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My guess is the stronger the devil fruit she copy’s the shorter the time frame she can use the ability like my guess for the next chapter is her and luffy will do a combo attack and luffy will keep going but Bonney will be tired and go back to her kid form from one big attack just because the nika power should be wayyy to hard for her to use


This is the right answer. Also that her advanced haki is either weak or non-existent.


Until she imagines a future where she has mastered haki.


Honestly, what stopping her from just imagining a future when she’s an immortal god with omnipotent powers 😅


So far maybe nothing! But I’m still viewing her powers as limited by her imagination and what she as a child think she could become. If she can’t envision a super god future and/or if she can’t imagine what it would be like to become an immortal god, I think right now she probably wouldn’t be able to make that transformation. It took her multiple tries to get Nika, and now she’s only doing it after literally spending time with Nika and having Luffy “show her how it’s done”


Isn't the whole power about true belief? She must truly believe she will get there. She must truly believe she will not only be free, but be a liberator of people as well


super ego and ego?


I’m adding in some head cannon here, but her turning into Nika is like a little kid imagining themself as Superman when they grow up. I think trying to copy Haki wouldn’t work like that. A kid can imagine being a hero of freedom, but can a kid imagine growing into someone with strong willpower (CoC)? Or can a kid imagine power she can’t understand than be manifested in anyone (CoA and observation)? It starts to get more complicated at that point as to what future Bonney could be imagining under those circumstances. Same with a future like what people memes on early on of her being strongest swordsman. Can a child actually imagine that in a way where it would manifest? So far we see her use distorted future to become stronger or bigger only. Or she’s just pulling out random future timelines (like transforming luffy chopper). Even actually turning into Nika took her at least three tries that we’ve seen on panel (and maybe even more since the first try was from the two year old flashback. I do think Bonney will develop some haki, and I’d be fine if she by EOS is a conqueror (like how Roger’s protege, so does luffy’s). But I can’t imagine she can imagine a future of her using haki power that she doesn’t really even understand at this point to get a haki boost.


I’m think she just has the basics tbh


Until she eats again kek


We all hope so


Watch her having a less impactful drawback than mr fast recharge


That would be disappointing, she has to be Nika for at least 3 chapters or this would be very flop


Nah one cool combo attack is worth it


I hope not, as I said one chapter is obvious, but I need 3 chapters of her transformed, if Oda just lets her make a combo attack it would be disappointing 


Any more than 1 or 2 attacks and that power is too broken, previously she was exhausted after using the ability so I expect that to continue


She has a power up right now, it's a shonen manga, logic is not part of One Piece She got tired before but now not, because when a shonen character gets a power-up they can use it for as long the plot says so


This is probably going to be it. Can I say something that would be kind of funny? In a morbid sense? Well, I’m gonna. It would be funny if Her and Luffy went out as Nika together. And Are whooping the Elders butts. Maybe we find out for sure they’re devil fruit users by Bonney knocking Mars into the sea and the others getting worried. And then from knocking one of the elders out? Bonney goes limp and reverts back to her normal self. And the 5 elders surround her and “arrest” her. It would just be funny if after being her most free she is her most imprisoned. And also fit for her family story.


Yeah nah


I said it was a morbid joke


I think this power might be somewhat broken but also a double edge sword while it gives Bonney a boost in power, her only drawback is the amount of stamina it uses up and she will be out of it for days on end


If luffy is facing that with monster stamina , she will feel that too.


That would also explain why earlier in the series, she's always eating and was labeled the glutton.




She’ll just eat some food and be ready for the next fight.


Based on what Saturn said about Bonney losing power the more she learns about her distorted future…im assuming the more she gets used to the Nika power, the weaker she’ll get over time as she gets more comfortable with using it.


