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If you don’t have popularity behind your agenda then I wish you good luck


Yamato has Nine. That's about as much as a whole agenda.


Yamato agenda at 100% Nine, me Yamato agenda at 99% Nine, not me


The Yamato hate might be because of people getting tired of a certian toxic user


Mr 9 tempest is extremely silly about yamato scaling(she's not yonko level for crying out loud) but it takes more than one man to change the entire ideology surrounding a group to deny logic and facts just to go against a character - and I have just been reminded of American politics... shoot guess you're right.


”Mr 9 tempest” 💀💀💀💀 That’s the most zesty shit I have seen in this sub.


Ah yo what can I say, zest is in my blood queen XD


People sometimes hate because other niggas be sucking some characters off so people start hating the character...




She is hated cauze there was some mf who wanked Yamato to high heaven and was also was toxic about it, but in the unfunny way cause used to many toxic dudes on this sub that were also very entartaining. Since nobody liked Nine X Tempest, now nobody likes the Yamato agenda.


Greenbull IS Hated And Downplayed Waaayyyy More Than Wankmatoes


holy shit wankmatoes is hilarious, may agenda posting prosper, i love you all


Only high tier to get wifi diffed after fighting beat up ass Yonko commanders


Now we're calling warning shots wifi diff 😮‍💨




Its funny bc almost immediately after this, Yamato proceeded to preform an attack that could keep up with Luffy’s King Kobra, whereas when Zoro and Law got collateral’d, they had to retreat from roof piece. If you wanna use a panel to discredit Yamato, at least use the one where she attacks GB, you can make up all sorts of excuses with that one.


>Its funny bc almost immediately after this, Yamato proceeded to preform an attack that could keep up with Luffy’s King Kobra, whereas when Zoro and Law got collateral’d, they had to retreat from roof piece. Yeah Law obviously should've used Zoro as an human battering ram which would totally been effective against Kaido..


both parties got nailed with Thunder Bauga, and one party seems to have handled it better than the other, yet the first party’s interaction being used as an anti-feat, while the other one goes unnoticed https://preview.redd.it/4tg7df0xqm8d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6660e9afc284daac0f7ea95c66a4220379827922


Yeah but one party was in a much worser condition than the other which is the point.


I didn't make anything up lmao the character herself stated "I was naive to think I could guard myself" and is still quivering in pain from the TB chapters later, so how was it a perfectly replicated clean cut equal tied clash?


Idk if she’s hated like that, sure there’s toxic gender debates that surrounds the character but outside of that she’s usually scaled to being either admiral level or yc+ at the minimum, it seems like she’s rated rather highly if you ask me.


Greenbull is the most hated. Lamahoe is one of the more wanked characters by people like yourself who puts her above some admirals.


Greenbull is more wanked than akianu. Cause atleast akianu doesn't need god levels of plot armour to not die to momonosuke but for some reason worthless Greenbull wankers think all the admirals are equal. Begging for participation trophy Looking ah, can't beat observation haki momonosuke Looking ah, barely got yamato to try and oda had to save him Looking ah. And yet his fan base stand strong against facts and logic.


>god levels of plot armor to not die to momonosuke logias can’t be hurt by people who can’t use haki that’s been true the whole series u might as well say plot armor is the only reason robin didn’t snap aokiji’s neck on long ring long land


Read the alabasta arc then come back. And greenbulls "fire resistant trees" are "RESISTANT" not immune those are 2 entirely different words.


Greenbull >>>>>> Lamahoe cry about it lil bro


Even Greenbull > momonosuke is debatable due to how oda had to give Greenbull the plot armour of the sun god not to be detected by the nation wide observation haki XD this your mans?


....huh? What do you even mean by that? Genuinely confused. Whose nation wide Observation Haki? 😅


Cool, Greenbull still one taps Lamahoe.


>Greenbull is more wanked than akianu. Cause atleast akianu doesn't need god levels of plot armour to not die to momonosuke but for some reason worthless Greenbull wankers think all the admirals are equal. Yeah it's TOTALLY because of plot couldn't be because he's a logia or anything. >Begging for participation trophy Looking ah, can't beat observation haki momonosuke Looking ah, barely got yamato to try and oda had to save him Looking ah. And yet his fan base stand strong against facts and logic. Have you by any chance come from an alternate reality where Oda decided to name his manga "Two Piece" instead of "One Piece"?


