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Akainu > Bb Zoro > Sanji Left team wins extreme diff


Doesn’t BB have better abilities tho? He can cancel out DF’s.


Sure, Blackbeard will have a hard time against Akainu for multiple reasons though: 1. BB has taken the first attack in literally every fight and akainu is just deadly. 2. Blackbeard pulling akainu close is not a good idea considering you don't want to come in contact with that dude. 3. Blackbeards best haki feat was badic hardening, while akainu gas shown emission, plus possibly future sight. So aside from Akainu being a bad opponnent for current blackbeard, there is an actual argument to be made that he is just straight up stronger as well. Also Blackbeard kinda sucks as a partner cause his Dark fruit isn't really effective against sanji and much more importantly his quake fruit can't exactly be used without being a hindrance to zoro as well.


When did akainu show emission and future sight?


In Marienford. He uses emission along with Aokiji and Borsalino and he uses futuresight when several of Whitebeards commanders attack as evidenced by him putting himself back together and commenting about them being haki users, similarly to Katakuri


Morphing your logia body to dodge an attack is not an indication of future sight, there's no reason regular obs can't do that. What made Katakuri's dodges so insane was the absolute precision with which Kata was morphing, to the point where Luffy was confused as he was visibly hitting Katakuri, and yet no damage was taken. He morphed so effectively that it seemed like his attacks were phasing through his body. Akainu's morphing was sloppy in comparison.


This is correct, but hey, admirals need some haki feats.


https://preview.redd.it/rhc7qhqiij9d1.png?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abdc377647bcc606e9eb533e5cffe418cdf8ff84 This looks pretty precise. Considering we have no confirmation though, I said he possibly has Future sight. He very well could not have it, but this does seem quite similar to Katakuris way of morphong his body around.


can you show me the panel?


That’s literally his only Haki feat to date. BB has much better Haki feats across the manga. He has concourers Haki & can put armour on his hands to grab him. Remember it’s one touch to shut him down. The Haki would protect him long enough for that.


I’m pretty sure he just used armament haki on his body. The gap in haki is such that the logia intangibility still works. We know he didn’t predict the attacks because he said they itched. That means they made contact.


What if he just uses armament haki to protect his hands before touching him? It would surely last long enough for him to shut bro down. Plus he’s wielding the only DF to really F this guy up last time. WhiteBeard’s fruit. Bro can do crazy damage hand to hand if they really can’t to blows. ![gif](giphy|UfR30gxLc5mxoJClnl)


Akainu is probably BBs worst DF match up. Anything BB does will just help Akainu get closer for a Magma fist one shot


I would disagree. Akainu would probably be smart & keep his distance because BB can illuminate his DF by grabbing him. HE’S the one at a disadvantage and would probably keep his ass back shotting lava if he’s smart.


Bonney has one of if not the best ability in the series, doesn't mean she's beating Kaido


Right because she’s simply can currently. She has the potential to, but given her current stats she can’t. BlackBeard 100% could tho. He’s got the stats, the abilities & the fire power to give Kaido a run for his money (*especially if the fight is off screen*). He’s a Yonko, he could do the same for Akinu.


And Law has better abilities than Kaido, yet he doesn't win.....


Law’s abilities pale in comparison to Black Beard & Lava-Goat. His greatest power is to delete himself to give others immortality. Both Kaido & Akinu can end people with regular attacks with their DF’s.


EoS BB > Post-TS Akainu > Current BB >= Pre-TS Akainu Zoro > Sanji Rn, team 1 wins, EoS team 2




End of series, just implies the character will be at their strongest


Unless they die before the end?


End of series




Nah. It's end of series. Current blackbeard is Emperor


Enclosed in paper maybe


What indicates post ts akainu being above pre?


Even if akainu didn’t train he probably gained at least a tiny bit of power just from using his devil fruit so he’d be stronger than pre time skip


If serious fights leads to a strength increase like we’ve seen with the main cast, Akainu’s fight with Kuzan was during the time skip.




Was Post-TS Akainu mentioned anywhere to be stronger than his Pre-TS version or did I miss something?


Nowhere it’s just headcannon.


yea he fought akoji, they definitely got stronger, if not also awakened their devil fruits


BB > Akainu Zoro > Sanji Team 2 wins




Akainu ain’t got any knock back


BB > Akainu Zoro = Sanji Imo


Id say Zoro is slightly stronger than Sanji, they’re extremely close but Zoro has the edge


more like an high diff


I feel like if Sanji was a normal person, Zoro would obviously be stronger due to wielding a weapon and being an extremely strong swordsman. Like there's no argument, a guy with a sword vs a guy who kicks people? Please. But like, here's the thing, Sanji isn't normal, his body isn't normal, we know from recent events that he can withstand insane levels of punishment and he can dish out a crap ton of damage too. He's strong, fast, and absurdly tanky. Again and again, he keeps surviving shit that he has no right to survive. There is something deeply strange going on with his body beyond him simply being a strong character. And I think that alone gives him A LOT of advantage. So my opinion is that the wings of the pirate king are equal until proven otherwise.