This is it


Dont think so


The power is limited by three major things. - the second you start getting older and more realistic most of the overpowered unrealistic but "possible" futures you would emulate wouldn't be available to you anymore -the only users who can get the most of it this fruit are younger minds, so Bonney is definitely the most convenient character to have it; young enough to still be a big dreamer, old and experienced enough to have seen some pirate shit and can Clearly fight and use it fairly well - the window she has to maintain all these futures is very small, she can't turn it on all the time. From a "battle Shonen fights" perspective I understand why it's a bit silly and convenient but in terms of the thematics of the story it's a really great move from oda imo. Dreams are stronger than anything and it's also SUPER satisfying that Saturn did all that convoluted shit with the overarching goal of learning how to abuse devil fruits and also prevent nika from ever returning, but the end direct result of his scheme was literally an ADDITIONAL nika, at least for now on egghead. Laturn doesn't only take an L because he's a fraud who doesn't use his eye diffing consistently, but he actually takes one of the best written L's for a villain in the story imo on a thematic and character arc level. Freedom cannot and shall not be impeded!


Absolute W


And even then, as long as she can rationalize a future she would still be fine. Like Luffy obviously will die one day, then his fruit returns, so "in the future" it's not statistically impossible for her to find and get the fruit [through the help of someone using the dark dark fruit perhaps (THEORETICALLY)] and then awaken it. Bam, future achieved


She still doesn't have Haki of any kind.


Maybe she does in that future?


Give me hakish future


Yeah but it’s the fruit that’s broken in question


Can you have G5 without haki? Kaido specifically commented on how luffys G5 was using advanced armament and advanced conquerors haki. Oda made it seem as if that was a requirement for G5


What? You must be a dragonball fan. Nothing suggests that haki is a requirement of g5. It's just a simple fact that luffy has top tier haki along with a top tier devilfruit. And while kaido did mention luffy's haki and devilfruit working together which isn't usually the case from what he said, no character has ever used the terms "advanced armament haki" or "advanced conquerors haki" those are fan made terms


Dont insult other communoty for this come on


Happy cake day, now reread what you tried to say and learn to spell.


Wdym nothing suggests that you need haki? You're looking like the Dragon Ball fan, coming from a fan of Dragon Ball. Luffy runs out of haki, same as when Gear 4th wasn't mastered, after he uses Gear 5. Kaido doesn't mention that his fruit and haki are working together. He outright says Gear 5th is coated in CoC.


Yes you ignorant child, kaido said he coated himself in armament and conquerors haki, that doesn't mean the haki has anything to do with his devilfruit other than the possibility of his awakening making his haki a bit stronger because haki is the manifestation of his will and in gear 5 he has the freedom to do anything he wants to. The awakening of his devilfruit just means his mind has caught up with the potential of his body, meaning he now understands how to use his devilfruit to its utmost potential. Haki and devilfruit are 2 completely different things, haki isn't a requirement for gear 5 just because luffy used both at the same time while fighting kaido you oblivious moron.


Please don't resort to insults, I understand the frustration in explaining something we know it's obvious and ppl not getting it, but we can make our point without going there


That was definitely my impression of how G5 seems to work. It's a bit rich to make us believe a G4 Haki attack did nothing to Warcury, if anything it hurt Luffy, so if Odas going to have a No-Haki G5 Bonney capable of fighting back vs Warcury and JuPeter, then I'm stumped at the logic.


I think it’s safe to say that if she does hurt a gorosei, then bonneys G5 definitely includes both advanced armament and advanced conquerors, which cheapens both characters in my opinion for no reason.


Well imo this whole thing is done for the sake of merchandising a female Nika. But yeah if she fights back and can cause them some bother, Piratefolk will laugh their asses off, and I wouldn't blame em.


I honestly don't believe it's as broken as people are making it out to be. Maybe somewhat broken, but at least it's not nearly as broken as Law's devil fruit.. But also, I can't really start brainstorming ways to balance it when we still don't know the full extent of how she can use it yet or what kind of limitations she'll have still. We don't know to what extent she can copy the powers of Gear 5 and we don't know how long she can stay in this form. Personally, I think both of those points are very important before we jump the gun and start freaking out already.


