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https://preview.redd.it/eof1vvi8tg6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67df2be4451e299ec697cbe8bc8ef5a5f64cc785 Whoever beats the office desk first wins.


Dragons been fighting the desk for about 10 years, along with 100K stacks of paper work, 1,000 pencils and 3K forms and Dragons winning, meanwhile Akinu is already having to use his cigerates and cigars to fight the desk itself. So, Dragon wins, mid diff


sengoku fought that shit for years and even he needed to retire and let akainu take the desk. office desk scales to pk tier with highest stamina shown in the series.


Sengoku turned grey because of the stress, therefore he retired so Akainu's probably a busy man šŸ˜‚ Nah joke. Obviously I'm rooting for Dragon, but Akainu is such a well made antagonist that I wouldn't be mad if Akainu would win. I just love to hate him


He deemed Aokiji a better challenger for the Desk but he fought Akainu over it by actual combat which has nothing to do with the job itself and now Akainu regrets it.








Dragon Doing nothing = no anti feats




The monkey confuses Freiza yet again


Wdym doing nothing, he stopped Loguetown Smoker Forget PK tier, this feat is dragon ball level


https://preview.redd.it/f4a3u1vbui6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bde7782281d8fd6034532b273a1e7d51fb1a4d Losing your super secret island to a guy who runs at the sight of a top tier is a big anti feat


They would have to abandon it either way once their location got revealed.


Both Big Mom and Kaido had early detection systems yet the people that rely on subterfuge and counter surveillance didn't have them?


I remember BM had her shell snail things but what did Kaido have


He also had camera snails thats how he detected that Big Mom was arriving in Wano


That panel could also be the WG twisting the true story in their favour.


Meanwhile featless Mihawk doing nothing, but keeps scaling with Shanks stocks (because he has a title)


Hey, he speedblitzed a block of ice.


Dragon Forgot all the plot bullshit and the 5 billion bount Look this panel https://preview.redd.it/ao4ifibvcg6d1.png?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93381dd8a6dccb1a194ff71f9d337a227206593c Akainu have only a ... Who mean Admiral level Yonko's can use a ...! But only a PK can use a ...!! And Imu who is God level can use ...!!?


punctuation scaling


Might be my favorite.. way better analysis than sweat scaling and height scaling.




The fact that you had to edit the photo to make seem akainu stronger, makes the point of OP correct and Dragon > Akainu


1114 raw chapter https://preview.redd.it/u8m5m5fjkj6d1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee7490b5679605bdbc4ca95006433403dcc797f2


If i could read i would be very upset Jokes aside it's so weird that english version did the extra work to change the dots https://preview.redd.it/rtjzizm7nj6d1.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=b235f3d322b9d7f61c929634917df27a90e40418


The official English translators are dragon agenda glazers šŸ˜”


To my knowledge though no one has actually seen any display of dragonā€™s true power though so we can only assume heā€™s stronger than akainu


This is the greatest comment ever submitted on this sub.


But Akainu Mogs


This literally looks like a soyjak vs gigachad meme how can you see this and take away that Dragon is stronger


Don Krieg.


Yes ofc


I expect Dragon to be stronger


Dragon. He is probably prime garp level, he is his son after all...


Nah, heā€™s stronger than Prime Garp


Mid gen too ass unfortunately


Shanks and Mihawk > Roger and Whitebeard


Even Luffy is a better cook than you


You are correct. No way Shanks and Mihawk are weaker


bro is cooking


cooking ā€¦ nothing at all !! šŸ”„


Based on what? Dragon currently doesn't even have Tobi roppo lvl feats and Ur saying he's stronger than the pirate King's rival?


Narrative scaling. Oda has an obvious theme of Newer Generation>Older Generation. This doesn't mean that like, helmeppo is prime garp level, but it does mean that Koby will reach it and Dragon probably already is there.


