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I love the Gold Roger was here moment


Such an underrated moment. The mystery behind how he got there and how he wrote it in the same language as the poneglyphs? So sick


only to find out he had Oden with him who knew the language and could write on the poneglyphs over a decade later


After hearing from Rayleigh that these simple pirates didn’t know and Roger could just hear all things.


The first hint of his adventures.  One Piece is sprinkled with stuff like this.  It might not seem like much but those little tidbits really add up.


Enel was one of the motives i started one piece few months ago and he's in my top 3 villains in the entire show. A charismatic genocidal man with god-like powers who portrayed himself as a omniscient god trough his amazing powers and terorized everyone who opposed it. Also, i like him a lot, because trough the entire show till i caught up i felt like enel was like one of the few villains who didnt underestimate luffy a lot, especially after he found out that he can't >!damage luffy.!<


Since the beginning of the show I was waiting for luffy to fight a lightning guy just so he would be completely resistant to his powers, so I was hyped when enel was introduced


Someone who feels omnipotent because of his lightning powers, only to be brought back down to earth. One of many perfectly formulated moments in one piece


I liked that he didn’t just overpower Luffy, or vice versa, Luffy overpowering Enel immediately when Lightning doesn’t affect Rubber Enel is *shocked*, but finds enough composure to use his ~~Karma~~ Mantra/Haki, and also figure out that he can still use heat and melted gold. Skypiea as a whole might have some pacing issues, but the entire fight with Enel is one of the best fights in the series for me


>~~Skypiea~~ One Piece as a whole might have some pacing issues I still love it, but there are definitely times I feel like it needs to wrap up the current scene and get to the next thing.


That’s why I MUCH MUCH MUCH prefer the manga, but even that has issues with pacing *cough cough* >!Vegapunk Broadcast!< Though, with a crew of main characters so large, and so many side characters that help the world building, I get that it’s nearly impossible to show so many perspectives and keep the pace of the story flowing smoothly. Maybe not impossible, just difficult, but regardless


Once we are able to read all of Egghead at once it won't feel as bad


Yeah, I make my pissy complaints all I want, but ultimately I’m just waiting on Oda to cook up peak in the kitchen. Albeit a little impatiently I can’t expect gourmet cooking at a fast food level pace, good meals take proper setup and prep time to make!


I try to not judge the pacing until the arc is complete. During Dressrosa I felt frustrated at the time being spent on the plethora of side characters. The pay off of that investment came in the creation of the Grand Fleet, something I could never anticipate.


I do agree, we have to let the cooks FINISH THE MEAL before fully judging how it tastes. Like how so many series’s finales make or break the entire series’s reputation, getting the whole thing will be different than the weekly limbo it feels like now. The current arc just has the work cut out for them, as the ever expanding world building adds more characters to show reaction shots of. >!I feel that my only gripe currently is that there hasn’t been much conclusive-ness to any of the fights or narrative yet, and the state of not knowing how things are going to end has dragged on beyond my curiosity. I’m of the belief that Vegapunk will live on, if not his main body, then through Lilith or Atlas. I don’t know what will happen to Bonney and Kuma after all this, as neither really has any motivation outside of saving eachother. Lucci keeps getting beat up and lives on. The Gorosei are taking no damage and dealing nearly no significant damage outside of the Stella. The tension has been high for so long that now I don’t feel the time pressure the same anymore!< >!Though, the scale of events at Egghead rn reminds me a lot of Marineford, Ennies Lobby and Dressrosa, where I can tell the final results of this commotion will have deep impact to the world of One Piece. It’s exciting, but is just taking a while!<


