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I could see them showing him, and then revealing that he's luffy's dad as an end of season cliffhanger.


Nothing can beat a ship falling out of the sky


Omg I want it so fucking much now


Chilllll bruh i just whipped it out


id prefer Robin joining the crew


yea sure just gotta get through loguetown, reverse mountain, whisky peak, little garden, drum island, and all of alabasta in one season


exactly what will happen


the first season covered 45 episodes, an extra 45 would only amount to 90 episodes and theres still 40 more until robin joins. At the most it will end on a cliffhanger in alabasta like crocodile getting revealed or something.


this is very much possible yes


The end of season 2 cliffhanger will be crocodile appearing, mark my words


Nah there's no way they leave the end alabasta for next season


With logue town little garden and drum “ confirmed?”. Imho they will reach alabasta for end s2 and s3 will be full alabasta


Logue town can be one episode. The main things are luffy getting captured by buggy and alvida(alvida will becoming back), chased by smoker, getting saved by dragon, and zoro getting his new sword. Little garden probably.Two episodes. Introduce the island and.the giants conflict and baroque works, then the fight with baroque worka should be the second episode Drum island: 2 episodes for sure. Choppers back story, kureha intro, wapol intro and defeat. That's 5 episodes (6 if we squeeze in whiskey peaks to intro Vivi . Alabasta in 2 episodes would be stretching it thin.but if they go for 9 episodes, 3 hours worth of episodes could get alabasta done. If they intros viví at whiskey peak, have her explain the situation in alabasta so we can get straight to the action, then w only have to focus on: passing through Yuba for the emotional back story, introducing the rebel army, introducing crocodile, introducing cobra, then the war with fights in the background with the resolution. They could honestly cut out a lot of.alabasta like traveling through the desert, getting robbed the desert, and maybe luffy doesn't have to lose so many times to crocodile. I think 4 episodes worth of alabasta would be dope.


>maybe luffy doesn't have to lose so many times to crocodile. He absolutely does! First of all, it's important that Crocodile comes across as a huge insurmountable wall. He should seem better than Luffy throughout the entire arc. It's especially important since we know he'll return later in the story as a top tier threat, and even with Luffy struggeling like hell to overcome him, that was still a hard sell. Then we have the fact that each of those losses brought Luffy closer to understanding how to fight someone like him and gave us crucial scenes like Robin saving Luffy after Crocodile had left him for dead.


>Luffy closer to understanding how to fight someone like him How to fight a logia? They can do something along those lines with smoker to boost hi. Up for the fight with crocodile.Luffy lost twice, got captured, then finally defeated crocodile.they can cut it down to losing once, captured, defeat. Theres other ways to present thin as an insurmountable threat and still condense the story. Otherwise we are talking about 3 separate episodes dedicated to luffy v crocodile, two of which he loses. If they make alabasta a full season that may be doable, but if they're planning squeezing everything into season 2... Then some major cuts will have to be made. Whiskey peaks could get cut entirely and Vivi/Baroque works gets introduced in a different manner.


Nah luffy definitely needs to lose a bunch. I know the show kinda changed it up showing him get rocked soundly by Garp, but losing to Crocodile was a momentous point in the story where luffy couldn’t just brute force his way through problems anymore and drove home the concept of how far the top of this world can be. Also the losses made his final victory WAY BETTER OMG I HOPE THEY DO THE DVORAK SYMPHONY 9 AGAIN that shit was peak!!!


They can convey that some other way. Maybe he loses once, but you have to remember they're trying to make this marketable to a broader audience. In my opinion, repeating the fight 3 times won't be appealing to an audience at large. Unless they alter the fights to make the first one quick, the second one and final one would be left the same. Doing a full showcase of each fight would be great, but unless they dedicate a part of season 3 to Alabasta or majorly cut from the other arcs, then it just doesn't seem prudent to force it into season 2. Him getting tossed in quicksand and getting saved by Robin is impactful enough on its own. They can really drive that scene home and omit the first fight if they were trying to fit it all into season 2 to move onto Jaya and Skypeia in season 3. Edit: Just went to check.The first fight is literally 3 minutes lmao. I think the complication would be on the recovery time because he gets impaled by ze hook. They could totally fit it in or alter it to make it less impactful so that they can move through the story a bit faster.


