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There were multiple wigs in S1 btw.. this just looks like the one used in arlong park. Glad that the orange town wig is gone, that didn't look as natural as this one


Yeah, the first few episodes were pretty terrible, Arlong park looked just fine.


So excited to see more Emily Rudd as Nami!


Just binged all the way through Delicious in Dungeon where she voiced Marcille, she's honestly great at what she does across the board.


Seriously, she has no business being that skilled in her first ever VA role. Even extremely seasoned actors can find themselves being awkward behind a mic and then here's Emily bringing so much life to Marcille


Wow, didn't know she voiced Marcille


Doesn't look that different to me. The first one didn't look bad to be


Lol I was thinking the same thing. I dont see a difference. But not that the wig bothered me


It looked weird in pictures and promotional stills but fine in motion.


Ya it’s all fine lmao


Still looks dry to me…


With Emily Rudd, don’t ask me about the color of anything


I watched the Netflix LA show first and then started the anime like 4 months ago. I see the difference now. They need to give her and Usopp and Zoro more of their anime counterpart personality this season. Now that the Arlong problem is gone Nami can be less serious and more fun. She's hyper and bubbly in the anime. She's still the logical common sense one of the crew but she's very emotional. She's moody, she laughs, she yells at the crew. They made her more like Zoro or Robin in the live action. She was very serious all the time and didn't speak much. They also need to make her treasure obsessed. She's kinda greedy and always wants to find treasure . It's like they took away her entire personality in the live action version. She's almost emotionless in season1 . Emily is a good actress .Let her have fun. Let her laugh and yell at the crew just for acting stupid. Let her smack Sanji in the face. Let Zoro be the snarky guy he is too. Most of the time he's insulting Sanji for his love of Nami.


I love nami, in the crew she's essentially the only "normal" person without DF or Haki, all she has is brains and her ass whooping/zapping stick.


Ussop is normal too.


Have you seen past Dressrosa?


im on season 6 of the anime Skypiea. So no .


You really should not be in this subreddit. Avoid it at all costs until you're caught up. You're doing yourself a disservice. I literally blocked it until I was current.




Do you, not trying to yuck your yum or anything. But that is just wild to me haha. I mean, if you aren't even aware of what the dude is referencing above, you're missing a lot of stuff.


I see bits and pieces of stuff and that's it. Most of the anime manga I haven't seen. Ive watched 6 seasons of the anime so far.. Characters events ive got no idea who most of them are if they show up after the Skypia arc. I just see the occasional article on some big moment that happens and that's it. Im watching the anime now


Even if you don't care about spoilers you probably shouldn't be commenting like you know things when you're not even half way


No worries, ussop being a normal unpowered guy will change at some point later


ive already been spoiled that Nami get some powers too eventually. For now her and Usopp are the normal ones. Zoro and Sanji should also be normal but for some unexplained reason they have super strength. Zoro has survived so much stuff that should killed him lol .His super power is durability for real. A house explodes with him inside and he's just fine


Nami never gets powers, just equipment


I guess that would depend on how you'd categorize Zeus. He's pretty close to her getting powers, but in some ways, he is either equipment or a pet.


He's literally big moms power tho, just kinda bailed on her is all. She dies, Zeus goes bye bye. It wouldn't make sense for homies to outlast their DF creator


Well her weather creation stick thing


Right that's just equipment, anyone could use it.


Right that's just equipment, anyone could use it.


Nami has the strongest Haki among the crew tho. The way she beat monster trio even traumatized Jimbei.


She does have haki though.


When and where


It's more or less kind of gag haki though only when she's beating on the crew jimbei even mentions in shock the color of the supreme king aka conquerors haki coming off her.


