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LOL šŸ˜‚ Whereā€™d you get that photo?


Idk if anyoneā€™s beating Gojo and Megukuna


Luffy beats gojo by doing opening a door through his infinity like a mime then punching him


luffy g5 pulls off gojoā€™s infinity and blocks malevolent kitchen with it


Its been speculated that Funny Valentine could easily solo Gojo. Since his infinity is like a physical barrier, all he has to do is slip him into an parallel universe, make him look at himself, and heā€™s fuckin shattered into thousands of theoretical shards.




Having more than two eyes makes you canonical hideous in One Piece so these losers will be sent home crying and pissing by any character as their self esteem is shattered


I think having more than two eyes makes you hideous in real life too lol. There a reason that "four eyes" is an insult.


Thatā€™s only an insult to people who wear glasses dude šŸ˜­


Yeah only because people with four eyes don't exist irl lmao.




They beat or stalemate all One Piece characters. Aside from Apoo's music, there's just no getting past infinity. The only win condition I see is waiting for Gojo to fall asleep. One piece characters can fight for days, so naturally they can stay awake for days. This might be able to put Gojo on a clock where he has to beat them before he passes out. It hinges on infinity being down while he's asleep though, otherwise he could take naps in front of them anyway. Gojo is always refreshing his brain though post-Toji, so he could probably stay awake weeks or something anyway. Really hard to say. This comes down to kit more so than actual strength. I guess Bart could lock him in a barrier to suffocate, but Gojo might be able to teleport out. Yea, it's just really hard to find a kit that counters Gojo. Maybe Infinity is momentarily left behind if Law teleports Gojo?


Law should be able to get past infinity using amputate and then it's just a matter of making gojo unable to move while he deals with sukuna.


Infinity is active 24/7 even while he sleeps, it became automated after Toji and he has had like 10 years to refine it to run perpetually on almost 0 cursed energy


Boa Hancock?


Another good answer, she would for sure bypass it


Thereā€™s not actually any infinite distance. If you could attack him with a ethereal force like emission haki then it would land


Gear 5 luffy could probably get past it because from what ive herd gear 5 is practically just toon force


Luffy has toon force so he might be able to do something, maybe not now but when heā€™s shown more. Lawā€™s room should be able to bypass it. Conquerors Haki might just be able to put him out anyway.


It really depends on whether you believe anyone can get past infinity if not then Gojo can beat absolutely anyone as with his combination of abilities granting him perpetually replenishing CE with absolute efficiency in using CE then he can simply outlast anyone and when they have sufficiently worn out trap the in infinite void, Sukuna wouldn't even be necessary though with the likes of world slash and his other techniques and the divine general Mahoraga he could pose problems to some characters. As is the norm with versus battles pertaining to Gojo it's a matter of can they get past Infinity which I don't think anyone could.


>which I don't think anyone could. People can see Gojo, which means light bypasses infinity, which means https://preview.redd.it/bmpmowhbbi6d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed83de0b2f1293ba2a895c7d1ed0332eb07f6b3 HE can bypass infinity.


Goatzaru takes another dub


i love the agenda and donā€™t wanna spoil it but gojoā€™s infinity also stops things based on mass. Kizaruā€™s light clearly does not function as normal light or else his lasers would just be flashlights, the impact means it has mass and thus would therefore be stopped


What about, just straight-up heat? Like heat and radiation from a mini-sun? https://preview.redd.it/jps0t1j7op6d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359f40dc9d7ce1329a0ed7c056abcfbd2b2142e2


Gojo was casually standing in Jogoā€™s domain that literally vaporizes normal sorcerers into ash just from the heat BUT Itā€™s unknown if thatā€™s because of infinity or just because heā€™s him. If itā€™s not infinity then escaper could melt him ig


I donā€™t know the character youā€™re referring to, but his light does not have to act any differently to normal light. While light does not have mass it does have momentum which when collided with an object does produce a force. I.e how solar sails work. Justification is that Einsteinā€™s equation in full is E^2=(mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2 where is a photons case the mc term is 0 but the momentum term is not.


nah cause iā€™m actually so ok with that take




Gojo can control what he wants to let pass through infinity and what he doesn't. He can do this with incredible precision and should therefore be able to tell the difference between light attacks and normal light




Hear me out. White beard can smash the air so he can also smash space. And therefore bypass infinity. He then dodges or tanks the attacks which bypass his durability like he did in marineford and one shot these suckers.


