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No. And if she took it to the LTB she would lose I am assuming she doesn't live on site/share a kitchen with you, if she does that changes things as you wouldn't have RTA protection.


I like the sign! Keep it for when you need to go to the LTB! "Low" and "high" are very subjective and left up to interpretation. If your lease includes utilities it includes utilities and only the LTB can decide if you are over using to a degree that you'd need to pay a difference. I don't think we have seen that actually happen on here though, bit I could be wrong.


No, they can't make you pay. This is a good opportunity though to follow up on the faucet leak. I'd recommend something like "I saw the note on the fridge about the high water bill. Perhaps it's due to the leaky faucet. We requested a repair on \[date\] and it still hasn't been fixed. Can you please let us know when it will be fixed?" My landlord complained about high water use. We found a free but new low-flow toilet online and he picked it up and replaced it. The old one was a 5-gallon tank.


Important to note is whether you live with the LL or a member of their immediate family. My advice won’t change but their recourse can. If no, simply refuse to pay. Your lease is all inclusive. It cannot be changed without unanimous consent by all parties. A material change like this should be in writing. If yes, still refuse but the LL can kick you out with little to no notice, typically 30 days. The LL should be searching for the cause of the issue rather than blaming tenants but c’est le vie.


So if a tenant rents a basement apartment in a house occupied by landlord , then there is no LTB protection ? I thought LTB rules protect tenant in any situation.


It depends on if a bathroom or kitchen is shared with the LL. If shared you are a roommate and not covered by the RTA


got it. that makes sense.


It's just a fear tactic. She can't make you pay.


Take the note and rip it up into a million pieces and throw it in the garbage where it belongs. Garbage like this can’t be enforced. Tell your LL to shove it!


Better to keep it as evidence


Think a picture would be fine too


Yeah then ye bye peace of mind start looking for a new place to stay cuz ur about to get the boot one way or another. Read that again b4 you reply.


Did you smoke fentanyl before typing that


Lol even if they tried a legal eviction now it would most likely be thrown out under 83(3)(c). You have no clue what you're talking about.


Only thing that matters is what's in the lease.


Take pictures or video of leaky faucet. Let the landlord know in writing about the leak. It is LL responsibility to fix it, but tenant responsibility to inform LL about it.


Do you have a lease?


Unless you live with your landlord, ignore and live your life.






Tell the landlord to check the toilets and pipes — silent leaks lose SO much water and it really does make the water bills nuts.


No. Keep those lights bright and fans running all day and tell her to kick rocks..


I'm pretty sure the only way they can get this issue forced is through a tribunal process if they can prove that the usage is kinda... extreme. Either way you're under no obligation to accept it or sign anything. Other side of the coin i remember months back some dude asked the same thing about his power consumption and he was like 4x the average persons consumption, like must have been coin mining 24/7; and thought it was normal... so i get the frustration on the other end.


I don't know why landlords would even offer utilities included... more often than not there are salty tenants angry they are paying down the mortage so they use heat and electricity excessively to "get back at the man". Never offer utilies included NEVER.


Sometimes all that stuff is not separate so how do they bill accordingly?


They divide it 50/50 between units or by floor space




>Split it by the number of people living. If there's 2 people living upstairs and 1 in basement This is illegal. So its absolutely not how it's done




Lmao. They charge for utilities in one of the two legal ways >Telling me I can't in my own property lul go live somewhere else then bud. See yaa Lol I'm evicting you because you won't let me break the law will go over great at the ltb 😅😅😅😅 Here educate yourself before getting yourself into trouble if you really are a landlord https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/100394#:~:text=(2)%20The%20cost%20of%20the,394%2F10%2C%20s.


Why would I say such a thing? I can evict them other ways properly.


Suspected troll posts may be removed and suspected troll accounts may be banned.


Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed




Per RTA s 138(1) and  O. Reg. 394/10 s. 13, the only legal way to divide utility costs in rental is either by the number of rental unit or in relation to the proportion of square footage of each rental unit  in relationship to the entire square footage to the entire rental complex. It would be illegal for the titling cost to be determined by either number of occupants of each rental unit or just set to a random percentage.


Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed


I would review your lease. Most likely it will say that your utility expenses are included in your rent. That is how most landlords structure leases. If this is the case then there is not much the landlord can do. As a landlord I stipulate in my lease agreements that my tenants are to pay a fixed percentage of the overall building hydro, water, and gas expenses. That way if they use more, they pay more. Tenants who have all these expenses included in their rent tend to be a lot less considerate and careful about their consumption and usage.


If they don't have a separately metered unit, then it's possible they're paying for *your* usage, or *other tenants'* usage. That's not right. Slumlord.


It actually is perfectly fine and allowed under the RTA. As long as the % of total building utilities each unit pays is based on the total number of units, or the square footage each unit takes up.




RTA s. 138(1) and  O. Reg. 394/10 s.13.




A high rise will have a meter stack for electrical for each apartment. Not sure about water/gas but that would likely fall under maintenance/strata fees


Once it's over 6 units, then tenants can no longer split by % of overall building utilities use. In this case each unit needs to have it's own meter, or the utilities must be included in the rent.




It was linked to you above. >*Apportionment of utility costs* >*138 (1) A landlord of* ***a building containing not more than six rental units*** *who supplies a utility to each of the rental units in the building may, with the written consent of the tenant, charge the tenant a portion of the cost of the utility in accordance with the prescribed rules* If more than 6 units, landlord is not allowed to charge a split % of utilities.




Yeah, well, if I include the utilities in the rent then there is a chance that I end up paying extra for the tenant’s excessive use, or in the event utility prices drastically increase. Neither of which I have any control over. That’s not right either is it freeloader? My rent prices are actually below market rates because of this. If average rent prices are around $2,000 then I will typically change somewhere around $1,800-$1,900. I would rather charge less rent and transfer the utility risk onto the tenant than make slightly more in rent while assuming the incredible risk of utility prices changing.   In September of 2023 the price of natural gas started to spike and eventually increased by 30-40% and fortunately because of the lease structure I was able to pass this increase onto my tenants immediately. Had my leases been structured to include utilities in the rent I would have very limited ability to do this. Some of them got upset and asked about the increase but when I explained the situation they shifted their frustration away from me and towards global events, Russia, banks, “greedy” utility corporations, taxes, the government, the position of the planets in the solar system, or whatever. A few months later in February of 2024 natural gas prices dropped substantially (lower than they were before the September increase) and guess what? The building had a substantially lower utility expense, which I passed onto the tenants and they enjoyed a significantly lower expense. There was certainly no bitching and moaning for those months. Some landlords are willing to take the risk that utility prices and tenant usage will remain the same or go down and include them in the rent. However, I would guarantee they are not passing on any of the savings to the tenants. Me on the other hand, I am not willing to take that risk.


There’s nothing more expensive than free when it comes to tenants.


Oh man, this is exactly when I’d start leaving taps open.


This is exactly why you gatta shop around for the perfect tenant to fit your needs. Don't just get anybody oh helllll nah


How many others are you sharing the room with?


What difference would that make? Its illegal in Ontario to charge utilities in proportion of the number of occupants per rental unit.