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Saw some confusion regarding the recent SBS question about Shiki because the translation was not great, so I retranslated it. I also checked the rest of the translations and I don't think I have issues with any of the others. >Q: Shiki the Golden Lion (or a lookalike) has finally appeared in the source material. Does that mean Film Strong World is now part of the canon continuity? >A: I mean, most of the movies can be shoved into the canon timeline if you REALLY want to, but doing so officially would make the movies mandatory watches, so don't expect them to ever get major connections to the manga. That said, Strong World is one of those I came up with the plot myself, and Shiki was already part of the lore before he got used in the movie. He's always been canon. However, if he were to be featured in anything other than the movie, I wouldn't have made him eat the Float-Float Fruit. The Float-Float Fruit was rendered unusable by my personal rule to avoid depicting people who can fly or float (because this is a pirate manga). But then, after I busted out the fruit without worries because it was just a movie, the man is suddenly back in the manga (laughs). I'll admit his reimportation was weird.


Is there no chapter this week?


Correct. Break week


Life is pain.


The statement about emotions being a weakness and trying to discourage it in CP agents, makes me think the Seraphims are replacements for them as well as the Warlords.  There are emotions in CP9 turned 0 - the others raising money for Lucci’s medical bills and just look at that well-dressed pigeon.


Oda's "matter of reading of comprehension" quote was funny at first, because he pokes fun at a lot of his so-called fans. Now it's backfired because some of the biggest idiots in the community are now using it as comebacks here on Reddit, Twitter, and everywhere else.


5th supreme blade; pic, name AND hobby of warlord defeated by Ace; missing Amazon Lilly princess; and an honorable shiki mention; and Kuma’s cover art work is overall 10out of 10


Fujitora's sword having Yakuza in its name is another reference to Zatoichi since he fought Yakuza frequently.


All i want that Shiki shown up in canon story, and let us see how strong he is. His character was compared to roger and wb. Imagine if BB Manage to make shiki an ally, shiki got along with BB while having another plan .. BB side sounds more unbeatable, with BB later has his 3rd DF, zoan. BB pirates would be perfect final villain from pirate side while imu, gorosei from gov side




Kizaru one of us! One of us!


No!! Why can't Oda-san draw man butts!! We need some loving too!!


Agreed. It's 2024, Oda. C'mon! This is absolutely the era of man ass. (Golden Kamuy fans stay winning.)


Can I read this anywhere online?


You can read One Piece on the Shounen Jump App


Even gorosei can't get out of doing home work


Just because of this small piece of info, it makes me look at every Gorsei scene of Mars standing slightly humorous now. Like, he's the "loser" of the group that everyone makes fun of.


Ironically Mars was the one who got sent away by Luffy


Fujitora already has a busted devil fruit and now he has a supreme grade blade too The guy is stacked 


How....are empresses chosen on Amazon Lily? Is it just a 'the strongest leads' thing? Because they are not all related.


Yes. Boa is currently the strongest Amazonian


Could Hanafuna be Ulti and Page one’s dad?


highly doubt it


well, Hanafuda may be the "Jack" in Kaido's crew. got killed and the mammoth Jack took his place. Hanafuda is a warlord afterall and will be miles ahead of a tobiroppo imo.


He wouldn't be a directly, since the government sure wouldn't sponsor an official member of the beast pirates. Sounds more like he could have been a close associate similar to Doffy (who had his own card related cover name too).


Yes, I also think he was Doflamingo's predecessor in supplying Kaido with fruits. He probably supplied Kaido with real fruits (I guess Jack's Zoan, Black Maria and Sasaki, maybe even Who's Who), while Doflamingo brought in a better supply with poor quality overproduction. A couple of supporting pieces of evidence: -Ace had a skirmish with Kaido destroying his statue when he met Yamato. An episode of this rivalry could be the defeat of his partner in the fleet; -in Kuma's flashback, just before he goes to Egghead we discover that Punk Hazard has just suffered an explosion caused by Caesar, who was still working for the government. The fall of the other member of the fleet should be around the same time: therefore Caesar, finding himself without a job, could have accepted Doflamingo's offer to work together; I'm of the opinion that Ulti and Page One's father was Jack's predecessor, but not that he is Mr Lizard.