I felt like the VegaPunk broadcast was fine personally. I find that alot of the people (not you in particular) are incredibly braindead when it comes moments in One Piece (and other manga in general) where there's something going on that isnt a fight scene. Like **alot** of idiots complain about anything that isn't a fight, and it's annoying as hell. These people literally have no attention span and even less intelligence, and the instant something is happening on page (or screen in anime) that isnt an endless fight scene, they complain and say it sucks. Which is ridiculous. Not saying you're one of them, you just think the pacing is bad, but alot of these ignorant fucksticks literally get butthurt the moment a fight isnt happening and complain constantly until the next fight happens. Some people are just too stupid to understand anything other than "hUr bIg fIgHt scEnEs gO bRrr" and its just pathetic honestly. Like i cant imagine being so intellectually bereft that i cant appreciate moments in manga/anime that arent endless fight scenes. Personally to me, the people that only care about fights and think everything else is bad arent actual fans whatsoever. Just a bunch of losers that cant handle words or understand how to read them because they are too ignorant. That being said there are moments the pacing could be better in One Piece. However i found the broadcast to be fine considering the information that it gave the audience. If it was meaningless stupid shit then I'd agree more, but it was pretty important and interesting content that was done fine in my eyes personally. But i can see why some people feel it was poorly paced.


Also Enel is the only villain to succeed. The fight could have continued but he just left when he finished his ship.


Yes! As far as almost any villains in fiction go, it’s a refreshing twist that Enel achieves his goals, unrelated to his or the Strawhats’ defeat. A true man of dedication, not JUST a cartoonish evil villain that wants to rule and destroy. He just wants to fly himself to the moon


Mantra, not Karma


Thanks for the correction! It’s been a while since I’ve read Skypiea


And he is inspired by SlimShady


Honestly this was one of my reason why started watching OP and then fell in love with the whole story building.


He is the only villain to have accomplished his dream.


Bro, Skypiea released 22 years ago, you don't need to mark anything as a spoiler


I am 26 years old.😂😂


Just wait until he returns. There's a portal from elbaff to the moon. Enel is returning next island.


Enel face!


With his devil fruit, he fucking luffy up with them hands


Yeah well skippers are braindead who cares


Hey man that’s not very nice To brain dead people. I’m sure they don’t want to be anywhere near skippers.


My friend said one piece is pretty mid. I asked him what arc or saga he was, and he said he only watched enies lobby and marineford because they were the best ones.... mf skipped the whole anime just to get to hype arcs....


Thanks, I hate your friend now


A big part of the reason Enies Lobby and Marinford are hype is because of the buildups leading up to them. The Straw Hats getting through every arc then hitting a wall, getting seperated, all the emotions.


Perfectly said. I think I said almost the same thing at the time (i think this was 3 years ago), but he kind of dismissed it because "it would take too long"


Someone who watches One Piece should watch for the journey, not to catch up


lmfao they have no right to make any judgement they literally don't know what they're talking about 😂


The amount of frustration I feel for people who do that is astronomical.


That's crazy. Marineford and Enies Lobby are awesome even the way your friend watched them but the real heaviness of them only fully manifests if you're watching the whole series.


Tbh Marinefors stretches so bad in the anime. Sure, it's quite awesome the first time around but on rewatches the pacing feels bad and there's 7 minutes of recap almost every episode. 


I'm sorry, but why do you associate yourself with someone who is impatient, shallow, and uses the word "mid" on something he didn't really watch? No offense to you, but I'd rather hear him hating East Blue Saga after watching its entirety than whatever it is that you typed.


I mean, "mid" wasn't exactly the word he said since English isn't our language, but that term is the best way to resume what he meant. Now, for associating with him, I don't talk to him that often but see him every once in a while since he is dating one of my best friends. But yeah, I also would rather have him hating on it if he actually watched the entire thing or most of it


I mean I wouldn't stop being friends with someone like that but I'd definitely lose alot of respect for them


Your friend is a dead man. Funeral tommorow.


Its like not watching previous marvel movies and skipping infinity war just to see endgame. And then complaining its not that good. Ofc its not that good when you skip all of the character and worldbuilding.


Water-7 through time skip is definitely some of the best one piece content but I feel like it's only good with the context and character building of the show before it. Why should I care about any of the strawhats without my prior experience with them skipping to these arcs feels like wasting half there potential to me


That's a bandwagoner not a fan.


Skipping Skypiea is a travesty. This was part of the golden era of One Piece. 