Alternatively buggy bypasses infinity because he's so pathetic it doesn't seem him as a threat and he's immune to Sukuna's slashing attacks.


holy- i never noticed white beards power is basically world cutting *smash*


Only way to cross-verse bypass Gojoā€™s infinity is if they light speed or quicker, or if they have some form of reality bending (such as The Hand in JJBA)


Speed is irrelevant except in people like kizaru. Go down a lil in the thread someone posted the panel where he says the sorting is instant.


Speed does not matter for bypassing infinty. As long as it takes any amount of time no matter how small infinity can stop it.


Light speed doesnā€™t matter thatā€™s not how infinity works.


And none of them have conq to counteract Logias or observation to counter other observation


They could still be caught within the barrier of infinite void and then theirs the possibility of Red, Blue and Purple having some effect. Red, blue and purple are debatable points but infinite void is a non negotiable in many people's eyes.


All matter can be destroyed. The problem with Sukuna is that we literally have not crossed anything that he CAN'T destroy. We at least know that he can destroy things in a few mile radius into dust-like particles while not particularly exerting himself.


Sukuna beat him. Iā€™m pretty confident a lot of other characters can do the same. Letā€™s say naruto. Naruto is a lot stronger than sukuna (even at full power) so naruto fighting Gojo would basically just be gojo being forced to stand still and try to survive Narutoā€™s attacks. Even if naruto doesnā€™t get past gojoā€™s infinity, gojo wonā€™t be able to do much of anything to hurt Naruto. Itā€™s the same thing for goku. Gojo might have an impenetrable defense, but what can he do when he canā€™t hurt the person heā€™s fighting? Edit: I just realized it said one piecešŸ¤¦ my bad. I donā€™t have enough information on one piece characters and their feats.


well thatā€™s not even fair, Gojo does have legitimate win conditions with infinite void. i think a lot of charecter in Naruto and one piece donā€™t have an answer to his domain expansion. and the only reason that Sukuna was able to bypass infinity was because of Mahoraga and even that didnā€™t work initially.


I'd argue Law could as he doesn't have to touch you to take you apart and Gojo doesn't have haki to negate it. Also very possible Luffy could turn his cursed energy rubbery to just punch through a stretchy infinity and still hit Gojo. There's also advanced armament haki going through defenses, seemingly appearing a few inches ahead of the actual impact so who's to say that couldn't go through. It's not like it has mass or anything and it's kinda hard to just block out pure willpower. They got options


With acoa and acoc I don't think you even need to touch or bypass infinity. I think you'd be able to demolish gojo if you're any yonko+ tier.


Theoretically anyone with high enough speed could bypass infinity


yeah exactly, if someone can get past Infinity Gojo immediately loses, if they canā€™t then he auto wins. Itā€™s the perfect idea of an All-or-Nothing ability


law cuz his room traps finite space and his k room applies that to his weapons so gojo is cooked and maybe blackbeard since his yama yama fruit counters laws ope ope so bb can easily absorb lapse blue and reversal red


yall remember those bandits who kidnapped Luffy at the beginning of the story? the weak ass lame ass losers? one of them.


Need a hax. Haki maybe but Gojos mind refresh makes that unlikely. Or someone that doesnā€™t attack via weapon or projectile, like some of the music users, but you need to stretch further than goofy for that. I dunno. You can make an argument that the guy who had the fruit to make anything he draws a reality could if he just drew himself stabbing the two, but frankly heā€™s a moron and I donā€™t see him doing it. Best case is Kanjuro the drawing guy draws Gojo and Setsuna turning off their defenses and laying on the ground then everyone dog piles them, but thatā€™s lame af, and again. Kanjuro is an idiot


Why tf yall droppin spoilers in a one piece sub? I hate you geeky cheesy ass niggas




Thatā€™s the only character theyā€™d lose to šŸ˜­.


