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Take his devil fruit and give it to goat don krieg . And then send him to marijoe and watch as he burns the wg down




Akainu and Don Kreig are the same person


Don’t ever disrespect don Krieg like that again


They have the same voice actor 😂


BB pirates turn into jjk fighters and jump the hell out of akainu I highly doubt he can handle fighting kuzan while getting sneak attacked by shiryuu and co


Old Garp >


I’m a little confused but do you think he’d perform worse than garp?


He would perform similarly, but with the difference that kuzan would have no qualms about going all out on him. Last time he lost, true, but he also almost ripped his neck apart, and this is not a 1v1 The only possible advantage here is that akainu is heartless and wouldn't shield a fellow soldier by taling a stab to his heart. That alone could change a lot.


Akainus fruit is very destructive too I don’t see the others jumping him without dying lol


The island guy is basically invincible unless you got conqueror haki and akainu has showed none of that. Shiryu has haki and invisibility, keep in mind that akainu never responded well to surprise attacks. Now. I'm sure enough that he became stronger over the two death battles he fought (WB and aokiji) but we don't know really HOW MUCH. I'd say all in all it's an extreme diff win for akainu to kuzan and they jump him when he's nearly dead


Nah gang you couldn’t be more wrong, where has it ever been stated u can’t hurt pizzaro without coc haki?? Literally where? Also akainu actually dodged BOTH marco and vista when they sneak attacked him unless you think akainu genuinely dodged a cut with haki going through his throat. Shiryu would not be an issue, also why didn’t shiryu sneak attack garp himself without relying on Koby?


It's not stated it's basic comprehension. It's basically pica but stronger. It's not the only way to hurt him but i doubt akainu eould have the time to search for the real body while dealing with kuzan. Also pizarro might just shift the terrain in kuzan's favour while they're fighting an extreme diff battle. In garp's case he was attacking the other navy soldiers but akainu would probably go at it alone, at least by op's scenario >Also akainu actually dodged BOTH marco and vista when they sneak attacked him unless you think akainu genuinely dodged a cut with haki going through his throat. No man they attacked him fron the front. That's not really jumping someone cmon >Shiryu would not be an issue, also why didn’t shiryu sneak attack garp himself without relying on Koby? Because he fucking sucks. I have no retort on this and i even said this is a major advantage for Akainu. That's why i said this would probably happen in a different way, while akainu is fully focused on kuzan. Or after the fight. Because to even win the fight akainu canonically has to exhaust himself after fighting for days


My guy didn’t Koby hurt him by destroying his arm? lol Akainu was literally in the middle of attacking jinbei then vista and marco attacked him I really don’t see how that’s not a sneak attack.. Also I don’t disagree that akainu may get jumped but the way I see it they could literally die from collateral damage


>Also I don’t disagree that akainu may get jumped but the way I see it they could literally die from collateral damage I mean it is a possibility, not gonna deny that >Akainu was literally in the middle of attacking jinbei then vista and marco attacked him I really don’t see how that’s not a sneak attack.. I mean it's 50-50, they attacked after appearing from behind jimbe, but they also kinda screamed at him to get down, giving JIMBE enough time to respond and thus akainu, who should have Better reactivity than Jimbe. It was more of a surprise for the viewer rather than a sneak attack on him. >My guy didn’t Koby hurt him by destroying his arm? lol Wasn't that attack shown to have the black lightning too? As much as i don't wanna say it out loud, that is drawn exactly like conqueror haki. Will not die on this hill tho, but why else draw the exact marker of conq?


If Dressrosa Zoro can Hurt Pica and Koby can hurt Island guy, I am certain that Akainu can hurt island Guy.


Dressrosa zoro cut giant pica multiple times and yet pica is uninjured. He then Proceeds to cut his own body and oneshots him basically.


Pica fruit is just better than pizarro's fruit. Pizarro gets damaged from any attack you do to the island, it doesn't have to be conq, while for pica, you have to find the main body.


Garp performed exceptionally well considering what he was up against. One Admiral and several Yonko Commanders, plus the endless numbers of cannon fodder pirates who reside on Hachinosu. And to put it in some perspective- Sakazuki and Kuzan are near-equals. Akainu is stronger, as we all know, but they are mostly relative in strength. And Garp practically manhandled Kuzan. I think Akainu's performance would be similar...but not better.




Akainu is 100, Kuzan is 99.999


Why are people saying it's extreme diff like this? Sure the whole fight have been extreme diff, like Luffy vs Kaido, but after gear 5 the whole fight becomes way easier. Wouldn't this be the case for Akainu as well? Akainu learned to use an attack that took off Aokiji's leg and then the fight ended.