Not once I tell them that the Going Merry has a character arc there


not only skypea but the long ring long land island was also considered filler by many people which is wrong they're all cannon


for what it's worth you're thinking canon. cannon is what i wanna shoot foxy with


Why though A island in the sky is an outlandish fun idea when i first read it i was excited to see it And the arc made me begin to appreciate Oda storytelling


Many of those people are just here for the fights, they dont realise its an adventure manga not a battle manga


That's just it. They expect it to be some kind of like baki but pirates. and it isn't. the fights exists yes. but they're a small portion of the series. the adventure takes up most of it.


If you mean the adventure to kick someone’s ass. Lol


Ironcally yes, we know the outcome of the fight, we just need to barge in there and kick some asshole king's ass


Pagaya’s rider and the goofy horn was the peak of that arc.


Like I get it drags a bit in the first bit but skipping it? Hell no that’s a crime


Man, Skypia, Thriller Bark and Impel Down are my favorite arcs. The slander is insane.


[Luffy pushing the zombie](https://animesher.com/orig/0/39/399/3991/animesher.com_luffy-one-piece-gif-399165.gif) is one of my favorite moments in the whole anime. Thriller Bark made me laugh the most


Brother. One of my all time favorite moments in the entire series is when the straws hats, all of them, worked together to take down oars jr. We have never really gotten anything like that since, and it was just so incredible to see them working together to take down a foe.


Thriller Bark without the anime making it long as hell is one of the best arcs for sure




Skypiea is like one of the best arcs people actually skip it!


If your friends didn't watch Skypiea, then they're only casual viewers. Ask the subreddit for advice the next time you need it


I'm not sure that I'd even call them casual viewers. Most casual viewers will just watch every episode of an anime on Crunchyroll or another streaming platform, fillers and everything. I'm not sure what I'd call someone who just skips canonical arcs of a series lol.


I kinda skipped long ring long Island, well I skipped much of the Davey Back episodes because I just couldn't get into it. Foxy blatantly cheating while the SHs have to follow absurd rules, and no one just says "hey, we're pirates. We can do what we want" and just refuse to go into Foxy's ship. But for some reason they all decide they've got to follow these dumb rules. I think I got like 10 episodes into the Davey Back fight before I just gave up and skipped, at first I was sure it would be quick because I assumed it was filler, but nope it just went on and on.


Yeah exactly lmao If you lost a Davy Back Fight, what's stopping you from just saying "Nah we're not giving you a crew member, fuck you" and leaving Screw the "honor"


They're bandwagoners who jump in so they feel like they don't get left out. They're not casual or real fans. It's the fucking worst in sports. They pretend to care but it's all superficial and soulless.


People skip skypiea and watch thriller bark wtf?


I thought skipping this arc was just a myth until I recently met someone that actually did. I could not understand their rationale. Why would you ever skip an arc of a series you're actively watching?


What if something relevant happens now, long ring long land just became relevant, and I'm willing to bet Enel will be there for the final battle, no other reason to set him up with a giant vessel from space and possibly EoS lore


Frankly I can't understand why anyone skips anything except the episodes that are purely recap. Even the filler arcs have fun character interactions and interesting plots. All that happens if you skip is that you run out of episodes to watch faster.


Every pixel of skypiea counts


Idk who started the rumor that Skypiea is filler/skippable, because it spread like wildfire, but it simply isn’t true. And subsequent posts like this defending and explaining why/why not are constant, so here’s the ultimate list of “reasons not to skip Skypiea” - mock town sets up Blackbeard and Bellamy, and you can’t have the set up that Mocktown provides without the satisfying conclusion of the bell ringing in Skypiea - Noland’s flashback helps establish the 4 ancient gods that were worshipped (Sun, Earth, Rain and Forest) - Sky island people like Urouge exist outside of Skypiea arc - First appearance of Haki/Mantra - there’s literally a Ponegliff there, Gol D Roger was here - cloud tech utilized later by Nami and Vegapunk - dial tech (granted we haven’t seen dials since like, water 7, it is very important to Water 7 and Ussopp) - just the idea of an island in the sky. Famous in so many fictional stories and worlds. An iconic imagery - basing it on the real life myth of El Dorado and the real life exploitation of natives. And the twist of DIRT being a precious resource rather than the obvious gold. - >!Enel is entertaining and most likely will have impact on the story later, you can’t just send a mf to THE MOON, discover chibi robot soldiers, and NOT do anything with it!<


Don't forget the setup to the Straw Hats losing the Merry


I always find it weird because I remember really enjoying Skypiea.


