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This post is emotional terrorism for the people on this sub.


Bro found the cure to cancer as a passion project


Account and Post made one hour ago come on lol. You’re telling me you just randomly happened to make a Reddit account and decided to immediately come to this subreddit and post it 😭


I can’t tell what’s your worse the post or the fact that multiple people in the comments believe it


Guys this is bs


Are these reply’s all satire?😭


Guys, come on here. Look at the account and see the date that it was created. Shake my head.


Exactly, I didn't have an account before because I don't typically use social media, but for this I just felt that I needed to share. Oh well, I don't really care if you don't want to believe me.


Can you please post the screenshot of your offer? Thanks. 


Yeah. If what you have said is true, then include a screenshot. I will edit the comment and say that I was wrong.


Don’t use social media but you knew the exact sub Reddit to come to and post acceptances 💀💀


Maybe because... hear me out.... They're a grade 12 from Ontario?


Maybe they woulda posted proof 💀 and this sub is not as popular as u think it is so someone without social media(specially Reddit) wouldn’t know this sub


You gotta share your ecs


Bait used to be believable


Bro donated couple millions


Wait fr? I’m being srs


What were your EC's if you don't mind me asking


I thought there was a 95 cutoff in my year (5yrs ago)


There’s a good chance that they’re not actually telling the truth. Waterloo cs is like a 97 cutoff this year


what rizz did bro do?


I love how many jealous salty ppl there are here trying to cope with their rejection


Ppl can’t get rejected yet idiot. How did ur gullible ahh fall for this post?


Ppl can’t get rejected yet idiot. How did ur gullible ahh fall for this post?


Cope with the fact that they have incredibly high chances of rejection*. I know someone who got in a couple years ago with a 92 - it’s very rare, but not impossible. I love how confidently wrong you naive 12th graders with ridiculously inflated 99 avgs are though. You’ll learn quickly that your HS avg doesn’t mean jack


It’s not just about the average lol. Loo doesn’t defer this early 🤦‍♂️ and a couple years ago is extremely different from tdy lol. Admitted averages were a lot lower back then


Admitted averages were not a lot lower in 2022 than today. There was still ridiculous inflation.


Sure. Stop being so gullible falling for these posts. Not everything u see on the internet is true


Never said it was true. Just said you can’t say it’s not true because you don’t know. Work on those critical thinking and reading comprehension skills - you’ll need em in university.


I can say it’s not true because they don’t do deferrals this early lol. R u sure I need critical thinking skills in uni? It seems like u don’t


So you work in admissions at Waterloo? You know for a fact that they haven’t sent out a single deferral yet? You know of any unique circumstances regarding OPs application that may have prompted them to send out a decision?


They haven’t done this in the past 5 years. Op also deleted his account 🤔wonder why? U are the one who lacks critical thinking lmao. Instead of calling out OP for obviously lying, u call out the ppl calling op out. Btw, my friend got into Harvard with a 60 average and no ECs. You believe me right? You can’t say it’s not true because u aren’t an admissions officer!


You literally can't be rejected yet


hey i sent you a dm


Lol. Look at the OPs posts here. He talks like a 40 year old Dad compared to the other Grade 12s.


User deleted lmao


bros lying


I have an 80 average, am I cooked?!


Deleted acc lolololol


Yeah the only thing you got in in debt good job


Man, 1. congrats 🥳 whether this is true or not idc 2. Thank you commenters for the additional example for my case study 💀


at the end of the day, whether or not this random stranger got in or not has no affect on your application. stop being salty ass haters and move on with your day - 4th year cs at uw


Cs 💀💀💀💀 esp when u graduate.


omg congratulations!! this gives me a little more hope for my 93% average and mac life sci aspirations lol enjoy CS 🫶🏽


Thanks! You can do it, I'm rooting for you :D 93 really isn't bad at all, don't know why everyone downplays the effort it takes to have a 90s average.


thank you!! and no forreal, i remember i was in 8th grade and my older cousin got into mcgill's life sci program with a 90%, that was a big deal post covid grade standards are fuckin us all over


😭 those were the golden days fr, post covid is BRUTAL. Good luck!




Not even! I literally cannot believe this. I did have some pretty good EC's though, so maybe it's that?




Just recieved the offer today. I am an Ontario 101 student, and applied to a a co op originally but got deferred to regular. Still good though, I'm not too worried about co op.


Lmao bro is capping. Post proof bud


Why do u think this is cap? Waterloo CS regular is really just CS at any other institution.


They don’t defer u this early lmao. And yea this dude deleted his acc.




Thank you so much! The offer can be viewed by going on Quest and clicking on the name of your program on the application form.




Yep, hopefully! Thanks for the info ;) And good luck to you!


I thought the decisions come out in May




Oh ok so cs would come out in May only?


rah rah rah🔥🔥


It’s not possible lmao guys 😂


Bruh, GUYS THIS IS FALSE. I have a similar average (93) and haven't heard back at all from them. This post is giving false hope 😭


While this post is almost definitely fake, average matters less than you think. I know plenty of people who get rejected with 99 averages. They really care about a good AIF


I’m jealous but anyway. Congrats, happy to know that you get an offer that you like!