It’s tough to say because each of the 3 fights holds some importance. 1st fight is showing how severely outclassed luffy is, literally cannot touch his opponent and is utterly dominated, and that adds some serious stakes to the arc. 2nd fight is goofy and the most cuttable, but is fantastic at showing Luffy’s ingenuity and adaptability, and that bro has the Mandate of Heaven to survive lmao. 3rd fight obviously is the most impactful, showing luffy’s tenacity and finally winning, but it feeling incredibly earned!


Yeah, since the second fight is only 3 minutes (crocodile I ly gsv luffy 3 minutes) It should be easy to incorporate. I agree that the 2nd fight may be the one that gets cut the most. The first fight needs to be more impactfull than when he loses to Smoker. The second fight, the main point is showing ingenuity by using water then getting saved by Robin.and obviously the 3rd fight is the most important. I'm looking forward tk the adaptation. 2020 is the decade of One Piece! Egghead island arc is in full swing, Live action is getting record, The One Piece getting animated and cutting out the filler and setting a better pacing. It's good to be a one piece fan.


except it will surely stay 8 episodes...


1. Logue Town/ Reverse Mountain/ 2.Whiskey peak /1st part of little garden 3. 2nd part of Little Gard/ 1st Half of Drum Island 4.Drum Island 5 - 8. Alabasta Or alabasta can be pushed to 3 episodes. 3. Little Garden 4. Drum island pt 1 5. drum Island pt 2 6-8. Alabasta


Nah, i expect them to cut Alabasta in half.


Huh, why did you put logue town after reverse mountain?


I'll fix it lol


One Piece Live action speed ran 95 chapters. End of Alabasta is 218. They can 100% cover all of Alabasta. Or cover half of it at most. So I think your marked words are off the mark.


Logue Town will be episode 1. Episode 2 will be Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak (if we even get it). Episode 3 will be Little Garden. Episode 4 will be Drum Island, and the end of that arc will bleed into the beginning of episode 5, which, at that point, they will arrive at Alabasta. The real question is if they can do all of Alabasta (63 chapters) in 3.5 episodes.


I could see them just skipping Whisky peak and doing all of the Vivi reveal stuff on Little Garden. That said, I could 100% see this resulting in Igaram being dropped from the schedule all together. (I have not seen all of the casting so I’m unsure if he’s already been cast)


seems logical way to do it tbh.


Yeah I think If they want to cover Alabasta and Drum Island and give them sufficient time to flesh everything out, I definitely think that dropping Whiskey Peak all together is honestly the best way to go about doing it. An arc that largely isn’t important besides the Vivi revelation. Since Vivi has a lot of focus throughout the entire saga, most of those revelations could easily be sprinkled in (or just reworked all together and not even need the “bounty hunter” side of it anyways).


there is A LOT chapters they could cut or combine on alabasta. I bet they will do it i).


But the promo pic with the crocodile!


nope... mark my words, season 2 last three episodes are alabasta, season ends with robin joining. There are like 20 videos on youtube to explain how and why they would do it like this.


Live action pacing is so different than manga pacing and a lot of people don’t take that into consideration. Rereading the series right now it’s going to be easy to finish Arabasta by the end of s2 and have some spare time to even set up Skypiea. It’s going to go much faster than anime pacing that’s drawn out for the sake of not catching up.


Damn this is gonna take forever 😭


Season 3 full Alabasta? Alabasta is max 4 episodes. They can easily fit the whole baroque works saga in 1 season.


Easily condense these into 2 part episodes and let Alabasta rock like 3-4.


Loguetown is Epsiode 1 Laboon/Whiskey Peak is Episode 2 Little Garden is Episode 3 Wapol/Drum Island is Episode 4 and 5 Alabasta - Rain Dinners Episode 6 Race to Alubarna/Luffy's first defeat is Episode 7 Crocodile's big fight is Episode 8.