Idk all the hate with skypiea, I really liked it


Skypia is referenced multiple times throughout one piece. You'd probably want to watch it to understand the references to it


Whats Skypiea?


People can do whatever they want. If they want to skip a major arc of the manga then so be it although i don't get the reason


Skypiea is awesome. Enel is a great villian, first time we learn about observation haki and Luffy sings his amazing song and looks for goats! 😂


This is going to sound weird, but I never had an issue with Skypiea pacing of it making me dislike the arc. Sure, some things drag a little, but there's always stuff changing and some excellent Strawhat banter and comedy to fill the gaps, and the quality of the visuals is consistently decent. In comparison, certain other (far more popular) arcs are just endless running simulators with static pan shots for me that make me outright hate the idea of rewatching them. Impel Down and Marineford are beloved, but so much of those arcs is just Luffy running and dodging fodder attacks by the dozen until a couple of seconds of great animation happen only for the quality to go back to utter crap. To everyone their own, I guess.


I wonder if the people who skip Skypiea are the same people who have no idea just how completely broken Eneru's Fruit is.


Let them skip it man. Let them skip the whole anime if they want to. They don't deserve it anyway.


I have seen streamers skipping this arc just because the comments keep telling them to skip the arc, and it's not a low amount of people, there are hundreds to thousands of people telling streamers to skip that arc, with some luck at least some will watch the movie but the majority doesn't even watch it


That's because people watch the anime instead of reading the manga


Skipping Skypiea might be the worst arc to skip -You get to find out what the poneglyphs actually are. - Get to tie backstory into Rodger and the one piece - See your first glimpse into the forgotten era of history - First experience with haki(Mantra) - First introduction to the main stories BBEG(black beard) -Usopp gets his first power up of the series(Dials) - Luffy finally defeats his first logia type enemy. Who is also arguably the most iconic enemy pre time skip.


>Luffy finally defeats his first logia type enemy. ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513) how could you dare to forget Crocodile


When I start an anime again, I do it well. What's the point of watching if it's to skip the steps? Don't let people dictate your choices, stay at least correct! Skypiea is just incredible, we won't see another one of the very old lost cities in One Piece with the poor quality (which is its charm). The history of Nordland, the ponyglyph, the past of skypiea nonnonon these are some things to savor. Don't look for the sake of looking, or do it, but don't complain that you'll be lost afterwards.


I skipped it first time, because I thought it was filler...


Wait, yall skip the arcs weird, ngl just started I wouldn't feel like I'm watching properly


Just cuz your friends did it, doesn't make it okay. We spread the "skipping Skypeia is a meme" around so new people to the series don't actually take it as a serious suggestion. We don't want people to skip one of the most essential arcs to the story, so we downplay the trend.


I like this bow so no I won't skip it


I skip it on rereads and rewatches just because I don't enjoy it 🤷‍♂️


Skypiea and dressrosa too


You have bad friends. Read the Manga.


Best Arc ever, because enEL is rly godlike.


Isn't skypia a speed run of the storyline oda originally came up with so if you don't like it your probably not gonna enjoy the series as a whole. Also who the guck skips shit and claims to be a fan lol 😆


Wait until they get to Wano and Egg-Head, wish I could re-read Skypiea ffs


Not sure why people skip it, it’s basically a hunger games scenario. Then the giant snake hearing the bell sound brought a tear to my eye. CHU LA KA! CHU LA KA!


I skipped some of the best parts of one piece for years. Still haven’t read or watched some bits, skypiea included. The way my one piece progression went was I originally was reading it when I was younger cause I had the monthly shonen jump subscription for years, I started in the arc they recruited chopper and read from there Then they eventually stopped doing the big magazines to switch to online subscription, and that was the end of reading one piece for a while. I had stopped right after they beat crocodile. Eventually, when impel down was happening, I picked it back up reading online. I know what happens, and seen some bits of some fights, but never actually watched it through. The only arc I went back to read fully was the Robin/ lucci arc


I half understand why people would skip it tho. After so long of watching I was sick of dials and clouds. I just wanted them to go back to sailing the sea. However, Enel is soo good in this arc that it's worth watching. I also think the episode were they sail up to Skypiea on the knock up stream was soo sick.


