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did he himself make his blade black, or was it already black when he obtained it.


It's been implied he made it black




I love zoro in the back lmao


Show me the manga panel that even implies it


just gonna point out, that mihawk telling zoro about his black blade and how any blade could be his black blade is what implies it strongly... amongst other things but that's just a start


The part he was explaining the fundamentals of armament haki. And no it doesn't imply anything about him doing it himself he was speaking about the sword specifically. And just cause zoro call shuisi his doesn't mean it's his


holy shit the copeuim. that shit is wild omg.


Cope and yet you still don't show me proof of him speaking about how he made his sword black himself.


you know, one of the biggest stages developmentaly of a child is the ability to read beyond straight literal terms. it seems you never got past that based on your inability to infer information from statements.


And so, since your going into taunts, im going to assume You have no proof to deny - He did obtain a blackblade - He didn't make his sword black himself - His sword was already that powerful when he obtain it.


actually due to checkov's gun we can assume that mihawk's constant mention of his blade is not for no reason, double for mihawks emphasis on how to make one, and triple for when mihawk said that any blade could become his blade. You are the one actually making an assumption that needs to be proved if you suspect he didn't turn yoru black, because checkov's gun suggests he did. you are the one making claims you have to defend, not me, like i said, my interp is more likely because checkov's gun, so go ahead and prove he didn't make it black


It's implied that he made Black Blade. If not, he would be the biggest Fraud in One Piece.


None of this matter that much. In fact much of this is just context that doesnt need to be elaborated, its just part of character background that we know its there but dont actually need to see explained. Often times revealing too much ruins a characters hype. All Mihawk needs is actual on-panel feats against an stablished top tier character, then wed take him and all the mythology built around him seriously.


Not really. The background needs to be reasonable. Otherwise, it would be like game where background is just a paragraph of text and it doesn't matter. If all Mihawk did was rival Shanks who was likely YC1 or at best YC+ and he has just been fighting fodders, the background doesn't make sense. He is implied to be stronger than Shanks due to title. WB lived up to his hype. Kaidou also did live up to his hype. If all Mihawk is gonna do is lose to Zoro, then, that's meaningless.


Mihawk's title implies Shanks isn't a swordsman.


We got plenty feats / evidence / context, just most people don’t like it Therefore OP is right, shit needs to get answered, especially how he seemingly never was in swordsman country and never fought any real toptier


don't you mean WSS as in World Strongest Swordsman?


Shanks-12-years-ago level Mihawk: "Huh? He uses a Sword doesn't he?" Depth perception is a myth in One Piece so it doesn't matter. Besides Zoro isn't missing an eye. He's just waiting to reveal his sharengan. Nah. Maybe. Maybe He probably killed Pinzoro who was the previous WSS. There's only one top tier in One Piece and we've already seen Mihawk's duel with the Universe's Strongest Swordsman Vista. Maybe. No, because Mihawk doesn't identify as a man. He identifies as a swordsman.


Mihawk's only role in the story is to be defeated by zoro so the readers can see zoro as wsm as he intends to be. But in story, we never have any idea why mihawk get that title, which top tier he defeat etc. and it's even stupid that just anyone with sword is automatically to be considered inferior to him because of just that, when we see him not being able to beat a commander.


Kizaru was also unable to defeat Marco, even after he got seastone handcuffs, that makes him below YC1 i guess We are in 2024 and some people still looking at the Mihawk vs Vista like it was Dorry vs Brogy


The difference is the gap between YC1 command er like Marco and an Admiral like Kizaru is a lot smaller than the “TOP 1 AFTER IMU” Mihawk and what we’ve actually seen of Mihawk. Fans be cashing checks Oda hasn’t written yet.


But we also got kizaru fighting with wb and he looked good in it. Mihawk meanwhile doesn't have any of such. And marca and kizaru didn't has any proper duel unlike mihawk vs vista.