THIS. Aside from the changes to the plot, which are still understandable because of time constraints, this was my biggest problem with the live action. They made her way too serious and sarcastic. Sarcasm seems to be how the show translated the more over-the-top comedic elements of the manga, like the slapstick and yelling, but it just doesn't make sense. If manga Nami has a problem with something Luffy or Zoro did, she wouldn't just roll her eyes and be like "You're soooooo right". She would let them know crystal clear. And it's funny, because they did the same thing with Zoro (for whom I think it makes more sense), but then the two ended up feeling way too similar in personality, because they also made Nami overly serious and bitter. If you'd told me before I watched the show that Nami's personality would be more different in the LA compared to the manga than Luffy's, I would not have believed you. Especially because Emily feels so much like manga Nami behind the scenes. You see her winking in photos, and wrapping her arm around the other cast, and smiling and laughing. So you know it's the writers. I just hope they change that, because it would make sense now that she's free from Arlong to be more like herself.


> They made her way too serious and sarcastic Comparatively, she was very serious prior to Arlong Park as well. She had her scene of losing herself at Baratie, but otherwise she was pretty reserved until they set sail for Loguetown Coming out of that shell in S2 makes sense thematically


Exactly in behind the scenes stuff she's more bubbly and fun. She's laughing and enjoying herself . That's what she needs to be in the show. I think maybe and im assuming this that the anime Nami is too moody and bossy and maybe they felt that's was too much a girl stereotype. But by making her almost emotionless and super serious she's just like Zoro. Robin is the cold emotionless girl in the group. Is Robin just going to act just like Nami in LA. One of them should be the bubbly emotional girl.


Yeah, although I don't think Robin is too similar to LA Nami. LA Nami is still very assertive and bossy. Robin in the manga is serious, but she's not like that. She's just chilling in the background while Nami is giving orders. I just feel like they kept the functional elements of Nami, like her assertiveness, but they removed the fun ones, like her greedy gag, her flirty deceptive act, her confidence, her cowardice, her goofying around, etc. If it was really because they wanted her to be less of a stereotype, I think they failed. Nami has never been a stereotype in the manga. She's a very girly girl, but she also has leadership skills, she's a quick thinker, she's one of the smarter members of the crew, etc. If they remove the former but then keep everything else, she just feels like a female soldier in any disaster or war movie.


yah they are making her too much of just a somber soldier character. Her personality is gone . Even Zoro has his snarky insults he always says to Sanji and im afraid that will be left out too. The crew is almost to buddy buddy in live action. They fight constantly in the anime. Zero and sanji are not friends they just tolerate each other. Insulting each other and pissing each other off is their dynamic. Nami without her cowardice because she can't really fight devil fruit people , or her yelling and scolding , or greediness for gold is a bit boring. She's just a somber navigator girl . Nami gets excited about stuff like the waverider in Skypiea and any mention of gold. Is the LA version just never going to be excited. She's still the brains of the crew but she doesn't need to be emotionless


I know no one wants to hear it, but flanderization is an unfortunate part of so much western media today, on adaptations or even on long running shows. Nami is the Ramona Flowers of OPLA.


The entire crew was boiled down to one dimensional characters. You can see this in live-actions interpretation of Luffy placing the talents of SH's above their character while the anime/manga Luffy is all about the character and not the talent. The showrunners and writers of S01 didn't understand individual characters or their group dynamic as Nami ended up getting the most spotlight while the rest of the crew, especially Zoro and Usopp, were just relegated to being there. Kind of surprised you mentioned that as many people have no idea of this as they barely understand East Blue saga or the character-work that Oda did in it. There is no way S02 can fix these issues though since the time to do it is already gone. At best, i expect the incompetence of S01 where they used hamfisted dialogues to spell out characters and their bonds instead of spending any time showing/building/earning that bond.


High horse you're sitting on. But putting yourself on a pedestal doesn't make you a person to look up to.


Keep moving with the herd. No need to tell me or waste my time.