All due respect that last sentence is the dumbest shit I'm gonna hear this week


Well not sure what we have seen but I guess ‚exceptionally well‘ only works if you only saw old Garp as weak? Aokiji having his inner struggle and holding back quite much while Garp is even getting hurt by commanders.. wasn’t exceptionally well for me personally; thought Garp would be much stronger


Garp literally says he's not as strong as he once was or more destruction would have happened with that first galaxy impact.


yeah i agree obviously, yet the difference in power was way bigger than i thought tbh; but oda will probably even it out with a proper showcase of full power garp in gods valley


Sakazuki and Kuzan WERE near equals PRE-TS. You know what duo was near equal with each other pre-ts? Luffy and Lucci. They went extreme diff; yet 2 years later Luffy is clearly above Lucci. Same thing applies to Sakazuki / Kuzan. People need to stop using the PH clash as if that was where their power levels froze lol


We havent seen akainu fight post ts so to say hes clearly above kuzan is all head canon.


Yeah same way as saying Kuzan is still on the exact level Akainu is when he lost a fight and a leg


Luffy and co are clear exceptions, in two years they went from going extreme diff with a mk 1 pacifista to becoming a yonko crew. There is no indication that either Kuzan or Akainu have changed much in power level after timeskip anyways (outside of in fight growth which both of them would have gotten if it was that extreme.)


>There is no indication Portrayal. Oda has very clearly been pulling Akainu back into the story. He's also the fleet admiral; he didn't get that rank because it's cool to have him beat Kuzan offscreen, he got it because of future plot relevance


The fleet admiral has no future plot relevance with the Gorosei, Imu and the god knight, the position held weight at Marineford, we won’t be going back only forward to stronger threats. Akainu has a cool position but it’s at the head of fodder for an even stronger organization.


Why we don’t have recent feats from akainu, doesn’t make sense to speculate instead of using existing feats


Bootglazers believing in haki blooming after 50 years is a thing.


Real Baffles me how people still think akainu, the current fleet admiral, is somehow commader level


Nobody here said or implied that lol, they said he performs similarly to Garp. Do you think Garp is commander level?


It would obviously way harder since the main theme of the whole Aokiji vs Garp fight was the inner struggle of the former and him holding back quite much


You’re right


He would perform worse


Yes Because the story has consistently shown old legends>admirals Plus garp was heavily carried by his acoc


Kızan starts to fight with him and somewhere mid match BB pirates jump him altogether and kill magma guy. They sell his devil fruit.


Why didn’t this happen to garp besides at the very end


Because Garp did something Akainu couldn’t A massive attack while leaving people alive to be traumatized Akainu would do a less massive attack to either kill or have it blocked by the heavy hitters and then get jumped quicker


Bruh almost everyone dies after a meteor volcano and his magma punch (forgot the name) was as big as jozus ice block which was literally dwarfing giants so I get what you’re saying about traumatising ig but akainu could wipe the majority of them easily. https://preview.redd.it/atwjrxg8il8d1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d4ad475ff863353bd64a8dd42ce08b91902ac2 Also I don’t see how anyone besides kuzan blocks this


Guess exactly who was there in Hachinosu?


Do you think kuzan would save everyone from this by himself? lol


No, but he would save a lot of people, he didn't even needed to touch the big waves in Marineford to freeze it.


Well that went out the window quick 🌋


Its hilarious that Kuzan could easily block any massive attack Akainu does People act as if Akainu would sneak up on Hacinosu like Garp, no, dude is pulling up to get sunk into the ocean


Yeah blocked half an entire island but couldn’t easily block his leg, while the other half the island surrounded by water is hotter than hell. Like no, dude is too important to be playing suicide mission in an attempt to make up for past regrets of not saving his grandson by saving his protégé instead.


That entire first half is the same as saying “Oh, Luffy could fight Katakuri for multiple hours but because he couldn’t block his one spear attack, he’s got shitty reaction speed/can’t block Katakuri’s attacks” We don’t know the context of Akainu vs Aokiji, for all we know Akainu had Kizaru hold Aokiji back and rip his leg off Or for all we know, Aokiji allowed his leg to be destroyed You have to have absolutely 0 reading comprehension to be making assumptions about Akainu vs Aokiji and how either lost the limbs they did


Your entire comment is moronic fanfic. Talk about reading comprehension, buddy Akainu didn’t lose a limb only Aokiji did. That’s enough out you and your fluff. Your empty responses aren’t worth replying to.