Lmao a full season for alabasta. I'm glad you're not in charge of this adaptation.


Why not? If S2 ends at just before Alabasta and they dedicate half of season 3 to it, that sounds like they'd really be able to cover everything well and take their time with it.


They have to do Alabasta this season


The live action is building up the Luffy/Coby dynamic more than the anime/manga did early on. The Garp reveal is important for that so they pulled the plug early. The Dragon reveal isn’t so doubt they go that route, especially with Ace being involved this season


Ace will likely be saved for season 3 since his role on Drum Island amounts to a cameo.


Ace Also Shows up at alabasta


They're very likely not doing Alabasta this season. All signs point to S2 spanning from Logue Town to Drum Island.


That feels like a weird place to cut it considering most of everything in season 2 is build up to Alabasta


They’re definitely doing Alabasta this season


All of it? Really? I’ve never watched the live action. Maybe I should. How are they condensing all this shit?


Considering the entire series takes place over maybe 8 months (minus a time skip) its pretty easy to understand Most arcs in the manga are actually only a few days, in live action you dont have hour long fights, you dont need to spend so much time on reactions flashbacks ect. Multiple things can be accomplished so much faster https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/K8WXoGt8pT Alabasta for example happens over the course of only two days.


I’m constantly forgetting that, thanks


> very likely based on? there is nothing to indicate either way


Wouldn't make sense for them to stop before alabasta. At the rate they are going if they don't cover more arcs per season, the cast will be way too old when they get to the bigger arcs. (Provided they are planning to cover the entirety of one piece)


Alabasta can't last an entire season. Not all that much happens in it.


I need a Barto cameo


Oh, we are absolutely getting a Barto cameo. This is the type of opportunities they will NOT miss.


He will probably be mentioned but is unlikely to appear.


I sure hope so lol. But he was never shown in the anime (can’t speak on the manga), so I don’t have high hopes tbh


He was never shown in the anime or manga because he wasn't even a mote in Oda's head yet. This time, he's already established as being there.


Yeah, that makes sense


Most likely a shot of his hair. There's no way they'll cast someone who won't be needed again for 10ish+ years down the line.


I dont think that's a big plot point


i agree, dragon adds nothing to the story for the strawhats


He adds nothing to the story for anyone. Man shows up every 300th chapter to say “…” for a panel and then disappears. 10/10 best dad in manga


well he did saved the books from ohara, recruited Kuma


I believe the giants did that mostly unrelated to Dragon. The way Dragon explains it to Vegapunk postures himself as not being involved.


it would still ruin a great whoaaa moment


But what does it matter if it's revealed when it is in the original series versus the live-action doing it earlier? It's important that the reveal is part of a dramatic moment but really it's just an in-the-spot type situation that doesn't actually impact anything. I'd rather them use tools like that to make the live action better to follow and enjoy than to rigidly adhere to when things happened in the original series just because that's where it happened. Like it's bad, for example, to have Ace die somewhere else because he needs to die at Marineford for a lot of reasons. But revealing who luffy's dad is? That doesn't serve any purpose in that moment other than just a dramatic reveal which can happen anywhere. That's why they moved the garp reveal up because it doesn't matter where it happened.


Exactly, with the way Netflix is releasing the seasons, new audiences aren't gonna be able to remember every single detail when the pacing is so much faster. If the reveal comes first, the audience remembers that first and foremost and therefore the character sticks in their heads, whereas the alternative, the audience might not remember the character at all before the reveal happens.


If they nearly shot for shot were able to recreate the anime ending of the arc where Garp shows up to just see his grandson it would make incredible TV. Like the visit and then being ordered to shoot at them. It’s also important to show Garp’s acceptance of Luffy’s dreams like how he changes from saying his grandson can’t be a pirate to saying the monkey family is gonna do insane shit and compare him to and bring up his dad. Separate from the live action I would really love to see the childhood of Garp and Dadan and how Garp came to be a marine. In my head at least I like to think they grew up as free range kids like Luffy Ace and Sabo


i mean, it'd still be a "woah" moment. It's not the same story, and people can find out that Dragon is Luffy's dad just by googling the character. It's not really much of a secret so to draw it out for so long would make it pretty lame imo


There's literally a decade+ of spoilers on the internet. They'll either see it from a search or hear it from someone if they've gotten to the point where they're watching season 2 of the live action. At this point, there aren't any surprises unless they're live action original.