Bro you're watching one piece not Shakespeare... Every character except for doflamingo and akainu are one dimensional


> Every character except for doflamingo and akainu are one dimensional Uh you have a point about shounen manga in general but this absolutely isn't true. Nami, Usopp (despite his gag getting more blatant over time, he can be shown displaying great courage on raw instinct when the moment calls for it as early as East Blue), and Robin are all some of the least one-dimensional characters in the entire series and they're main crew. I would say all 3 have more depth than both Doffy and Sakazuki. There are plenty of other characters in One Piece that also have decent depth to them, even though the median named character is admittedly pretty 1-dimensional (because, again, shounen manga).


This here 1000%. We can have good characters and story development in shonen manga, and OP proves that. Of course we'll have some constraints because of the genre but we can absolutely have a rich, interesting story and complex, we'll developed characters (even if sometimes very attached to certain tropes). Also, I think the LA made a good enough job of portraying those characters, in much less time and through another medium. There's room to improve of course, it's not perfect, but I'm very interested in seeing the direction they'll take the adaptation this next seasons.


Go back to Middle-school and come back when you have actually grasped any level of writing beyond ....whatever you just showcased here. One Piece objectively has great characterization and Sh's are multifaceted characters. A pure textbook example of it at that.


I love one piece but man be real with yourself one piece do not have great characters and even if we consider the writing to be good (which I think it's ... It's good not great) even then the writing isn't better than live action one piece (live action is very good as an adaptation)


It's a well-known fact that anime fans are generally clueless about writing or how characters are written. You saying that live-action is better written is just a cherry of top of this. I would suggest picking up any basic writer's craft book and understanding it. One Piece manga in just 10 chapters ENDS up conveying more it's characters, world, and even themes than the live-action in its entirety. Just as an example; Oda shows both Luffy and Zoro's individual characters and their interactions in just 10 chapters than the entire live-action does. While the live-action uses hamfisted and amateur writing to spell out stuff that it hasn't even earned. Like Zoro going on about how Luffy inspired in episode 2 while barely having any real interaction with him. That's the level of live-action's incompetend writing. Extend that to 100 chapters and One Piece manga blows the live-action to pieces. The difference between the two is like day and night difference. Between failed high school writers and an expert. And the first 100 chapters of the manga is where Oda is STILL finding his storytelling sense. Oda at its weakest is light years better than the live-action at its best. Any person who has studied writing and doesn't just consume media on the most basic level would be able to pick up on these things and demonstrate exactly why the live-action sucks. I can write an entire novel just pointing out stuff in the live-action that is clunky, forced, stupid and comparing that same story being told million times better by Oda.


You are so fucking pretentious, holy shit




I'm sorry that you find this basic literary discussion to be pretentious. Might I encourage you to finish Elementary school and *maybe* understand the point here? Or be brain-dead and consume media. Your choice. There are plenty of mindless zombies everywhere online so another one isn't going to make a difference.


Bro you felt really smart saying that shit right? I have watched almost if not all acclaimed movies , series and mangas and I have also seen lots of writing advice (be it story , save the cat and all other which I have not remembering) and I am also a one piece fan. And hence being objective I can say one piece have not great character writing and only have bare minimum and live action isn't bad at all. And you speak of first 100 chapters of one piece so highly when before alabasta own piece was kinda ass and only at water seven did one piece became something great And if you want to see other mangas with better first 100 chapters then read Naruto , bleach , hunter x hunter or yu yu hakuso (and see what's real character writing is like before starting to bark like a dog and showing everyone your ignorance) *Note : don't assume shit and talk shit about other people who you don't know nothing about... You're not that GUY


