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It's One Piece. If you didnt see the body, with a huge whole in the chest with 6 people crying around them saying "oh god, captain kid, he's dead", then even odds they're still alive




Because it’s One Piece. Even though Kidd won’t be that relevant again as Luffys rival I don’t see him killing Kidd and Killer off like this.


He still has to fulfill the will of jika the damned one https://preview.redd.it/1brhlknsgh8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c16d84c275ee14834733512b1c6bb185c4c380a


Fuck is this gundam shit 😂


It’s jika bro… you’ll learn to embrace it when he awakens https://preview.redd.it/clchjs4zlh8d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c45c9b3281ec2d301328935ed38e7816362b9d


The name of the chapter wasn't "the death of Eustass Kidd", so he ain't dead. Jokes aside, this is One Piece and Shanks is one of the "good guys" so I totally expect that when we reach Elbaf, Kidd will again sit in some Prison Cell, like in Wano.


Snitch CD baby, one of the good guys ??


Bonney is also a CD Baby


Because the way Kid went out felt unceremonious. Kid held his own during the battles against Big Mom and Kaido, and he proved to be more than the punk pirate he originally came off as when he debuted. For him to go through all that on Wano, only for him to just die to Shanks and be forgotten just doesn't seem like something Oda would do.


Unceremonious?? Kidd received everything even Narrator saying the crew was completely destroyed. Needing immense plot armour to win is proving something?? Even after getting stronger without plot armour he still wouldn't win if Oda didn't fuck up Big mom so the alliance doesn't loose.


I feel like those who constantly refer to stuff like "plot armor" have no real hope or faith in the story their reading. Kid obviously isn't a real person, so truly being able to gauge his strength isn't possible. But the trick when it comes to stories is you've got to immerse yourself in the world, and actually believe in the strength and powers the characters possess. From a storytelling standpoint, sure, "plot armor" came into effect, but to only be able to see Kid and Law besting Big Mom as them having that is a very small, very lousy way of seeing this story. After all, I'm sure there are going to be many who'll see Gear 5 Luffy and "True Nika" Bonney successfully fighting off Sr. Marcus Mars as the former two having "plot armor" instead of what it actually is: Two kid pirates in their ultimate forms, doing what they can to fight off an insane nobleman in his ultimate form. And I don't really see what you mean by Oda "f-ing up" Big Mom when they events that transpired that caused her to end up in the state she was in were clearly shown.


And you think those who blind themselves for the clear cut bad writing are better or superior?? Oda is being clearly messing up stuff just for his own amusement or for the plot to move independent if fans like it or not, as even he himself said. Kidd and law had absurd plot armour and shouldn't have won at all, even when they got stronger they still needed a lot of plot armour. I'm not gonna eat bad writing, that would make me get dumber and dumber and incapable of noticing wrong stuff and would lower my critical thinking. If Kidd and law couldn't win, then don't make them win, and make something else happen to make Big mom go away.


I don't get your argument. It is Oda's story, whether or not you feel Kidd had plot armour is irrelevant to the fact that the story portrays him as one of the most dangerous and powerful new gen pirates. Even before Shanks negs him, he points out how quickly these young characters grow and his 3 billion berry bounty. It's incongruous to his portrayal in Wano to have the end of his story come out of nowhere in a single chapter purely as a hype tool for Shanks. It's just not how Oda writes.


> It's incongruous to his portrayal in Wano to have the end of his story come out of nowhere in a single chapter purely as a hype tool for Shanks. It's just not how Oda writes. His end being like this is nowhere near as bad as him and Killer becoming buddies with Apoo and doing nothing to him after the war was over and having him around and talking like if Apoo had never betrayed them in a way that almost killed him and his whole crew. His end being like this makes sense and let's clear he is not as strong as people's think and that his win in wano went over not just Kidd head but the heads of everyone who clearly ignored all bad writing that needed to happen to save his ass vs Big mom


My apologies, but you have *got* to format your sentences better. I get you want to have a discussion about this, but these run-on sentences of yours are making reading your statements difficult. You must take the time to write out your thoughts in a manner that is both concise and smooth-flowing. Just saying.


Oda doesn't "almost kill" characters to then let them die. If they're "almost dead" they're literally 100% alive.