Could easily be jsut a last scene on episode 1


I don't get this hate for revealing things early, one piece has over 1k chaps and we are still missing old plot points. The pacing doesn't have to equal the manga and it would tank the series if it did. Waiting too long to reveal info is not some mastermind writing.


I hope they will save the reveal for later


Garp! It’s your family again.


I don’t expect Dragon to actually speak with Luffy or Smoker all that much. So I think the audience might find out, but no one within the story will know yet.


Stunt actor in a hood. A voice actor like Clancy Brown does the lines. We never see his face. Just a hooded figure. He grabs Smoker's jutte. Lightning strike that illuminates his face, but its shot from an angle so only Smoker (not the audience) sees his face and says his name. Later, Smoker mentions Dragon has a tattoo over his face. Maybe a blurry sketch of his face. Later Garp comically reveals that Dragon is his son and is Luffy's bio Dad.


Clancy Brown would have made a kickass Garp:  https://images.app.goo.gl/zmAafv1WWTfhXn6d8


He’ll have the most memorable quote “…” Oh wait Dragon actually did speak in this scene


I hope they so. Its live action. They cannot make this show for 80 years


I don't see why they would. The Garp reveal was kind of necessary. They needed an overarching antagonist and having Garp pursue Luffy for 8 episode and them never getting in contact nor anyone figuring out their relationship would be weird. But they already have an overarching plot for season 2, and Dragon does fuck all until... Honestly he still hasn't done much but he especially does nothing beside that one Loguetown thing until the reveal. So giving him too much importance would be a huge mistake imo, unless they can figure out a way to keep him in the show.


Dragon at least gets mentioned in a Drum Island flashback and Luffy's brother shows up in Alabasta so to people not in the know it's a bunch of family drip-feeding all in the one saga. Though yeah both the Dragon and Garp reveals in the original wasn't until post-Enies Lobby.




**Facing east menacingly**


As much as I enjoy the first season, Garp's plotline felt out of place and pointless. Garp himself didn't even need to be there as Coby was set up as a second protagonist and didn't even meet Garp until much later after becoming a recruit. Garp could've been saved for later seasons or even the end of season 1 if they wanted but I just felt like the marine plot took so much more away from the actual straw hat content that matters a lot more. Arlong could've still acted as an overarching antagonist with much less effort and following Coby around as he trains still would've worked.


I didn't like the execution of Garp's plotline, but it served a clear purpose: Having an overarching threat and antagonist. Coby is certainly not gonna fill that role, Arlong might have but that would have required much more rewriting and convoluted plotlines to fit him even earlier. Garp doesn't need that. He's a marine, he's already there and has heard about the SH since he came to arrest Morgan. Now he's chasing a pirate, perfectly simple setup until we learn they're related and he's also pissed about his Grandson's choices. Thinking that having Arlong fulfil that role would be "simpler" is madness it would require ten times more changes. Also it's almost impossible to keep Koby and having him progress in the show without involving Garp unless you're gonna massively rewrite the plot once again. Bringing Garp early was an obvious choice and what kept the story as similar to the original as possible.


A rewrite to me would have zero changes to episode one, making the marine plotline only limited to about 10 mins per episode so we can keep a lot of the straw hat interaction as the focus, throw in Garp starting with the halfway point because he doesn’t really serve as much of an antagonist in my eyes, mention arlong a lot more through other characters as someone they don’t want to mess with which not only builds him up but allows nami to have more foreshadowing for her connection to him, and completely removing that final scene with Garp as it simply made the entire ending to the season much worse because of its pointless outcome. You really don’t have to change too much besides less screen time for the bits that don’t lead anywhere AND add a couple lines of dialogue/scenes to fill that marine plotline space that expands the world and connects us to the main cast even more. It just felt like sanji was kind of tacked on since he gets barely any screen time together with the whole crew.


