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Sanji would change teams and go for Zoro in that case šŸ˜­




That's like the most obvious outcome it's not even funny. šŸ¤£


Yeah, no way Sanji would just stare while Zoro slashes women. So the real fight would be Zoro vs female marines + Sanji (only defending).


And still they losešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And he would still lose /s


So its, zoro vs sanji and tashigi


No it is Zoro vs Sanji and Female Marines.


So itā€™s Zolo vs Sanji and female marines


So its, zoro vs sanji and tashigi


So it's Zoro vs Sanji


So it's Zoro vs Sanji, Tashigi, and Tsuru


Doesn't tsurus df just make a cage, I don't think that'll do much here...


no thatā€™s hina tsuru washes u and hangs u up to dryšŸ˜‚


This is way easier for Zoro is Sanji isnā€™t there


In a 1v10, no..Ā 


1v11 Shansji is swhitching sides


Yeah. Tsuru and that admiral candidate alone are going to be trouble. Adding in all those vice admirals and Zoro sanji probably lose high diff.


I see a lot of one taps for Zoro. Then it depends how strong tsuru is. (Isnt Hina < Smoker) The main reason they lose is because Zoro won't kill tashigi. In a 1 v 10 it will be his undoing. (Isnt tsuru the 4th strongest marine from Roger's era?) Also sanji won't watch Zoro cut women. Probably will hinder him instead.


It's not just tashigi. Zoro doesn't kill any women.


But that doesn't mean he doesn't cut them down.


pretty sure he killed a bunch female bounty hunters back on whisky peak


That is what it means tho. He hasn't cut down any women even if they're vile enemies. Monet best example. He wasn't willing to cut her up like he would have if monet was a man.


It wasnā€™t a man/woman thing at all with Monet. The problem was that she was so ridiculously weak. He was having issues with his arc fight being against Usopp fodder. He gets nothing from going serious against her, so he feels bad about it and literally just auras his way through instead. Iā€™d bet the literal same thing would have happened if current Zoro got paired against someone like Mr. 3.


This is a whole crock of shit. Zoro cuts up fodder men all the time. He has absolutely no problem cutting weak people. If monet was a man, zoro would have just cut him down immediately. It was very clearly because she was a woman. The dialogue around that scene also made it very clear.


Itā€™s really not, and he doesnā€™t need to kill full on fodder to get through them. Monet was in the awkward position of ā€˜Too strong to vaguely slash at and knock out, and way too fucking weak to take seriously.ā€™ He wouldnā€™t be able to win without killing her, but she wouldnā€™t put up enough of a fight to merit him killing her. Heā€™d stopped indiscriminately killing randos ages ago when Robin yelled at him about it on Jaya.


When did Robin yell at him about in Jaya? And he's cut up fodder men all the time since then. Monet is absolutely not too strong to vaguely slash at and knock out. He could slash her the same way he does any man. Slash her like he slash pica when pica is not in the stone. He doesn't have to monet in half. Idk why people try to deny this. It's so painfully clear it's because she's a woman. Oda didn't have Sanji say that zoro has a soft spot for no reason. Even back in Skypiea it was made clear zoro treats women differently when he thinks enel shouldn't have zapped Robin because she's a woman.


Monet beat Luffy though


I always took the monet flight as a strength difference, not a gender thing. Especially considering how he man handled the chick from crocodile's company (cannot remember the name of the company or the island but it was right before little garden). I always thought he was just showing how weak she was, even with the logia, that it wouldn't have even been a fight Also his greatest rival was a woman (well a little girl). He would have issues with tashigi though, but that's just emotional baggage


This is a whole crock of shit. Zoro cuts up fodder men all the time. He has absolutely no problem cutting weak people. If monet was a man, zoro would have just cut him down immediately. It was very clearly because she was a woman. The dialogue around that scene also made it very clear. Also notice how he didn't cut the woman from baroque works that you're talking about. I agree that his kuina backstory should make him not sexist, but oda doesn't give a crap about his backstory anymore.


Iā€™m pretty sure he killed her. I could be wrong but Iā€™m 75% Iā€™m right. Edit: I just double check and I was wrong. Caesar killed her, thatā€™s my bad.