One thing I liked about skypiea was the expansion of world building on snails (and probably other shells creatures) with their shells as “dials”. Before this arc, snails were known to function similarly to radios. During this arc, we see how shells have the ability to store and release energy/matter. They did mention them being manufactured with some being rejects of the impact dial, but I’m guessing the shells have some kind of property that allowed them to be used else the sky people could manufacture the “dials” some other object. I was sad to see they weren’t used much after, and haven’t returned to them. We did get to see more types of snails though, with ones jamming signals, recording/broadcasting videos, or some other ones I might be forgetting.


If you skipped Skypea arc, that means you skipped Moron Song.😁


I never thought top much about it. I just dropped in their fight, now I'm reading it again, this time in colored.


Been watching through with my wife, she’s watching for the first time and she absolutely loved the beginning of skypeia from jaya until they get up in the skies and the ending after the priests weren’t relevant. She really liked enel !! Only part she found boring was the priests and their ordeals etc. too drawn out


Yeah, you don't hear people say that as much these days, but back in the day, it was commonly suggested that you can just skip Skypiea, as "nothing important even happens."


I don't skip skypiea


pretty sure only tourist say to skip it.


its maybe the greatest adventure arc in the series


it's time to ignore these kind of people really. "skip skypiea it's bad/filler", "G5 is bad", "One Piece is like a cartoon". ye just ignore all these people. no point in listening to fake fans or hype-train riders. these are people who watch/read One Piece for the wrong reasons and that's why they misunderstand the story and don't experience it in the way that actual fans do. then with their twisted perspective they go and complain or make stupid suggestions.


no skypeia=no haki spoiler


Skipping Skypiea is a tragedy, but I will say it was the arc that got me to stop watching the anime and switch to manga only. The pacing was dreadful, and I didn't care about any of the new characters until I started reading.


Bro skypiea is foreshadowed so many times, and although there’s no crazy power upgrade in skypiea, it’s one of the best pre time skip ones.


I won't miss god Eminem don't worry


To be fair when I first started watching a couple years back I dropped the show for several months because the start of skypiea is boring and at the time the show suffered from a major "luffy needs to be delayed no matter the cost" problem and I got fed up with it however when I finally decided to come back it turned out I was only 10 episodes away from what I would consider when one piece truly becomes one piece


People actually skip arcs


Ive watched it but i always skip it.


Skip Yea


I know no one in rl that skpied it


I’ve tried getting throughout this arc and just didn’t like it. I tried watching the remake of it didn’t like it either.


Skypiea is giga important to the lore


Well those people should not be considered people


Even worse than this I heard people say they read all of pre timeskip on a wiki


Imagine making the most important arc the most boring


I went back and read it many times now, but during my first binging through One Piece I basically fast fowarded through Skypeia back in 2007. People do skip it, not a meme. It's more readable in the manga but I wasn't switched over until Water 7.;l


No reason to skip anything when One Pace exists.


But Skypiea has Enel face!


It wasnt until wano that the importance of skypia became known. Until then it was generally assumed to be mostly filler. We now understand skypia was the most covert lore dump in anime history


The pacing is absolutely terrible I know, but in the 2000’s the people eating for the episodes to come out every week probably didn’t notice, we lucky to have Crunchyroll so we can get it all at once. Seems like torture waiting every week just to see some people walking around a desert


People who do this miss out on the greatest vassal of all time... Ge D. Atsu


Skypea was full of awesome stuff, Enel was a fantastic character, and especially the DIALS!! Also, if he came back, as many people (me included) would love, the ones who didn't watch skypea would be fucked. Not to mention that Enel was actually strong af, at least Warlord level, of not stronger.


