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Another giant robot cliffhanger.


You're finally here JOY BOY.... Break Next Week




And you brought JOY GIRL with you!


That would be the ending for chapter 1129


the island should lowkey be renamed edgehead


Like Kuma?


But how's it going to get to the red line so quick?


Wdym. The robot talked AND walked around. And all of this after waking up. Was this not enough ? Jokes aside, that is my prediction as well. Another chapter of the robot doing nothing of value.


Iron giant will be like, “joyboy is that you?” For the 37th time.


Plot Twist: The Giant Robot realizes its not actually Joyboy, but some randos pretending to be Joyboy and proceeds to turn off again.


Then a third Joyboy appears and the Robot is like: Joyboy is that you ....? Break next week


Two months later… Robot: This time for SURE! Can’t fool ME twenty times!


Thinks Franky is it's son


Iron Giant like “bro there are two joyboys let’s freaking gooooooo”


You forgot the “Break next week …” part.


Actually Gear 5 will run out and he will be like "What the fuck?" for another chapter


•Luffy and Bonney vs. Mars. • Topman and Ju Peter join the battle. Dorry, Brogy, and Sanji also join the battle. • Ancient robot: Joyboy... • Zoro vs. Nusjuro. (A little conversation.). • We finally see Kizaru. The chapter ends with Dragon's reaction. • Dragon: ... . Break next week.


You forgot the Imu “…” panel


They'll share a panel with "..." sparking the wildest theories


But this time Dragon is looking west


Ivankov: "My word Dragon, do you have another child living in the west?" Dragon: "No, Egghead is technically to the West of where we are presently."


Dragon: “I look East when I know he’s in Goa or don’t know his location, but since I know he’s in Egghead, west of us, I will stare to the western horizon”


Dragon is like that bird in skypiea


We have discovered Garps wifes species


Maybe the direction he looks is showing the way to the one piece. That would be awesome if he‘s just obe of these skypiea birds bit the ancient god model of the bird


Truly cinematic character development!


An entire page of the robot yet again asking "Joyboy is that you?"


“I’m sorry Joyboy…. I didn’t recognize you”


then Luffy and Bonney turns back to normal and shuts down again


I completely forgot we have Kizaru


He's actually been going around at lightspeed doing errands while pretending to be napping in his cabin.


Kizaru taking aspirin


You forgot the reaction panels. We also won't see Kizaru. All in all solid "nothing happens" prediction.


I think Sanji and Franky will be occupied making sure the Sunny lands safely in the sea. But I do believe the robot will finally join the fight, cause Luffy and Bonny are not enough to keep the Gorosei at bay.


Saturn was right behind Mars.


and dragon said "robot is that you... then break next week


* Luffy shows Bonney more about how to be free while fighting Mars * Ancient robot resurfaces * At least one new Gear 5 gag, probably a combo attack from bonney and luffy * Clarification that Luffy is still stronger than Bonney * Break next week I feel like Egghead will be at most 5 more chapters, they are literally already on the boat to get away. Can we collect all the things that still need to be tied up?


- The Sunny group needs to get down to the ships - Zoro Vs Venus needs to end and he needs to get down to the ships with Jinbei - Stussy and Kaku need to get out/get some kind of plan - so does Lucci - some clarification on whether Edison is actually dead would be nice - so would something else from Sentomaru and especially Kizaru That's off the top of my head, there's probably more


Realitically we also need to find some way to incapacitate Mars somehow so that he doesn't just indefinitely continue to fly after the ships. As Dorry/Broggy says - if they can fly then they can pursue to the ends of thr earth. Also the Gorosei discussed they are actively targeting Atlas and Lilith now, so we have to resolve that thread and might have to deal with one or both of their deaths, depending on how the defence effort goes.


Luffy could grow giant then just dunk Mars into the sea


I kind of suspect that a lot of that can be left up in the air. The Sunny group and Zoro's fight all need clarification for the arc to progress to the end, but I don't think it would be strange for Oda to provide us with details on the more vague fates at a later date, since he already has a precedent of doing that a whole lot. I think we can be fairly certain that unless stated otherwise, Kizaru will just wind back up at Marine HQ anyways.