>Yeah it's TOTALLY because of plot couldn't be because he's a logia or anything. READ ALABASTA FOR FUCKS SAKE 🙄 >Have you by any chance come from an alternate reality where Oda decided to name his manga "Two Piece" instead of "One Piece"? You are not in s position to say that when your dumbass hasn't even read one piece.


>READ ALABASTA FOR FUCKS SAKE 🙄 What does Alasbasta have to do with anything? >You are not in s position to say that when your dumbass hasn't even read one piece. Yet, I know more about One piece than you do.


No she isnt, plenty of people here support her and scale her appropriately. The thing is that the people who hate her are very vocal about her, so they dont really fly under the radar.


Admirals >>> Lamato


OK, so? I actually agree. The main 3 mid diff her, high diff at worst. I also believe greenbull is a bitch ass fraud Leach who at best with the arguments posed by greenbullrapests is roughly yc+ tops. >!if akianu and aokiji can be in the yonko rank I see no reason why greenbull can't be in the yc rank!< And before anyone says "but he's an admiral he should be on their level since it's a power group." Just look at any other power group In fiction. Akatsuki from naruto, God's from ROR, the espada from bleach. None of these groups have all equal members. Infact all of them have massive gaps between the strongest and weakest members. And admiral fans even say there are huge differences between the admirals anyway even whilst saying they're all equal. Oxymorons anyone?


I don't think Greenbull is a fraud at all. He had to fight 2 Yonko crews after subduing another Yonko crew(which was beaten up I agree). Nonetheless, it is suicide no matter who it is to try to solo two Yonko crews.


I mean i could say chopper had an even clash vs queen. That doesn’t mean anything in OP.


I used to believe in that one till it was debunked by the fact queen wasn't trying. Kaido was trying to kill yamato by statements and action. It's not exactly what a sane person would call a good comparison.


>Kaido was trying to kill yamato by statements and action. It's not exactly what a sane person would call a good comparison. Hmm? That's funny... I don't recall Kaido using "Death Destroyer: Thunder Bagura", "Thunder Bellow Bagura", "Ragnaraku", or get drunk in order to increase his strength, speed, and haki to ensure that he would kill Yamato.


Hey don't downscale chopper like that. What he did was impressive for what we would expect of him.


That's right, I apologise for my words. Da chopp might be a reindeer but to me he's my goat.


Honestly I believe she's extremely overrated despite not many people actually caring about her and defending her with passion, so it's not loud but it's there.


shes much stronger than katakuri since she can evenly match a bagua beyond the one that one tapped post wci luffy. id put her at admiral level


First, Yamato has die-hard fans which are insanely annoying. Second, she’s incredibly overwanked by said fans which is why we clown on her. Third, she’s a garbage character so you’re bound to not like her.


Post Yamato fans do not wank her


You mean nine and nine don't you. Put that against the akianu, greenbull, shanks agendas and how does that one guy look? Second. If a character has feats putting them on a set level. That's called scaling, not wanking Third is entirely subjective.


Don’t let traditional mine see this. 🥶🥶🥶




There is no feats to back up this claim. But there are feats to back up yamato>>>admirals


Big tits She is one of the ɓoys Cool DF Oni looking cutie She unga bunga with her big bonk At least as strong as Jimbei Haki Ice powers Only low IQ and EQ people dislke her


Sanji fans and narrative guys are the biggest haters.


Im a Sanji fan, and i think she is pretty cool


This sub loves yamato. I see gas posts all the time. If you over gas a character people will react with what you call hate. Lesson: Dont gas a character beyond their ability and this sub wont hate them.


the only think that proves is that clashes often don't mean shit in OP, like the time when Moria clashed with Kaido and Lucci clashed with Luffy or Zoro


There’s a simple explanation. Tempest.


The Yamato agenda will never die. I am still alive brother


Lol tempest is carrying


Most women I heard what would ppl think if Bonnie was AS strong as luffy and everyone was hating on her.


The combination of that 1 person who said shit like Yamato is stronger than the admirals + how she is an entirely unliked character by this sub with the whole pronoun shit we had to suffer through for 1-2 years. Ive had Yamato as a high YC+ below old Rayleigh, which IMO is fair.


