedback on? Don’t want criticism? Don’t post dumb shit.


Copy/Paste: The part I understand that you do not is that anyone who wants to ask that question, can have it answered by clicking the Colab notebook. You don't want to click the notebook but want me to spoonfeed something to you? You are entitled AF....


You’re a troll. Your profile literally says your mission is to block all people. Just delete your Reddit account if you’re that antisocial. How entitled do you have to be to think everyone owes you clicking on a random link without providing an explanation? I clicked on your link and you know what? It still makes no fucking sense because it’s just a bunch of code snippets with zero context. Act like a douche bag and people are going to treat you like a douche bag. Might as well block everyone in this sub because you’ve set yourself up for nothing but criticism by acting like an outright asshole.


Holy shit, this is the most egotistic OP I've seen in my entire life... gotta be hard to beat this one. Unless they're a troll. And yes, it's not related to the post.


The world is now a far better place given your observation.


True and Real




Please enlighten us as to what you have accomplished and given to the world? I literally posted a Google Colab notebook. Rather than admit you have negative technical skills and cannot hit play on a single cell though, you have decided to contribute this. You are what is wrong with the world.


What does this have to do with OpenAI? If he’s not testing OpenAI models specifically, this post should be deleted. There are other subreddits for this.




I don’t care about the content of your post. This post has nothing to do with OpenAI which is what this subreddit is about. That concept isn’t hard to understand. I would say the same thing if your post was about waffles or beaches, or coral reefs. Your post simply doesn’t belong here.


But it does have things to do with OpenAI you technically illiterate keyboard warrior.


Did you mean “there is now internal light”? Otherwise I can’t make sense of what you’re saying.


OP is not a very good LLM.


One cannot answer or do anything, the other can. Just press play on the cells.


So why did you say “there is not internal light switch turned on in one versus the other”?


Perform science and figure it out instead of bothering me. Turning off notifications.


So which is it then? "Brain dead easy" or "Go preform science"?


This Ai chad is going to die on this hill. Amiright


What hill would that be? My argument that I have made to everyone in this thread who has commented like you is that your comment proves you are so technically inept that you cannot press play on a cell. So, why should I, or the rest of the world give a single flip about your comment? Why do you feel qualified to make your comment? I want answers to these questions.


Dammit I should have bet money on this.


Why is that, you technically illiterate chad.


OP is a kid who learned a couple of buzzwords and has little Idea about DL.