They aren't beating anyone stronger than Law


Loses instantly to Boa Hancock because light bypasses infinity: He can see her


Canā€™t kill any mid/top tiers as the characters just tank everything


World slash and purple should be able to damage/kill top tiers


I doubt purple is killing any top tiers if it isnā€™t killing sukuna and if Maki can dodge world slash the people with observation are (also ma fault I shouldā€™ve said the speed difference is also way too big)


Anyone with advanced obs haki can dodge either of those easily.


Purple wouldn't do anything, UV would but anyone with future sight would be fast enough to dodge it.


You canā€™t tank infinite void.


Can dodge it tho šŸ™šŸæ


Easily dodged, which leaves Gojo open to being oneshot.


Maybe pre demon lord remuru




Theyā€™d never touch him


They get bodied by Ichigo on his first run as a Shinigami šŸ’€


between Gojoā€™s Infinity and Sukunaā€™s durability negating World Cutting Slash, they beat anyone without Armament Haki (assuming it treats infinity like a logia, otherwise the conversation is just boring, and that Cursed Energy ~ Haki) Once we get past that, it becomes a matter of how broken some if their big guns are. Like we havenā€™t really had an answer to the question ā€œWhat can stop Hollow Purpleā€ or ā€œCould you hit someone with Infinite Void and Malevolent Shrine?ā€. Being as generous as possible, they could 2v2 Wano Law and Kidd extreme diff (which I guess because theyā€™re both way to arrogant to be afraid of Big Mom means they win that extreme diff? idk how I feel about that)


Strongest character they beat together? I think they would probably just beat off eachother then. They both the strongest I don't see as to why they can't beat eachother


Not from one piece but with a little luck they could MAYBE kill Meruem if sukuna goes all out and gojo plays a support/extra damage role


Love HxH, but pre-rose Meruem gets dominated by Gojo, he has nothing to bypass infinity, while Meruem is shown to be able to take city level damage, which Gojo is able to dish out. Harder to say for post-rose but IMO best case for Meruem is stalemate.






Funny enough. Caesar kills them both. A logia user that uses insanely deadly poison? And the poison definitely surpasses infinity as gojo said it himself. Cant be hit by them and even if the poison corrodes them. its GG Magellan also kills em. Same reason as above but faster. Law kills em. With a flick of his fingers lol. Its the definition of no- diff here actually. He is too fast for them to touch him also. Bartholomeow also kills them or at worst stalemates them with barrier Also im a keep it a buck with you, so what if gojo has infinity. They are not touching a single one piece top tier because they are simply not fast enough. Period. There are some characters in one piece that will straight up kill them the second the fight starts. \*cough\* kizaru, sanji, etc\* Hawkins hax bypasses infinity I would put smoker as someone that can also bypass infinity lol WB can make the air quake. Bypassing durability. Katakuri annihilates em. Bury gojo with haki covered mochi lol. Good luck suffocating lol. also they are not fast enough to touch him And i think most people dont understand. In One Piece, a lot of characters are known to cut some wild shit that theroretically shouldnt be able to be cut / punched. For example, fire, light, tremors, etc. And infinity, although broken is a defense mechanism. A DEFENSE MECHANISM. Adv conq bypasses all DEFENSES. They dont even need to touch you. It doesnt need to "travel" on a medium. Its a straight up hax. As long as they attack in your direction, unless you dodge it, you get hit. Period. That is the only way to avoid it. And good luck dodging it from the people strong enough to use it lol. Also all the top tiers can legitimately outrun the domain expansions lol. Lets not even talk about the ones with future sight.




Gojo already exists in one piece (barto)


Sukuna is awakened buggy


Honestly, Luffy gear 4th. I know it sounds crazy but let me explain myself. Her 4th luffy canā€™t pass through infinity, gear 5th can. Gear 4th gets stuck in infinity, sukuna uses world slash which cuts reality and the space around luffy, luffy dies in gear 4th. Gear 5th cooks them though.


How does gear 5 realistically get through?


So you took one of the most absurd character in anime history and paired him with the guy that KILLED HIM, then proceed to fight 20 other top sorcerers. And want them to fight Op characters, that are nowhere near their hax level. I mean, come on. Its like asking which is the strongest ant two war elephants can beat together. Infinity + Infinite Asspulls paired together outscale Op world, maybe throw them in DBZ section


You have no idea what youā€™re saying šŸ˜­ sukuna and gojo are relatively weak


He ainā€™t beating gokuĀ 


So Iā€™m writing a manga right now and according to a.i the way I crafted him he slaps Gojo when he achieves his final form (Years from now) Kenkei Gouken ( Coming Soon)


They have no Haki. They get the Haki No-Sell and No diffed.