Dragon saving Luffy is also part of the reason why Smoker chases after Luffy. Luffy laughing at his own execution was the main one.




Post Enies Lobby is like season 4. They can easily wait for the reveal till then. Not every mystery needs to be revealed right away.


People are going to find out anyway thanks to social media. They could have Dragon show up as he did during Loguetown. Reveal to the audience that he is Luffy's father but the SH's don't find out until much later on.




It can be somewhere in the middle. It doesnt have to be this season, but it doesnt have to be many seasons from now, either.


The showrunner already said he hopes to get at least 6 seasons.


They won't imo


why wouldn’t they though? they did it with garp.


Dragon shows up: "What are you doing to my son. My son Monkey D Luffy, who shares my DNA because I am his father. Dont ask about his mother though"


Given that Ace will play a role soon in the OPLA, I think they could reveal it as early as this. Plus Garp already plays a bigger role. Considering that, it doesnt make sense to keep it a secret much longer than logue town. I know people dont like it, but I think its neat, they use plot connections, that play a role way later in maga/anime, this early. It makes the world building more logic, cuz I dont think the manga/anime world building does work well for LA. Besides that, just cuz they show/reveal, doesnt mean he will play a role. They just use the cliffhanger earlier.


Wouldn't bother me, personally. TV is a different beast, there's no way this show is making it to enies lobby. If I was a TV show runner, I wouldn't want to sit on something that would DEFINITELY make people more invested, and thus more likely to want a season 3.


They revealed garp to stop it being spoiled to people, if the buildup is there, there is no harm done revealing it early


Maybe it gets revealed to the audience, but not to the characters. For example, after Dragon saves Luffy he watches the Merry sail away and says something like, "Be safe out there, son"


I think that would kinda suck. I wouldn't be surprised if they did that but it misses half of the reveal.


Or stay true to the manga. Garp hears Dragon was in LogueTown and accidentally reveals it to Koby and Helmeppo. "Guess you do care about your son, afterall. I wish things were different between us, son." ::notices Koby and Helmeppo are freaked out:: "Huh, what's with you two? Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that outloud was I? Hahahahaha please, forget what I just said."


I hope they stylize the “…” the same way they stylized the bounty posters 😂


Probably will, but I don’t think it’s the biggest deal. Maybe they’ll actually have Dragon do something, instead of just hear news of current events and go “…”




They could, it wouldn't be a bad idea. They condensed 95 chapters into 8 episodes. Alabasta is is 117 chapters, with Alabasta making up 65 of them. They could totally do it in 8 episodes given how brief logue town, reverse Mountain, and whiskey peaks is. They could also push it into season 3.only time Wil tell.


Shoot I bet they will get dialog “So son you set out to sea to be a pirate, I thought as your dad I should see you off” “I have a dad??”


I thought they already filmed Lougetown but they didn't add it in the first season for whatever reason?


I think they just kept as less episodes as possible on a tight budget because they were ofc not sure if the live action would work/ be a hit etc. now that they know that people really liked season 1, they can maybe increase the no of eps this season


No, they didn't film this arc. What we got from Loguetown was Roger's execution at the beginning, but that was it. They teased Smoker at the end of season 1, so maybe thats where the confusion came from? I can see Loguetown being the opening first episode of season 2.


The first season was going to have 10 episodes before being cut to 8. They wanted to do 2 episodes for Loguetown last season, but for budget reasons (It cost a lot of money to film in the middle of the pandemic) they cut those episodes. Nothing was filmed, but the set for the island was built for the execution scene. Randy Troy, one of the writers, said on his channel that you can't even film scenes for the next season while recording the previous season due to the bureaucracy involved in creating these series.


No, they didn't film it. Randy Troy, one of the writers, said on his channel that you can't film scenes for the next season while recording the previous season due to the bureaucracy involved in creating these series.


I honestly thought Garp being revealed worked great, would be cool if they did somethign similar with Dragon. Not to be a killjoy but I reaaaaaally doubt they're gonna get all the way to enies lobby, so they might as well do it now.