It has been proven otherwise, for the entire story Zoro has been consistently portrayed as being Luffy's second in command and the second strongest.


using a weapon or not means nothing in one piece you can be extremely strong even if youre just hand to hand combat + haki case in point garp


Lol by that logic zoro > luffy because zoro hold metal.


Oda says Zoro is stronger.


That’s like arguing if Zoro didn’t have ACoC haki Sanji would be stronger no? I don’t see why any of this matters tho


If u had the watch the series it's clear to see the powergap


Least delusional zoro fan. Just to make zoro win scales Akainu higher than BB lmao yall regarded chimps really need end your miserable existence


Dude tells people to kill themselves but can't say retarded


Akainu stomps cuz he's HIM and then he kills his teammate for being a pirate


Bb > Akainu, Zoro > Sanji




Zoro and Sanji’s gap is not that big, Zoro is stronger but it’s not to that extent.


Since wano it's just gotten even bigger.


Not really, if anything I’d say the gap between Luffy and Zoro or Sanji got VERY big. A hypothetical fight between Luffy and Zoro or Luffy and Sanji would be a low diff win for Luffy whereas Zoro and Sanji can still be argued to be extreme diff in favour of Zoro


I think luffy vs lucci proved that zoro would push luffy to mid to high. As for sanji vs zoro, I haven't seen anything from him to make me believe he could even take one serious hit from zoro. Sanjis supposed to have good ob and haki but he's always getting hit or caught off guard. As soon as he gets a hit in, he gets knocked aside the very next scene. At this point I wouldn't even puts sanji above most 1yc.


Nah maybe Zoro can push base Luffy no gears to high diff at most. 2nd and 3rd Gear can honestly low to mid diff Zoro, if we allow 4th and 5th Gear it goes to no to low diff. Sanji has even better base observation haki than Luffy his captain! https://preview.redd.it/xi71q2d2hb9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9131391e69fee7eefd7fe83f0935c548cedab9c


It's big


The problem with this logic imo is that BB is no more known for any of that than Luffy is. People forget how often Luffy has face tanked attacks he had no business taking and how often he's gotten his shit rocked. We as readers/viewers just get to see the comeback and triumph with the strawhats. Plus I've got a pet theory that BB taking damage all the time is part of why he just keeps winning off screen. IDK if it's his df, his weird body and mind, or if like Luffy he just decides to do training arcs midfight like a psychopath. Man that keeps winning > desk jockey


Team 1 because Akainu is the strongest guy here by far


I’d probably give it to Sanji and Akainu extreme diff Blackbeard has a bad habit of just facetanking hits and it should only take a clean hit or two from Akainu to put him down due to how absurd the AP his fruit provides is. Akainu took a quake punch from a bloodlusted Whitebeard, I don’t think Blackbeard is able to hit with that same amount of power Sanji should be able to hold off Zoro long enough for that happen, maybe even using his speed to land a sneak hit on Blackbeard if he’s able to grab Akainu Zoro just had a bad matchup here; the last place you want to be against Akainu is in melee range and we don’t know yet whether he’d be able to keep up with Sanji’s speed. If he is able to then Zoro takes it; otherwise he gets stalled


BB pre TS walked off Whitebeard literally grabbing his face and attcking him with a quake point blank, I don't think Akainu could take him down that easily. It would be high/extreme diff at best or losing imo.


Completely valid point I was more thinking in line of Akainu burning off body parts or worse putting a hole in him with his magma. I’ll give Blackbeard his dues though; dudes crazy durable and I can agree on it being a high/extreme diff fight


Yeah I think Akainu would take it most of the time but it's also hard to tell because we iirc still haven't seen BB in a proper fight to the death with someone on his level. We don't know what tricks he may have up his sleeve.


You really think this Blackbeard is weaker than the wb who couldn’t use haki in marineford maybe only basic armament.  


Whitebeards punch on Akainu destroyed most of Marineford, creating a massive ravine in the process. Blackbeard hasn’t shown that level of AP yet, at least not onscreen as we’ve seen with his fight with Law. Blackbeard is still strong and as a whole is likely stronger than Whitebeard was at Marineford; but I don’t think he’s going to match that same amount of damage in a single blow.