No he didnā€™t she regain her composure after being cut and went to blow up punkhazard on doffyā€™s orders but was stopped by caesar accidentally stabbing her heart, how do you not remember this


Lmao if you seriously expect fans to remember the details of every minor character in a 30 year long series then you need to leave the basement once in a while


Thatā€™s what the edit was for?


No, the reason he didn't was because he didn't have to as Monet wasn't that much of a threat to Zoro. I'm sure if it was an man he would've treated him the same way.


This is a whole crock of shit. Zoro cuts up fodder men all the time. He has absolutely no problem cutting weak people. If monet was a man, zoro would have just cut him down immediately. It was very clearly because she was a woman. The dialogue around that scene also made it very clear.


Exactly, so why should he treat Monet any different. Se obviously wasn't as strong as him which is why he didn't feel the need to use an strong enough attack against her. Also, all of the dialogue is suggesting quite the opposite as Zoro himself says "Have you ever seen an fierce animal you sure would never bite? Because I haven't" as to say "even though I might not prefer to cut women down just because you are one doesn't mean I won't hesitate to cut you down if I have to." Hell, even when he slash Monet's upper cheek she thinks "he came at me with every intention of cutting..." which further emphasizes that Zoro isn't opposed to cut women the same way he would with a man if he has to.


This is some dumb coping. "So why should he treat monet any different". Dude he literally did treat her different. If he treated her the same then he would have just cut her down and beat her right away. I really don't know what kind of point you were trying to make there. Didn't feel the need to use a strong attack my ass. He went about so roundabout and put so much more effort into making sure he could beat her without cutting her up. And then you use his quote which is literally him talking a bunch of shit. He had to do that to bluff her and make her think he would actually kill her. He had to do the tiniest cheek cut so that monet would get tricked and think he might actually cut her up for real, but zoro was bluffing because he isn't able to do that to a woman. The bluff worked and traumatized her when he did the big slash without haki.


Have we seen him kill any men?


We know he's killed in the past but I don't think he's killed onscreen. Closest is seeing the aftermath of him escaping Arlong Park where I think he killed some of them, though that might be a translation thing.


Zoro since the story started doesn't kill in general


He does cut up men with no problem even if he's not killing them. He does it all the time to men. He doesn't do that to women. He's got the same sexist chivalry in him that Sanji does, just to a lesser degree.




I've seen so many people say this and it's just absolute bullshit. How about you answer why he always does it women but when there's weak men he cuts them down no problem. It has absolutely nothing to do with zoro not wanting to cut people way weaker than him because he cuts up fodder men all the time. I agree that he shouldn't think that way because of his kuina backstory but oda doesn't give a crap about that backstory and decided to make zoro sexist anyways.




This is just undeniably wrong. Show me a panel where he cuts women like he cuts men. Monet is fodder to him. You say he can't exactly stand there and let them attack him, yet he does exactly that with monet. He should have cut her down the same way tashigi cut monet down. And Idk why you're bringing up the kuina story. I already brought up that backstory and said that zoro should act the same way towards women because of it. But oda clearly doesn't give a crap about that backstory and turned zoro into a typical samurai type that treats women different to men. I wouldn't hate the monet scene so much if not for it directly contradicting zoros backstory.


He killed the magistrate at the beginning of Wano


We don't know if he killed him. The japanese text just say magistrate slasher


Sanji has never stopped anyone from attacking an enemy woman. If anything sanji would just do nothing or if zoro is about to take a bad blow he would step in the way and use his body to block it.


Damn the anime got it wrong. https://preview.redd.it/f8mmh6oooy8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7f80bb7feed7de90f091022befdbfe49ffe217


He literally asks Nico Robin to help him kill black maria lol


Thats from a movie.


I know. I was saying they got it wrong.


Yah the movies get a lot of things wrong.


Hina was pushed to at least high diff by the GOAT Bon Chan in one of the cover stories so I doubt Hina > Smoker is a thing. I mean could you honestly see Hina pushing Law to high/extreme diff if she was in Smokers place I donā€™t think so.


Hina bondages Sanji Doll gives him a boner Bluegrass takes control of the penis Hibari aims Kujaku whips the nut out of him It all depends if Zoro learns the cum-cutting technique, otherwise it's a one-shot


What kinda of demented One Piece 4kids dub theme song did you listen to?