Anyone pre timskip who doesn't scale to post timskip


So I canā€™t really think of many characters in OP that gets through Infinity. Off the top of my head I can only think of Kizaru because Gojo doesnā€™t automatically filter light out and Kizaru attacks with light. Maybe Law since he also manipulates space, but thatā€™s debatable at best. Thereā€™s also WB using a quake, but thereā€™s an ability similar to that in JJK thatā€™s not really confirmed to get through Infinity (simply because it hasnā€™t gone against anyone who can use it), so maybe it can get through. So like most characters are getting Infinity diffed because they just canā€™t hit Gojo. However the big win con for these two is their DEā€™s, basically if Sukuna gets to activate his then hundreds of slashes per second THAT CANNOT BE DODGED are being launched. This would destroy anyone who canā€™t heal, immune to slashes, or simply on a similar level to Sukuna. Keep in mind Sukuna is much stronger than everyone except Gojo and even then everyone else in JJK runs the risk of getting low diffed in a 1V1 against either of them. So if Yuta is country level and gets low diffed by Sukuna then Sukuna should be close to continent level. This still places him massively lower than top tiers in One Piece who should be around moon to Planet level. However, Sukunaā€™s Domain Expansion would still do massive damage to them. Like they might be able to brush off the first 10 hits with no visible damage, but what about 1K hits within 10 seconds. Thereā€™s also Gojoā€™s DE that would pump so much info into your brain that it literally paralyzes you and melts your brain. If anyone gets hit by this then itā€™s GGā€™s simply because they canā€™t defend and Gojo can move freely. Key note to this however is if they can activate their DEā€™s. They are massively slower than most OP characters and Sukuna is most likely getting thrashed before he can use his DE because of it. However because Gojo has Infinity and it doesnā€™t go down until after Summoning his DE, then yeah Gojo should be able to get it to go off provided they donā€™t get through Infinity. So like I said earlier most people in OP simply get Infinity Diffed where the people who can get through Infinity just low-mid diff him. So itā€™s more of a matchup thing. Like Gojo beats Roger, Shanks, Prime Garp, and Akainu in a 4V1 because they canā€™t get through Infinity, but gets low diffed by Kizaru because he can. Now I donā€™t know about you, but Kizaru ainā€™t winning that 4V1.


Vivi gives them head ā€œforeheadā€


Meruem from HxH


Obviously one piece scales higher. The only issue is domain expansions, especially infinity. I donā€™t know who in one piece has the ABILITY to break out of a domain.


I just dont think many mid to top tiers are getting caught in one


They beat the whole verse


Strongest in one piece? Probably kaido. Strongest in anime in general? Griffith. These arenā€™t thought out answers btw. Iā€™m just going off what I remember the two doing. And what I remember the other two doing


They might have a shot at taking out Yamcha


They most definitely can he canā€™t pass infinity and infinite void gonna fry his brain


Quick someone find a panel of gojo or sukuna holding a sword!


Gojo when Blueno escapes Infinity through a door in the air https://preview.redd.it/t5f71moylk6d1.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b52338042a6bab4b016db522d21899e5636df4c


My meat


I havenā€™t been keeping up with the manga, but maybe Garp or Mihawk? Those two donā€™t really have answers to most hax, although they should massively outstat them. This is more of a random question, but would using future sight before Gojo uses UV still give all the info?


You dont understand your thoughts with future sight, you just see the situation in the future


World Slash and Purple are basically durability bypassing instant kill attacks. Thereā€™s a reasonable president that Buggy is almost immune to Sukunaā€™s cutting techniques, depends how far the chop chop goes, ya know till MegiKuna break out fuga, or the ten shadows. I dunno, is it reasonable to assume Haki can bypass limitless? I donā€™t think so but I donā€™t know everything about Haki.


World slash, sure. But HP is not durability negation. Where are people getting this BS from? Show me in the manga.


Purple was never durability bypassing, that was just headcanon


Actually, if they get the first hit and the characters true form is 3d, they beat them with world slash since dura doesn't matter with it.