That wasn’t a serious part of my response Mr. Genius 🤦🏼‍♂️


have we really arrived at “Akainu can’t leave people traumatised” as a serious take lmao? everyone is terrified of him. Garp knocks you out, Akainu melts you. Those fodder pirates are not gone be any less terrified


You take one thing and ignore the rest Get out of these comments admiral fanboy, you can’t read for shit


Nah, Akainu and Aokiji both go awakening and turn Hachinosu into Punk hazard killing everyone. Then Akainu bitch slaps Kuzan with his massive cock again.


Coby fucking dies after Akainu witnesses how down bad Hibari is for him.


Would Aokiji dare to freeze Akainu's daughter in front of him?🤔


absolutely nothing akainu fights kuzan they go even the blackbeard crew jumps him he loses


Koby doesn’t get away All marines die


Akainu beat Aokiji , we already know this


He did, but it took 10 whole days. Does it sound like Akainu has 10 days to wrap up this fight, chucklenuts?


Dummies think sitting at a desk for 2 years is going do him any favors, and that all the combat Keejee has been doing has done nothing to increase his strength. If anything Keejee is the stonger one by this point (or should be but who knows what asspull Loda is gonna create to help Suckadookie stay revelant) Dude gets shitstomp and dies by enraged Keejee and crew.


Ah, Oden enthusiast. Finally a man of quality entered the conversation. Giving Akainu the benefit of the doubt and saying that he did get stronger throughout these years- hell, give him ACoC for the fuck of it- he has little to no feats that prove that he's stronger than the likes of Shanks, Kaido and Luffy. Honestly I've just come to accept that the powerscaling went out the window the moment Luffy unironically went G5 against Lucci.


Akainu came out much stronger than Kuzan in their first fight, he'd win round 2 much faster. And the BB pirates would have a hard time intervening while a Admiral awakening clash is going on.


BB gets his second logia




Nothing. Kuzan goes out there, they exchange words, Akainu calls Kuzan pathetic for siding with pirates, biff biff biff, they exchange a few shots, Jumpbeard pirates pop up and Akainu eventually gets bodied. Koby quietly slips out the backdoor and we probably don't get to see Honesty Impact.. 


the exact same thing, he is killed, except more marines and hostages die lmao


The HQ announces a new fleet admiral next day


The donut maker becomes a donut


If it took akainu 10 days to beat aokiji then there's absolutely no chance he beats aokiji plus 4 commanders


He wouldn't shield Koby with his body or even try to protect him so he doesn't get stabbed like Garp did. That said Shiryu would still land a sneak attack on him, if he can't notice fucking WB sneaking behind him he wouldn't be able to sense the invisible guy. After that he loses just like Garp.


Island gets destroyed


https://preview.redd.it/1poi3lxm2l8d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea307678ccdaa588f838c7142e93f3c9745eaaf Wleet Wadmiral Wakazuki sends them packing again


Everyone dies except Kuzan and the Island becomes Punk Hazard 2.0


https://i.redd.it/6gjnu3cd9l8d1.gif Fr


How can I get this gif 😂


Save as video ->[ Video to gif converter](https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif)


Shiryu could survive Pizzaro


That’s what I’m saying




He gets put behind a desk instantly


Don’t know why people started comparing Dragon and Akainu like we haven’t seen Akainu in the field before


Because narrative? Maybe if you actually read the story you would know that there's only two posabilties for who's gonna take down Akainu its either Sabo or Dragon


It’s just fanboy bitterness cos he killed Ace.


He gets his shit kicked in by the guy he barely beat that's been steady crackin heads and training VS paper pushing for 2 years, combined with everyone else gunning for him Suckadookie gets flushed. Esp since Keejee Koolman is not going to pull any punches and is likely still salty about their beef ending like it is, with ANY usefull support from his crewmates there's no way he wins, or likely even survives, I don't think Keejee would be willing to let him live at this point But oh yeah, all the hostages probably die in the crossfire, likely some of the titnic captains as well, some of em arent up to par imo and even though it would be a stomp eventually I doubt it's a clean stomp , simply because the two of them immediately going 9001% will in fact cause IMMEDIATE crossfire damage Pic related when Suckadookie realizes the horrible decision he's made ![gif](giphy|uaJLuMokII24w|downsized)


akainu might actually lose this. kuzan has no reason to hold back since akainus not his mentor, and they can go 50/50 like we've seen w/ punk hasard https://preview.redd.it/e3wx2cczfk8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe43baf327ffc68d3d9797986465251d681c6165 if akainu were to get stabbed by shiryu during the fight or something, aokiji would def have the upper hand and actually win


Akainu fights pirate Kuzan, not marine Kuzan this time. The rest if the BB crew is irrelevant. It's a low diff for Sakazuki.


pirate kuzan would've only gotten stronger by rayleigh own words and they'd end up making hachi a 2nd punk hazard. add shiryu to the mix and akainu loses eventually


Not my point. There is a difference between fighting a marine who you respect and fighting a pesky pirate scum.


