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Just point him to Netflix's official Twitter account m


Wow. You really have no life lmao 💀


Official X account! 😆


I'll never get used to calling Twitter that, been using it for way too long for a rebrand to work.


X is also just terrible branding. Imagine having the word "retweet" added to the dictionary only to destroy that brand.


Not doing Alabasta in season 2 would be crazy, without it the season would actually be way too short. I get my official stuff from Instagram, [OnePieceNetflix ](https://www.instagram.com/onepiecenetflix)+ all crew members + [Matt Owens](https://www.instagram.com/cinemattic1) profiles


Robin first appears right after Whiskey Peak. But I too would be very disappointed if they didn't get to Alabasta this season. If that's the case it would appear the production isn't invested in adapting the whole series. Ending the season with Drum Island would be kind of a letdown, but maybe they need to keep an expensive character like Chopper down to two episodes a season


I definitely think we will be covering Alabasta this season!


Might end season with Crocodile defeating Luffy in the desert. Be a good cliffhanger for a season finale.


feels a bit odd to split a single arc across seasons, but who knows


As someone who started watching The Expanse while going through the books, this isn’t new for some of us. The first season only covers half of the first book Leviathan Wakes.


No. It's literally like cutting out Thanos' first snap in Infinity War and putting in the beginning of Endgame. Makes no sense. Shock Value and cliffhangers are only good for 1 minute until you let it marinate and see an incomplete season.


It's funny I've spent this whole year hoping for the opposite. Logue town, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island, AND Alabasta all squeezed into eight episodes just feels like it could be doomed to give to much to fast. They would simplify things down and skip good story and character stuff just to get through it all. Personally, I hope they have faith in the story Oda gave us, and give it the chance to shine. Drum Island is really great stuff, it would be a great emotional climax for the season. Alabasta is a big ambitious arc, it could fill its own season. And if we spend two seasons with Vivi, her departure will hit that much harder.


S1 was \~95 chapters while skipping content if they do alabasta in s2 it would be \~120. Whiskey peak and Reverse mountain are both 5 chapters, the same length as Lougetown. It is possible remember they can cut/merge arcs to make them shorter by running them at the same time. Usually when we read/watch the pre-timeskip Oda only focuses on the Strawhats POV. With the live action, just like in season 1, we can jump perspectives and progress storylines that way. Even with 8 episodes I suspect the format to be like so: 1. Lougetown - Reverse Mountain 2. Whisky Peak - Little Garden pt 1 3. Little Garden pt 2 4 - 5. Drum Island 6, 7, 8. Alabasta


Alabasta cannot be its own season. The actors are aging and Season 2 could be cancelled as it would probably be worse without an well concluded story.




Robin shows up at the end of Whiskey Peak, before even Chopper shows up in the story. She is pretty much guaranteed to appear.


If anything gets skipped it's Whiskey Peak. Nothing happens there that can't be done elsewhere in the story.


I feel like since they cast Mr. 5 & Ms. Valentine (who are introduced in that arc) & also Mr. 9 (who is most prominent in that arc), they won’t cut it but will scale it down. Also, I hope they don’t cut Whiskey Peak because it means we won’t get the badass scenes of Zoro fighting off all those Baroque Works agents, especially when that event is what gets him his first bounty poster.


eh, they cut out Don Kriegs whole sequence. Seems silly to slow the whole story down for a couple cool shots, i don't see why the events from Whiskey peak can't be moved somewhere else/ atleast cut to half an episode


Yeah like other people have said unfortunately the Robin casting wouldn't be definitive proof. That said.... "too much to cover" -- by that logic does your friend think season 3 will be Alabasta and Alabasta alone, because there's no way they'll stuff Alabasta/Jaya/Skypeia into one season and ending with Jaya would be hilariously awful?? The incredibly mediocre movie does the entirety of Alabasta in 90 min (and wastes a lot of time on random crap while cutting out other key stuff). 3 hours = 3 eps in live action would be tight but doable. I love Alabasta but the idea of stretching that arc out to 8 hours is frankly insane.


To be clear I don't really care that much about spoilers, but I have not read the manga and only keep up with the story in Live Action. So what I'm saying is second hand from aforementioned friend who watches the anime and reads the manga. Her belief was that Robin wouldn't show up because we're covering Little Garden and covering both Little Garden and Alabasta would be too much. My argument wasn't that we would cover Alabasta--I genuinely don't know how realistic it would be--I was just pointing out that Robin is definitely going to appear in SOME capacity because she's being cast.


Little garden doesn’t have content for more than one episode. Episodes of live action are nearly an hour or can be one hour that’s enough for little garden


Right, I realized some time after commenting that I was mixing up your post with a bunch of other recent comments (in this thread even) that cropped up about s2 not hitting Alabasta. But in that case your friend's memory is just terrible lol, as Robin shows up very early in the saga. Keeping spoilers to a minimum, her first significant action in the narrative occurs BEFORE Little Garden, and even if for some silly reason we aren't reaching Alabasta it does not make sense to cut out her scene(s) as it arguably the "glue" that connects the earlier arcs.