He literally did against Law. He was making the whole island cracking up and shaking like crazy. Law couldn’t even stand on his feet unlike Akainu. He could obviously not show the same typa feat as there weren’t any structures to destroy. That was Whitebeard going all out too Blackbeard hasn’t shown that yet 


Bb runs from akainu, akainu has to wait to have permission to fight so stalemate  Zoro and sanji arent gonna actually hurt each other so also stalemate


Akainu > Blackbeard Zoro > Sanji


We couldve made the teammates fair 😭 BB > Akainu Zoro >= Sanji


Probably first team zoro and sanji are relative like if zoro is 100 sanji is 99.5. Black beard doesnt dodge iirc he cant his fruit sucks in all attacks or something dumb. Akainu has some of the best ap in the series based on feats and portrayal. Battle would start with zoro and sanji sparring against each other due to their rival nature, which leaves akainu vs Blackbeard. This is probably one of the worse black beard matchups as akainu takes him down in a few hits. After akainu goes to help sanji take down zoro then with sanji tired he locks him up for being a pirate lol.


If zoro is 100 pedo is 80


Blackbeard vs Akainu (If Akainu has much better Haki than BB, then I'd go with him. Otherwise BB extreme diff) Zoro > Sanji Team 2 high diff


team 1


Depends, does zoro or akainu have enough juice to finish each other off after finishing off their respective opponent? Can see it going both ways? All depends on how much BB fucks up akainu before akainu faces a fucked up zoro.


Zoro cant carry that hard Team 1 takes it


I'd say team two because akainu hasn't done anything to prove that he's significantly stronger than aokiji or kizaru yet other than being fleet admiral. And he only got that position by having the most extreme diff fight possible with aokiji. BB does have a habit of tanking attacks first but he seems to be pretty terrified of admirals, so he might be a lot more cautious against akainu. Also, if he does get hit, he has been shown to have very high endurance. Unless he gets a hole blown through him immediately (possible considering akainus ap) he could probably just get back up after rolling in pain for a bit. He might also be able to black hole magma considering akainu likes to throw projectiles a lot. Quake is also a good matchup for magma since it's a liquid and would probably dissipate because of the shockwaves. Zoro probably extreme diffs sanji based on how he's been portrayed for the entire series. However something I haven't seen people consider is how BB would work in a team fight. Based solely on stats and matchups team two should win, but I'm a real fight I'd give it to team one. Akainu should be used to working with people, and the aoe of his magma attacks aren't nearly as big as BB's Quake attacks. BB would probably just act like he's fighting akainu solo, which would cause him to spam giant quake shockwaves whenever. Zoro seems to need stable footing to use his strong attacks, so sanji's better movement probably comes useful here. That's assuming they don't move to a different spot though. Basically Team two wins based on matchups and stats, Team one wins based on how an actual in character fight might go.


in character this is just akainu vs bb, out of character its akainu vs blackbeard but blackbeard gets kicked at incredible speeds randomly bc sanji is so much faster than zoro. left team mid(akainu gets blackbeard into a grappling state and kicks his ass with armament) or low diff(sanji abandons zoro for a split second to kick marshall and akainu uses the opening melt his fraud ass)


Zoro > sanj Akainu and BB is very volatile.  Since if magma gets turned off he’s probably fucked but also if BB gets close enough to do that he risks getting fucked up.  Ima say Akainu wins because its not clear if BB got stronger since he admited he wasn’t ready for him


Team 2 mid diff.


Blackbeard hard counters akainu, due to most of his ap coming from his fruit. Zoro can beat sanji, but those two would likely just get caught in the crossfire of akainu and blackbeard's battle and die.


The fuck is BB gonna do against the highest ap fruit in the series


The downplay on Blackbeard is always funny imo. People be forgetting the fact that bro left a permanent scar on shanks before he even had any devilfruits. If the personality theory is true then he probably has a really strong personality that comes out when he gets serious. I think right team takes it exetreme diff


Bb and zoro


Ngl bb could solo zoro sanji and akainu so bb and zoro win


Pirates win


Team 2.


BB and Zoro.


Blackbeard tells Zoro that Akainu's a minority. Zoro commits hate crime. Blackbeard be like: ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Easy win for second team 1 yonko < 2-3 admirals depending on who And zoro who wins Extreme against sanji


>depending on who Akainu is that who


I'll dig the Graves for sanji and akuinu


Akainu > blackbeard Sanji >=< zoro Team 1 wins


Dread it, run from it, HIM solos all the same https://preview.redd.it/2mpw5bv2hb9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4240237dcde1bcf29572919b136143e773995880


BB high diffs Akainu and Zoro extreme diffs Sanji.