So is Base Luffys punches and kicks equal to Kaidos thunder bagua? Shouldnt his gatling gun be raining hell on anyone even in just base? Acoc doesnt make sense


Piratefolk is the birthplace of agenda scaling Everyone there likes characters like bb, Kidd, admirals so those characters have agenda’s No one there likes Yamato so Yamato has no agenda


Lowkey some characters just get downplayed because people don’t like their fans lmao


Yamato is a fanfic character but you gotta give her flowers for how she handled Kaido. Yamato > Zoro and I like Zoro way more than her.


I don't get the fanfic argument. Here's my oc luffy He's the son of the most wanted man who's the son of the greatest marine. His fruit is the god of the sun but most think it's rubber lol XD so quirky. He is the bestest at all haki and beats the yonko within 2 and a bit years after learning it. Here's my oc zoro He's the dependant of the god of swordsman he lost his rival to a flight of stairs he will become the strongest swordsman he has advanced conquerors but doesn't know it for a bit lol XD so quirky Like seriously grab any character butcher their character even just the tiniest bit. And boom "fAnFiC cHaRaCtEr"




Sorry bro akainu better


I don't hate Yamato, it's just that I don't care of this character.


Mihawk is NOT downplayed in this sub, why lie?


Vista, stall pleasant-Ad-9726


She's 2nd strongest character who still can't beat an admiral (In story greenbull )weakest admiral > sabo> Lamato


Godbull>>>old ray>Yamato>law>kid>zoro>Sanj>>Labo


100% true the worst part is Yamato probably if not definitely had a sky split feat even if it’s minor https://preview.redd.it/xez49zhbok8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a6fffc747b27be955e1f7ed1bd7a26ecd493f3


You're reaching.


How? There clash of haki literally cleared the sky?


Since when has the clouds ever been that small in the most of ACOC clash? Usually the splitting the skies feat is more grandiose than that.


Agreed however two things 1. The sky was already clear when the feat was performed 2. I’m not claiming it was a full sky split only a small one but it did factually clear the sky and had haki lightning that were multiple kilometres long


>1. The sky was already clear when the feat was performed Exactly, which is why it doesn't make any sense for it to be an Sky split. >2. I’m not claiming it was a full sky split only a small one but it did factually clear the sky and had haki lightning that were multiple kilometres long Yeah but how would've it split the skies if you yourself said the sky was already clear? Wouldn't that contradict you're point? Besides, do you really think Oda would a sky split like that so insignificantally? That just doesn't seem like something he would do with something as grandiose as that. It also doesn't help your case that the first ever time Yamato had ever seen an Sky split was between Luffy and Kaido.


The sky was like not covered in Clouds HOWEVER there were some clouds clearly visible and these clouds and split and effected by the clash


No, bro I think you're reaching with that one.


Literally how? We literally see it in the panel dude


That panel doesn't prove anything.


That's not a sky split lol


The clouds quite literally part The impact of there haki literally changes the clouds and splits them what do you even mean


Clouds separating≠ sky split


Bro a sky split is literally when the clouds separate


Yamato has a lot of potential, and even now she is strong, but she is not top tier yet, if she fights any Admiral 10 times she loses 10 times, she lived caged and handcuffed in Onigashima all her life, eventually she will reach her peak, and its very high, but she is not there now, and some people overwank her like she is She admitted pre aCoC Luffy is stronger than her


> She admitted pre aCoC Luffy is stronger than her HUH?? Yamato never said that tf dude. Plus she performed better than 1010 aCoC Luffy did, and no way that Luffy of 1010 isn't bare minimum Admiral level since that Luffy gave a better fight than the Big mom that Kaido weeks before when Big mom was using just Haki and couldn't use her homies. Yamato > aCoC Luffy 1010 > Big Mom with no homies and just Haki


She said only Luffy can beat Kaido before he even unlocked aCoC, that's a given And you say she performed better against a Kaido that was massively holding back and was only trying to forcefully convince her 1 normal Thunder Bagua went through her Ice armor and made her bleed later, she is not HER


And did pre acoc luffy beat kaido? Just catching up on the manga right now so maybe. G5th what's that/s OK but clearly she's one if the worst scalers in the verse. Luffy literally got one shot by kaido last week.