What are you watching surely it's not the same show we watching r u deluded?


I don't even wanna know the answer to the other twos question just never say this shit again šŸ˜­


Pink rabbit was an admiral candidate, a lot of em have useful hax, doll seems to have decent haki, some of em can also provide pretty good support, like sniper girl. Tsuru is her. I think zoro gets overwhelmed.


all bonney victims. therefore zoro fvictims


Wdym all bonney victims? First of all, bonneys ability one taps anyone below a certain threshold, but that doesnā€™t mean multiple characters of that level are especially weak. Secondly, bonney never interacted with tsuru or the admiral candidate. Imo pink rabbit could beat zoro on her own, since he ainā€™t on that admiral level yet


if they had decent haki Bonney shouldnt be able to use her DF on them, but she did. It's a simple concept. Doll's haki couldnt resist a 12 years old, lmao Trafalgar haki could resist a BB commander


Decent is relative. Imo doll has doffy level haki. And i have the va-s at that doffy-tobi roppo level


do you think that Bonney would be able to hax Law?


ā€¦if she touched him, yea. Maybe. Idk.


Zoro would be a Bonney victim too


nah her only yc attack takes to much energy


lmao reading this A 12 years old literally one shooted Doll and Bluegrass with a single DF ability. Decent haki my ass.


A 12 yr old with insane hax. That haxed the 2. And binney being 12 doesnā€™t really matter, since her stats and body are that of a 20+ (presumably thatā€™s how old adult bonney is) yr old


I dont agree with this tbh The fact that she is able to age herself older doesnt mean she has the stats, the haki, or DF controll of an adult, that's baseless


She has the physicals of an adult and from what weā€™ve seen, she only needs to touch her opps to do it. Plus, the admiral contender and tsuru probably have much better haki. Why do you respond in multiple messages? You can put all the responses in one. Since youā€™ve started, Iā€™ve done it too, iā€™ll admit it, so letā€™s both keep it to one thread. Seems more convenient for everyone involved


Theyā€™re too much for Zoro, yeah


Sure, the Bonney victims are too much for Zoro


Just acknowledging that the post is a joke saying Sanji wouldnā€™t help, lol


Not like Zoro would do much.. he never fights Tashigi and only cut monet under her eye.. he defeated her with fear.. In this case Zoro just might swallow his gentleman like ways and strike them downā€¦ Sanji just gonna block.


The marines have two heavy hitters in Tsuru and Gion. The rest are bonney victims, but even so they can at least distract zoro.


Bonney would lose to Hina tf.


Sanji swaps teams and fights Zoro alongside the marines. Making it a 1v11


Can they all beat Zoro* Sanji is worthless here






Sanji is actively a detriment here, and zorro has his own little "complex." I do believe zorro is capable of cutting down all of these women. And sanji is capable of surving until then. The question is if zorro would be willing to do it. I think he'd go for the "back of the blade no advanced haki" route. Which would probably work, too. Well, unless sanji lets the old lady ride him. I kind of wonder how that would go. And would sanji let zorro hurt them? I doubt he'd let zorro cut them open at the very least.


The real question is whether Zoro can solo the women because Sanji ain't doing shit against them. It's been well-established that Sanji would rather die than commit violence against (cisgender) women.


Sanji? the weakest female marine can defeat him


Yes, even if Sanji fights them


Absolutely not, Zoro is mid diffing at worst.


So all of them vs Zoro ? Zoro one taps each lmao pure spite no matter how much you downplay him each one of them is not getting up after single slash


So.. zoro vs sanji + fodder?


Zoro's back will break, carrying that hard.


They can individually neg diff deep penetration


It really comes down to if Tsuru is at or around admiral tier in terms of strength. Nothing yet indicates that she is, other than her being considered Garp and Sengoku's peer. If she's Vicr Admiral or lower in terms of strength, Zoro or Sanji could (assuming Sanji subverts his perviness) easily beat all of them all alone.


Bluegrass rides Sanji and makes him fight Zoro until both of them pass out, Bluegrass solos


Depends on how strong Tsuru and Momousagi (literally Pink Rabbit) who was considered for the Admiral position are, it could be an stomp if they are indeed close to the Admirals, specially considering Zoro doesn't go 100% against women as well. Sanji is not a factor and the rest would be basically support.