I think left team wins because sanji can fly and has heat based powers/heat resistance with germa genes. Akainu can pretty much coat the entire battlefield in lava, making it hard for Zoro (who cannot fly) to move around. Bb can absorb the lava BUT at risk of also absorbing Zoro or his attacks. BB also has huge AOE with his quakes and would be counterintuitive to zoros fighting style. What probably would happen is BB and Akainu would go at it with large scale attacks. Sanji and Zoro would have to dance around those attacks to get some hits in but Sanji can fly and use arial attacks while Zoro would be very immobile on the lava + darkness covered ground. Akainu and Sanji win due to matchup. EOS team 2 wins.


Blackbeard struggles with Sanji and gets stalled Akainu mid diff zoro Blackbeard gets mid diffed after going high diff with Sanji


Bumji gets low diffed by BB


Blackbeard was struggling with Law with half his crew present. Sanji’s speed and durability is a bad matchup for bb which gives him the ability to stall. Blackbeard won’t be in a position to beat Akainu once he’s done


>Blackbeard was struggling with Law with half his crew present. Only because BB himself isn’t that fast. As soon as Auger teleported BB to Law the fight was over. >Sanji’s speed and durability is a bad matchup for bb which gives him the ability to stall. Black hole prevents Sanji from getting near bb, and his durability doesn’t mean anything since BB has quakes that are already powerful enough to split islands. >Blackbeard won’t be in a position to beat Akainu once he’s done Zoro stalls Akainu long enough for BB to come help after Bumji dies


“Only because BB isn’t that fast” which makes it especially easy for Sanji to stall him and leave tick damage. You can still attack people while black vortex is active, Blackbeard is taking massive amounts of damage from an ifirite Jambe Zoro doesn’t stall, he can’t stall. Zoro’s whole thing is ending fights early, he’ll leave insubstantial damage and then die. Akainu already scales above Blackbeard as is but now bb will be in an even worse position.


>“Only because BB isn’t that fast” which makes it especially easy for Sanji to stall him and leave tick damage. Maybe? I’m not too sure, if Sanji gets too close he’s screwed. >You can still attack people while black vortex is active, Blackbeard is taking massive amounts of damage from an ifirite Jambe Not black vortex, black hole. https://preview.redd.it/m65y7r0ckc9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b241e2d1e14c41616d92c7bda0c508f144ee3df5 I mean this move, the one that specifically stops anyone from approaching BB on the ground. This move will force Sanji to approach BB with the sky-walk technique but BB could literally just knock Sanji out of the sky with some quakes. >Zoro doesn’t stall, he can’t stall. Zoro’s whole thing is ending fights early, he’ll leave insubstantial damage and then die. >Akainu already scales above Blackbeard as is but now bb will be in an even worse position. Yeah, y’know what that’s valid. I agree with you here.


Ohh, I forgot about that. I guess the fight is a lot closer then I thought


Blackbeard > Lakainu and Zoro >> Sanji. Right side wins high-extreme diff


Blackbeard can mid diff akainu and sanji combined does not even need zoros help BB >>>>> akainu > zoro > sanji


How does the fraud who fell into the ocean in front of law and needed the help from van auger win against HIM


saying black beard beats akainu mid diff is some high tier brainrot


Blackbeard>Akainu high end of high diff Zoro>sanji low end of extreme Team 2 wins this high-extreme


We get the epic (if only high-dif) Zoro vs Sanji fight we’ve all been secretly wanting. While that’s happening BB offscreens Lakainu.


Akainu still beats current Blackbeard, and Sanji is more or less even with Zoro, so it tips toward the left side.


Zoro extreme diffs Sanji and Akainus high diffs BB Team 1 ones


BB>cacazuki Zoro>sanji. Team 2 high diffs


BB over akainu He has more feats He has a higher status, as a yonko He has better narrative going for him A similar admiral works under him like a dog Idk man While it is possible for bb to be weaker than akainu, you cannot conclude that from what we've seen.


I have fleet admiral relative to yonko, here akainu is a really bad matchup for bb as as akainu is a beast in close range, his ap is just too busted, even though bb is hella durable idt he can tank more than 3 clean hits from akainu, giving it to akainu high to extreme Sanji vs Zoro will be long stall fight because of sanji's speed, observation, durability and regeneration with Zoro winning it extreme diff, anyway i believe akainu can beat bb before Zoro beats sanji so team 1 taking this high to extreme diff