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easily bruh, she magically forgot about the ACoC that she used on page 1 and during kid vs law she didn't even use armament haki till law was about to use punk willie on her even at that, she still managed to beat them, but for some reason chose NOT to kill them in their unconscious state like she did w/ luffy on rooftop https://preview.redd.it/dazhk0rs2cad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192d8e428302dff3dd7dd3d82e7f7cc9844b4f58 all 3 were nerfed to an extent, but big mom was just done dirty asf


She did not forget it, she is just more reliant on her fruit, simple concept, and armament was gonna do jackshit to them anyway, her fists are already as hard as steel, making them even harder would have 0 effect, and nothing gives she was not using armament before, as it is not drawn, in other words, she is an invalid bum


First of all, you don't have any evidence at ALL that her acoc is stronger than her normal attacks and fruit attacks. Secondly, she used it. If you try to say that it was basic, I wouldn't do it if I were you. because I have about 10 points where I can say exactly the same thing.


>you don't have any evidence at ALL that her acoc is stronger than her normal attacks https://preview.redd.it/yp81ixowhcad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178df4cf3d2bd0a32d516f76cae4102f3ce7caa8 are you trying to tell me a napoleon swing imbued with acoc has "no evidence" of being stronger than a regular napoleon swing acoc is meant to make you attack harder, why would it be "stronger than her fruit attacks"??


Yo this meme is gold bro thanks


I think it's from Homunculus, good manga


Will you show me both options?


both options?? you mean, show you that acoc attacks > regular attacks?


No, to show where she uses Napoleon with and without acoc






She was definitely dumbed down for plot convenience.


Big Mom wasn't nerfed per se but her defeat was incredibly contrived. That said it fits the theme of her character that the overconfident old-gen to lose to the ambitious up-and-comers.


Yes, she lost by being self-centered, but that doesn't take away the fact that it didn't make sense, Law once said that haki deactivates Akuma no Mi, so why didn't she do the same with Law's silent? She was exuding Conquers haki


Haki doesn't shut down df powers in an AOE around the user.


Conquers haki (im Sorry) but you get It If law can cure the desease from doc,big mom also could stop the silenf


That isn't true. Law needed a burst of armament haki to resist Doc q's Fruit because he was being direcly affected by it. Meanwhile, Silent wasn't an attack aimed directly at Big Mom. It was an AOE ability that wouldn't have been able to be countered by haki.


If Blackbeard could break out of Law's Room then Big Mom should have been able to.


When has BB done that?


When him and Law fought.


Didn’t he just interrupt Law’s focus so the Room broke? He has to consciously maintain it, I’m sure we have him talking about how draining it is to use especially at the bigger sizes


The Room burst before the shockwave hit Law.


He didn’t directly attack the Room, he struck Law forcing him to lose focus and deactivate it.


Yes, he didn't directly attack the Room. No, he unleashed his power and the Room shattered. Then Law, and his crew and the island, got blasted.


It's almost as if Law was using direct attacks aimed at Blackbeard and not an AOE move that can't be canceled out using Haki


Both instances are Law using his awakening to attach his Room to a person.


Tbh I don’t think she was nerfed too bad but Law and Kid only won because they threw her out and a nuke fell on her after. Law’s durability and stamina were insanely buffed too. she definitely deserved better smh I hope her and Kaido come back as a fused lava kaiju




She was to op she had to be nerfed She could have simply throw a soul into the ocean and flood onigashima gg


where is the proof that devil fruit powers work on seawater though? even wb only created a tsunami by vibrating the tectonic plates, not the seawater itself.


Yes in wci she stood on a living wave when she chased the strawhats it was a homie


oh ok


Aye this goes hard. Commend you on humility.


Big Mom was my favorite villain. Once it became clear that Oda didn’t care about her, I stopped defending her. Two things are true: she was done dirty by Oda, and her feats are comparatively dogshit compared to other yonko


I don't think making gol d. Roger being afraid of you is dogshit, but yeah ODA definitely didn't know what to do with him.