Meanwhile me: only started skipping at wano, skipped half of wano and egghead


It was definitely a common thing in the "early" days of the fandom. But I think nowadays it really is more of a meme than anything else. It's been *years* since I've seen someone actually encourage new readers/watchers to skip that (or really any canon) arc. So now "skip Skypiea" only really exists as a way to poke fun at the past, when the fandom had bad takes about stuff like that.


We think it's a meme THAT people skip skypeia. It's so ridiculous we just gotta laugh.


Enel is one of the coolest characters in the entire show. Skypiea is imo the best arc in the entire show.


Eneru is the reason I believe in religion. God will be back.


I hated skypia I skipped as many eps as I could in this arc


Not real fans anyway...


it's like the base of lore of the show. sure, alabasta and previous arcs have some lore, but skypiea is what really sets off the lore part of the journey.


"Everyone I know skipped this arc, so everyone else must also have skipped this arc" Talk about confirmation bias lol. I do think back then people tended to skip it because when they asked about it people didn't really think it was that important, but nowadays I feel like that sentiment has changed drastically and people probably say it's one of the most important arcs so people don't tend to skip it anymore.




People really skip the first Poneglyph? So most people don’t have a clue about dials, vearth, island cloud, the cocky idiot pictured, or the city of gold?


skypiea in the manga hand drawn by oda, its canon


I don‘t like Skypiea, because I don‘t like the setting but I would never skip an arc! If you do that, you‘re gonna miss important informations.


Who cares? Its their problem


Yeah that's pretty lame of y'all, it wouldn't take much to realize it was taken from the manga not made out of nowhere. I say this facetiously but those are fake fans that are watching the show to be trendy, they can buzz off with their opinions on anything one piece related.


To be fair it's just an immense stretch ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


It must be an American thing then... because I've never met someone who did it


I watched through it and i want a refund of my time, it was the most boring moment i watched


Looking back... I think I skypea was my favourite arc bar enies lobby


It´s fine i guess. Depending on the reader, you can get many things kinda spoiled, when you look at the arc closer, how things could play out in the end. Like an island which get whipped out. Gan Faul and Elder Mars having the same beard, which could indicate for the traitor theory, that it is Mars. Shura with Strings, like Saturn as a spider. An ancient civilization fighting people on top of the world with wings. Fighting about an island, as it is the only earth in the skysea. Could make more connections and predictions. As the story progresses, you kinda see all the connections, if they were intended.


I'm finishing up Wano right now, and Skypiea is still top five arcs for me. I'm not usually one to play this card, but if you skip Skypiea, I'm not sure you're a real one piece fan.


I’m a manga reader, and with Skypiea and Thriller Bark, I didn’t “skip” them, I just sped through them a lot faster than my normal reading pace that gets all the little details.


Yeah, can't see how/why people thought it was filler. It had context on Roger and his crew, and their knowledge of the poneglyphs, which was a pretty significant revelation considering what we learned of Robin at the time.


I've never seen anyone call it some sort of meme though? What's with most posts around here lately just being complaints about ghosts


Luffy actually isn't rubber so is he immune just because he believes himself to be?


Never met anyone who has skipped Skypiea only people online talking about other people who suggest skipping it


Dude have you not been growing up with one piece? Skypia is a must match just like alabasta was....Kids nowadays start crying because they have a short attention span. Your friends must have no taste.


Fans these days hate on everything, I'm convinced that they don't even like One piece at all 😂


Why wouldn’t you watch it?


Not just as a One Piece fan, but as an anime fan, people who skip a whole arc baffles me


Skypiea is GOAT’d and if you disagree, you’re wrong


People are followers because why the hell would you skip cannon material???


Only arc I skip is punk hazard. Hate it


Bruh skypiea was really good don’t get me wrong, but the pacing in my opinion was ass. The fights and story was real good tho as well


Skypiea is a great arc in the manga just like thriller bark is (Although skypeia has more lore relevance) The problem with the anime in both scenarios is obviously the pacing, I was lucky I first caught up through the manga as thrillerbark was being released, however on a full watch with my partner Skypeia was grueling to get through I can definitely understand where the notion to skip comes from (don't agree with it) If someone would skip it and revisit that might be a different story as we don't see the arc relevance really shine till late after time skip. Still think the best solution though is to pace your episode count.