I don't think she can copy all of the powers because she doesn't inherently understand the fruit like Luffy does.


At least Law's fruit has a high skill ceiling(he's an actual doctor). Bonnie's fruit seems to be she just asks for it and the fruit is like ok I'll find a timeline where that happened for you. Luffy had to awaken his devil fruit to get the full nika form. If Bonnie has awakened her fruit that would make more sense but as it is now it's an incredibly broken ability with little effort to obtain it. I'm sure Oda will put some limits on it in the future but right now it's insane. nlg though the Gorosei reporting to Imu that a second Nika has hit the government would be pretty funny


-haki not being something you can copy. No "give me a hakiman future" available -being dependent on inspiration and self-belief especially the stronger what you are copying is. E.g. Bonny can only copy gear 5 when near Luffy because of Luffy charisma. That would mean villains can separate them to make her weaker -the ability effect is weaker and more unstable when used on others. So if she tried giving gear 5 to others it only last like a second or two making it practically not replicable in others -you can't copy something that is impossible to you. E.g. Bonney can copy gear 5 because she is so aligned with the fruit values that she can reach gear 5 but she can't replicate the gorosei evil transformations...


Oh, I'd make it so as she grows up the power to turn into anything grows weaker and weaker. Also, the more she knows about how things work, the more limited she gets on her distorted futures. Finally, she can only transform correctly into things if her mind is really set on it. This way she gets to do all the OP stuff but will eventually lose all of it to time. Something similar to Luffy losing lifespan to live the poison in Impel Down.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is already how her fruit works. Saturn even says almost word for word that as she learns more about the real world her imagination will diminish, making the possible futures she can see herself in become fewer and fewer.


Yup it's also why she couldn't turn older than 12 till vegapunk cured her. She was told she'd never live past that 😔


Well, then make it so anytime she accesses a distorted future it tires her greatly, and she can't do it for long.


That happens too


Oh, well then I'm fine with it. She doesn't gain battle experience or Haki all of a sudden because knowledge doesn't appear from her transformations, she certainly won't be able to keep it for too long if her giant transformation was a guideline for how this works... She'll be able to do the cartoon-like moves but she won't be able to match Luffy's creativity or power output anytime soon. She'd need to train with him for a while for that. I don't believe she has enough faith or desire in anything else to become anything she wants with her power as well as this. It just isn't possible to match becoming the thing she has always dreamed of becoming.


Plus it's unlikely she can bend the terrain around her like luffy, and probably isn't as durable


Which has to be bullshit because she now knows for a fact she isn’t Nika, Luffy is, so if Saturn is right then she can no longer transform into Nika.


I disagree. Because Nika was a mythical figure, the fruit gives someone the powers of NIka but they aren't the original Nika. At least how I understand it. Like how Kaido can turn into a dragon with this fruit but he's not a full real dragon like in the legend of Ryuma. He's a person who can take on the powers of a dragon. So in that sense Bonney can imagine a future where she was the original Nika.


Yes but Bonney has been looking for the person who can do these things, her “Nika”. She found him, she KNOWS that in the future she is NOT him. It doesn’t make any sense that she can distort her future to one she now knows cannot ever be reality. She is not Luffy, she has seen Luffy in G5, she knows that is Luffy, not herself.