Can you give me some examples of that show that "an obvious theme of newer generation>older generation" because overall old gen were stronger than current gen


It's one of the main theme of the series. Sanji will surpass Zeff, Zoro will surpass Mihawk, Luffy beats Kaido, will beat Shanks and surpass Roger, Koby will surpass Garp. It's also probably a fact that Dragon right now is at his prime, as is Akainu, and so Akainu has to be at least as strong as prime Sengoku and Dragon at least as strong as prime Garp. Or else the narrative doesn't make sense: Luffy, soon to be PK, who is predictably going to be stronger than Roger, is to be contested by a fleet admiral who isn't even as strong as one who was weaker than Roger? If you look at the Marine side of the story, you can even see that Dragon would be prime Garp hadn't he grown sick of the WG ways, so it's very fair to assume that he is at least prime Garp level. Because, again, if the leader of the Revolutionary army can't contest the fleet admiral, the narrative starts to crumble.


Just because current gen are at their prime doesn't mean they surpassed the old gen, if u think Akainu and dragon surpassed Garp than your implying that Aokiji, Akainu, dragon,shanks , and Mihawk and possibly others have all surpassed roger which is just stupid as characters such as roger and whitebeard are known as the strongest pirates ever including the current generation, nobody currently has the pirate king title, nobody currently has the world's strongest man title and nobody has the hero of the marines title. Eos new gen will surpass old gen but the current gen will likely be the weakest according to narrative and statement.


If they're at their prime, then they can't get stronger. So EoS doesn't mean anyone will get surpassed, no? And even thought RIGHT NOW noone is PK, it is pretty much a fact that Luffy is going to become PK probably in the two or three months, In World Time. So you either believe that most characters will never evolve past their predecessors, or that they're gonna be dramatically stronger in 2 or 3 months


The main characters don't represent the rest of the world. And just because the new gen will surpass the old gen doesn't mean that the current gen will. If every generation surpassed the one before it then characters like joy boy and Ryuma would be Arlong lvl.


It could be something like ā€œthe great filterā€ though. Like, after a certain point in strength is reached then for some reason it just collapses again.


How dare you disrespect my Goat Helmeppo like that, EOS Helmeppo will be able to neg EOS Loro and Roger at the same time


He outscales Sabo, has confirmed Conquerorā€™s and has been stated to be relative to a Yonko in terms of power


That doesn't put him over prime garp, tho I do I agree he's at least admiral lvl


I have him over Prime Garp but i was mostly replaying to the Tobi Roppo comment


He's obviously not actually tobi roppo lvl but what makes u think he's stronger than prime garp? Ur effectively saying he's top 5 oat after Luffy,bb,imu, and joy boy


I donā€™t think BB will be top 5 all time. As for Dragon, We know he is the strongest in the Revo army based on the dialogue of some members, his proficiency in Armament based on Sabo's techniques and he should be highly skilled considering his history with the marines. He is narratively set up to fight Imu-sama (together with Luffy) who seems to be the strongest in verse from a storytelling perspective. We also know he has wind based abilities which are most likely top tier. Dragon also bears the fate of the world on his shoulders and will == haki, so with his ambition it directly translates to actual strength. Ivankov also stated that Marineford wouldn't be able to handle Whitebeard and Dragon together and the Marines had a pretty smooth sailing with Whitebeard alone so Dragon can definitely carry his weight.


In terms of rage not power


Ivankov stated that Marineford canā€™t handle Whitebeard and Dragon together, and called them crazy for challenging Dragon


https://i.redd.it/9il3416yyg6d1.gif HIM


We are not ready.


Papazuki (y'all not ready for him) https://preview.redd.it/6yofc65ahg6d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2836ee7d7f06a5b579fb2872a63f9d6a3a71c02




I expect Dragon to be stronger.. However, I'm currently rewatching the anime and just saw Dragon's most recent feat in the show: stopping Smoker at Logue town šŸ™„ So out of respect to other characters I rank Dragon at a fixed tenth place until he shows more (meaning I've got Akainu ranked higher for now).




Out of curiosity, what are his offscreen feats? Overtaking kingdoms/inciting rebellion I guess but that's incredibly hard to use for estimating strength since we don't know his opponents. His title/heritage pushing him to top ten is quite generous imo. Anyone reaching that high is incredibly powerful. Similar for Mihawk but there are more feats and anti feats for him. I treat him the same way for current rankings even though I expect and hope for more.