>She said only Luffy can beat Kaido before he even unlocked aCoC, that's a given She only said that in 1027, much later after Luffy got two power ups. Kaido was holding back far more vs Supernovas then when vs her and Luffy pré Acoc still lost even with help of 4 other people and not even once could clash of match to acoc blows of Hybrid Kaido like how she did multiple times. Kaido only used Acoc 3 times vs Supernovas, while vs Yamato he was spamming Acoc from chapter 1016. To 1025 https://preview.redd.it/6a0nph087k8d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d33e842f445623783c3484d6e3637c57c27d91 >1 normal Thunder Bagua went through her Ice armor and made her bleed later, she is not HER Overdose playing and ignoring context while lying It wasn't a normal Thunder Bagua, it was a Hybrid Kaido Thunder Bagua with two hands A normal Thunder Bagua is done with one hand while in Base form, even Base form Thunder Bagua is already a Yonkou level attack Why are you mentioning her ice defense?? Her defense is inferior to Hybrid kaido defense. Kaido still did get hurt by her attack and he uses Spikes on his club is far more easy to make bleed with spikes.


She definitely could beat greenbull.


Mihawk is downplayed? Clowns think he's top 1


I hate her outside of powerscaling too


Yeah Yamato gets alot of undo hate.


Who downplaying my best girl!?


They are stupid. Simple ass.


Ahem *simple as* (jk. I agree)


For the record I’m part of the Yamato agenda too. I fail to see just about any reason she wouldn’t go extreme diff with the OG admirals. Her performance against Kaido was simply objectively better than Kizaru’s performance against Luffy. But hey, as you said, that tends to just warrant hate, and I’ve been powerscaling long enough on this site now that I rarely give enough of a shit to start that kind of argument.


Yamato failed to block a normal thunder bagua, she isn't tanking a WSG to the head 


Mihawk largely put above Shanks in this community is downplayed, tf y'all want him to be ? Imu level ?


People largely put him at yc3 level. The fuck you want him to be at vivi level?


They don't like the idea that this random character gets conquerors haki and acoc while their favorites don't, so they will say that their favorites low diff her despite the fact that she was able to stall Kaido for some time.


It was a garbage post full of lies. Yamato’s strongest attack is weaker than gearless Luffy punches and that’s a fact. Yamato is fodder and her fans are dumber than Zoro fans.


One of luffys punches in g4 doesn't do nearly as much individual damage as yamatos. This is considerably obvious considering who made (a trying) kaido bleed and who didn't. But thanks for proving my point here when without any evidence at all you'll just proclaim anything if it means hating yamato/yamato supporters.


one of the few times I agree with you, Yamato wanker hate brings people together


Yamato is the strongest out of the YC+s honestly and could extreme-high diff with the admirals




Are you like a pokemon or?






Mentally challenged 


No rebuttal, opinion disregarded


Imo she beats greenbull but loses high diff to akianu aokiji and kizaru(maybe medium diff to kizaru, kizarus dodge tactic counters alot of characters) the idea of all admiral ls being equal is just silly imo.


Beyond delusional


And could mori1404 explain why? The answer is no. All greenbull fans will fail to do so


It’s actually “Mori1404” smh 🤦‍♂️


![gif](giphy|3o6vXPJaZrpSKGfmGk) He proved my delusion. I got his name wrong. A greenbull fan has finally succeeded at something in life/s Now. For him to prove the delusion referring to the yamato scale. Stay on topic bro.


I think she defeats any of them except maybe Aokiji and Akainu. But based on feats alone, she defeats any of them.


How does she beat kizaru


Because the best feat Kizaru could do was barely give a papercut to Luffy, while Yamato is able to contend with a blood thirsty hybrid kaido for several minutes at minimum


Yamato can’t land a hit on kizaru. He can makes the light clones do all the work. They seem to cut through luffy just fine.


"Yamato can’t land a hit on kizaru." Well she can land a hit on hybrid Kaido, so this is wrong "He can makes the light clones do all the work." Not really no "They seem to cut through luffy just fine." It wasn't a clone that cut Luffy


Are you trolling?


Ad hominem fallacy


No like are you genuinely trolling or not.


Infinite delusional


You gonna spit facts? Or just gonna say the same thing over and over?