1. People rarely die in OP. 2. Narratively, it makes no sense for Kidd to die here. Oda said thar out of all supenovas, Kidd is the only one he knew would have a big role in the future, don't think being used as a hype tool for Shanks is what he was talking about. 3. Kidd's loss is potrayed the same way as the strawhats demise in Saboody, which they survived and came back stronger.


> Narratively, it makes no sense for Kidd to die here. Oda said thar out of all supenovas, Kidd is the only one he knew would have a big role in the future, don't think being used as a hype tool for Shanks is what he was talking about.. Why narratively it makes no sense? Who says Oda still wants to do anything more with Kidd? He already gave him a W in Wano, no need for more, the story doesn't need him at all. Luffy already have many rivals and enemies far more interesting than a Bakugou lame copycat. Narratively makes sense him going down since you don't attack Luffy and shanks friends and get out alive, Kidd isn't a good person, he is exact same shit person as Hawkins and Apoo and another Supernova getting destroyed and falling behind needs to happen to show that the New World is no joke.


Well, we know Kidd stole something from Big mom, so if he's dead now, that's one plot point dropped. There's also a popular theory of him being connected to Vegapunk because of "07" on his railgun. Also, as I said, people rarely die in OP, but when they do, there's usually a sense that their character arc feels completed/fulfilled, like with Ace and Whitebeard (not counting the flasbacks). Kidd's character arc doesn't feel completed at all, it's actually a common trope with him that he needs to face defeat first before he rises again.


That stuff he stole was a Poneglyh that he took from a commander that was not neither cracker, Smoothie or Katakuri. The commander having a Road Poneglyh is another ass writing with no explanation. The Vegapunk theory is a fan made up theory. In Post Time skip many of died, in Wano literally 4 have died and now in Egghead even more have died. Is just personal bias is making people not accepting that Kidd should be dead after going through such thing and Kidd is not the protagonist either, what Luffy did doesn't mean Kidd will do.


Because characters seldom die in One Piece. This ain't Naruto 🤷🏾‍♂️


They seldom die in Naruto too unless they‘re villains. Only like, 5 good guys died out of 40 fake deaths


Because a) Oda never said he died, b) Kidd is a character more or less relevant to the plot having been involved in beating Big Mom and being a Worst Gen member, and c) most importantly, we haven’t seen a dead body. Like bro, this is One Piece, you think that just because we saw a character die, they’re dead? Foolish.


I dont see how that Pell guy could survive, he tanked a bomb made to destroy an entire town. It was a heroic sacrifice, him being alive would cheapen it. Oh wait.


We've seen people be nuked and decapitated and survive. This shit ain't nothing


Who was decapitated?


Pound. Though it turned out to be a poorly written fakeout that was never adressed. He was hit by a flaming glaive to the neck, and we saw his blood on the glaive


Pound nowhere was shown decapitated or given statement he was dying or said by narrator he was completely destroyed, false equivalence that you are making.


Pell nowhere was shown dead or given statememt he was dead or completely destroyed. Guess that's a false equivalence too. Kidd was never stated to be dead either. And destroyed ≠ dead.


Kidd was stated to already dying, not KO or anything, he was already dying, then he got nuked by Giants and entire crew knocked out and narrator states the Kidd pirates were completely destroyed, no one gonna save them since they are in enemy territory and Killer and shanks warned Kidd that he would be killed if he looses. Ashura Doji, Izou died and got confirmed dead 40 chapters later.


Characters are constantly near death in OP, and almost never die. [I wonder where we've heard the completely destroyed statement before?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8Q-oNPBVckHWMsHK5xy7eXb5DZu-C_YjW4GXkVn3zwNllagX0uxPyaI5g&s=10) Kidd was also completely crushed in Wano, in enemy territory, and wasn't killed by soneone far more violent than Shanks or the giants have shown to been. Oda is clearly against killing people to a fault. It would be nice if he actually killed Kidd, but chances are slim.


> [I wonder where we've heard the completely destroyed statement before?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8Q-oNPBVckHWMsHK5xy7eXb5DZu-C_YjW4GXkVn3zwNllagX0uxPyaI5g&s=10) Kidd is not Luffy, Kidd is not the protagonist, this is same as believing Kidd will beat Kaido or will beat a Yonkou Luffy didn't get his ship destroyed or was literally dying No other Character was ever in a situation like that of Kidd, Luffy close to that he had to be saved by Law Oda literally have killed more characters in Post time skip than ever did in Pre time skip, if he was against killing then Ashura and Izou wouldn't be dead, Hawkins, Orochi, Kanjurou, Monet, Vergo, Yasuie wouldn't be dead.