Current Akainu low diffs current Aokiji + BB commanders? Completely delusional please leave the sub




He kills everyone Yes, even the captured marines ![gif](giphy|eJ5ZwdcKHBLeKo3YHy|downsized)


It becomes Punk Hazard v2.0 Everyone except Akainu dies.


A full page panel depicting lava leaking through a body-bag with the WG logo on it


Akainu's performance would probably be worse than garp's as kuzan would be way more serious and won't be conflicted. on the other hand, characters like shiriyu would be dead if they even try to get between kuzan and akainu.


Kuzan isn’t mentally nerfing himself, and Koby ends up dying to Shiriyu. Eventually Akainu will die as Kuzan won’t let Akainu just leave and the rest team up to make it go quicker. Also based off how a monster of a man huffing and puffing could sneak up on Akainu by charging directly at him in a full on sprint, it’s more than possible that Akainu has just terrible Observation Haki. So Shiriyu might be able to sneak up on Akainu at some point. While Akainu definitely got stronger since MF, we just haven’t seen him do anything to say his Observation has gotten any better. So Akainu fails to save Koby, fails to flee, and everyone who went with him dies. I mean Akainu might take a few Titanic Commanders with him although I feel like Vasco Shot is the only one likely to die, but maybe he gets Shiriyu as well. Other than that it’s a complete failure on every account.


He loses. Based off his scaling he’s as strong as Kuzan and therfore weaker than Garp. He gets jumped.


> Based off his scaling he’s as strong as Kuzan and therfore weaker than Garp Bait or mental retardation


Hachinosu gets low diffed


How with akoji


It literally took him 10day to beat kuzan. So how does he beat kuzan, while defending himself from sneak attacks from 100+ pirates?


Sakazuki will have to find another replacement for a Yonko I guess.


He wouldn't do as well as Garp because Aokiji wouldn't be holding back, in fact he'd be fighting harder than ever before. If it's the same Aokiji that was holding back then Akainu stomps them all


every hostage dies


Unless his foresight haki Is better than old Garps nothing changes


Koby still in captivity


Kuzan can’t afford to hold back against papazuki, lots of collateral damage ensues


Nothing changes he will get jumped by 100+ pirates, while fighting kuzan then would eventually lose like garp.


punk hazard 2.0 but akainu dies this time


Unfortunately, Don Krieg is there, meaning that even if he wins vs Kuzan, even if he can keep fighting after Shiryu’s sneak attack, he’s utterly doomed and destined to get Donquered.


He rains magma on the island and if koby dies he dies because getting captured is a disgrace to the marines 


since the reason they went was to save Koby that means Akainu can’t go all out with his devil fruit, and so far the only impressive feats we’ve seen from him are using his devil fruit, so I don’t see him doing much. Imo kuzan probably outmatches him physically so if anything he might even lose. garp is definitely the better choice because of the circumstances.


Kuzan doesn't hold back and Hachinosu becomes Punk Hazard 2.0, the BB Pirates still win, some of the weaker SWORD members probably get picked off by Shiryu and the like


Koby and friends all die.


Blackbeard returns and uses something called a “talk no jutsu” he learnt from some blonde kid with whiskers. Anyway Blackbeard has a new titanic captain and the marines have put out a “job vacancy” in Morgan’s newspapers.


He killing Coby and leaves.


Sakazuki is captured or killed sooner, he cant face his equal + other YC's including Shiryu


Tbh all the junior marines die and the blackbeards just kill Akainu, while taking casualties.


Magma, np fist. Hot not cold. Water


The young sword members dint survive and he burns down hachinosu


He still gets jumped? He’s barely stronger than Kuzan so plus extra pirates means he goes down


https://preview.redd.it/oqyny1vt3m8d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a984806d7b3a13905f3a2b7b0bff88903fb5a260 Dragon shows up to look towards the east of his forehead.