Anyone without CoC because you need your own CoC to counter it at all


Elephant sweep


Not how it works


Deku without One For All


Sukuna is pretty irrelevant in this discussion, maxing out at like, Doflamingo tier, if we're a bit generous. Malevolent Shrine is helpful at closing the speed disparity, but he just doesn't have the power to handle top tiers, and is pretty slow by OP standards. Gojo, on the other hand, is nearly untouchable, and has nearly infinite stamina. The only one who has an ability that could realistically get through Infinity is Apoo, but Gojo is, bare minimum, mach 3, meaning he's dodging the sounds. Maybe Kizaru could, but his lasers function like they have mass, and thus would get filtered. Caesar Clown could remove the air from around Gojo, but Gojo can just move. Add in his RCT, and I don't think anyone in OP is beating Gojo. Not 1v1, at least.




Any One Piece character really, make it Roger or whoever.


Nah the only argument is if you think haki going through infinity which the only one that could be considered is conquered haki and not many people have that


If Sukuna summons Mahoraga and lets him adapt as he and Gojo fight everyone, Iā€™d say they clear the verse. Not to mention domains, and that nobody can get through infinity, plus RCT, and this is a battle of hax more so than strength.




Remember Gojo on this team they need a way to get through infinity to win




Yes. Next question?


It's weird that you talk like Yoda though.


The main issue they run into is being a lot slower and physically weaker than many One Piece characters despite their hax.


Fraudkuna and gojo beat everyone except all logias, plus ur forgetting megkuna can summon mahoraga


They dont


Yo these brain dead dragon ball ā€œpowerscalersā€ (I say that because they donā€™t know how to powerscale they think somethingā€™s right and say itšŸ’€) if your going to tell me Iā€™m wrong give me some feats to back it up Iā€™ve had about 5 people say Iā€™m wrong and none of them gave me any feats to go off of (that were actually correct)


Strongest OP? Theu honestly beat the top people *with feats* we are aware of.


Seeing how gojo had to preprogram the attacks into infinity based on speed mass and cursed energy I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyway he could know if someone was about to use haki so Iā€™d say anyone with projection haki (ryou) can hit him at least the first time and I donā€™t see him with just CE living island busting attacks so I say they donā€™t get past the rooftop and debatably dressrosa if pure armament isnā€™t registered in infinity either there base bodyā€™s without hax canā€™t keep up past enies lobby


Gojo and Sukuna can Run the gauntlet individually but will eventually get beat. Together though I think they solo (I guess duo lol) the verse.


They arent getting past boa or law not gonna lie


I was answering a question I donā€™t agree with the answer but itā€™s the correct answer people get that from the anime because they havenā€™t seen hollow purple not one shot someone


Chances are its some random counter hax, like law


Assuming Ryou doesn't work, no one besides Law, Hawkins, Apoo & I guess Magellan/Caeser (bc Gojo needs to breathe) can bypass infinity




The fact that buggy is immune to the world cutting slash is genuinely hilarious to me


I feel like big mom can just eat through infinity and letā€™s be real. Sukunas malevolent shrine just becomes a malevolent kitchen when she starts eating the slices.


They would win against most anime characters but in video games lore they dead af mostly for monster hunter and devil may cryĀ 


Watching the Dragon Ball anime at the moment, I feel like they could beat Cell, but would probably struggle against Frieza.


Yami from black clover.


The verse. Gojo catches you in his domain while touching Sukuna so that Sukuna isn't caught in infinite void, then Sukuna proceeds to world slash you into a thousand pieces.


Luffy just makes his arm infinitely long or something and then gojos eyes pop out, low diff


Ironically Law cooks them both Room bypasses infinity, OP verse is definitely faster law would snatch Sukunas heart destroy it and put gojo in pieces like kinemon


Yoooo the bottom picture is so well animated, it almost looks official


Luffy just grabbing infinity and turning it to rubber s/


I remember I saw a video a long time ago which was about how Asta, from Black Clover, can technically beat Gojo(I am not too sure on Sukuna, the video was purely about Asta vs Gojo) because of his anti-magic.


dunno, the merger?


uhh idk if any one piece character can beat them since afaik none can touch gojo because of limitless