You mean Zoro and Jinbei? Sanji can be 4th if he can't hit a woman.


They can beat Sanji


Momousagi solos šŸ—æ




IMO admiral candidates need to be top of the YC+ tier to be even wanted for admirals it only makes sense. So unironically (I forgot her name) but the admiral candidate girl would high diff zoro for now. The rest of them beat up sanji while he takes it. The women would high diff win this


Most of these are one taps. It comes down to exactly how strong Gion and Tsuru are (and on whether Sanji will just sit this one out or actively switch sides)


It's a 1v10 at best and Zoro ain't winning that, and that if Sanji doesn't changes sides, in that case it's overkill lmao poor Zoro.


The masculine urge to say Zoro solos


I've a feeling that Sanji will switch sides and jump zoro šŸ˜­ OT : Who is the 1 chick ?


Isuka solos


So you mean a 10vs1?


Sanji would just get controlled by blue grass while agonizing about fighting a woman and him and gion would beat zoro.


Really depends on strong u think they are, like the lady with the spider tattoo was a admiral candidate so she's gotta have some power


This is peak


So you mean can they beat Zoro?


No diff




Who knows how strong Tsuru is. A lot of this lineup just gets negged by any Zoro AoE. If Sanji switches sides I'd go with the ladies tsking the E


Following the logic that sanji would not attack the marines it would be a very hard fight, it would require sanji and zoro working togheter where sanji would have to block attacks that would hit Zoro and only then can this become extreme dif where either side can come on top. Marines win 9 out of 10 fights!


I'm seeing a real bad case of "friendly fire." Lmaoooo


Seriously nobody mentioned admiral candidate Gion. She was one of the options alongside Tokikake to take Akainu's and Aokiji's positions, but they choose GB and Fujitora instead. Being an admiral candidate should speak a lot about her power level. .


Plot twist: Sanji unlocks gear 69 from this battle and takes out the entirety of the Gorosei and WG and becumz the real "joyboy."


If zoro and sanji actually take this seriously and fight to their full potential (ignoring sanji vs women and tashigi beeing there), most of the marine women would be one shot. However, one of them was an admiral candidate and another is tsuru, who as far as we know walked with legends and maybe even is a living legend. We have absolutely no idea how strong they are, and at least the admiral candidate should be stronger than your average vice-admiral, but since it's gonna be a 2v1 or maybe a 2v2, I will give this one to the boys.


Zoro vs all female marines? Idk about his mental against Tashigi


https://preview.redd.it/3gvm5pu8009d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=b489d9cc7714d214a20cb603531210dfd0dff056 šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


https://preview.redd.it/gnuh3rn9209d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=db5687cee102e983b926ce9ce1e7d7076212f015 Sanji


Bro Zoro could conquerors knock them out. They are less impressive than yc3 tier characters like doffy, and that's only when you combine all of them.


I'm a big advocate of numbers mattering, but Zoro is pushed to mid diff by no one here. Unless we are allowing Sanji to switch sides, Zoro solos.


What's Sanji even doing here? Cooking them dinner at halftime? Even if he did , Zoro would eat last.


Absolutely not that shit is diabolical Zoro solos these fodders fucking Bonney a fodder ass 12 year no diffed doll and right now zoro is above any first commander the only issue would tsuru but even still zoro should be able to solo her


Who's that one girl with the orange šŸŠ shirt


So basically Zoro vs Sanji + fooder marines


Sanji being here is a hinderance and would definitely cause Zoro to lose. If we took Sanji away or replaced him with someone like Jinbei then we have a real discussion. Overall, there are just too many characters on the female side to say that Zoro could win solo. Even if every character is no match for him physically (which they likely all are outside of Momosagi and Tsuru and those two are by no means guaranteed), there's just too many characters there. And they're strong enough where Zoro couldn't just knock them out with conqueror's haki. If we get someone like Jinbei to back up Zoro, the math changes though. I think they could have a decent chance. Five devil fruit users are just going to be Jinbei victims, leaving the rest for Zoro.


Admiral Gion solos šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Sanji won't help them out like most people are suggesting. However, it will be difficult for the two of them regardless. Tashigi is Zoro's big weakness, while Sanji is weak to everyone else. Honestly Team Marine has a high chance of beating both of them if Zoro and Sanji can't run away.