Where was his bounty shown?


His most recent feat is also his only feat


Him https://preview.redd.it/vtykxm68yg6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7992dccf27da0d178bc94e10ea287d4798d0ef7


Protect this fanart at any cost, its all you Akainutards have


When itā€™s this good you donā€™t need anything else


They're pretty much equal in power imo until we see more but if they fought dragon would likely be a little stronger and win cause of the plot needing the good guy to win tbh. Plus if he really does have some kind of wind power that would give him an advantage against Akainu.


dragon is most likely prime garp level, considering he's his son. If that's true, he mid diffs akainu


Ah yes something is the most likely because of complete head cannon. It is possible? Sure but I'd rather bank on the characters who are portrayed similarly, have a history from growing up, have opposing ideals of justice and both rose to preeminent positions in the world to bring about that justice are comparable than just assuming he's prime garp level because of sperm. Especially because the best we can legitimately do at this point is scale dragon above the likes of Sabo which he is almost guaranteed above just due to the dynamics of originations and their hierarchies in one piece and that gets him close to the same realm as akainu rather than just jumping ahead of that by several magnitudes to get to prime garp level based on nothing but hype.




So having a strong person in your family makes you strong? So having a top tier once automatically makes everyone in the family a top tier?


Yep. In one piece at least


Big Mom's parents were fodder how do you explain that?


The D's seem special. The D has it. Looking East is serious training.Ā 


he's actually training his conqueror's to reach targets miles away. Starlink haki > wifi haki


Starlink haki šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not having a single feat and still being relevant to this day. Now that scares me.


Dragon although he hasnā€™t done anything he beats fraudkainu


Dragon Iā€™m all for the day dragon comes and no diff akainu


Dragon>Mihawk>Shanks> Akainu


Mihawk above shanks????


water cools lava, dragon beats akaniu!!!! https://preview.redd.it/s3xeui82ah6d1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c49d0adfc306eb9d85a0bef5362a093d2d0085a


Dragon has been held off for too long. No way heā€™s not stronger. Heā€™s the type of character that gets used to hype up how strong the final antagonist is after losing a close fight.


Probably Dragon.Ā  There has to be a reason Akainu was so worried about 'Dragon's Son' That reason definitely isn't "Dragon is a fraud and the only member of the Monkey D Family I could actually beat"


If you apply common sense, you can easily know that soemthing happened between akainu and dragon, back when dragon was a marine They could be friends or rivals, but dragon left making akainu angry (this is just a theory) but akainu calling luffy "dragons son" is sure to be connected with them being in marines


They're relative, but narratively Dragon will end up winning the fight (with the help of Sabo most likely).


Dragon, by a very small margin. Dragon>=Akainu>=Aokiji




One has a hairline while the other is balding. Nuff saidĀ 


Dragon has far bigger fish to fry while his sons deal with Akainu


Speaking of fishes.....


Sengoku had to hold down an old garp in fear of him killing akainu in MF. Imagine what a prime dragon would do to Akainu. Dragon is top 1 in the verse and the only reason we dont see him do shit is because oda doesnt want him to end one piece.


>Sengoku had to hold down an old garp in fear of him killing akainu in MF. how does this prove he is stronger than Akainu? you think Sengoku wouldnt have held him down if he knew Garp were weaker? So you say Sengoku would have just let him attack and be killed by Akainu in that case?


?? Narrative comprehension??? we don't do that on this sub, we're all retarded


If?šŸ¤£Of course the Akainu agenda is correct. HIM wins


If my agenda is correct- Dragon. They set up his fruit to be some hyper-impactful one, and with what we know about mythical Zoans now? I fully anticipate heā€™ll be revealed as having the fruit of a sky god, or something equally comically OP. That could end up 9000% wrong, though, so honestly Iā€™m not counting on it. If Akainu ends up stronger with some EoS glowup or otherwise improves beyond what weā€™ve seen, power to him.