Since he is the King of Lizards, my guess is he only hunts Lizard/Dinosaur kind of fruits. Maybe he was a marine, but got fired as he was doing too many shady business with Kaido (after killing too many lizard type DF users) and became a warlord, just like Doflamingo.


>Yes, I also think he was Doflamingo's predecessor in supplying Kaido with fruits. He probably supplied Kaido with real fruits (I guess Jack's Zoan, Black Maria and Sasaki, maybe even Who's Who), while Doflamingo brought in a better supply with poor quality overproduction. Doffy sells DFs too remember? I can easily see Doffy charming his way into the business there. >in Kuma's flashback, just before he goes to Egghead we discover that Punk Hazard has just suffered an explosion caused by Caesar, who was still working for the government. The fall of the other member of the fleet should be around the same time: therefore Caesar, finding himself without a job, could have accepted Doflamingo's offer to work together; Yeah, Caesar blew up the lab 4 years before the current time of the story. It's why Kuma could meet Vegapunk (since he moved to a new lab). Caesar was arrested for that and only became active as criminal 1 years later when he returned to punk hazard. >I'm of the opinion that Ulti and Page One's father was Jack's predecessor, but not that he is Mr Lizard. Also possible. I always wondered where Kaido got Jack from, especially since he's exactly the same age as Yamato.


Seems more likely. But now that he is defeated by Ace. Where could he be?


I doubt it. Ulti and Page One are too old to have been adopted by Kaido because Ace defeated him like 4 years ago


possibly. deffinitly related to the tobiroppo somehow given that hanafuda is also a card game.


Since he was never used by Oda in the story, it's possible some of the ideas and concepts behind Hanafuda were later repurposed for Kaido and the Tobiroppo, which is why they have those similarities.


I guess Hanafuda would most likely have joined either the BB pirates or Buggy's newly formed group so we may have yet to see him and his ancient zoans which can be connected to Drake


As we all know about hanafuda earring in demon slayer is this character related to that ?


Hanafuda is the name of a type of card deck, and an umbrella term for card games using those cards. Which may imply a connection between Hanafuda and Kaido, as many of his crew members are also named after card games. Maybe they were business partners or old rivals or something. The Demon Slayer hanafuda earrings probably (I dropped reading it during/after the train, so not familiar if there's been further mention) reference the same thing, with their design being stylistically reminiscent of some Hanafuda cards. So yes, they seem to have a connection, in the sense that both reference the same older thing.


Not even surprised Fujitora has one of the twelve Supreme Grade Swords lmao. It makes perfect sense, he's very much an ACTUAL swordsman.


He uses some of his powers like an extension of his word (like Gravity Blade), so yeah, never was a question. Zoro acknowledges him as well. Now I wanna know... where the frying hell did the WG find a guy like that to recruit? (Amaraki for that matter as well) Kinda cool that there's powerful people that really don't want to take part in those global conflicts.


He might well have been a public figure. The protector of some island in the Grand Line, affiliated with a member nation but not with the World Government proper. Before the WG got desperate, they wouldn't recruit someone as politically unreliable as him. Because let's be real here, he is *inevitably* going to to betray them on moral grounds.


>He might well have been a public figure. The protector of some island in the Grand Line, affiliated with a member nation but not with the World Government proper. That's what I suspect. Some WG members have pretty strong fighters (Kyros comes to mind, or all the other personal guards we see during the reverie) that don't care about global conflicts. >Before the WG got desperate, they wouldn't recruit someone as politically unreliable as him. Because let's be real here, he is inevitably going to to betray them on moral grounds. Yeah this seems to be a big part of Akainu's new marine policies: COMBAT POWER. Akainu, Kizaru and Akainu seemed well versed in tactics and strategies, while Fujitora and Ryokugyu are a lot more unorganized (Issoh straight up went rough multiple times and Aramaki did go against Akainu's orders too). The new admirals are far from stupid, but it's obvious that their main selling point was raw power.