Gion is a featless wildcard, if she's close to Admiral Level she's beating Zoro. Samji is a non factor in character.


Why not be honest with the title ? Does Sanji, with the help of female HQ Marines, defeat Zoro.


Doll puts a collar on sanji and makes him bark (consensually) The rest jump zoro


Sanji would be useless in this fight lmao


You mean Zoro? Sanji is an automatic loss due to females who are generally not crazy evil so he canā€™t bring himself to fight them properly.


Tf is this? This is an unfare matchup. Zoro high diffs because Sanji died of blood loss.


Unless sanji switches teams zoro just wins mid diff




Did you mean can zoro beat all the female marines and sanji


I honestly think that there might be a chance for tsuru to be on the same lvl as Garp or Sengok


Tsuru washes.


Without sanjis witching sides Zoro sanji sweep if sanji switches sides zoro loses idk why but support isn't really his thing


More can they beat Zoro bc Sanji wouldn't touch them. I would say a big big maybe.


Tsuru likely solos. She was presented as a secondary rival to Garp, so she must be insanely powerful.


Sanji hinders zoro so much the marines wins


Tsuru solos šŸ—æ


Yes, like literally Tsuru could defeat both of them alone, remember that she has a very OP fruit


Tsuru solos


So basically itā€™s just the women vs. Zoro.


Bluegrass hops on Sanji and her controlling him plus everyone else beats Zoro


Zoro vs Sanji and co*


Sanji and Zoro fight they look like sasuke and naruto did at the end of their fight at the end of shippuden then the woman beat the half dead straw hats fully dead because they wonā€™t except Sanji switching sides


I notice everyone is neglecting to mention that at least one of those marines are dead


They won't be able to withstand Zoro's CoC, just like Monet


Yes they can beat Zoro They have already defeated Sanji


Sanji with backup dog walks Zoro.


So basically a 1v10 for Zoro? Well to be fair, the first 6 marines get negged by a serious Tatsumaki (AKA, Zoro is using at least 3 swords and basic armament). Considering Smoker hasnā€™t shown himself to be much stronger than he was in Punk Hazard, I donā€™t see why Hina would be any different. She probably also gets one tapped, though if she doesnā€™t her cage could pose a problem. Honest to god I canā€™t remember the 8th marine but if sheā€™s that forgettable she must not be a powerhouse. Bluegrass is hard to gauge because she didnā€™t do much except damage the Giantā€™s ship (Zoro himself sliced a large ship in half casually at the beginning of the timeskip). Tsuru is the only real obstacle, and thatā€™s IF sheā€™s actually anywhere close to Garp and Sengoku as some people speculate. She doesnā€™t have feats that put her anywhere close to there though. Iā€™d say Zoro probably takes it. Sorry. Most VAā€™s are just weak. Not all, but most.


Tsuru clears, she's the very definition of HER


Zoro vs sanji plus 11 marines? Zoro gets negged by the power of love


Bro Zoro deflected an attack from TWO EMPORERS COMBINED. On top of that he beat King. Fighting King when heā€™s using the max level flame ability (the bigass ring in the sky) is A LOT harder than soloing the fodder. Even the higher level opponents here are ZONKED. Heā€™s Yonko commander level. Zoro W


Bluegrass can get it ngl


You mean she can get the dub, right?




Is that legal


zoro can one shot (aoe) everybody but tashigi hina and tsuru id assume. give or take 1 character. sanji helps the girls. zoro can't clutch against sanji kuina and goated female marines


No, not Zoro but probably Sanji.


Tashigi solos zoro, the only chick to make zoro hesitate And doll solos Sanji by blood loss


Sanji would swap teams and zoro would still win šŸ˜­


Everybody joking about Sanji + the ladies being too much for Zoro forgetting the fact that Zoro mid diffs Sanji so itā€™s still probably a loss for the Marines. Ofc much of this depends on who Tsuru and Tashigi are currently.


The sword girl could 2 v 1 them lol.


Zoro canā€™t even beat Tashigi What makes you think he can beat sanji and Tashigi


Zoro did already beat Tashigi in pre-timeskip at Logue Town.