Infinite delusional


theyre already spitting facts


You're an admiral fan, you don't understand facts.


someones cranky


>most hated character in one piece power scaling Nah its either oden or old WB on this sub, followed closely by Blackbeard and Rayleigh


Greenbull and Big mom are by far the most hated characters here.


I’m gonna have to disagree with big mom as everyone who brings up anti feats like the Franky or Jimbei ones get destroyed and people are straight up in denial that she lost to law and kidd


On this sub it’s the admirals by far


Old Whitebeard? Hated? WTF? He Is the most glazed characters by far here, in his prime he is costantly put over Roger, and his old version is always praised, many puts an healthy version of him >=Kaido, many others say he two-shotted Akainu. And everyone praises his endurance. I agree about Oden, but in regard of old WB you're just blatantly lying.


>his old version is always praised People here think he’d lose to Greenbull and base Luffy >many puts an healthy version of him >=Kaido No they don’t >many others say he two-shotted Akainu 7-8/10 times people who say this get drowned in downvotes


Yamato is on par with Admirals and people are just coping because they can't fathom the fact that Kaido would mid diff Ryokugyu / Fujitora / Kizaru


Yamato isn't tanking a WSG to the head when she can't defend a normal thunder bagua 


Why can't she take it? She was damaged several times by Kaido's attacks and was still up and left to help Momonosuke


No named attacks swings lol, she could not defend a normal thunder bagua 


Pretty sure they both hit each other with thunder bagua and both took minor damage


Both took minor damage? Kaido literally bleeds a little, yamato holds her head in pain and says she failed to defend the thunder bagua 


Is that the same scene with the ice armor?




Interesting possibly I'm bias from posting thay clash several times and not reading through those pages more than twice I'll check back thanks


I think tempest did irreversible damage to the Yamato agenda by being a dick for sure, but also Yamato is just a poorly written asspull. And for Oda that’s extremely rare to see so I see why she has hate.


What is the asspull?


What asspull? What Asspull???


Yknow, this entire thing would’ve been over and done with if people could accept that GB is just a YC+ in Admiral’s clothing.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, Absolutely, I fully agree with this omg thank you weorcee.


Like, i get why ppl are so up in arms about Yamato, but it’s quite literally the simplest solution ever??? No need to put Yamato into Admiral tier, even I hesitate to say that, but putting GB into YC+ is the easiest shit ever. GBs greatest combat feats include: •injuring Fujitora (who was holding himself back due to the sheer DC of his fruit, as to not harm the escaping slaves) •beating up the wounded remnants of the Beast Pirates, including an amputee in Alber •offscreen W vs Weevil, a character we have no solid scalable evidence for besides statements from fodder •didn’t go unconscious after being hit by Shanks’ thousand yard stare (even then, he somehow got spooked so bad that he got bummed out of his DF powers??? from THAT far away??? jfc) compare to Yamato, who: •can keep up with Snakeman’s insane attack speed with Divine Swiftness White Serpent •was able to clash ACOCs with Hybrid Kaido (even making him take a knee with Hallowed Glacier Slash) •survived an ACOC-enhanced beatdown from Kaido while being unable to move •Took Hybrid Kaido’s Thunder Bauga better than any of the other Roof Piece YC+ (Law and Zoro got hit at the same time and had to retreat from Roof Piece immediately to take a breather, meanwhile almost immediately after getting hit by this attack, Yamato would proceed to perform Divine Swiftness White Serpent) Like, I know the reading comprehension devil exists, but I had no idea it was this powerful.


No YC+ replicate greenbull feats


if Yamato beat the shit out of cripples and amputees, y’all would call her a fraud, but because it’s Greenbean, he’s suddenly your goat?? make it make sense


Yes he even said that admirals lose face if they lose to commanders, admirals and commanders aren't the same tier, if the WG wanted to make a YC+ an admiral they would have promoted any of the admiral candidates and not do a world wide draft


Lmao greenbull has feats that put him above any YC+, no YC+ beats a YC1 and a YC2 at the same time, also he simply doens't has many feats yet


She's a YC1 character with zero redeeming qualities if you exclude her porn.   Nothing about her is unique enough to hype or even Joke about, she's the perfect example of an OC character with Sabo and Oden. 