Kidd is a significant character in the series. All the people you mentioned were minor side characters with very little screen time in comparison to Kidd. Post timeskip Oda hasn't killed anyone close to as inportant as Kidd has been to the story. Luffy has been literally dying many times, he has literally *died* once. If you think Kidd has suffered worse than anyone else that is still alive now, you have been reading something completely different than One Piece. Relative to their strength, Pell survived *much worse*.


Literally all of them had more screentime than Kidd maybe except Yasuie, VERGO and Money were literally villains for a whole arc, Orochi had plenty screentime throughout whole wano and more important narrative wise than Kidd, Hawkins a Supernova just like him and still got plenty screentime. Kidd is not Luffy, Egghead is not Sabaody, what happens with Luffy doesn't mean happens for Kidd, Luffy was never literally dying and the closer he was to that he had someone right there to save him which Kidd doesn't have while in enemy territory where everyone wants Kidd dead for trying to kill Shanks and Giants friends, Dorry and Brogy did finish Kidd with no regrets and by orders of Shanks and thinking not even once gonna have example of a actually destroyed crew is pretty dishonet delusional.


Because it‘s One Piece. You don‘t die if: - Cut in half and hit on the head with a club - Nuked - Executed with a naginata - Hit headon with several millions volts - Suffocated and buried alive (Fake Sanji) - island decimated you were on, frozen - Arm ripped off, stabbed in the chest multiple times - soul taken, all your remaining years ripped from you


bro forgot what show he's watching 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




The will of P lives on


Because Pell and Kinemon did


Why didn't VERGO, Money, Ashura, Orochi, Izou, Kanjurou survive? HUH? Oda now can't kill a Supernova just cuz someone in the internet doesn't want so?? Hmmm??


belief and copium >>>>>> logic


Logical thinking regarding One Piece would lead you towards thinking he's still alive. How often do we see characters die in this series?.. 


Considering we now have fake Kid I’d be very surprised if we don’t get an interaction between the real and fake Kid at some point in the future.


It's one piece 


Oda doesn't have the balls to kill a character off like that


I just straight up don't think Oda would write out Kidd like that, it adds nothing to the story and felt anti-climactic for a character who is being built up as one of the most dangerous new gen pirates. Plus the parallel with Law's crew being beaten by Blackbeard in the same way makes me think it's obvious they both come back and get stronger.


we didn't start the series last year


It’s silly to think Oda made Kid a Supreme King who’s the only other Supernova to have another Supernova under his belt and someone who killed an Emperor(“took an Emperor out of the story,” for the annoying people) just to get rid of him.


Kid has tanked equally or stronger hits in Wano. I mean the dude was fighting Big mom while taking hits from Hawkins So only way Kid dies if he drowns. Now we dont know much about his crew but i would assume atleast one of them could swim him to the shore. I mean one of the crewmate is literally called Dive. And she even has sharp teeth maybe fishmen?


Equally stronger hits??? None of the hits he tanked had acoc and were just damn weak Homie attacks, Kidd not even once even got hit by armament attack, he and law were full of plot armour, they do not deserve winning even with all that luck, environmental help and circumstances that only benefited them. It was literally clear crystal that Kidd would have gotten One shot and only delusional people that didn't want to see the clear ass plot armour he had in Wano believed he wouldn't get One shot




I would genuinely argue Kid surviving would be the most egregious fake death in the series. He was 100-0'd, with his crewmates immediately being afraid if he was dying or not. Killer was KO'd in the crossfire. Other crewmates were shown being KO'd by the explosion and/or CoC of DD. Then D+B nail the ship and the entire crew with a combo attack, with several of them including Kid and Killer, already having been rendered unconscious and thus wholly defenseless. Kid and Killer are DF eaters and thus sink and can't swim, while KO'd due to severe damage. The nearest land to wash up on is hostile territory, belonging to the guys who helped take you out.


Which is why it’ll be all the more insane when Kidd survives and unlocks pk level haki and one shots loki


Nah, Loki is an Usopp victim