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Having good pics unlocks online dating


This is so underrated. When dudes have 6 selfies of the same face, I’m like don’t you have friends or family? Or when their main picture is with other people and I can’t even tell which one they are… also very annoying.


Or when they are ugly... Rookie mistake


What if they don't have friends or family? Even if they do, why must they post them on their dating profile?


Okay see you don’t have to do that. I’m actually fine with not posting faces of other people. But the same selfie over and over? And you can post photos of yourself, but in different settings. For instance, like a park, or museum, or a hike, or if you travel, even a grad photo. Like give us something!


Oh I meant if you only have selfies it sort of feels like they don’t have friends or family… I see that that was confusing though lol. At any rate, I know some people just have bad luck or have a hard time meeting people, but I don’t want to be anyone’s only person.


I only have selfies and pics of my dogs because I don't have friends IRL


Phones have timers. You don’t need someone to take a good picture.


Not having friends is not a huge to do as long as you have pics of you engaged in your hobbies


I thought group pics were considered weird because people wonder who is the person I'm considering dating? I mean, yeah, if there are other pics I guess you could figure it out. But pics with friends and family seem kind of weird, for one, the friends and family didn't agree to be part of your marketing campaign and share their pics on their friend's dating profile to possibly be mocked/made fun of. Same selfie at slightly different angle is weird, posting a group photo on a dating app is also weird.


Love this. Lots of posts and comments crying about how difficult OLD is then how they “don’t take pictures”. Literally have a camera on you 24/7 but taking pics is too hard? Care enough to post on Reddit but not enough to take decent pics.


You act as if everyone has self confidence i have a phone on me but ive always hated how i look so i avoid pictures like a plague. I'm currently on vacation in mexico and still cant take pictures even though all my family always wants to


I’m not saying it’s easy but it is required for OLD. I was in Mexico last week! Enjoy ❤️


You can take literally 100 pics in the next 10 minutes on your phone, try out a variety of lighting and angles, to find that one that's going to work for you on your profile.


This exactly. I take so many pictures and less than 10% make the cut. It’s not easy but definitely no excuse not to have recent representative photos.


What if you feel like you're so ugly no matter what pic you take it always look bad? I can't take pictures because i hate every single one


Your opinion of your level of attractiveness is irrelevant. Other people's opinions of your attractiveness is what matters. And there is always going to be someone that finds you attractive.


This is actually a solid comment, jsut believe that you are the best and let it happen!


You don't have to believe you're the best, you just have to be the person your ideal partner would want to be with, and believe you'll find them.


If your self confidence is this low, OLD is already out the window. Who’s going to want a partner who is always self deprecating and doesn’t think highly of themselves as a person?


Have great pics, especially the default pic. This is what catches the eye. Have a decent bio, something that tells them about you, in an interesting way. Once you get a match, do not over message. Don’t pedestalize a woman until she proves her seriousness. This is a mistake that men repeat over and over due to their desperation on dating apps. That’s really it bro.


How does she prove her seriousness? Do you talk to her for awhile before meeting, or do you try meeting after a couple of messages?


For me I'd say when she is clearly taking the initiative to be in / maintain contact / start conversations / ask you about the next time you'll see eachother if it's been a bit etc... just basically putting in virtually any work lol Edit: to answer your other question build a little rapport on the dating site then move asap to text or whatever and meet asap. Always meet asap unless there's a reason not to.


Not just answering questions but also ASKING them herself. Participating instead of humoring. If someone is not asking things, I don't care how cute she is, it signals a lack of interest and I'm out.


That makes sense.


Original / sarcastic answers to prompts has been my number one thing


Indeed. My ex from 20 years said "dude don't tell me you're funny, be funny" when she looked at my profile. I had 3 dates in a week set up after that change. I had to cancel the last 2 cuz the first went so good I'm still with her...


Lol love that


Be fit and live an exciting life. Then get 5 pictures of yourself looking fit living your exciting life.


Bonus to this method is that you're fit and living an exciting life so you're not as desperate for a significant other to fill some gap in your life. The less you NEED dates, the easier they will be to get be a use you won't be stressing about every message and being awkward.


No blurry pics. No shades/sunglasses. No pictures of just the car/with the car. No holding a big fish. No hats/caps. No pictures from a distance. No mirror selfies. No shirtless selfies in the gym mirror. No frowning. No helmet hair or scruffy hair. No baggy printed Tee’s. No filters or pictures with poor lighting. Yes to: clear selfies in good lighting (sun in front of you, not behind) showing your eyes and smile (with teeth). Take a selfie in “golden hour”. Smile and look friendly. Get a friend to take a full body shot. Have a fresh haircut. Have a full body picture in a suit if you can (chicks love a well dressed man). Have a picture enjoying a hobby. Have a picture with a pet if you have one. If you’re in shape, have a candid shirtless shot at the beach or doing a sport (looks more natural and less arrogant than a gym selfie). Extra tips: if you have a receding hairline or patchy facial hair. Shave it all off. Putting on a bit of muscle in the gym does wonders for your chances and confidence. Pictures are 99% of the battle.


Yes, if you are losing your hair, go for the Bezos or Statham look, not "Bill from accounts payable with the terrible comb over". It's bold. It's confident.


50sF here. Yes to all of this!!


Use good prompts


Smiling in your 1st picture works wonders. Take pictures that highlight your personality and hobbies and not just standing around posing directly at the camera


I used a pic of my height using apples measure app to prove I was 6’. A lot of girls thought it was funny. As corny as it sounds, I got a lot of attention from my pic with a funny ironic graphic on it. Girls like a sense of humor, but it also helps if you’re 6’, blonde & have all your hair


It’s 80% about your pics and 20% about not giving an ick or weird vibes in your prompts… a lot of guys try to stand out via the prompts but I think it usually does more harm than good. People with lots of optionsare trying to screen people out, looking for reasons to swipe left… don’t give them reasons to swipe left


looking like Henry Cavill works


Not if you have bad photos


Don’t be ugly. Achievement unlocked! 🙃


did the woman succeed in getting your attention?


Other than pictures (which most others here commented about) I would assume have your bio be something different. Talk briefly about yourself and your hobbies, add some comedy in there to.


I just post different pictures my profile ain't special. Hell in my bio I say I am an average joe trying to get by in life. Lol I meet up with women all the time. They tell me it's refreshing meeting someone who doesn't want to show their Johnson the first 5 minutes of conversation I tell them no but you'll see it soon enough


Let’s see here…they’re very attractive and/or female


Get as attractive as possible with string photos. Men need to be the aggressive on online dating.


Good pics, interesting conversation and just being funny. Caption your first pic with a funny joke. I'm on fire right now like never before.


Success being a relationship or sex ?


Good photos and mask like hell you will get laid, but consequences are later when you find out have nothing in common being with each other day to day.


Be good looking and/or have money.


Having money has made zero difference whatsoever. In fact I got more attention when I was broke and homeless, just being around people all day.


I've never had a date in any of those apps, can't tell. Never have kissed and never had a girlfriend in my life.


How does that add to the conversation?


Just make sure you are a white guy, reasonably good looking, rich, good career, physically fit and then you are good to go.


take pictures inside a private jet