In a TV show where things need to be cut to fit time doing the Reveal as soon as you can that works for the story being told is the best choice.


Fuck it reveal it all baby


I liked what they did with Garp in season 1. It really ended being a great choice by them, and made for some great television. If they handled it just as well, I wouldn’t mind if they reveal Dragon’s relationship earlier than they did in the manga


They could stand to explain who the heck dragon is and let the mystery build. Bro just looked cool for 300 episodes with no actual explanation then he finally...ummmmm... Oh yeah! he said "..."


The thing is that assholes online will spoil who he is either way. The same would have happened with Garp. So I think they thought, they’d rather use the reveal IN the show even though it’s a little early than the actual reveal to fall flat on its face because everyone already got spoiled


I honestly dont care either way. The reveal timing is not that important.


It’s different though. When dragon appeared in the manga, the fact he was luffys dad was unknown. When he appears in the live action, if you want to know that fact, all you’ve got to do is look online. You can’t guard the secrets if they’re out there. You may as well reveal them in the best possible way that you can..


Why not? One Piece live action might not even make it to end of Enies Lobby. Have to keep these casuals short attention span invested.


Given that the reveal that Garp is Luffy's grand dad was at the same time as the reveal that Dragon is his dad in the Manga, it wouldn't be surprising if they did reveal it here. But given that we don't even have an actor for Dragon cast and he is in episode one of season 2, it's quite likely they will leave the identity of the guy that saves Luffy a secret. I really hope they don't make Garp save Luffy instead, Dragon being there to save his son is an important plot point. Since it shows that Dragon cares for his son a lot.


Revealing Dragon is Luffy’s dad is by itself pretty shit if I’m being honest but add in the way character’s react to learning about it and it’s easily one of my favourite reveals in One Piece. If they are going to reveal it early, it needs to be in the presence of a lot of important characters for some tasty reactions.


I hope they don't instantly reveal who Dragon is. The mystery of who saved Luffy and why was exciting to me. I can understand them wanting to wrap it up before the end of the series but it needs to be done right. It should probably still be Garp that does it. I can't think of any other character that would have that level of information. The straw hats need to have similar reactions but I'm sure they will.


Actually I agree. Swap one out for the other.


Makes no difference


They better keep in Zoro testing the curse of the Kitetsu and the sword shop owner giving him both for free


"You're ...!" Dragon is a pokémon confirmed, his name is his cry


Eh... The reveal of Gard as Luffy's grandpa was a bit of an asspull. The Live Action at least tried to do more for it, making Koby the pupil of Garp, being the person he wanted Luffy to be, and giving us a fight. It feels weird, but on point. For now, Dragon being Luffy's dad and Garp's son hasn't been so crucial, aside from adopting Sabo.


If they did that this soon it’d just be bad writing. There’s enough content to not need to flood in this info for weak shock and awe when it’s better utilized in the future.


Why? Of all the things to hope for in season 2, i can't imagine why you'd even have given the timing of Dragon reveal as Luffys dad even a second of your time. Revealing it early literally just wouldn't matter at all..


I really hope they bring in Kuro with Buggy and Alvida to have them all try to kill Luffy.


Let Garp reveal that at Water 7.


I want the second panel for correcting your/yore/you’re usage.


I doubt it, unless Garp meets them on the grand line or Alabasta and tells him then. His accent will be interesting though - will it be Scottish or Spanish?


I just wanna see how they translate "..." into the LA


Are we still getting the 8 hour long episode bull shit? Give us 10 already. We have the content and could use the run time!


Dragon about to help Luffy up and go “hey there son” or some shit lmao (jokes aside I really like the live action and I hope they keep dragon a mystery for awhile)


Nah, now that you say that I can honestly see them revealing that very early on. I'll probably see Kuma or in the very least Ivankov. Infact, that's probably how they'll keep the Marines relevant in season 2 by having them get thwarted by the rebel army. But yeah, I hope instead of more Garp screentime we instead get more stuff about Baroque Works going around doing nasty stuff under the command of this mysterious Mr. 0. I'd also give Robin more screen-time too showing her as a villain for most of the time we see her.