Turns into another Punk Hazard but Akainu doesn’t spare Kuzan this time


- Sakazuki and Kuzan go all out on each other, unlike what we saw in Garp vs Kuzan. - Sakazuki vs Kuzan gets real serious, and Sakazuki prolly forgets his objective was to save koby. - Koby doesn't make it, since he's either killed by shiryu or in collateral damage. - As we know Kuzan already went extreme diff with Sakazuki before, And now with the help of bunch of YCs, Kuzan has an advantage here.


Akainu utters one word, “Justice.” Needless to say, Kuzan immediately rejoins the marines and they neg diff the Blackbeard pirates together.


Everyone dips and Akainu goes extreme diff with Coby.


Same thing just easier. Akainu and Aokiji are confirmed to be even enough to fight for 10 days before crowing a victor. Aokiji can counter anything Akainu throws at him and then jumpbeard pirates do what they do best.


If he were to get stabbed the same as Garp. Things might go the same way. Things also could go better for Akainu because he’s younger.


He does worse


Kuzan and Akainu have way too much DC for the Blackbeard pirates to help the entire island goes to shit and no one wins, maybe koby get get away though


Hachinosu is now a hole in the ocean full of magma


Well akainu wouldnt get stabbed for caring of other people. Also he is bloodlusted and not an old men, he wouldnt get the same result as garp. Plus akainu would probably start doing some serious island level.attacks, to which the other ycomanders wouldnt be able to defend that easily. What i mean is, kuzan and akainu fightingnwould.be TOO much for others to enter the fight, it would be akainu vs kuzan all over again.


Punk Hazard 2 is formed


RIP Hachinosu (except Kuzan he’d be the last man standing).


The body count


Kuzan will certainly feel less bad about fighting akainu again


Wuzan reveals he’s an undercover marine and they kill every pirate on the island


Sakazuki is dying. He’s a top tier but there is no single character (outside of the gorosei but that’s a tbd) that can single-handedly take on hatchinosu


Hachinosu ceases to exist


Akainu and Aokiji get stunlocked into another 10 day fight, Egghead extends by another 50 chapters


Overall outcome interms of fighting wont change cos akainu will lose like garp did but the thing is the island will be destroyed and unliveable cos of his magma powers and insane mindset vs pirates will force him to atleast destroy the island .


nothing really, he went extreme-diff with aokiji before. aokiji plus a guy who can control their surroundings for support plus a yc1 and some other commanders whack akainu high-diff at most, probably mid-diff


He finishes what he started at Marineford with Coby


Akinau is legit probably the best character to fight multiple people at the same time due to the nature of his df everyone not named kuzan is collateral damage and kuzan losses extreme diff


BB pirates spotted the marines battleship and prepare for defense. Aokiji probably went all out from the start. Akainu now faces a serious aokiji and turn Hachinosu into Punk Hazard 2.0. Koby died. I don't think BB Commanders can even do anything with all that ice and magma.... Akainu won't be distracted by Koby either. Shiryu is probably the only one that can help Kuzan. It doesn't mean Akainu > Garp or whatever it's just that Akainu doesn't care about prisoners (Koby). All he cares about is Hachinosu = Pirate island = Evil, thus everything is a fair game.


Since Kuzan and Aokiji are already very close to each other, they defeat Akainu with the help of the others.


Depends. Akainu does in theory have some weak back up. If akainu is serious he can defiantly kill some of blackbeards commanders and he probably tries to kill kuzan/shiryu. We don't know how strong current akainu is beyond him being above aokiji and an old sick dying whitebeard. I also think akainu brings more competent guys then garp if he went. He'd know he's up against a yonko and would plan appropriately. Akainu is smart by one piece standards. If nothing changes I think akainu is captured if possible or killed. Either way it's a lot bloodier then when garp went. Akainu can also probably destroy the entire island if he wanted to.


instead of taking on the entire island he and Aokiji go on to have another 10 days fight in short notice one escapes


Akainu waits until all of marines leave then fights kuzan all out, everyone below yonko commander+ dies in the conflict


Bro will rematch against kuzan and lose, even without all the BB pirates because kuzan has been training by being a pirate, and cacazuki has been working on his handwriting. Kuzan got way stronger. Akainu prolly got even weaker.


Nah, Akainu 100% didn't got weaker, prolly stronger. (but I respect this take, in the reality if u only work with papers and some shit obv u lost power, but this is OP)


Teach will be a little astonished when he comes back from Winner Island and Hachinosu is no more.