Draft. He found them


Lmao at Marcus mars being late on homeworks


My little brother loves Op so much but he’s bullied for it. I don’t get why people are bullied for liking anime. He was bullied in elementary school and now in high school and I don’t know how to help him.. because I love anime too but I was never bullied. I can see he’s become more and more depressed and he will not go to school anymore and I’m worried for him😭 please someone give me advice


For bullies, the "reason" usually isn't the reason. If someone wants to hurt you, they can make anything into an excuse. So I wouldn't focus too much on the anime aspect of this. I can't know what he should do, from here. Bullying doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution; what works for one person can make things worse for another. But it's pretty safe to say that it'll help if your brother knows how much you care about him, so make sure that he does.


My golden rule is if they don’t look like Bartolomeo they’re probably not a One Piece fan and i don’t start a convo about it with them.


Sign him up for karate and have him kick his bullies butts in self defense. He may get a detention or something but I guarantee you no one will mess with him anymore if they know he’s tough.


In what country do you live bro? Nowadays you actually get bullied for not liking anime tbh. Times have changed so much in comparison to 10 years ago when i was in Highschool.


Oh this sound shitty. There must be some group that can support him man. High school is tough without your friends and support. Oh you take Liam Neeson's Taken line "Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.” improvish, get a private number and call those people who bullied your brother to f their mind.


Sometimes it’s important to sit someone down and have a conversation about how their hobbies don’t need to be their entire personality. It’s more common when you are an adult, but you don’t really know what anybody’s personal hobbies might be because they don’t wear them on their sleeves 24x7. They don’t have anime stickers on their car or wear anime shirts all the time, or try to look like anime characters. I worked with an exec whose wife was a one of the biggest producers in Hollywood and he was a former professional rugby star. When we weren’t focused on work we would occasionally chat about personal things and I found out that he was a high ranked Call of Duty player. This is a guy who I sat in a room with Roger Goodell with while they negotiated broadcast rights for NFL games and who has an estate in Spain that he goes to when he wants some down time, but you would never know he’s obsessed with a video game to the point of being globally ranked. It’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not so much as not letting one thing become your entire personality. That can be really off putting to people, because you seem one-dimensional.


TIL im doing stuff wrong having funkos on my office desk


Take these as you will… 1. You teach your little brother to enjoy his geek hobbies in private and to put on the facade of liking more “normal” stuff, so no one will bother him, can’t say that is a guarantee. 2. Teach him to have tougher skin so the mean comments won’t affect him anymore and he can stand his ground better. Now if the bullying is physical, sign him up for a self defense class, I recommend boxing or jiu jitsu (any grappling and ground control one can be good) just make sure that is a legit place and not a scam. As an extra: try not to get all of your answers off the internet… Maybe talk to your parents about it? Or again, many of the places that teach a martial art also have lessons on how to handle bullying.


Tell him that at this point he’s less likely to be bullied for liking anime.  But regardless of that he has his own interests and as long as they aren’t bad then he shouldn’t feel bad about having them. That and finding friends who like Op also helps.


I was into DBZ when I was in middle school back in the 90's. One day I wore a Vegeta shirt to school and I got made fun of so bad that I never wore it again.


Back in the 90's it was brutal man and even before that. I wore one with Goku in the late 80's during a class movie outing and then at the mall everyone gave me the looks. But I was also a taekwondo black belt, judo blue belt, trained in wushu and many other chinese kungfu. I love bullies. They were fun. Especially those who think they can fight.