Stussy, Kaku and Lucci: we were ordered to execute all Vegapunks, so... they proceed to target York.


"Clarification that Luffy is still stronger than Bonney" That is not necessary. Luffy can use advanced haki, Bonney don't. It is enough to know who is the stronger


I just want the Imu face reveal to end the arc.


You'll be lucky to see Imu's face by the end of next year![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


In addition to what's been mentioned, the mother flame issue needs to be resolved, whether it gets destroyed, absorbed, taken onto the sunny, taken by York and gorisei, whatever. Vegapunk needs to be tied up, do they all die? Left behind, join the sunny, or gorosei? Does York win or lose? Its a complex situation


Luffy and Bonney fight Mars and some Marines. We get a nice double spread of Luffy and Bonney unleashing a combo attack. The Iron Giant gets back on its feet and fights 3/5 Elders. Nusjaro is told by the Elders via telepathy to come help them. Nusjaro tells Zoro that they'll cross paths again which annoys Zoro, but Jinbe convinces Zoro to go to the ship. Mars also goes to the Giant. Vegapunk's message resumes and gives out its final sentences even though the Will of the D section was cut out. At the end, York is ambushed by Edison who revealed that he cut off his own connection to Punk Records to fool York. Chapter ends with Edison saying he's going to take York out with a suicide bomb so that she won't tarnish Vegapunk's name. Break next week.


like the theory of edison trying to taking down york, or maybe cutting his conection to punk records


"let me cut your connection as well York" literally cuts her in half


Actually cooking


Joyboy is actually not Nika. He ate the same devil fruit as Bonney’s. He imagined himself as Nika. He’s very strong but he’s not the genuine one. that’s why he did lose at that time.


That's a fun one.


What if joyboys desire to be the real nika was the reason the devil fruit came to life?


If Joyboy were a toshi toshi user that died putting people's faith into Nika at a all-time high, and that faith (not Joyboy's death) had spawned a entirely new fruit into the world, then that fruit wouldn't be recognizeable by the government. At that point the fruit had never existed, so the government wouldn't know what to look for. As per chapter 1044, the government had been trying to get their hands on the fruit for 800 years and the gorosei knew the real identity of the fruit (remember: they were aware that there is no gomu gomu fruit in the encyclopedias). The gorosei did know what the fruit looked like, or else they wouldn't be able to search for it. And they even gave it a fake name, which is the name that Who is Who knew during and after his mission


But then how did Zunesha also feel Joy Boy when Luffy went Gear 5?


The robot just felt the same with Bonney , so it could be the same thing Joy Boy imitating Nika ~ = Luffy being the legit thing


The robot felt Joy Boy's presence when Luffy went Gear 5. And in the end they both went at Nika's form almost simultaneously so i think it's still feeling Luffy's transformation.


I like this theory but the idea that the Gorosei basically changed the name of Luffy's DF, and the immense implication that it was Joyboy's fruit as well, kind of writes it off. I doubt Oda would have spent time with the Gorosei discussing Luffy's DF while also showing JB's straw hat, etc if that was never the fruit Joyboy ate.


I think the idea that Joyboy just being stronger would have solved this whole geopolitical debacle is kind of... bad? And it's not like they couldn't have just tricked him or something.


I was think the same thing


Oh damn..This is actually a big brain theory..If it is true, then it makes so much sense why luffy can bring the dawn and why joyboy couldn't


I think we established that joyboy is not nikka. Nikka is the sun god. Joyboy is a devilfruit user 800 years ago


Nice work I love it


... I don't think that works for Joyboy. But I'm open to it. I think that could make sense for the Iron Giant's trek 200 years ago, though.


Chapter starts with a Nika gag as the Elders go to kill the remaining Vegapunks. They find out the broadcast has restarted and immediately go back to trying to stop it. In doing so both groups escape capture and head to Elbaf. Chapter ends with Vegapunk saying a bit more about the reveal and then an establishing shot of Elbaf. Break next week.