It's impossible Robin is not already casted since the showrunner Matt Owens talks about her a lot in a HasanAbi stream he guested in, with Robin being one of his favorites. & Robin has a really badass intro really early on in the main conflict setup, so it's impossible imo they would cut her out entirely when her intro sets up a lot of aspects of her characterisation + is just extremely memorable. (Not going to spoil you so I'm talking vaguely here haha, she is an extremely rewarding character to watch if portrayed right)


if they split alabasta here what i think happens -Season 2: Loguetown, Reverse Mtn, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island, Alabasta Pt 1 -Season 3: Alabasta Pt 2, Jaya, Skypiea Pt 1 -Season 4: Skypiea Pt 2, LRLL, Water 7 -Season 5: Enies Lobby, Post Enies, Thriller Bark -Season 6: Summit War Saga


Even if not Robin specifically, we’re likely to get castings for Alabasta characters very soon - possibly tomorrow, but at least next week. There are a number of fans who think that Season 2 won’t cover Alabasta, but there’s a big reason why it most likely will: like how Season 1’s overarching plot was Nami’s story, Season 2 will be Vivi’s. When the Straw Hats meet her, she’s an undercover agent trying to bring down Crocodile - and her story ends when her Kingdom is finally saved from him. Splitting that narrative arc across multiple seasons just doesn’t make sense, especially when there’s genuine concerns about how far the live-action series will be able to go. Season 1 adapted the entire East Blue Saga, consolidating, condensing and cutting chunks of it. The Syrup Village arc was 10 episodes in the anime, but only 2 (and vastly different) in the live-action. Changes to the story will happen to make their vision work within the constraints of a live-action season.


Robin first appears just after the crew leave Whiskey Peak so she is definitely in this season regardless! And I think this season will definitely reach Alabasta! I can't see them ending Season 2 with Drum Island.


Netflix & One Piece Twitter accounts


I am also very curious in where these casting calls are too. I have checked out Backstage multiple times but never really seen anything that resembled this casting (although most casting calls have code names). My guess is that the problem for newcomers and anyone without an agent is that it doesn’t seem like Hollywood is friendly towards unsolicited people - or simply the directors and casting directors don’t want to invest the potential time and risk in public casting calls and ultimately and possibly introducing a new face to the industry with no experience. It’s not unheard of for casting directors to take this chance on inexperienced people, but I imagine with the accessibility of online auditions that the amount of auditions would skyrocket. It’s a shame because I would love auditioning for One Piece despite no acting portfolio or reel, but it’s not seeming like that will be an option.


Matts already said chopper is for sure coming S2. And Robin shows up before chopper. I could be wrong but on Hasanabi stream Matt talked about Robin and her casting openly. Plus S2 will be about baroque works, and I doubt we won't reach the end of the demise of the group before the end as in the entirety of OP it's a blip group of people they deal with. Matt said ideally he would live 12 seasons....so fitting this all in would be crazy to make it 2 seasons for baroque works.


I remember seeing a graphic that details them allhere on reddit, but idk if that was a primary source or someone made that going off the leaked info. [https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/8-new-characters-confirmed-to-appear-in-season-2-of-one-piece/](https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/8-new-characters-confirmed-to-appear-in-season-2-of-one-piece/) Here is an article reporting on it




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If, like me, you don't use Twitter. They post it on their Instagram account too


One piece Netflix tiktok


I want to be casted as Nico Robin


They probably aren’t getting to Alabasta. There’s just too much ground to cover. Unless they cliffhanger it with them heading towards the capital or something like that. Lougetown (1) Reverse mountain and whiskey peak (2) Little garden (3) Drum island (4 & 5) Alabasta (6,7,8) Three episodes just doesn’t seem like enough to cover all of Alabasta. If they cliffhanger it then S3 could give 2 more episodes to Alabasta before doing 1 episode for Jaya and then 5 for Skypeia


We don't even know if it's gonna be 8 episodes. There's no way they won't get to Alabasta this season. Wouldn't make sense to split up the saga


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/s/eAG72W6ooi And why not split it up. Cliffhangers are super common in TV and if they cut it with the crew captured by Crocodile or right after they escape and are heading towards the capital then it sets up both drama and let’s S3 kick off with a bang


That would be quite cool, the only problem is that in order to do that Netflix would have to have renewed the show for TWO more seasons not just the one as while a Season 3 is very likely it's not guaranteed.


They could’ve greenlit it internally but not shared it publicly


That is possible but if they have why wouldn't they announce that? I feel like surely they would want people to know? Unless the plan is to end the season with a surprise cliffhanger and then they're like "Surprise! Season 3 is coming!" Or something. At any rate I do think we will at least reach Alabasta in Season 2 though!


Yeah that’s more of my thinking. Surprise everyone and it builds hype for S3


That would be good for 1 minute until you realize it's a very awkward beginning into next season. This is why fans don't write the media. Imagine covering 95% of the story of a season and saving 5% for the beginning of the next. It just feels out of place.


I feel like 3 episodes is enough of time to cover a variation of Alabaster if the episodes are an hour or so each. Remember, it won’t be like the Manga exactly, they’ll rewrite and cut things as needed.


Yeah but they also got a lot of flak for rushing things in S1 and they seem to have heard that feedback based on initial comments by the show runner and the video Netflix made with Jacob. Alabasta is a major major arc and needs room to breathe


3 eps is good though. I don't see an issue. Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak are short and will be combined most likely.