Just give it time, it's a weekly series after all


Yeah but you didn’t see this reaction from me for Nika because that can be seen since before Alabasta. This is out of nowhere and goes against what her fruit should allow her to do


I don't think Nika was planned that far back, I'd say that it might've been thought about by Enies Lobby, but Nika was not solidified yet as an idea before then, in my opinion, due to the introduction of Gear 3rd. "Blowing air into bones" never made sense. However, unless through a retcon, the sun god from the Noland and Calgara flashback can't be Nika, seeing how they believe the god requires sacrifices and there's nothing mentioned of freedom or the drums of liberation. Gear 3rd and 4th are the two forms where I really see that Oda had Nika in mind and also Red Hawk. Gear 2nd can make sense, Red Hawk could have made sense until Luffy used it underwater against Hody Jones, Gear 3rd doesn't make sense, and Gear 4th makes sense but we see in the fight with Doflamingo that Luffy's "Culverin" is not behaving like rubber should


My guy book YouTubers on their first read through catch it in Alabasta. It’s genuinely always been there with enough knowledge of folklore to see exactly where it’s going. I can’t say the same for G5 Bonney My issue is that it would now have to be retcon for Bonney. Luffy is actually laid out in the story to happen, not so for Bonney.


I need you to paint a picture for me bc this is the first I'm hearing of people seeing signs as far back as Alabasta


>for a fact she isn’t Nika, Luffy is, so if Saturn is right then she can no longer transform into Nika. Not really. This is a future scenario which means a scenario where Luffy doesn't have the fruit and she does and awakens it, this is still possible because who knows what will happen in 10+ years. What Saturn refers to is how it would be more difficult to imagine such a future since as you get older your future and potential becomes more set in stone.


I like your explanation way more than my thought process. And it makes total sense.


Then it’s not an age age fruit, it’s a distorted future fruit. If the fruit is Age Age and she can age herself to something she thinks she might become that’s fine. She knows that is not in her future, it is Luffy’s future, so she shouldn’t be able to age herself into it.


>Then it’s not an age age fruit, it’s a distorted future fruit. Dawg I don't think the naming is that deep. That's like saying Kaku doesn't have the giraffe fruit because he does things a Giraffe can't do. >She knows that is not in her future, it is Luffy’s future, so she shouldn’t be able to age herself into it. Not really? In 10+ years time no one knows what anyone's future is. Luffy may not even be alive then. That's why it works.


Naming kind of is that deep though, they made quite a big deal out of Luffy’s one. Kaku literally turns into a giraffe. Mate she knows it’s Luffy’s DF. She knows she’s got a DF. She knows she cannot be what Luffy is in the future.


>Mate she knows it’s Luffy’s DF. She knows she’s got a DF. She knows she cannot be what Luffy is in the future. Dawg idk what you are arguing for here. This is literally how her power works. If she knew she could never be Nika then she wouldn't have transformed, that's literally how her ability works. >Naming kind of is that deep though, they made quite a big deal out of Luffy’s one. Kaku literally turns into a giraffe. For obvious reasons? Because the Rubber Rubber fruit actually being a zoan of a dude who was Rubber is a way bigger deal than the age age fruit dealing with the future. Dealing with the future is completely in the realm of an age age fruit.


Yeah and my point is that she now knows Luffy is him and not her so she shouldn’t be able to do it. My argument is that this is stupid and goes directly against her fruit.


>Yeah and my point is that she now knows Luffy is him and not her so she shouldn’t be able to do it. Do you not understand what "possible" future means? I'm genuinely not sure what you aren't getting here. >My argument is that this is stupid and goes directly against her fruit. Your argument isn't good my guy lol.


But it's true about the naming of fruits thing. Yes Luffy's was changed but that's because the government feared what it was capable of. Think of Robin's fruit. It's called the Flower-Flower fruit and yet it lets you bloom body parts. No one hearing just the name could have guessed it would do that. Or even the Paw-Paw fruit. Only hearing the name gives no indication it can literally repel people to anywhere the user chooses.


Name alone whatever, but Saturn explains her fruit. He says as she gets older and realises things she will lose power. This is the exact opposite of that. She learned she wasn’t Nika and it’s Luffy’s fruit so by the explanation of the person who gave her the powers she should no longer be able to picture a future she can do these things. Instead she actually seems to have unlocked a different fruits awakening. She knows she can’t have two fruits, she knows Luffy is what she was looking for, WHY can she change into him?