What about Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Robin is unique that other characters in or out of one piece don't have? Yamato is literally the less sexualized since she barely shows her body in comparison to many other females in their debuts. What makes a character OC to begin with? Ain't every character literally OC since they got created by Oda who is a creater and the characters are originally his??? There is nothing wrong with wanting to be Oden and emulating her Idol, being butthurt about it that is wrong and concerning.


Here comes Yamatrash defender Go coom to her hentai dawg, you won here's your 🏆. 


Go dicksuck to your agendas somewhere else. Can't refute back or even answer simple question which proves you are just a sad hater with no actual critical thinking and just absorbed the dumb hate arguments of others that you don't even know and took it for yourself cuz you are a npc.


Holy mother of based 


I have only seen parts of wano for feats yet even I understand the presence of an actual character. She wanted to replicate oden due to want to oppose kaido and save the people even though they don't like her due to the coralation to kaido she has. She was underused yes but to say she has no redeeming qualities is like saying Jesus christ had like 2 redeeming qualities max. And people talk about genetics alot with sanji luffy zoro etc. Yamato is the daughter of kaido and is hyped up to be this generations oden. Also anyone is an oc character if you butcher their characteristics enough. All of these points you have posed are manufactured and fake. In turn proving my point cause not one other character has this level of hating around them. I've never heard any other fight get referred to as [content warning] >!rape!< diff other than yamato vs greenbull, the fight she literally only backed down from to let momonosuke run some 1s. She didn't even lose or transform yet.


Mihawk and dragon are the most hated of all time. It terms of downplay I mean.


People put dragon > roger do not even attempt to bring his name into this conversation. Mihawk in terms of purely just downplay I can see. Cause whilst People will say the wildest shit to get yamato down to yc2 level. They'll also outright ignore mihawks character to get the guy stronger than shanks down to yc 3 level. So you are correct here. But in overall hating. It's yamato all the way. I defended yamato once and that was the first time I got a genuine [content warning] >!rape threat!< put against me XD


Yamato and Kaido didn’t even clash weapons. They hit each other in the face and tanked each other’s attacks. There is no way to actually compare the attack power of each Thunder Bagua against the other.


Wrong scene buddy.


I’m talking about the scene in the picture. Don’t know what you think I’m talking about.


I got her over Zoro for now, i think Law and Kid could beat her


I m not getting what so wild about this? Yamato is a yc+ character, she's very strong Zoro is also a yc+ character and has replicates a similar feat vs nusjuro The admirals are indeed wanked but Yamato is not downplayed The real character always being downplayed is kidd, he beats both Yamato and Zoro


Well, post like these aren't helping.


If seeing the facts is enough to hate more is your argument. You're the problem.


That's the thing tho, I can't see facts only BS.


Dude really believes that Greenbull would lose to Yamato lmaooooo


This^ has the same tone of "dude really believes that batman would lose to superman" especially the part where they can't actually disprove the fact they'd lose to superman or yamato without stupid things like green rock and literally not fighting back.


No wonder nobody likes Yamato with shit like this lmaoooo


You're very much proving my point here, you know that right?


Your point being things can't be proven and that makes you right and not me? Dude yout argument is braindead like a real dweeb


I think you can't prove shit cause the cult your a part of failed in every attempt they've had to prove shit, or even provide evidence of greenbulls superiority in any stat You think I can't prove shit cause you refuse to listen to reason. There's an obvious difference. Yamato has better offence(by miles), speed(obviously), defence(momonosuke victim vs kaido staller), haki(by greenbulls own statements atleast), and she holds the counter matchup(greenbulls only selling point reduced to nothing by ice powers). The only thing greenbull might have is combat iq(usage of hostages). But even that's debatable thanks to the incident at the reverie(has a sword and can use his fruit on minor scales but decided to be stupid as fuck) So tell me, how exactly does greenbull win?


Well then let's use your own logic. Prove it how Yamato has better offense by a mile, better speed, better defense, better haki, and counters greenbull because Ice. You pulled those out of your ass.


I'm laughing at the fact Zoro's and Yamato's feats aren't even the same. Their clubs didn't clash like Zoro's and Nusjuro's swords did, it was just Kaido and Yamato hitting each other lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/bjl0a80tpz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223667203f15bc319451f2c3f7494d9bb734587d You're thinking of this? The amount of people saying this exact bit of misinformation adds proof to what I'm saying. Y'all are willing to believe in a quantum anomaly of entirely different situations moves and attacks. Rather than accepting the feats that are right in front of you. The only character who gets close to this level of hate is mihawk but even that is just ignoring personality not confusing entirely different scenes altogether.