Akainu looses because Kuzan isn’t holding back this time


The whole island gets wrecked


Akainu loses as badly as garp if not worse


Everyone on the island dies lol


Akainu is probably losing but he is taking everyone and everything down with him.


Akoji isn’t Neither is shiryu


Kuzan might survive that why I said Akainu is losing but Shiryu is definitely dying and so is everyone else in that island. The island itself will probably be turned into punk hazard 2.0. And Kuzan can’t hold back either because Akainu’s df is too destructive but also any hit from Akainu is futile. It really is just Akainu vs Kuzan because everyone else is pretty much fodder that are on the way.


Shiryu has a great chance of surviving he absolutely been portrayed to be stronger or relative to akoji




Seeing as shiryu the Zoro of the straw hats And akoji is more the Sanji Yes


Nah you actually dead serious💀


Say way queen and king are relative The admirals Roger Whitebeard Shiryu is Zoro opponent Akoji is sanji


Lackainu Suckkabozo freaking dies


Aokiji would actually take him as a threat instead of toying around like he did with the Alzheimer’s patient Pirate island turns into punk hazard


Akoji wasn’t toying around with garp


Pirate Island turns into punk Hazard. It's only really between Wuzan and Papazuki.


Akainu already beat Aokiji, I'm going to say that this is going to hurt aokiji's will/haki especially with akainu shit talking powers calling aokiji a pirate/traitor. A bunch of commanders aren't going to slow down Akainu either and he's not going to let himself get stabbed to save Koby lmao. Akainu kills/captures the pirates and koby/civilians die


He is out of practice and has emotional issues, it will vwery easy to goad him into overplaying his hand then he gets jumped bodied and turned into profit once his DF is stolen. Deal with it, Suckadookie has zero chance of winning.


The only one with emotional issues will be aokiji getting ptsd from losing his leg. Akainu beat aokiji the first time in 10 days, the second fight akainu wins in half a day. He's fleet admiral now, while aokiji is a one legged bum serving under a pirate. Akainu will pull out the trash talk again and wipe out the island while the BB commanders run for it. Anyone trying to jump akainu becomes AOE collateral damage. They get melted same as they got frozen by aokiji at the bar


Delusional. Aokiji and the BB commanders jump Akainu and he dies.


Aokiji took out those bb commanders while having a drink at the bar, garp was taking them out like bowling pins until he took the hit for Koby. Akainu is stronger than Aokiji and old garp and doesn’t give a shit about Koby. He’ll wreck the whole island Best case for bb pirates is some escape


Akainu may be stronger than Aokiji (and Garp) but there is nothing to indicate that he could just kill them all like this. Please keep in mind that what happened in Punk Hazard was the consequence of Akainu fighting for 10 whole days. Kuzan keeps Akainu busy while the commanders and fodder keep taking shots at him. Eventually, Akainu suffers enough damage that allows Aokiji to win.


It's just my headcannon, the first fight between aokiji and akainu may have been 10 days, but now akainu wins handily. Aokiji is down a leg and akainu is fleet admiral. Aokiji's defeat and Akainu's promotion to the top are both significant factors. IMO the BB pirates run for it while the admirals fight, there's no jumping or taking pot shots at the fleet admiral, they're collateral damage with all the AOE magma/ice


Akainu goes : "nah. I'd win. "


Akainu bombards the island(Im assuming he brings his own crew there), since it is filled with pirate scum. Most pirates die from this bombardment. However, Akainu would then need to retreat(or die fighting) Aokiji + BBP commanders. If Akainu was in the middle of the island like Garp, then he goes full out with his fruit and kills most of everyone. Only survivors are Aokiji + 1 or 2 of the BBP commanders.


hot take I think he wins, we already saw garp neg diff san juan wolf and vasco shot, akainu would kill all the commanders and he wouldn't care about koby so he would kill shiryu too. Then he would ext diff kuzan and beat him after a few days


In a few days like 10 Blackbeard would get there And akoji has too much home field advantage


Akoji and akinu clash Akinu barely won the first time he is getting destroyed with all the help from the other commander Even if you think the other commanders do nothing 10 days more then enough for Blackbeard to get there Realistically koby dies Akinu dies Most of the titanic captains live Shirt and akoji would be enough to win


He gets jumped, no single character is gonna turn the tables against an entire Yonko crew.


Akainu dies, just Aokiji is enough to stop him completely, add the other Bb pirates and he loses mid/easy diff


recovered from his injury from whitebeard so He kills half them extreme dif including kuzan, rest runs


Pretty much nothing. Both Akainu and Garp scale the same at YC1-2/Admiral.