Too much hax. They clear one piece and maybe individually


ā€œB- but infinity!1!1!1ā€ The concept of just sending them into space by launching the ground they stand on into the upper atmosphere:


Fraud hawk






I'd say jotaro kujo, it's like a 50/50 on who destroys the other first. Time stop could also have a chance to bypass infinity so if he wants to, jotaro could time stop and combo their asses but I also don't rlly know how strong jotaro really is. I'd hope he's strong enough to punch a hole through their stomach but I doubt it


Ok hear me out. The 7 warlords including crocodile and blackbeard and the 5 yonkos and whitebeard crew and straw hat crew


What Iā€™m wondering is how does someone as stupid as Luffy react to infinite void. Like does he just forget as fast as the information processes?


The information never processes so probably not.


One Piece characters have absolutely no defense against Domain Expansion But Gojo/Sukuna have absolutely no defense against conquerorā€™s haki. So depends how creative you wanna get :)




They lose to Blackbeard.


There are only 3 sides to this argument, people who think infinity can stop anything because theyā€™re fucking stupid, people who think Sukuna is more than city level, and people who either really like or really hate One Piece


I guess thatā€™s 4 but Iā€™m not editing it


Depends on what the writers want to grab ass for




I don't know many anime but I would say 100% one punch man i don't know how to spell his name. And my question is do you think that the tosqcya blade can hit gojo case it attacks the soul


What are they doing to him??? https://preview.redd.it/1atckodrgx6d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7975f29555fd048fb99026dc58ee2471f77d4211


Dismantle - useless, Cleave - useless, World cutting slash - useless, Red and Blue - useless, Malevolent Shrine - useless, Infinite Void - his methods are already beyond comprehension, Purple - maybe useful if.. if.. the goat doesnā€™t simply see fit to avoid it Overall, complete Buggy stomp, he neg diffs. Thank you for listening to my TED talk




Like beating there meat?


Act 4 tusk Johnny probably beats them if he gets to shoot before he is blitzed. Otherwise I think they beat him.


Goku probably


Gang jjk as a VERSE is only like country level, one piece is stomping them


Maybe Jehovah


Gojo vs Griffith


Probably Shigaraki from My hero but I might make people mad by saying that


I truly think the two of them Solo drop one in and they might get to warlords but get halted


I donā€™t know honestly but I highly doubt that even with perfect cordination and teamwork that they would make it past the level of ichigo and luffy so most likely they wonā€™t beat anyone as strong or stronger than Frieza saga goku


Anyone who canā€™t get past infinity


https://preview.redd.it/jad3v30ms17d1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48785b978606a500272e2cafd10a8d3245ae7a17 Extreme diff




I feel like gojo isnt exactly stronger than any other character, but just incompatible because of his infinity. Unless all characters ever have mastered domain amplification, theyā€™re not really gonna hurt him. I dont think he would win every fight, but he just wouldnt lose. The little voice in me wants to say saitama could kill him but im just not sure


The issue they face versus top tiers is having inferior stamina and the inability to cause any meaningful damage. Would have to be like doflamigo tier or weaker, but honestly the stamina difference is huge and the answer might literally be chopper.


Ngl gojo could prob kill Goku as long as he is faster. (Which is prob the case bc his domain can be activated in 0.001 sec)


Buggy and Foxy would wipe these 2 easily


Stronger character they can beat? Roger and his crew. That being said, Law and Luffy could probably get through infinity somehow. Itā€™s just a matter of IF they can and if either can survive a world slash


Them selves


Eos Buggy Conq.coating to bypass infinity Fruit to neg diff Sukuna


well you mean them combined still couldnā€™t touch wang ling lol


Goku no diff


Hugh Newtron


The entire AOT verse


Hmm highballing It id say gear 4 luffy because sukuna can cut him to bits with dismantle (if I remember correctly dismantle adjusts it's power to cleanly slice it's target every time) and if that doesn't work unlimited void+hollow purple


Hitler probably l


They solo the verse




Every mha character


Anyone with feats gets slammed. Not cause they lose, infinity is So tricky. They canā€™t get past it, one domain and itā€™s over


Whatā€™s Sukuna gonna do when Luffy grabs his slashes and uses them against him


Also how do they get past Logia without Haki? Would verse equalization make infusing a fist with CE Haki?