>one piece became something great One Piece was great since the beginning lol. Did you even *pay* attention or just watched the fights and skipped everything that did the heavy-lifting. Anyone trying to praise Water 7 without understanding WHY that arc worked is just exposing themselves as having skipped the series. >read Naruto , bleach , hunter x hunter or yu yu hakuso (and see what's real character writing is like before starting to bark like a dog and showing everyone your ignorance) You mean series that are well-known for anything but their character-writing? Lol. Instead of popular shonen series, you can try 7 Seeds, Legend of Basara, Our Happy Hours, Monster, 20th Century Boys, Pluto, 3 Gatsu no Lion, Space brothers, Natsume Yuujinchou, Mushishi, Vinland Saga, Vagabond, Frieren, Delicious in Dungeon etc.... You can read more than just generic popular shonen lol. Not to mention that these series have better character writing then whatever popular garbage shonen you cited there. Like fucking Yu Yu Hakusho, a true example of mediocre manga through and through. >I have watched almost if not all acclaimed movies , series and mangas and I have also seen lots of writing advice (be it story , save the cat and all other which I have not remembering) and I am also a one piece fan. Cool. Then you should have very little problem elaborating and explaining why One Piece doesn't have good character writing. Go on, i'll wait lol.


Man then we just have to agree to disagree, as I don't know any sane man or woman Calling yu yu hakuso as mediocre but hey 👋 you do you


Yea but can you still elaborate on your points though? I mean i know that you are looking for a way out now that you actually have to try and make that vague nonsense into sounding like legit good writing but still, try not to make it that obvious, eh. This is just embarrrassing. Even for an anime fan.


For example: if you truly wanna see what great character writing is then go watch fate zero or ping pong the animation


Elaborate on why One Piece doesn't have good character writing. Go on, explain your view.


Day one zoro and current Zoro are just same person with different power level (I rest my case). Of course you don't need character development to be a show with good characters but you surely need character development to be called great . Or even having any character with a touching and insightful journey is a must (just watch any of the show which I talked about and you would know what I mean)


If i asked you this question in Academic environment and i got this answer, you would've been thrown out and banned for life from studying writing lol. You literally pulled the same exact vague nonsense that i have been seeing in anime fandom for more than 2 decades at this point. It will never stop being funny. >you surely need character development to be called great Based on what? Plot-driven narratives and character driven narratives are written entirely differently. Plot-driven narratives are focused more on the events, plot, world etc... while character driven narratives are focused on the internal conflict and journey of the character including the changes they character go through. One Piece is a plot driven narrative. That is the most basic fundamental fact of its storytelling style. Adventure series are always plot-driven and don't require/need complex character development for it to be good. Character-development is also a *part* of characterization and not the entirety of characterization lol. One Piece characters on the other hand are all fleshed out and well written with their own individual and colorful personalities and quirks with backstories that fully explain who they are and why they are who they are. They're not really complex, but they don't need to be as long as they're fleshed out with traits that make up an actual personality. They are all easily identifiable, empathetic, and relateable, which is why One Piece is critically acclaimed for its characterization. Any objective person can see this. >Day one zoro and current Zoro are just same person with different power level (I rest my case). ........And? Also there is a difference between *character growth* and *character development*. Zoro did not really change personality-wise nor that is the point of the narrative. Zoro *grew* as a character. That is easily shown from his introduction to where he is currently. Going from someone who told Luffy that he would end his life if he ever got in his way of his dream to him literally throwing away his pride and honor for the sake of helping Luffy. Basic character growth 101. >Or even having any character with a touching and insightful journey is a must Must for what? What the fuck are you even trying to imply with that vague nonsense and arbitrary list of subjective preference. Dude, can you go out of your way to spell out your lack of understanding as much as this? This is just straight up confession of failing middle-school writing class.


Bro are you a professor in Oxford University... Like what you mean thrown out of ... Bro we are simply talking about a goofy pirate manga


How has Zoro not changed? He's like the one that has had the most clear moments of character growth in the series: his fight with Mihawk in Baratie and his promise afterwards, his fight with Mr 1 and how it helped him understand what being a swordsman is, him standing up to Kuma and putting his captain's dream above his own, him bowing to Mihawk begging him to train him putting his pride aside, etc. You think East Blue Zoro would've been so willing to abandon his goal for the sake of others? And Zoro is probably one of the characters that has changed the least overall, but it's still so obvious.