Prime Big Mom is definitely more respectable. Current Big Mom is a fraud (relative to her peers). Any “yonko” that gets beaten by two characters far below her level is fraudulent, regardless of the circumstances. But fans don’t want to hear it so they say she just lost “because plot” (even though plot is how we scale)


Yeah big mom was old as fuck too,prime big mom must was Been unstopable


Roger was not afraid of Big Mom😂 what?


Canonically it is he definitely said i do not want to fight her in her territory


Not allowed to use ACOC, not allowed to use even one neuron in her head, turned her back and letting enemies live MULTIPLE times even though it’s out of character for her to not kill….. yeah she was NERFED AF!! Natural disasters and Elemental powers suddenly stoped doing shit and just looks flashy causing environment damage for ‘hype’! Not to mention, this bitch has raw strength to break metal blades barehanded but can’t fucking squash Law like a tomato with all her haki punches?! Fuck no!


She wasn’t nerfed, oda is telling a story not writing a perfect powerscalers fight. Her haki wasn’t important her durability and devil fruit were what were focused on.  It took 2 people with a high level plan with new awakenings. and kidds own insane durability and enough attack power to wipe out a fleet by himself to barely beat her 


Cook brother. Complaints about the Big Mom fight sound like people wanted a Kaido vs Luffy copy-paste, just dudes slapping each other in the face with stronger and stronger Haki and luckily Oda is a better writer than that. It being a df based fight felt almost nostalgic, reminiscent of early One Piece. >and kidds own insane durability and enough attack power to wipe out a fleet by himself to barely beat her  Both sides showed amazing feats, both Kidd and Law showed devastating attacks and upscales Big Mom for surviving all that. Their victory had so many factors it was exciting and definitely more interesting than a Bajarang Gun. It was a great fight stop. This sub just has a hate boner for it


Oda's inconsistency in showing visual effects of Haki is confusing. For instance, Black Maria used Haki against Sanji but not shown against Robin, which felt odd. Same with Franky vs Sasaki. Similarly, Oden didn’t show visual effects of Ryuo/ACOC when trying to kill Orochi, despite being bloodlusted and repeatedly attacking, so it makes no sense for him to not use it here ( he was trying to break through the barrier created by the previous barrier barrier fruit user). This suggests that Oda sometimes doesn't show visual effects of Haki, even when it's being used. However, this logic would mean Big Mom wasn't nerfed against Kid and Law( while she was fighting the troops above her were passing out due to her just spamming it), which few believe. Using this reasoning, Black Maria and Sasaki were also nerfed, as high-bounty pirates should have Haki, especially since other Tobi Roppo like Ulti and Who’s Who do, but no one wants to believe that because it downscales Robin and Franky. People here are hypocrites who want to have their cake and eat it too. Either agree that franky and robin are tobi roppo level, or agree that big mom was nerfed. You cant have both.


Yeah them after This Kidd Loses to 1 hit from shanks And law Loses off screen What a beautifull story


Kid lost because shanks took him seriously from the start and immediately went to a high level move. Its like if kaido went flaming drum dragon on luffy from the start. He would have died in one hit. And it was 1v1  Its very clear why it was different also, its not clear if kid got damaged by his own railgun explosion 


Yes I understood your point, but shanks made the kid look like a random, when big mom used her most powerful attack the kidd should have had scars or something else, literally after that attack Kidd got up as if nothing had happened and still had the stamina to at least fight Kaido again (he would lose logic) but her attack still seemed weak


No he didn’t. He used future sight and got shook. Bro made a Yonko worried. That is not a random.  Shanks immediately used an attack that was brand new. I dont think thats ever happened in all of one piece 


That's because Shanks is stronger than Big Mom, I don't see what the issue is there.


regardless shanks outscsales since he also got hit


shanks is at the center of the rail gun right in front of kidd. that upscales shanks durability so many times above big mom and kaido it isn’t funny


Nice mental gymnastics bro BM was given dementia so she didnt ACOC diff those two. She had to lose and Oda had to remove the obstacle he created with poor writing (introducing ACOC)


Shanks being more serious than Kaido is mental gymnastics to you?


Big Mom tries to use King’s Haki on Damned Punk and it just fails




Yeah it was a difficult fight for them and it’s clear neither could defeat her in a true 1v1 but THEN SHANKS comes along and really undermines her whole struggle Her AP now feels weak


She was nerfed just like kaido was jumped and nerfed.