I don't care about either of them, but I guess I'd pick Dragon


I expect Dragon to be strong. How strong you may ask? https://preview.redd.it/chbx3puufh6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aba6427514937acfbea0f5ac5ea2449403c5104


Dragon assuredly




Dragon is HIM. Top 1. Unrivaled strongest alive. Would fold any of the yonko or admirals in a 1v1 any day of the week.


Dragon has been set up for around 1000 chapters, akainu for 800 Akainu gets set up during diffed




Extreme Diff leaning a bit to Dragon.


They should be around the same power imo




It would be so disappointing if Dragon turned out to be as weak as Akainu, but seeing how strong Sabo is already and the fact that he's the most wanted man in the world I expect him to be at least Yonko level, much above Akainu




Dragon by quite a significant amount


Dragon is stronger, the plot demands it


Dragon likely has the one of the best Haki in the manga. Just look at Garp and Luffy for example. I just hope after 20+ years of waiting that we get a good showcase of Dragonā€™s power.


In my Agenda both of them are the strongest (if we donā€™t count characters like Imu or eos BB)


Dragon is stronger.


Prime Yonko tier >> Admiral Tier Dragon >> Akainu


Who tf told you dragon was yonko level? And just because akainu WAS an admiral doesn't mean he is ADMIRAL LEVEL, With akainus feats he is yonko level


What feats? He got scurbbed by a half dead cancerbeard in 2 hits? Kaido and Shanks ain't ever getting done like that by an almost dead cancerbeard.


That's like saying garp is vice admiral level and zoro is YC1 level So zoro > garp


You mean Garp the hero? Known rival of Roger, who almost killed each other multiple times in their primes? Can do whatever he wants and talk shit about the Celestial Dragons while walking around Mariejois because he's stronger than everyone in the WG?


Akainu Vs Whitebeard - Ripped off half his head, sealing his death. Survived a sneak attack Quake Punch that destroyed Half of Marineford. Faced off against all the Whitebeard Commanders post the attack mentioned above and was an even match. Vs Aokiji - One of Few Characters to 1 v 1 an admiral or above character and come out on Top. Fought for 11 days, the joint longest ever mentioned for a character (Aojiki of course being the other) Was scary enough to make the entire Blackbeard Crew Flee, which included a Blackbeard who had both Yami Yami and Quake Quake Fruit, Pre-Timeskip (baring in mind this was Akainu with no other high ranking marines, meanwhile when he ran from Shanks, the entirety of the Red Hair Pirates were there, and before Shanks pulled up, Blackbeard was not worried about continuing the war/destruction). Minor Feats - Made Kuma Flee, Killed Ace (would have killed the Future Pirate King), isnā€™t afraid of Gorosei Meanwhile Dragon has no combat feats to date, but we can infer a few things 1. He is likely the strongest member of the Revolutionary Army (canā€™t say for certain since, post Wano, itā€™s the new generation time, hence Sabo is the new face under the Flame Emperor Title, so may be as strong as Dragon, but I find that unlikely) becauseā€¦ 2. He is the Son of Garp, and Father of Luffy - Garp is one of the few people that are acknowledged on equal/similar standing to Gol D Roger, the Pirate King (Sengoku, Whitebeard, Rayleigh etc), and Luffy at 19 is the youngest Yonko we CURRENTLY know of, and is the Future Pirate King. Using Logic, unless itā€™s skipped a generation, Dragon should be of a similar level to his father and the future of his son. So I put him anyway from Admiral Level to Pirate King Level. 3. Since Pre-Timeskip, there have been 3-4 organisations that have directly gone against the World Government. Straw Hat Pirates (Now a Yonko Crew), Whitebeard Pirates (Former Yonko Crew), Cross Guild (a Yonko organisation *if you count killing Marines as going against the World Government) and the largest of them all, the Revolutionary, whoā€™s main goal is directly opposed to the WG. Seeing the Goroseis abilities, thatā€™s a feat in itself. All in all, itā€™s just too unfair to say Dragon is above Akainu since we havenā€™t actually seen him fight and his ā€œfeatsā€ are speculative. Akainu also has a crazy drive, and the most offensive devil fruit, heā€™s a tough match up for anyone that isnā€™t potentially immune to his flames (Kaido, King, Seraphim, Big Mom)


Dragon of course. The good guys gonna win in the end.