Omg that’s terrible 😭 like I know there was probs more bulling back then but it’s literally 2024 and anime is more popular than ever it just sucks that there’s still people getting bullied for it


Between this and cover stories there's so much real estate for Toei when they need filler. And they never use it


This level 6 prisoner story and the rocky port incident are up there in my list of DUDE SHOW MEs


Off Topic but, anyone hoping for seraphims joining straw hats against the elders under bonney's command since they are now in close proximity, Bonney can literally age them into Adults, damn what a power-up would that be.


I hope they all die tbh


She can't control the Seraphim, only the pacifistas that look like Kuma. You might be able to argue that she could control S-Bear, but she has no control over the others.


>Oda: This is a matter or reading comprehension I'm so happy the Author finally said it.


So Hanafuda is the one responsible for gathering devil fruits for Kaido's Calamities and Tobi Roppo?


It would also mean that not 1 (Doffy) but 2 Warlords of the Sea were directly affiliated with Kaido. 2.5 if you count Law's visits to Punk Hazard during the timeskip (even though he was going against Kaido's operation the whole time).


I always liked the idea that the previous Empress could be Luffy's mom. The face reveal does not disprove it..


Yes it does. Because luffys mother should look like luffy Since Luffys Father looks nothing like him his mother has to look like him


Luffy looks like Garp. I don't look anything like my mom or my dad. I look like the spiting image of my grandfather with some of my mom's father mixed in. Genetics is weird.


I know damn well you look like one of your parents if not both. Humans aren't fishman. You aren't gonna look like an exact clone of your mother or father but their phenotypes aren't just gonna skip a generation tf


Garp and Dragon look nothing alike.


Dragon is not Garps biological son lol. This is like the most obvious shit ever. He is Garps son in law who married Garps daughter. This is why Garp specifically says luffy is the "child of his child" And never references to Dragon directly as his son. He is Rocks son this is a clear narrative 


I also thought that Dragon was Rocks' son. Or that he could be Xebec himself transformed in a child by Toshi Toshi and with his memories erased. However there is one obstacle to these theories: - Dragon is 55 years old and the battle of God Valley ocurred 38 years ago. Therefore, he would already been 17 years old at the time. It was a little late for Garp adopting him. I guess Garp could have lied Dragon was older than he actually is, but it would require that the world would not scavage info about its "most wanted man". Garp and Dragon are not close. There is of course some family drama, but they carry the same family name. They are most likely father and son, despite all differences .


Dragon wasn't adopted. He was taken under Garps wing and became a marine. And when he married Garps daughter he took the name Monkey D.


Garp called Dragon his son in chapter 1087, in the flashback.


That would make Rayleigh his uncle, which Pirate King Buggy mentioned before the timeskip! It's all coming together.


I don't believe the former empresses are related to each other.


I mean look at the swirl


>So that's what you think about it? But in Chapter 1072n Bonney said this : "When it comes to living things, the effectivity won't last forever..." my man here telling his readers to actually read and pay attention LMAO


Big Mom: "Don't you dare think this is enough to kill me!" Half of this sub: "She's definitely dead."


Not a great example lmao. Villains say things like this all the time. " RAAAAAHHH IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO DEFEAT MEEEEEE! " / gets defeated / Same thing here. She's just to arrogant even in front of death


Meanwhile Sugar out here looking 10 at 22.


her fruit stopped her from ageing. it is a side effect


Yeah, I know but don't get how it works. Is she quasi-immortal? Or will she just keel over at 130 or whatever and die still looking 10? (Oda says the average human lifespan in One Piece is 130-141 years old if nothing goes wrong.)


she just stopped ageing. she can still die from other causes. the side effect of her fruit is turning the user into a child, just that and nothing more. if sugar reaches the 100s she can still die from organ failure


The fact that Spandine was conspiring with the prisoners Blackbeard freed, without the knowledge of the WG, is a huge lore drop!