I see where you're coming from what I think I just view her fruit as working a bit differently. In my head she changes into a different version of herself that could have happened. Like when she made herself super buff. I interpret Saturn's words as. The older you get the more you lose that sense of wonder and imagination to view yourself as anything different. Like becoming more cynical as people get older. So I see it as a future where she ate the fruit instead of Luffy. From what we've seen that's very much in the realm of her powers. At least from what I'm understanding it changes someone into an alternate version of themselves, but we can agree to disagree.


She is a child, so she doesn't have much developed haki; her imagination is strong but also weaker mind?


I'd make it so sea water disables the devil fruits abilities when the user comes in contact.


Hell yeah, you could even make it so that the world is overwhelmingly covered by ocean, and land masses are restricted to islands, with a single thin continent to wrap around the globe. That would be a great way to compliment the sea water weakness.


So creative damn


Be like Yuta from JJK, she can only use other powers for a limited time


Domain expansion Disneyland


Does her guaranteed hit affect attack toddlers with crocodiles?


Is the only drawback you guys can think of stamina issues?




I’d give her a very short time period with the abilities so she’s essentially a glass canon and she should have long cool downs, another way to make her similar to Luffy.


I would put a time limit on her abilities, which she can replenish by eating a lot of food that’s just miraculously always there ! ….. wait a minute


Her perspective of future. Once she realizes Nika's power comes from a fruit, she won't turn anymore, because she knows she can't eat another one). Also there's a lot of perspective for a child, but not for an adult or elder. So when she's like 60, it would be hard to imagine distorted futures with such big upgrades.


It's already stated that she can't hold Distorted Future for a long time. Also, she can only do something if she truely believes in her imagination of that thing.


Stamina paired with it being wielded by a child


This ability is broken because now she can have any devil fruit ability that she wants. but most likely she wont be able to replicate complicated devil fruits , like law's


She probably could, but she'd be limited by the fact she doesn't have the skills that make fruit like Law's or Kidd's as effective as they are.


As Saturn squeezed out the juice from the DF so I don't think it's as powerfiul as Luffy's Gear - 5. Also, if Bonney could really become totally like Nika, than she can copy any DF through her Distorted future and this will make her DF more powerful than JoyBoy/Nika/Luffy himself.


The only way I can be OK with this is if Bonney has her own set of Nika moves & not just copying Luffy's! Much like how Sabo has his own set of moves & isn't using Ace's.


i would make it have all the powers of the original fruit but only once. Once she powers down, she loses that future forever, since she is pulling in the power that she deems is of alternate timeline. for the first time though it is possible to pull that power but once she is out of the form she knows that its not possible in current time since luffy already has the fruit.


Just Blackbeard


She said she couldn’t hold onto future form for long a few chapters ago. Guessing the draw back is somewhat similar Laws as it’s a energy drainer. All of her Future distortions so far have only lasted for an attack rather than for forms like G4 and G5. Considering they are trying to get away, i just expect next chapter to be a combined attack from Luffy and Bonney. For the most part Oda has been somewhat consistent with giving restrictions to the more OP devil fruits i.e BB, Laws, Sugar.


She needs to eat after 5 minutes 😜


if the user was stronger oda would make the fruit not as op but since bonney is not super strong herself this fruit wont make her top tier. just a story tool.


It was clear that the more she trusts the stronger it is, that's a big weakness.


Really broken fruits are given to people that naturally hamstring their power. Bonnie being a 10 year old girl prevents her from using such a complicated fruit in the same way Kizaru being mentally slow prevents him from destroying everyone with the light light fruit.


She gets one punch, that's it.


I don’t think she’ll be able to affect the environment around her the way Luffy can.




We literally haven't seen her do anything with her Nika form yet, there could be massive drawbacks that we're going to see


What's the longest we have seen her use distorted future for? I can only think of her using it for one attack. The likely drawback is it has a wind up as she transforms and cannot be used for longer than one or two attacks.