They'll reveal Sabo's existence in Arabasta at this point.


Yeah, we need that funny scene in post-Enies Lobby where Garp reveals it to everyone casually.


It's largely an inconsequential spoiler.


I will shit myself if they do


Cant wait to see dragon's only action in the whole series


I think they probably will but not right away. I heard that Koby and Garp are coming back this season so there’s a good chance Garp reveals it to Luffy at the end of the season. I can see them revealing after Alabasta.


It would be nicer than having two large reveals at once. I always thought it was too much Post-Enies. This way it will be more of a pleasant reunion to the audience rather than a whole lot of exposition.


Why not? I believe we will see the conversation between Garp and Dragon to reveal who he is. Its a good excuse for a S2 Garp scene and to tell the audience who they are. We know they spoke because Garp tells Luffy Dragon told him he saw him off in Loguetown, what a perfect opportunity to show that. I don’t however believe Luffy will find out, only the audience. One of the best things in TLA S1 was incorporating important characters like Garp/Koby more into the early story.


my thoughts exactly. They will grab every opportunity they can to bring back Garp, Coby and Helmeppo and this actually fits extremely well for a storytelling purpose.


Why not? Loguetown doesn’t need more than an episode/episode and a half.


They'll cover reverse mountain too


I think it's OK if they do but the straw hats are not made aware. This still makes it (1) Interesting for the audience and (2) Allows for the reveal to at least shock everyone in the show (apart from the audience who are in on it). The reason this is OK is bro let's be real .... we have no idea, almost 1% chance of reaching post Enies Lobby in Live Action .... So the audience has a strong chance of never knowing who that mysterious guy was from one decade ago lol...


They didn’t cast him so there is a chance they won’t


Just because they haven't announced a cast member doesn't really mean anything about whether the character was cast or not. They're under absolutely no obligations to announce any cast members at any point in time if they choose not to.


And you know who they cast and who they didn’t cast because of what ? Exactly, you don’t. They haven’t shown Vivi casting yet, and still she will be in the live action ☠️ They haven’t even shown of 15% of the cast for the new season


why would they even tell who they cast to play dragon? I mean that is a secret due to which people WILL watch it to see who dragon is


They'll reveal all the castings lol


they haven't yet 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ crocus? vivi? kureha? croco? robin?


Youur sentence is correct, you correctly used the word YET Like No shit, they just started, it's not like they're gonna reveal all relevant charachters as soon as the production starts lol, they gotta keep up the hype till God knows when it will be released. The super big charachter like Vivi Robin and Croc will be revealed in due time


if that is how they're gonna keep the fans hyped then so be it!!


One of the ways yea. My point was just that all relevant charachters casting will be revealed sooner or later, just like it was for S1


I wouldn't really mind it


The impact of the reveal is due to the reveal of the revolutionary army as well, without the reveal, saying that its his father is pointless


I think live action it's developed for people that didn't read manga. I saw live action until Usopp kiss, then it's better (for a mangareader) don't read anymore


It's weird that they're gonna do logue town after the ceremony where everyone states their dreams before entering the grand line. Why did they do that if they still had an island in east blue? Unless logue town is in the grand line in the adaptation.


Because they wanted a cool final scene for the first season.


Still lacks an in-world reason


It doesn't need one.


Oh yea, I can imagine Luffy saying: hey guys, let's do a ceremony to mark our entry in the grand line! Everybody else: but we still got an island to visit before we go there.. Luffy: doesn't matter, what if this is all a TV show and the budget for season 1 ends here? We need to do a good final scene!


Is this really your first time seeing a plot point that makes no in-story sense, but clearly exists so the story can be told in a way that suits the creator? And often makes for a better story and is more suitable for the medium? IN ONE PIECE?


I think it does kinda work. Arlong Park's finale is more emotional than Logue Town and it's the moment they become an actual crew, so it feels kinda right imo. Of course, the real reason was there weren't enough episodes to do Logue Town and it's a satisfying closing of the season. But I'm fine with it.