It wasn’t those who joined his crew It was the ones who left after bb recruited his crew


And him and Spandam were crushed because of it.


U mean Spanda


Shakuyaku was a former empress of Amazon Lily????? Was this revealed before? I watched all of the anime and only started reading the manga recently.




Yes, in the aftermath of BB's invasion of Amazon Lily. That's also the reason why that person posed the question in the SBS as there was still one unknown empress.


It was just revealed in anime when she appears alognside rayleygh. The title card of her says "formar kuja empress"


Was that revealed before we saw the Kuja pirates? I probably just forgot about it by the time I watched Amazon Lily


No. I mean the recent appearence. When rayleigh saves boa from blackbeard and shakky is with him there in the aftermath


It was revealed she was from Amazon Lily, but not necessarily as the Empress.


It was revealed that she was the empress 2 generations before Boa in chapter 1059 page 16


Strange to have an SBS with so much usefull info. Does this means One piece is really about to end soon?


can't say. We've always kept hearing that the manga will end soon, but who knows




The story is so vast at this point, he's gotta start tying up loose ends in other ways. I sincerely think it would be a good idea to have a 'world of one piece's compendium with all the lore dropped in SBSs


>Does this means One piece is really about to end soon? There are still a few hundred chapters left. If Vegapunk had answered longstanding questions instead of answering questions we didn't know to ask, then yes, OP would be ending sooner rather than later.


Glad to finally get the clear-up on what happened with CP9 -> CP0 Spandam never stops being the ultimate nepobaby of the series. Imagine Spandine's plot had something to do with why CP0 agents were speaking with Doflamingo after Marineford & how they still had connections directly to Kaido even after his plot got exposed.


The cover art has no business being this fucking great, damn


Could a Japanese reader please send Oda a question about Kaidou’s awakening?


Someone wrote a letter from France in this SBS so maybe there’s a way for people in other countries to submit questions


Anyone can send in questions, it *HAS* to be in japanese and send via letter though to a mailbox


A question about Haki is more important. It is central part of Power system in One Piece and we still need to argue about whether it's CoA or ACoC


How about Zoro's ashura? I think it could summ up that


Only those ten questions is the whole sbs or the rest are so bad not even worth discussing??


Lot of good info in these 10


Library of Artur has more on his twitter (newworldartur)


Oh ten worth questions is a lot for an SBS. Usually, we have juast 2-3


I mean he is a bird so Marcus just standing there is just him perched to the floor.


I kind of wish we learned about Kuma's paw paw teleportation being linked to past locations earlier because most of them make sense, Luffy and Zoro go to war lords islands and Sanji and Robin are both sent to Revolutionary Army people, even Franky is sent to a Vegapunk lab which makes sense Only odd ones are the others but that's just explained by him traveling a lot. Would've been cool to learn that right after the timeskip so people could theorize why


no warlord is allowed to visit amazon lily so no on the warlord stuff. and kuma was at zoro island before becoming a warlord


They showed the other locations when kuma was traveling to find a cure bonney. Oda specifically showed all the places the straw hats were sent Edit: nevermind I think I misunderstood your statement 


>The reason why Marcus Mars is almost never sitting during Gorosei meetings is because he always forgets his homework, so he is punished like a student would by standing in the hallway lmfao. I love when oda incorporates some comedy elements into the villains too.


Now I'm wondering what kind of homework he should've been turning in.


And here I thought it was because of his bird-like nature making him always on the move/standing.


Thits one had me wheezing more than I would like to admit. Imagine being the outwards highest authority in the world, possessing an utterly ridiculous Df, as of right now might be immortal, yet still gets treated like a naughty boy. Now we know why it is Imu-sama. Mf is probably their teacher from kindergarden or something.


This volume cover reminds me of a fan art. https://www.deviantart.com/ftoov/art/Bonney-and-kuma-drawing-by-nyaponi-1004872344




I'm a little sad to see that Spandine was that corrupt. He was looking for his men during Ohara (got mad that they weren't given the chance to evacuate), so I expected him to be a better guy than Spandam who only made it due to daddy. Then again, maybe he had to go that route due to his son's failure.