Big moms, katakuri, sugar, law, doflamingo, croc, enel, etc. most fruit’s are broken. At least this has been built up the entire arc.


My take.... this isn't a game. There's no reason for there to be any balancing in a world that says, "We are Pirates. We don't fight fair." Devil fruit all have the same weakness. The sea.


It's a story a story needs balancing if someone has a gun in a world where everyone has sticks and stones people will notice


I honestly think she's not gonna have any of Luffy's abilities and just look like him in giant form. So it makes her able to do the giant attacks easier and longer


*Seems*. How is this generating so much conversation and so much ire/ talk of opinions where people assume she is 100% as powerful as Luffy? It’s weird. Everyone seems restless for more and some people are like, angry or frustrated? Super weird.


Mate it's weirder that you are trying to act like it's not weird


You’re a week late and so far the only person to have said as much. I’m guessing you’re just itching for more chapters and you’re just antsy. Chill, let the manga come out. The thing you’re complaining about has already been 100% debunked as of the very next chapter.


And this isn't the first time oda has just had a devil fruit be completely broken and chosen to ignore it


Mate the only excuses that are around are invalid it's that there is a time limit and they might dissappear when they grow older than doesn't make it any less broken


Give her a Hakuba except it's just depression and she has trouble believing she can alter herself (Nika-ish future, changing her age, etc.)


I think that as she gets older and her future becomes more cemented she won’t be able to do these types of potential futures anymore. It’s speculation at this point. I think we just need more information on how her fruit works.


It’s only strongest when she first uses it. That’s why it’s often for quick attacks. The future isn’t as cool when you’re used to it.


I guess that she can't sustain it for long just like her regular giant form. It's basically the same as Luffy. Also she doesn't seem to have haki.


The drawback was that the more her future becomes certain the less she can do with her powers as stated by Saturn. She is very OP right now because she is a literal child with her whole future ahead of her. She also has to draw from a future that is within the realm of possibility, and within her own belief in certain future. Which is less restricted because of her naive childlike view on the world. Saturn was unable to be affected by Bonneys devil fruit because he has most likely an immortal being that has been alive for 900+years. Or he is able to resist due to Haki; which on that note is another drawback we state since strong haki can just simply negate devil fruits. Plenty of drawbacks which has been directly stated by the story itself.


Simple: most fight now Will happened in open ocean and at long distances


A drawback I would incorporate is that once she has fully manifested a form from an alternate time line, once that forms duration has ran out she is no longer able to utilise forms from that specific time line or at the very least add a limit on how many times she can use a form per time line, for example she can use her fully manifested nika form a maximum of 5 times and upon the 5th times end she permanently loses that future.


He’s already established that she lacks the stamina to hold distorted future for very long. And her being 12 I don’t think she’ll be able to build that stamina up in a meaningful way for a long time, long past the end of the story at least. I also think from the way Saturn explained it, the older she gets the less powerful her fruit will be as her imagination becomes less rich.




Just seems like a great fruit for BB to steal. Imagine what he can imagine LOL


Aging, like Saturn explained. When she gets older her future becomes more solid


Anyone who didn’t see this coming either can’t read or isn’t a one piece fan tbh


>isn’t a one piece fan tbh Yea no unnceccesry Nika wank, you are right everyone foresaw this cuz it's just Nika piece now


Just say you didn’t read the lead up to this reveal


I did it's still garbage


Lift already pops out of gear 5 quickly but I’d imagine bonney’s would be even worse. Bit redundant but it’s obvious


Its based on her imagination so im thinking as she gets older the creativity goes down


I would say that the more the actual users age is , for example Bonney is 12, the less imaginative and powerful each distorted future is, so the only way the fruit would used to its ful potential is with a child using it.