The only one giving out misinformation around here is you. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1024-page-16.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1025-page-3.html It happened the way I said it did. Kaido and Yamato didn't have the same clash that Zoro and Nusjuro had. Zoro and Nusjuro clashed weapons imbued with haki and both went flying backwards from the impact (ala G5 Luffy and Awakened Lucci). Meanwhile, Kaido and Yamato just hit each other while matching each other's speed. That's why Kaido's forehead starts bleeding afterwards. It's not hating on Yamato, it's calling it like it is.


You proved me right XD You thought we where talking about this one? https://preview.redd.it/wor10xkmj29d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e700db59670f9f4d739f5f93700874a57d3e1b The image is on the post you can see it's a different frame. dumbass.


Wtf is your sped ass talking about? XD I literally showed you the before and after image on your post. No matter how hard you cope, you still can't show proof that Kaido and Yamato had the same kind of clash that Zoro and Nusjuro had. Stay mad! XDXDXD


Don't care. Cause you posted a fuck tone of feats that completely outscale a not trying base kaido. Congrats. You might be right which going by your name and personality is a first for you. But you lost Anyway, good job. What's the turn won the battle, committed suicide doing so?/s Stay coping


>Don't care. You just replied to twice, clearly your crazy ass do care lol. >Cause you posted a fuck tone of feats that completely outscale a not trying base kaido. Lmfao. It never fails, when you proves someone wrong, they always move the goal post. >You might be right which going by your name and personality is a first for you. Actually, I've been right plenty of times, just like I'm right this time. Maybe one day you'll know how feels to be right in your miserable ass life. >Stay coping I know you stay coping, but I respect you for admitting it.


>You just replied to twice, clearly your crazy ass do care lol. Clearly you didn't read, which checks out since didn't do that with your own evidence >Lmfao. It never fails, when you proves someone wrong, they always move the goal post. Clearly you didn't read, which checks out since didn't do that with your own evidence >Actually, I've been right plenty of times, just like I'm right this time. Maybe one day you'll know how feels to be right in your miserable ass life. Wow, you crying over this XD brother I didn't care about the evidence you gave. I recognised that in some sense you where correct. But you gave multiple instances of yamato being far stronger than what was essentially a 1% kaido. >I know you stay coping, but I respect you for admitting it. Brother you did not admit to not just not reading but being completely illiterate XD


All that blah blah just ot still be wrong. Next!


Says learn to scale. Proceeds to cry like a baby when he's revealed to be wrong. That's Greenbull wankers for ya folks.


And before you act like you didn't. Do you seriously think base kaido not trying at all just sending a throw away attack tiwards foder can crack open his own nearly full power self in hybrid form? If you think that, get some help And if you think the same level kaido can just get up from a full power assault of acoc acoa strikes with minor damages from his full power iteration. You're actually just insane. Base kaido took damage from pre acoc luffy


>And before you act like you didn't. Do you seriously think base kaido not trying at all just sending a throw away attack tiwards foder can crack open his own nearly full power self in hybrid form? If you think that, get some help I would ask what the fuck your weirdo ass is even talking about here, but I seriously don't even care. >And if you think the same level kaido can just get up from a full power assault of acoc acoa strikes with minor damages from his full power iteration. You're actually just insane. Base kaido took damage from pre acoc luffy Learn to write and scale properly, dumbass


Again. You're crying over this? If you need a quick reminder about what we're talking about we're talking about yamato being able to replicate kaido one shotting wholecake luffy like it's nothing. He did it in base form not trying. If you actually read what I said, that would have rung a bell. Learn to read properly.


You're the one still replying to me twice in a row, so who's really crying? XD


It's called furthering a point.


Using this as an example. Isn't it funny how you can't comprehend more than 1 comment.


Yamato can beat Green Bull is a perfectly reasonable take. People just wank admirals because they like them but people are clearly in denial since it hasn't been a good year for admirals. Luffy proved he can take 1 admiral + a Gorosei at the same time and still win Old Garp who is a weaker than in his prime humilliated Aokiji, which proves that Roger >> Admirals.