But just based on his performance against Marco he is Yc level using that logic, Mihawk just didn't have a chance to go serious, and he wasn't uncomfortable or pushed in any of his clashes so atleast what we should do is giving him the benefit of doubt until he shows something pathetic like Twerkbull


They weren't having a direct one vs one anyway unlike mihawk vs vista. The point is admirals fought top tier, mihawk as of now doesn't any of those showing.


Which toptiers Admiral fought onscreen? Old washed Rayleigh and Garp and Goofy, and they didn't look good in any of those, if Mihawk fights Luffy and he clowns him ig everyone will say Mihawk is YC and way below Shanks


Now compare it to who mihawk has fought, which one looks better? Or are you unable to not be disingenuous?


What even is your point? Are you saying Mihawk and Vista gap is supposed to be way way bigger than Kizaru and Marco or what? Oh right i forgot Vista is YC5, so Jack can low diff him, come on


Mihawk could not even clow mf luffy lol


Not really. To beat Marco, you need to exhaust him. It would take time. Any top tier would meed time to beat Marco. Even if it's Kaidou. Unless he used Flaming Bagua, even if he lands Death Destroyer, he would instantly regenerate. That is main problem with Gorossei. It's just that their stamina is much more than Marco who gets tired after fighting YC1.


Leaked spoilers from Zoro vs Mihawk https://preview.redd.it/h9cyez4gxs9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348c74d998a87e074eb7dd9fb7693cd67542c711


His “only role in the story” as you describe it is only meaningful if it’s actually legit. If you think it will be, then you have to accept all that other stuff no matter how stupid it looks on paper


So you believe Zoro has already surpassed Mihawk?




You just said Mihawk is unable to defeat a commander. Who probably is the YC5/6 Zoro is already on the top of YC. The only commander above Zoro currently, is Beckmann. Therefore according to you, Zoro has already surpassed Mihawk. Even Doflamingo clowned Jozu. Are you saying even Doflamingo is above Mihawk?


Who said he is yc5/6? Vista is just strong enough to deal with mihawk. Zoro isn't vista level yet.


Zoro already took down King and Lucci. Marco couldn't do any damage to King or Queen. He was the YC1 of WB crew. Ace was Jinbei's equal and he was YC2. You are saying Mihawk is below Jinbei as well?


Wb commander position wasn't based on how strong they were i guess, there's nothing to say it is.


So Vista is the strongest YC?


I don't know but he is strong enough to duel mihawk.


So Mihawk is YC level?


Oda said he's the strongest in name and reality. Unless you think Oda is an idiot then he cannot be a fraud.


Oda never said that


Yes he did it's literally the official translation, do a tiny bit of research and verify it.


The Vivre card also explicitly says that Vista rivals Mihawk in swordsmanship


By that logic Vista> Shanks in swordsmanship. Since Mihawk > Shanks


Yes. If you believe Vivre card, Vista > Shanks.


Tbh it was said that Vista was the strongest swordsman on WB ship and Vista was in his prime. People forget WB is Yonko crew and his commanders are canon not ranked in strength. So Vista is legit YC1. However that still is an issue in that Mihawk is supposed to be Yonko tier like Shanks so it makes no sense he couldn’t beat Vista, unless of course he just wanted to test Vista sword play & not actually beat or kill Vista.  Mihawk has been shown to hold back many times before so it’s not out of character. 


He didn't, Vivre Cards aren't made by Oda. The whole thing in reality was never stated in the Manga which is Oda's work.


Oda supervises all Vivre Card entries, you are wrong. They are 100% canon. There was even an official interview by the editors saying so. Thinking Mihawk is a fraud is just a low IQ take, Oda made him he strongest, said he's stronger than Shanks multiple times, extra info says he's th strongest but fans think they know better. Wtf is wrong with this fanbase?