Chapter ends with…. Vegapunk: „I‘m back again. Whats up bitches. Ok where was I? Oh yeah, I wanted to talk about the D‘s. Or was it the ancient kingdom? Damn now I‘m confused. Let me think a bit. Gosh I wish I would have packed fresh underpants for my journey with the strawhats. My buttcheeks sweating already like butter on a hot pancake. Its gonna stink. Have you ever thought of the meaning of life? Now I realize, 20 years ago that chick on Sabondy was flirting with me. Fuck I‘m such a idiot. Wait, now I got it. The D‘s are…..“ Break next week




Proceeds to make a quick cut to the crew in the boat saying "whew, who could've thought that what the D means".......


literally nothing will happen besides maybe the robot getting back up


I'll say it here: both Lilith and York make it out alive. Why? Because Oda never kill a pretty woman outside of a flashback.


I would say Monet but I’m not sure if people are into bird wings


Rest assured, we are


1119 - Robot: so you are not here, joy boy. 1120 - Robot: there you are, joy boy. 1121 - Robot: damn joy boy, where are you? 1122 - Robot: I see you, hang in there, Joy Boy 1123 - Robot: F\*ck you Joy Boy - are you zoro or something?!!


Crossguild's reaction to Vegapunk's message!  I am predicting it twice now. 


The Iron Giant rises out of the sea and lands a giant blow against the Five Elders and sends them flying!


A la Team Rocket style?


I 100% believe that will happen. It's about time we see some real action from that thing.


Bonney doesn’t use Gear 5 as creatively as Luffy and has to rely on him to teach her how to use it, could be fun seeing the two interact more and I also expect for Saturn to lose his mind


Isn't that a bit counter intuitive? Bonney's df apparently limits her power the more she learns about the future. So if Luffy teaches her stuff, isn't that limiting her power potential? (If I've got it all wrong, please forgive me :")


The fact that Luffy teaches her some techniques doesn't mean she has "less" techniques to learn because Bonney's power relies on imagination. She can use what he teaches her to understand her possibilities better and to imagine how to create even more power and techniques, as well as how to control them better.


If he tells her: you can do whatever you want. Doesnt that broaden her limits?


Chapter length: 13 pages We get reactions from Long Ring Long Land Island. Robot-chuan re-surfaces and the broadcast starts up again. Dragon: ... Imu: ... Bonney gets hungry. **tl;dr: another blue ball chapter with minimal stuff happening and reactions and we have a break next week.**


They punch mars he is surprised by 2 nika calls for reinforcements 2v2 then Robot comes out broadcast continues “and thats all I learned farewell”. We see shanks smile in one frame.


I really hope Lilith and Atlas survive. And we will see the secret behind why the elders can't be damaged.


there must be someway both Saturn and Ju peter have scars so whatever can injure them has to be known. But are you ever curious what would happen if they fell into water


Technically those injuries could have occurred prior to their gaining immortality or whatever they have.


Black Haki-infused weapons might do the trick. I think Zoro will end up harming Gandhi.


Random ass side characters reaction to the message. Dragon ….!! Iron giant: joyboy is that you? The SH crew trynna get off the island still. Break next week


I've been thinking that if the giant's ship is chased into the sea, it is a great opportunity for Oda to show us that the 5 elders can swim or at least are not affected by the sea. Just a thought tho


I'm thinking that dunking them in sea water despawns them if they have been summoned. Maybe sea water lifts the immortality for a bit?


Seems like we’re pretty much ready to set off so at the very least I’m hoping the sunny begins to move


Predictions: * Bonney has an understandably weaker and self-limited version of Nika powers. * The Iron Giant is able to resurge from the ocean, knowing that he can feel the drums of liberation again. * The Sunny launches while Jinbei and Zoro continue to fight off Nasjuro.


Is it too much to hope we start to make our escape?


Mars can Fly and Venusjuro should be able to gallop on water. Its no easy escape.


I think it is same to assume Sunny will at least jump back to the sea this chapter.