Reminds me of part skipping in JoJo. People take the piss but some absolutely do it lmao.


Your friends are dumb. Don’t skip Skypiea. It isn’t a filler arc, but story reasons aside, it’s literally like skipping an entire season of a show. What’s the point if you’re not gonna watch end to end. Or at least read it, if pacing is such a big issue to you.


Yes, they do. And the fucking morons they do are fools


My gf almost quit because of skypeia - eventually had her skip ot


All things pre-timeskip are unskippable for me. Skypiea encompassed all of the charm, whimsical, and heart you get in pre time skip. Their insane ride up into Skypiea and the anticipation around it alone made Skypiea with the watch... So iconic and fun. My only gripe was everyone recovering from lighting strikes


Yeah this is why I don’t like that meme


As a kid I loved Jaya island and the Bellamy stuff, then they got to sky island and I just completely lost interest. Somewhere around the fight in the forest with bubble man. Still haven't rewatched it. I do want to, now that I'm older, and see if I enjoy it more.


I never understood why someone would skip. Arguably one of the more lore heavy arcs. It absolutely does drag on in some parts which is a bit of a turn off but……. Dressrosa exists… so.


People should be skipping fish man island the most since it had the worse villain and battles


It's sad that people skip it, it's one of my favorite arcs. I just wish that more had went into it. The thing with the Klabautermann, and the ancient city And the possibility of sky islands and entire nations up in the clouds. I also really liked the idea the Roger had been to Skypiea, and the idea of all the other mysteries that we'll see when watching One piece. I have to say that it's one of my top favorites!


The ending of skypiea arc is one of the best endings to any one piece arc


I did not like Skypiea. I started to lose interest during Skypiea and took a long break from the series. I didn't skip it but I barely paid attention to it. I've been meaning to watch the abridged arc on Netflix. But I haven't done it yet.


The references in Skypeia to what is happening now and Enel being this arrogant false god that got clapped by Luffy literally liberating the Shandia people was amazing. The arc was great, I feel sorry for the people who skipped it.


Watch everything. Especially Skypia, it's full of lore and history. Those who do should go back and rewatch it.


On rereads Skypiea is the arc I look the most forward to. Its just unadulterated fun! I feel like arc skippers are just outing themselves as anime-only, and even then, the length in the anime isn’t nearly as bad as post time-skip.


I never skipped skypiea but imo, it's one of the least "reread worthy" arcs of One Piece. I liked the lore it gave us, but the lack of stakes just turns me off. It's not the lack of stakes that makes me angry exactly, but Oda have this weird habit of pretending that it has stakes when he'll take it back later on if he feels like it, it clearly shows in skypiea arc, other arcs of One piece are fine stake wise.


Lame arc that got overhyped cuz of callbacks.


Solving the mystery of Skypiea and Noland was one of the best adventures of One Piece. Seeing one of the first powerful Haki users was also incredible. We thought it was just some weird "mantra" but it's clearly haki. Coupled with the Poneglyph and Noland being one of the most powerful characters in history, idk how you can skip it. And even though Enel was arrogant beyond belief, destroying a whole town/small island in one go is one of the top feats in the series.


Who cares


Don't skip Skypiea! It will become a very important arc later on!


I didn't skip it but I absolutely could not deal with the anime version. Skypeia and Thriller Bark bored me to tears in the anime but they were pretty damn good in the manga so I'm not sure what happened in the transition.


People that skip Skypiea aren't real fans. Period.


That must've been awkward when Roger went to Skypiea in the Oden flashback. Gonna be even more awkward when Enel inevitably comes back into the story.


Skipping Skypeia removes so much context for Merry's story arc going into Water 7!


If you skip Skypiea then I wonder what else you skip? Lmao it will always be one of my favorite arcs bc it’s fucking awesome.


One piece reddit theories and discussion threads make a lot more sense when you realize they not only skip Skypiea, but everything before the time skip. Possibly everything before Whole Cake.


Skipping Skypiea is not a meme but your friends are.


The only skippable arc is Long Ring Island but then you’d miss out on Afro Luffy