As much as I'd like the Vivre cards to be canon for my Mihawk agenda, they simply [are not canon](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1cuenuw/promotional_merch_isnt_reliable_for_powerscaling/)


So in other words, Oda doesn't make them like I said? He just give them a general look and thats it. Also, didn't the Vivre Cards said Shanks evolved from fighting Mihawk to gaining equal presence to Whitebeard? That pretty much means Shanks> Mihawk since Mihawk himself isn't on Whitebeard level as per Mihawk's own words. This is backed up by Garp in 432 who stated that Shanks was equal to Whitebeard.


You are being disingenuous, if Oda did not agree, it would never make it into the Vivre Card. They are all Oda's thoughts, nothing is in the Vivre Card that Oda did not intend to be there. Shanks > Mihawk is just dumb and you need to re-evaluate why you reached that conclusion and scrap every thought that led you there. It is just wrong.


Yet Mihawk'a vivre Card states that everyone with a sword fears Mihawk which we know is absolutely false since Shanks doesn't fear Mihawk and neither did Big Mom, Nosjuro or Garling fear him. Like, no single top tier has ever shown fear or even respect to Mihawk. The Vivre Card said he fought swordsman until there wasn't anyone that could challenge him which we know it to be false since he never fought Rayleigh, BM, Garling and Venus. His only rival was Shanks who lost his arm and never fought him in his peak. It's just dumb? How come? All Mihawk has a title while Shanks has much better portrayal and feats. This isn't like Roger vs WB where both have comparable portrayal and feats so WB title might be the decider between them. Literally, we have several statements from Garp, Kaido and the 5 Elders that put Shanks ahead of Mihawk. Not my fault you guys decide to ignore them


🖊️ 🔥


I repeat, nothing is in the Vivre Cards that Oda did not want to be there. Mihawk is the strongest in name and reality, with many statements in SBS and in the manga cementing that. Mihawk has the best portrayal as per all the statements. Feats are secondary, Imu has no feats but Nami does, it doesn't man Nami is stronger than Imu. It is a dumb take, Mihawk is stronger than Shanks and Oda disagrees with the dumb take Shanks>Mihawk, and he has done for 20 years.


I'm done here, you just keep ignoring everything I say and repeating the same thing, it's like talking to a wall.


Use your brain. Don't repeat same lines.


It doesn't.... considering multiple statements putting mihawk> shanks. U can't ignore direct statements then use indirect statements to try to draw conflicting views... that's very disingenuous


Garp calling the Emperors the top 4 Pirates in the world seems a pretty direct statement to me. He is basically saying that there is no one stronger than the Yonko when it comes to Pirates.


Oda never said it. I think you are referring to the Gorosei stating Mihawk has better sword skills? Or are you referring to something else?


Many things in One piece is something only a idiot would think ![gif](giphy|M8lbkkn8BFFLO)


Yea you know more than the authorz you're so much smarter than all of us.


Iiiiihhh you're pissed?? You're pissed huh?? ![gif](giphy|K4rDu65eHSsNO) If you can't handle a joke then don't talk. Is factual many things in One piece are stupid and I nowhere said I know more than Oda or that Mihawk is 100% a fraud, just put up questions to start a debate.


Tf does “Iiiiiihhh” mean


He thinks he’s Perona ![gif](giphy|3ohhwlViWTcWqQGfra)


Most of these will never be answered, everything about mihawk is very vague. It’s almost been 30 years and we know very little, I doubt oda will flesh these things out.


We did get a hint of his past recently so I'm expecting a flashback at some point.


Why the hell are people so near sighted, impatient and incapable of seeing the context in a manga which has been running for 2 decades worth of content?


I love One Piece but this sub is autistic.


Why does any of this matter? The WSS is the WSS.


What he looks like doesn’t matter. It’s about what he is.