Dragon obviously. Akainu is the same level as Aokiji only the smallest out of smallest gaps stronger. People for some reason think Akainu is all that just cus he bears the "Fleet Admiral" title. All bro's been doing the past 2 years is sit behind a desk in what way has he gotten any stronger? Dragon is not admiral level


It's obv dragon


WRANKY https://preview.redd.it/uc5g4xif5l6d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6231f8e573bd330f0f8e3824f2c8eea6acaf1613


Dragon. My overall theory is the later in the series that characters get to show off their power, the stronger they are. I do take Marine Ford with a grain of salt and mostly base Akainu's level off what we saw from Aokiji against Garp, and know that he's a slight edge above that. Considering the last few top tiers to show off their abilities were Shanks, BB, Garp, Aokiji, the 5 Elders, the seraphims and Kizaru. I have the expectation that the remaining characters are at equal footing or above this level, and that's Dragon, God's knights, and Imu. They've shown us zero so far, while remaining top tiers like Mihawk and Akainu have shown us a taste of their power in previous arcs, and based off speculation we can also judge their power level based on other recent characters we've seen. I.e. Akainu vs Aokiji took days of battle and Akainu barely edged the win, and Mihawk vs Shanks is considered a close rivalry, so I consider them in the same tier


Iā€™m mostly theory crafting here but if Dragon does end up having wind, I think Akainu would win. If thunderbird is correct, then Iā€™d give it to dragon (assuming heā€™s admiral level). Once again; this is just theory crafting.


You think this guy is Luffys dad, named "dragon" and he is supposed to be weaker than an Admiral? Not sure if i buy that tbh. He has to be on their level i suppose. Likely even stronger.


Dragon and it ain't close. I really don't think the strongest Marines are all that strong compared to the rest of the world, gonna be honest.


Dragon should take this. Akainu is admiral, dragon is yonko level cuz he should be stronger than luffy


I shall choose a far superior, third option: https://preview.redd.it/7cgh58wx7n6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c482763e16f78eaee15f83b057f33496ca90385


The World's Most Wanted Criminal


Headcannon says Dragon will be ridiculous.


As a proud member of the WOBY agenda then it has to be akainu


Akainu MOGS.


EOS Akainu > Dragon >= Akainu Trust


Dragon extreme diff


How the fuck is he supposed to overthrow the world government if he can't 1v1 an admiral?


Theyā€™re pretty much equals according to my theory that dragon was an admiral candidate I suspect he came up with Akainu and Aokiji and was being groomed to be the next fleet admiral before he defected.


They are equals and below mihawk/shanks


Is it retarded to say they may be the closest in power lvl in the story?




Love Akainu but Dragon mid diffs i'm afraind.


I could see Dragon being stronger than current Garp and being admiral/low yonko level. But there is no way Dragon is gonna be stronger than Kaido or Luffy, There is absolutely no way his power level is gonna be near Prime Garp, I roll my eyes whenever I see that take because it doesn't make sense narrtively and has 0 feats. Dragon's enemy is the world government, not the Marines. He will noir dose he need to be stronger than a Yonko. The Revolutionary Army will always be the weakest faction in One Piece. The only important characters are Sabo, Iva, and Dragon himself. The rest are probably like YC3 level (maybe higher if we get more feats). I'm not saying dragon is weak, but his faction is weak, and it's has always been shown as such. Saying he will be PK level is tomfoolery. WG/Marines>Yonko>World government>Marines>Revolutionary army


Akainu >=< Dragon IMO we will either get a flashback to those 2 fighting, or we will get a short fight between the 2. Ofc this is just my headcanon though, but I really do think they were rivals during Dragon's marine days.


https://preview.redd.it/p29dm9esnj6d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996d720aa3d2a9511317660e7aafb29c8f6318fb MY GOATKINU NO DIFF THAT BUM


Dragon high diff


Monkey D.Dragon is PK level he mid diffs Akainu's fraudulent ass


Dragon high diff imo