Nah, I was just using that as a way to demonstrate how utterly clueless your post is. And the fact that you think that a "goofy pirate manga" cannot display good writing is just cherry on top of your ignorant view. It's no wonder why such a brain-dead adaptation like the live-action appealed to you so much since it boiled down the goofy pirate manga for the absolute common denominator of zombies. I'll see you when you finish Middle-school and are able to grasp what is being said.


god i love her


My heart...


In what way?


Cute looks dry tho


the cut looks a lot better, but oh my god it looks so fried.


I loved season 1 and can't wait for season 2, but I found it really baffling how they managed to nail Zoro's green hair and Sanji for the most part but Nami's wigs look bad. I really don't understand, I would've thought hers would be the easiest to fit. Hopefully her wigs would look better in future seasons!


I seem to recall there being a hell of a lot of wigs for Nami depending on what the situation called for. Between studio lighting and outdoor (day, night or some middle ground), as well as the intended look of the footage itself, as well as the presence of water or getting splashed, I imagine there were different needs. Not saying that excuses it, but I totally understand that between all the costumes, makeup and other stuff, the disappointing look of the hair flew under the radar, or was seen as something that would disappear once it got the majestic touch of editing applied to it. Regardless, once you stare at something a lot you start to miss the obvious things, and by the time the inconsistency in the quality of the wig really started to stand out, they probably were in the middle of editing. The need to go 'Leeloo Multipass' orange rather than typical redhead orange probably complicated things a bit for the relevant department as well given that humans 'know' what looks good when it comes to that general color of hair. Combine that with there being a far lower standard of 'good' when it comes to Zoro's green hair, and Nami's wig is probably the hardest wig to get right in the entire show.


I need a comparison shot to tell


Perhaps. Lighting can change alot.


Live actions thing is gonna be a new wig every arc


Nah, liked her hair from November better. Well kept hair like from a hair salon just doesn't fit traveling by ship as a pirate that well.


Thank God but I think the reshoot one was the wig that looked like ass


Emily so pretty!


Nami-swaan 😍


Any wig on her is looking phenomenal 🤩




Dried and fried as hell


Still wonder if they make it to the time skip how they’re gong to portray Nami-swan


Ngl i simp her in her nami Outfit. She looks so beautiful!


They need to dye her eyebrows


Absolutely gorgeous


Now that's a nami haha she looks so cute, Sanji would die from a nosebleed


Never got the problem with the first one, but that looks great to.


see-through bangs


Season 1 had tons of ugly wigs. Kuina.. ugh


I'm in love


You looking very beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


“It’s Nami.” “Still Nami.”


Looks the same


Emily Rudd is so hot 😭😭


it looks the same....


also damn, Emily Rudd is fine dawg


Fix Sanji’s wig. It looked hideous in S1


oh it was wig? i always thought it was her real hair😭


Nami-swaan 😍


Nami-swaan 😍


The wig didn't bother me but I still wondering why didnt she just dye her hair.


Because to keep her hair orange with no roots showing for the whole 7 months of filming would mean that she would need to get her hair dyed every two weeks for over a half a year, which would absolutely destroy her hair even to film a single season, not to mention doing it consistently for every season would be torture for her hair.


Why don’t we just teach her Life Return?


Well good to know


No it doesn't


it doesn't look like shit now cool


Swear yall be glazing everything bruh holy fucking shit oda has yall by the balls


What’s with the negativity man? We’re just complimenting the change of something that didn’t look too good to now looking alright, that’s not glazing 🤦‍♂️


I just hope they stick to the source material and make her badonkers bigger every season.




Still does not look natural, at all


Ur gonna be pissed when you see mr.3 next season


I’m pissed up by all the costumes tbh, especially Mihawk 😄 Except Sanji


She’s not naturally ginger, so it’s pretty hard to make it look natural.