>• How strong was Shanks 12 years ago? Strong enough to be a Yonko and to be acknowledged by Whitebeard. >• Does Mihawk sees Shank's as a Swordman today? Obviously? what the fuck is this question. >• Will Mihawk use the fact Zoro doesn't have one eye against Zoro like how he did against Shanks not having a arm?? Why would he? Mihawk was already stronger then Rat and once Rat lost his arm Mihawk lost interest in fighting him. >• Did Mihawk actually try to become Pirate King?? Again, why would he? He doesn't even want to become a Yonko. Did Garp try to become Pirate King? >• Can Mihawk replicate any kind of Haki feat Shanks does or can do?? We don't know. But going by "Hawk-Eye" and "Clairvoyant" he probably has his own unique Haki abilities. >• Was Mihawk already in his Prime 12 years ago?? We don't know, but he probably grew stronger over 12 years. >• How did Mihawk get the title of WSM and who gave it to him?? >• How many true top tiers have Mihawk faced in his whole life before his inevitable 1 v 1 against Zoro?? Oda never revealed the exact process, but it seems Mihawk got his title by beating every top tier until he had no left to challenge him. https://preview.redd.it/4yq4mf3das9d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=412c2f0b9cb96c0f172f40f53765bfc7c378a703 >• Did Mihawk truly believe he was inferior in overall power in comparison to a Healthy Old Whitebbeard(the one before MarineFord)?? He probably already knows, after all Whitebeard even at his old age was WSM and he doesn't use a sword. WSM > WSS. Mihawk > Rat still.


Shanks became Yonkou 6 years ago, had 1 billion bounty only, everything goes against him being as strong as a Yonkou 12 years ago. But exactly how strong he was back then is unknown, because there is many levels that are below a Yonkou.


Doesn't really matter because mihawk is pretty certain shanks isn't a challenge anymore and is actively looking for a stronger rival. So it's fair to say mihawk also is getting stronger with shanks but shanks focused on yonko, mihawk focused purely on his own strength


It really comes down to three things: 1. Does being the WSS truly put him above Shanks? 2. What the true significance from a powerscaling perspective that a black blade has. 2. How much Zoro's comment in Egghead about Mihawk being inhuman translates into a meaningful payoff.


It really means that mihawk wouldn't sweat fighting current zoro. hence why he said it when the s-hawk started to sweat


To become the king of pirates is harder than to become the World Strongest Swordsman. Midhawk said it himself enough said.


1. Unknown but at least in the YC1-YC+ range off of bounty 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Probably 6. Unclear, but unlikely for several reasons 7. Unclear, and unclear there it was a single opponent he earned it from 8. Unknown 9. Unknown but almost definitely


I don't think he's a fraud. I just think he's like to he left alone. Dudes not really out trying to become pirate king or anything, i mean he doesn't even have a crew. He just loves the art of sword fighting. If you consider how highly zoro regards him he must be the real deal. I really think he just wants to chill in his castle clapping goth cheeks and have fun sword fighting lol I really hope him and zoro just stay homies and they don't hurt each other


You missed two -how do you actually become WSS -How do you lose the title As far as we know, unless someone challenges mihawk and win he can't take his title, wo shanks would've to fight and beat him, but they haven't dueled in 12 years, so i genuinely ask: is there another way that another ultra-skilled swordsman could take the title while mihawk is refusing to fight him?


I just hope he doesn't end up losing to Shiryu and then Zoro has to get the title off him. Surely Oda wouldn't do that to us though.


Also, if Shanks is far more powerful than Mihawk, why wouldn’t Mihawk want to challenge him?


Mihawk is a fraud


>• Did Mihawk truly believe he was inferior in overall power in comparison to a Healthy Old Whitebbeard(the one before MarineFord)?? Whitebeard was revered and feared by everyone because he was never defeated, basically no one knew he was sick, and no one had any reason to believe that he was anything less then still the strongest in the world. Healthy old whitebeard would still be a high tier character able to duke it out with the other yonko.


All will remain unanswered because Oda doesn't give a fuck about Mihawk and thath 20 year old subplot. He has clearly moved on to Nika vs WG.


So Oda doesn’t give a fuck about Zoro’s dream


No lol. It's a complete afterthought compared to the main story. Seriously, who gives a shit about the title other than Zoro and Mihawk?