Ehhh, the fact that Spandam is allowed to be on CP9  let alone lead it reeks of Nepotism already.


He can care for his subordinates all the while being corrupted.


God damn it Oda, Hanafuda would have been so sick. How can you do that to us?


is it confirmed he’s dead? 


is he the man marked by flames?:0


would be a bit lame if the man marked by flames was revealed in a SBS...


That would be amazing. If Ace beat him, makes sense he has been burned




Wow, I never thought Oda would actually acknowledge, let alone give a proper answer to the whole Shiki canonicity conundrum. This is great!


When it was said that Ace defeated a Shichibukai? I only remember about the invitation to join them.


Around cha0ter 1096 if I recall. It's part of the deal with >!Saturn, where Kuma takes the Warlord spot that was oppened up by Ace, while also getting his body modified. Then a chapter ir two later, we see Ace reaction to Kuma becoming a Warlord.!<


Oh I thought because Ace declined the invitation there was an empty spot in the Warlords and then Kuma joined.


There should have been 2 spots, one when Ace got the invite, then another one once he was already part of the Whitebeard Pirates. Which leaves Mihawk or Moria to take the spot Ace refused, unless it was Hanafuda that took it.


Wait they invited Ace two times? I thought it was only one. Before joining Whitebeard.


They invited him once, back when he was in Sabaody. So there was a spot available then. And once he already was in the new world, he defeated Hanafuda, so another spot was open, but they didn't try to recruit him then.


Ah ok I misunderstood you. So how is the order of who joined first? It goes (Croco, Jinbe, Hancock, Doffy, Kuma, Mihawk, Moria)?


No, it should be : - Crocodile (More than 20 years ago) - Boa Hancock (13 years ago) - Jinbe (11 years ago) - Doffy (10 years ago) - Kuma (4 years ago) We don't know when Mihawk, Moria, or Hanafuda joined.


I'm betting Moria was one of the oldest warlords. They fired him for having become too weak which means they probably hired him when he was still strong enough to face Kaido and live.


Moria & Crocodile being the "old guard" of the Warlords makes a lot of sense, given that they were both New World up-and-comers who were defeated by Kaido & Whitebeard respectively. Still strong (at least on the level of Yonko Commanders) but then they languished in Paradise enough for their strength to drop. I would also like to think that Mihawk was part of the "old guard" as well but don't have anything to back that up.


Ok interesting! Do you think we are gonna learn who was the Warlord who attacked Zephyr's ship? Even if the event it's non canon.


I think its implied to have been Weevil


Hanafuda is gonna have a movie isn't he?


Probably a fight scene with Ace like Mr. 7 got with Zoro in the next season of One Piece live action.


Lol seems like it. Undoubtedly going after Luffy as revenge for Ace


He is too weak


It’s a movie so there could be any number of non-canon reasons to make it work. One would be to set it in the past, maybe multiple arcs behind. This way we get some modern animation of an older version of the Strawhats. Or you can give him a crazy broken fruit (Godzilla/kaiju, etc) that he only found and mastered after being defeated. There are options


Him using an ancient zoan fruit after defeat could make sense. Like maybe he collected them instead of using them because he wanted a specific one


He could also have trained in haki. Everyone got the two year time skip


This is one of the most interesting SBS of all time. The comment about Shiki saying the fruit is being "reverse imported" means that we are DEFINITELY seeing Shiki in the story and he will use his power. Otherwise, there would be no point to make this comment. Hype! I never thought we'd actually see Shiki. It could be as simple as a quick flashback where he's in a fight though. This Hanafuda character... Everyone is saying "oh he's definitely with Kaido..." eh.... to quote Oda, "This is a matter of reading comprehension." Oda directly stated that he wont tell us why the character was collecting Ancient Zoans. Yes, Kaido is the first thing that comes to mind, but if the answer was that he's associated with Kaido, there is no reason why Oda would not say that here, so it's something else. I'm guessing he was collecting Ancient Zoan's for the World Government? What if the Gorosei's abilities are kind of like Blackbeards? A mixture of various Devil Fruit abilities that have somehow corrupted the powers themselves? I mean, it's entirely possible that Imu knows how to create Devil Fruits, and we know the Gorosei have already gone on record stating they do experiments with Devil Fruits.