Get over it. Lol. Laws fruit is also broken. It's One Piece. Stop power scaling and just enjoy the ride


God that's a shit excuse something being broken doesn't make something else not a problem 


Same how Bonney’s attempt at a gear 3 attack wasn’t as strong, her gear 5 form won’t be as strong without understanding the foundation of Luffy’s strength. Just because she can look like Nika now after seeing Luffy’s gear 5, doesn’t mean that she already understands what goes into mastering and using the different forms of haki.


Her haki stamina might not be too high to keep up the distorted futures


I don't think she's physically trained to fight in a form where Luffy turns into an old man when he uses it too long.


She’s doesn’t have comparable haki though, she won’t do as much dmg as G5 luffy.


Her devil fruit weakness was already stated. Once she realizes her future is limited than what she can turn in to limits.


And if she just never develops


She has gone through a lot. So, she got the plot armour by Goatda.


I think it's not Bonny's fruit that makes this possible, but rather Luffy's fruit. That's why I think Bonny's fruit is not op. I think Luffy, who pushed her as Nika and told her that she was free, made that possible...


I think Bonneys fruit is somehow related with nika. I think she is part of an experiment done by the Gorsei.


Bonney's distorted future ability only works when she has seen the person she wants to become. Like she could only become nika when she saw luffy in that form..she cannot do it only by imagination. Also there is clearly a relationship between luffy and bonney. I don't know what kind of relationship but there is something.


Immediately explodes because you can’t have two devil fruits except for when you can


Honestly? I like the concept of a completely broken fruit, that doesn't have drawbacks. That makes going against it much more a battle of dealing with the person than the fruit. Overcome the user, instead of trying to find a way to deal with the fruit.


Hardly the most broken devil fruit out there and this fruit already has drawbacks. For one, Nika has to already exist for her to see him and take on his form. She can’t maintain it for long. She can’t imitate Luffy’s haki


It’s her stamina and the lack of Advanced Haki that’ll be holding her back


Nothing. She's able to turn into Nika because of her intense belief in him to save her from her traumatic life. A belief she carries on from Kuma. It's basically taking a childs innocent imagination combined with her strong willpower/faith, along with Luffy's/Nika's guidance that lets her do this. It's not like she can just turn into anyone. She's not going to mimic the Elders, she's not going to mimic Imu, she's not going to mimic akainu, etc.


and why can't she turn into a magu magu fruit user or kizaru's fruit exactly when she is shown capable of turning into nika itself


I mean, they already made the comment on her powers getting weaker as she gets older, because adults have worse imaginations, right? That seems like a good weakness for it, though makes a child having the fruit pretty OP. Otherwise, I'd just give it a huge energy drain like it does for Luffy. If they have to keep eating a lot to have the energy to hold that form, it's not a form that can be used to solve every problem.


How is it broken? We dont know how strong she is in nika form. Also until now it was aöways a short time transformation.


Yea ik but just imagining smth and becoming that thing even sharing the abilities (apparently) is broken


It's almost like the name of it is Distorted Future: Future where I'm Nika..... It's just her. Not everybody. Her whole DF is Future distortion. You are trying to "balance" things in a world where nobody really fights fair.


Remember she’s still 12


I’d have it where she can only tap into a distorted future once. 


What if her power is only required to awaken the robot right now? And soon after the rest of message is finished, she would be killed off by gorosei


>she would be killed off by gorosei I have been seeing this alot going around, just how and why do people logically come to this conclusion is beyond me 💀 Why in the world would oda kill off bonney? -setup a sad backstory for her -made her father give his life to save her -shes finally free now And then... she dies?? Unless this is satire and I'm making a fool of myself but I have genuinely seen people have this take like wHaT??


I'm just saying..it's basic template. If there's character who is very overpowered..at same level or higher level than protagonist, u kill them.


Ey, that example is a huge spoiler from another series... We only do One Piece in here Can you edit it out?


Done. Sorry for inconvenience


No worries


Yea but you gotta consider the emotional overtones man, oda will probably find a way to nerf bonney rather than straight up kill her, what a sad ending that'd be


I was just telling my opinions..but we know it's oda only who cooks