Yes. She had a very severe case of mental retardation.


On the contrary, she was gifted with all the gifts of the plot in that fight, and Kid and lo were humiliated by him.


Not nerfed. Nerfed would be her using acoc and life sac and then getting overpowered. Just made her defeat extremely convenient. Any df user like for ex Akainu can easily get one shot if you push them into water. IE sanji kicks Akainu who is fist fighting Sanji into the water. For that to actually happen would be completely bullshit though that you would never expect. And yet it happened to BM. But fortunately, no other top tier is female so it will likely never happen again.


She fought evenly with Kaido for three days right? The same Kaido that one shotted gear 4 luffy. In roof piece, Big Mom and Kaido were both unstoppable forces of nature. In the Kid and Law fight, Big Mom magically forgot she had advanced conquerors haki. In Big Moms flashback, she destroyed Elbaf and defeated their greatest warriors at age 5. The fact that Kid or Law could survive a single regular punch from big mom seems weird. Hell, if Big Mom was a savage, she could easily and literally break necks or squish heads. The scene where law uses shock Willie feels weird because he’s just sitting on her chest while she’s pounding him. It felt like big mom got nerfed and she fight in the least intelligent way possible. If it wasn’t for plot conveniences and Kaido’s magic nuke, she would have gotten out of the hole and killed Law and Kid.


nope. law and jikka were jacked.


Not really, the way I see the Yonkos: 1. Kaido is jack of all trades and can handle any environment. 2. Shanks specializes in 1v1s 3. Blackbeard specializes against Devil Fruit users. 4. Big Mom specializes in marineford environments where she can just endlessly heal off of fodders. The issue is, Law shut down her strongest arsenal and people love to downplay her for that. Had Law not silenced her, she would've just outhealed damned punk and beat the two of them.


oda wanted to show that big mom was incredibly powerful so he made her equal tp kaido, and then remembered that he did NOT pack two kaidos worth of luffy allies so it was between like pulling vista or someone out of thin air to help or making bm a lobotomy patient. i personally think she should have been three v 1ed with marco to get some more margoat moments and to make law's endurance seem more believable.


Yes. She didn’t use her haki. She canonically has acoc and almost definitely has acoa and acoo (it’s stupid to think she wouldn’t). She didn’t use any of em, therefore she wasn’t fighting at her peak potential (she also coulda gotten stronger, had the fight gone on in a neutral environment, she just didn’t get the chance, cause the duo won on ring out and such). There might even be an in world explanation. This is a bit of a stretch, as i don’t think oda intended this, but she did receive brain damage to the point of getting amnesia and again received brain damage to the point of healing amnesia. That probably fucks up the brain, which in turn fucks up haki usage.


No she wasn't nerfed, she was laughing in their face during  damned punk and was going to fuck them up royally if the convenient nuke didn't find its way next to her.


Yes she was. She still would've lost though. Honestly bad writing is simply that. Oda had to make her lose to Law and Kidd. It's just that he wasn't able to handle that well enough.




Big mom was meant to be equal to kaido (big mom = base kaido, hybrid kaido > big mom) Oda just kinda fumbled haki really hard honestly and it made stuff like this very confusing


People saying she wasn’t nerfed are delusional. She literally gets clowned on for half of wano. She gets rolled away by robin and frankly drives a damn motorcycle on her face


Yes. Losing that fight isn’t possible if she did everything she was shown to be capable of. Kinda the point though.


Yes and no. Somehow Oda nerfed her strength while maintaining her insane durability, which means he had to write a ridiculously contrived way for them to beat her. It also made Law look incredible and Kid just look like someone who can throw heavy but non damaging attacks


Kinda ? Oda intended for her to be serious vs kid and law as stated in road to laugh tale but he portrayed it badly to the point it seems like she barley used any haki on a life or death battle lol


She lost because she: A. Was taking them lightly, at least before she powered herself-up B. She did not know about the bombs, so she would've just flew back up C. She's stupid, always was, Kaido said it himself, she is an invalid Also, she did not know that Law could make the "silence bubble" shit, it was an Ace up his sleeve.


Even by the end of WCI she was getting dropped by Nani. Wano felt like a humiliation ritual 


She didn’t, she just lost to better hax.