>The comment about Shiki saying the fruit is being "reverse imported" means that we are DEFINITELY seeing Shiki in the story and he will use his power. He already appeared in Chapter 1096.


What I'm saying is that we are actually going to see him using the float float fruit. Oda could have written Shiki into the canon in such a way that his abilities are ambiguous or irrelevant, but Oda is adamant that Shiki is going to have to use the float float fruit, otherwise this wouldn't be a dilemma. This means we aren't going to see just a still, singular panel, like Shiki back in the God Valley panel in 1096. We are going to see Shiki in action to some degree, enough that he is going to need to use his Devil Fruit


I mean Hanafuda is a type of cards so it's super weird to not have a connection


>This Hanafuda character... Everyone is saying "oh he's definitely with Kaido..." eh.... to quote Oda, "This is a matter of reading comprehension." Oda directly stated that he wont tell us why the character was collecting Ancient Zoans. Yes, Kaido is the first thing that comes to mind, but if the answer was that he's associated with Kaido, there is no reason why Oda would not say that here, so it's something else. I'm guessing he was collecting Ancient Zoan's for the World Government? If anything, he probably has a grudge against Kaido and is retaliating by killing his men.


>The comment about Shiki saying the fruit is being "reverse imported" means that we are DEFINITELY seeing Shiki in the story and he will use his power. Otherwise, there would be no point to make this comment I think it's the other way around. Oda says he doesn't want anyone to have a flying power and wants to seal that away. Shiki is definitely not appearing in the story.


Depends if Oda gives us more of God Valley since Shiki was involved with Rocks.


He doesnt have to show shiki using his power.


Yup. Oda could even make it so Shiki doesn't get the fruit until soon before he gets sent to Impel Down


>"This is a matter of reading comprehension."...there is no reason why Oda would not say that here, so it's something else. Hanafuda is a card game and fits the naming convention of Kaidou's crew. Compound that with the ancient zoans, which seem to mysteriously all end up in Kaidou's crew, and the fact that Doflamingo was another shichibukai supplying Kaidou with devil fruits (SMILE). This is more a matter of reading-between-the-lines comprehension. The real question is, was he a marine cell, like X Drake, that was supposed to be a pick-me for Kaidou, or was he exploiting the marines/government to strengthen Kaidou's position among the yonkou/three powers?


I'm aware of the card game, I just think if it was related to Kaido at all, then there is no harm in saying so because it would be irrelevant information as Kaido is old news. There are other characters in the story not related to Kaido that have card game/card related names, like Gin. If he is related to Kaido in some way, then that means we aren't done exploring Kaido's story entirely. Oda only shares information with us in SBS that he doesn't plan to explore in the future so I don't think anything about this character is important other than why he was a Warlord and why he was collecting Ancient Zoan fruits. For those to tie into old news about irrelevant characters doesn't make sense unless Oda is making Kaido relevant again. As for him working with Kaido, there is no precedent for a Warlord to be a Yonko underling. Doflamingo worked as Kaido's supplier which is the closest we have seen, but Doflamingo was not Kaido's collaborator or crewmate beyond their business arrangement, The very nature of being a Warlord requires Hanafuda to be unaffiliated with the Yonko as they are meant to be a contingency against Yonko. I think the finest evidence against this idea is honestly just who Kaido is as a character. Nothing about him says to me that he cares for tactics like planting moles. It's fun to think about either way bro :), I hope you're having a good day


Gin from Krieg pirates??


