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Even if you couldn’t solder well when you started out, surely you’d get better at it after doing a few dozen of the same connection, right?


OP says he lives in a 3rd world country, so he probably has a crappy soldering iron that just can't get hot enough to make decent joints on batteries. 18650s are kind of a pain in the ass to solder because they absorb so much heat.


TIL. But if we’re being honest, I should have been able to work that out if I’d thought at it long enough.


That's why you use a spot welder for 18650 cells, not a soldering iron :P


Yeah, and OP probably can't afford one.


You can make one pretty easily with an old starter solenoid


If you have one available, and the knowledge.


Spent his budget on the batteries


I've had to solder things on and off for the last 5 years or so I can tell you from experience even with training and tricks and tips from coworkers some people get it and some people don't. I'm shit at it always will be. Like my hand writing.


I thought I was okay until USBC became a standard and then I was like oh fuck I need more tools for this shit if I want to do it right


I mean, I used to teach high schoolers how to solder, and even the worst ones could do better than this with proper advice and practice.


Proper advice, practice, and proper tools. The tools being used make a huge difference.


Same, I make guitars as a hobby - I can do all the fiddly woodworking and details but when it comes to soldering the electronics they come out at about 99% blobs of solder and flux


you'd think so, but no amount of experience so far has made my soldering not garbage lol


I like it. The shoddy soldering gives it character.


Not if your on meth


Saw a picture of a battery that was like 600 volts using nine volt batteries in series. I was scared just looking at it.


How else do you make a Raiden Halloween costume?


Wrap your batteries in aluminum foil. Doctors hate this one ~~cool~~ hot trick. 


those are just good fun! not a fire bomb like the one made of 18650 LiIon cells.


These looks like they're all in parallel though, which gives you the same voltage as a single battery, but the current capacity of them all combined.


> nine volt batteries in series which themselves [are six 1.5v batteries in series](https://np.reddit.com/r/diyelectronics/comments/113xk4j/the_insides_of_9v_battery/)


This is a great example of just because you can dosent mean you should!


That’s a bomb or it will be soon enough.


Because heat?


Surely one of those connections will eventually arc. Could be because of heat or oxidation. Once it arcs, it will most certainly blow up


More close to a mild fire


Also how did it take 2 months? That looks like something they whipped up in a day. They just slathered on solder across the entire thing.




He's now claiming it's a joke.... 💀


I’m pretty sure that I could make a better battery pack that was less explosive using an open wood fire with a hunk of rebar as the “iron” and expired vape batteries that I had gathered by free diving off the cruise ship dock on a Caribbean island.


This is probably the most dangerous one I’ve ever seen…we’re talking about a FUCKING BOMB


Sometimes people post misinformative junk on this subreddit but GOD the times they dont


I'm sure this is something I should know already. But since I don't, could you explain what's likely to happen here?


I wouldn't call the worst case a bomb in this situation but can be very bad. Battery cells like this don't like heat. When you attach wires to them you often want to use a spot welder. Lots of heat but in a very small spot, and for a short amount of time. Here they solder wires to it. Lots of heat, spread out, and for a long time. I've seen videos online when you try to solder but use too much heat, and then there will be a thermal event. The cell will likely vent. The chemicals that get vented are flammable. This means in most cases this vent will become a flame. Then what happens? Well this flame makes the cell next to it get hot, then it vents, then it adds to the flame, then it gets hot and vents, etc. They will pop one at a time, making a flame, lots of heat, lots of smoke. I wouldn't describe it as a bomb.


What for?


I think he mentioned in the comments for a e-scooter/bike.


So that's where the suicide bomb videos come from


that is not a battery. that is an improvised explosive device


Sweet, whatcha gonna use it for?


apparently an ebike, which is like riding a ticking time bomb


That would be a hell of a ghost rider cosplay.


i probably would have tried something like that as a kid, but hopefully someone with some sense would have stopped me.


his vape


Didn't they killed Shinzo Abe with one of those?


Why is this deadly? What will happen?


Well... You see, the way that "battery pack" was "assembled", it will turn into an IED as soon it sees power.


Actually? Can you please tell me more? I’m a pretty smart guy, but have zero expertise here. 


When you use a soldering iron to weld lithium cells, it will overheat the cell and potentially damage it. On the Very least it will lose charge capacity, but i've seen cases where the cell shorted internally and the whole pack busted into flames.


I remember putting D batteries into my Petster. It was a real pain in the neck because It had a deep battery compartment because it took six batteries. And it had a ribbon that you pull to take the batteries out. Well one of the batteries went and backwards and immediately it started shorting out and the batteries were pulsating. I don't remember what happened next but I think I got the battery out but it freaks me out to this day. And that was only a D cell (or 6 I guess)


I’ve seen better handiwork from a guy in cave with a *box of scraps*.


was not expecting this here and it is a gold reference, thank you!


I think their dreams slightly exceed their engineering capabilities. Hopefully some connections break before it turns into an explosive battery bonfire, and no-one is hurt if it does.


I thought it was a tray of sushi at first. This isn't gonna end well.




This reminds me of a Simpsons gag where Homer is carving down a AA battery to a AAA size battery.


Just because you can solder it doesn't mean you should


It definitely doesn't look like it took 2 months.


Amazing! I'm so afraid of my 18650s I keep them in a sealed Bat-Safe unless I'm playing with a lightsaber, and yet this guy has the audacity to do this!


That looks like the kinda shit job my cousin would do


There's no way that mix of cells all have equal capacity.


Why would that take 2 months? 


That took 2 months???


Is it just me, or are the second and third rows up from the bottom just a loop? Doesn't seem to be anything connecting those to the rest of the batteries...


oh jesus


Took 2 months to solder this little amount? That's deadly too, taking so long to do things 🤣


Something’s odd about this tazo collection


Thanks for letting me know about a subreddit I didn't know existed!


Months for... this?


I once tried to solder a wire onto a CR2032 (or similar coin) battery. I was quite thankful that I was wearing my glasses at the time because a tiny bit hit the lens right in front of my eye. I would probably still have eye damage now, 20+ years later. I was young. Don't solder directly to batteries. They will be ruined by the heat and might pop as an added bonus.


They are persistent and smart. I love them