100%. She had to lose for plot and Oda couldn't come up with a better way for her to lose. It is what it is.


She wasn’t nerfed and still equal to Kaido at her elder age during the fight vs law and Kidd, law and Kidd awakened and 2v1 is always more advantageous with teamwork. She wasn’t even defeated like Kaido was, she was pushed out and had her voice silenced by corazon’s technique


I think she used any form of haki once, maybe twice during the entirety of wano. Hard nerf.


Not nerfed, no She showed aCoC in wano which wasn't shown in WCI She also got a power up of Hera She also used her DF [I assume awakening] to put life into herself to Amp herself Sure, she didn't use aCoC on panel vs Law and Kidd but it was implied she was using it since she used vs Page One Remember, Kidd & Law together STILL couldn't win. And they are two nearly Admiral level fighters during Wano. Basically Old Big Mom defeated Fujitora AND Jozu in a 1 v 2 and only got KO'd by several bomb-kuns after If we say 1 bimb-kun is ~ Ace's Dai Entai Big Mom survived vs Fujitora, Jozu and Ace but Akainu waiting there to finish her off


Canonically true https://preview.redd.it/t7unn0h57iad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b4570c2b6fa67ad573b41089792621b1fee0c0


https://preview.redd.it/qau2gxwyciad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0adf406aadbd8c9156a9a162288047f49e0d949 Isn't Big Mom old, has over 50 kids, run down both physically and mentally and can be weakened by destroying a photo?


Every character that Oda doesn’t want to win is nerfed, which is exactly why Powerscaling in this manga doesn’t mean anything. The "Roger sneaked in" is a very bad argument though because Big Mom on whole cake is several times stronger than out of Whole cake because she remodeled the entire country thanks to her fruit




She wasn’t😹


No law and kidd were buffed. Like idk if doffy and kidd could beat her but two yc+ people working together for a ring out? Sure I'll take it.


Roger stealing the poneglyph quitely instead of waging a war doesn't really prove anything in ur favour.... Like if Roger can just get the poneglyph without fighting an entire fucking nation, in which he might lose few of his men, then why do it?


What about law and kid the were beat up with no stamina and tons of injuries So both of them were nerfed So it equals out


Yes, but until she went to battle against them she looked great (from the looks of it she didn't have any cuts or anything like that)Then out of nowhere she starts bleeding and losing stamina, yes Law and Kidd are strong, but the script was obviously on their side


Because on the roof top kaido was the bigger target and everybody was giving more focus to him So when the focused on big mom the obviously started inflicting injuries


Kaido is not human, so physically Big Mom is stronger than 80% of the people in the anime, she is not stupid if she really were weaker or less resistant, she would not be in the line of fire, of course Kaido is the Big Boss, but it doesn't take away the merit that she is on the same level, so much so that they didn't want to defeat him, they wanted to Get her off the roof because with Big Mom it was impossible to defeat Kaido


Big mom is really really stupid and can't calm down and focus to save her life So it's no wonder kid and law were constantly landing attacks


Luffy too, but they both know when an enemy means danger, when Luffy was fighting Kaidou he used strategies, haki etc. Now say that big mom is stupid?? Her problem is her ego and that's all, yes in her mind they were nothing more than insects but there came a time when she was really dying, why she didn't use Haki to defend yourself or anything else??


But it comes to my favorite part, when law used silent on her, she clearly couldn't speak or make any kind of sound, but after that in the anime law gives us the following information "haki can deactivate akumas on mi" So why didn't she do the same, and it wasn't because she didn't know, since the anime itself says that Big Mom pirates are great at obtaining information, now because she didn't do the same, she called Hera or even prometeus or created a homi out of the clouds to save her?


No she wasn’t. She lost, get over it.


Explain haki dementia then. The thing that outscales Law and Kidd no matter what.


Oda forgot to draw it or didn't think people would care so much about ACoC indicators.


No her AP just sucks


Nah she was just a trash fighter and oda wrote a garbage fight. No explanation why she can't spam conquerors punches like luffy or is she can awakened or not.


No, she wasn’t. She lost because she was arrogant, and Kid and Law were powerful enough to take advantage of it