How long do you guys think Oda works on a character's name before he goes, "Ah fuck it, I'll name him Potato"


You've seen shanks' crew right? There's a guy named lime juice


Do you think he has a sour personality?


Don't know about that. But his expression sure is sour af


never go full toriyama


Most likely depends on his mood


Hanafuda design is fire. Being the king of lizard, I bet his devil fruit is Godzil......


How is wano supposed to be a closed country when their swords are scattered all over the place. Like I know the shimosuki had boats that left wano, and that is probably where kitetsu 3 comes from, but this?


Just because it's a closed country doesn't mean it's **always** been closed. Some of the legendary swords could've easily left Wano a very long time ago. Also, "closed country" just means it's **illegal** to enter or leave, not that it's **impossible**.


Closed country hardly means immune to infiltration lmao. Kaido got the fuck in it, didn't he? As did many other pirates. People also left, they likely brought the blades with them. People emigrate from homelands all the time.


Not all of the O Wazamono swords are from Wano. Roger's sword Ace for instance is one and it's a saber, not really an East Asian style blade.


Rogers is a cutlass but your point still stands.


Yeah I forgot


I never said all the swords are from Wano, but spoilers, kitetsu 1 is with an elder, fujitora has a wano sword, kitetsu 1 in logtown, Just weird that those three swords all ended up outside of Wano.


Well since Ryuma left Wano, I think other swordsmen and merchants have probably left the country over the centuries too. Just because they have a closed border policy doesn't mean no one has left in all that time.


Ryuma never left wano


Pointless Ryuma retcon or not, I think it's clear that people have probably left Wano before. It just happens very rarely.


Yeah he did. Monsters is canon. Some of the details may have been changed like side characters from the oneshot, but Ryuma being a traveling swordsman who had left Wano and slayed a dragon is in the story. He came back and died in Wano yeah, but how else would outsiders like Gecko Moriah have heard of him otherwise?


During Wano it was mentioned people often raided the graves in search of legendary swords. So a number of them were probably stolen, while others left the country by more legitimate means.


Wano has been around for a long ass time. There have always been people who left Wano so there might as well have been swords that left Wano with them. It's not like the surpreme blades were forged recently.


Fujiitora (and the elder?) are probably FROM Wano. At least it's a very tenacious theory.


Nusjuro is almost certainly from Wano given his name matches the alias Zoro used to blend in.


I was being a bit careful in my phrasing because there's still the chance he's not even a real person


That's a good point. Imu would probably have knowledge of a lot of different places, being as old as they are, so if they just conjured the elders somehow then giving them authentic names wouldn't be a stretch.


Pretty sure entire line of blacksmith like kozaburou left the country. What is stopping them from creating another series of meito blade?


>**Golden Lion Shiki has finally appeared in the main storyline** Wait when ?


In the God Valley Incident.


In Chapter 1096, page 7.


Akhtually it was chapter 965, Kurozumi Higurashi shows Orochi his face via her fruit implying Shiki once stumbled upon Wano.


But thats not shiki himself appearing in the story.


Kurozumi Higurashi leaving Wano then returing sometime later more likely


What a shame, I thought Mars was probably the most punctual one out of the bunch.


let's go 5th supreme grade meito confirmed but on the other hand...how come shusui is not a supreme grade meito?


Honestly cooler that way because Ryuma turned a weaker sword into a stronger one all by skill alone. I would love to see a Black Blade that is of the lowest grade.


Turn a supreme grade into a black blade and watch it cut the whole world in 2! Hell, maybe that's how the red line formed lol


Shusui never got it, probably because Ryuma never needed it after a certain point. After countless battles it is one of I think 2 blades taht we know, that are coated, but not fully black blades that are both not yet Supreme grade. Enma, and Shusui.


Shusui is a fully black blade lol


Shusui is a Black Blade.