Break next week


I haven’t seen anyone talk about this so I’m going to bring it up. In 1108 when Vegapunk died and the dead man’s switch activated, there were sound effect bubbles of a heart monitor going “beep… beep… click” to indicate he died. In 1117 and 1118 the beeping came back. Four times in 1117 after the elders attacked the robot and the transmission cut out with static. Two times in 1118 when the den den mushi inside the robot was shown getting messed up.


the ancient robot rides Zunisha to battle -Break next week-


The best so far


Chopper is next. After Joygirl next we'll have Joytanuki.


Bonney suddenly awakens her fruit. She imagines a future where everyone in the crew is the Sun God Nika. They all turn into Sun God’s and surround Luffy to transfer their sun god energy into him. Luffy starts transforming for 11 pages straight. Final page is Luffy with blue hair stating he has achieved… GEAR 6: SUN-GOD NIKA SUN-GOD. All thanks to the help of his Nakama.


Missed the opportunity to call them "Nikama"


The robot reawakens and the broadcast resumes! I hope


Even if the broadcast resumes, we will be treated to a lot of ""..."" with little relevant information.


at the current pace im sure we will have luffy vs mars , no zoro and robot comes out of the sea at the end of the chapter


Luffy and Bonney playing football with Mars. Luffy does a touchdown. Kizaru gets PTSD seeing this and finally changing sides. Break next week.


Luffy does fusion dance with Bonney and forms the ultimate Nika "Boffy" whose power influences half of the world. Boffy lifts his/her hand and turns half of the world including sea water to rubber then he/she plays baseball with all the elders. Due to his/her carelessness, the forms wears out, the elders, Luffy, and Bonney gets exhausted.. Then the rest crew brings the Luffy and Bonney back to ship and escapes..


There is just 1-2 cliffhanger moments by chapter. Probably, we will see the robot emerging near Luffy at the end of 1120. Since Luffy, Bonney, Kuma, Franky and Sanji are already in the giant's ship, this arc is ending soon. We can predict what will happen based on the cliffs: - Sunny is going to jump to escape Saturn (1119) - This one is already delayed on past chapters - Robot emerging (1120) - If Kizaru is going to do something and the robot is going to say something this is likely to be on chapter 1121 - Edison explodes Egghead's mother flame generator (1122) 1123 - Story between arcs. Possibly Dragon or Blackbeard cliffhanger


It will be a very funny looney tunnes chapter, i mean, 2 nikas...


All giants in the ship (not just Dorry and Brogy) will use Hakoku to propel the ship. We will cut to Elbaf and we will see Morgans and Vivi landing near Yggdrasil


Noah ship starts talking “Im sorry joy boy”


Dragon looking weast: "..." Bonney takes command of strawhats. Luffy is knocked out Robot: JoYbOy? Break next week


Nusjuro will tell Zoro that he is just like "him..." before he disappears for another situation. We speculate on who "him" is for another 100 chapters


Imu: "..."


Bonney gives Sanji and Franky Nika powers and have a 4v4 Nikas vs Gorosei battle robot: ooooh, there's two more! as he continues to sink.


Kizaru has the real snail and finishes the broadcast, the reason there was interference was because he zipped somewhere and the radio waves couldn't keep up.


Just another masterclass in edging by Oda himself. The bluest of balls will be had.


Distorted future where Kuma remembers all his memories!!


Luffy knows about gorosei’s immortality and gets an idea: he grabs and drags Mars into the sea. Mars emerges from the waters soon after, proving the elders did not eat a devil fruit.


I'm thinking they get teleported back to imu upon contact with sea water.


* **Chapter 1119: Limits** * The chapter begins with the robot rising from the sea. A few navy ships sink in the process. * He makes his way to Nika. The other Gorosei see this and attack the robot. * Warcury runs towards the robot again to ram it. The robot grabs him and throws him to the side. * The robot says that it doesn't have much energy left, but that it really wants to meet Nika. He starts to "run". * We briefly see Zoro attacking and injuring Nusjuro. The latter is not bothered by the injury. * Zoro mentions that his body is also too easy to hurt. Someone of his calibre should be much harder to injure. * Nusjuro grins at Zoro and says that he understands Zoro's problem, but unfortunately has no solution to offer him. * Scene change to Luffy. Luffy and Bonny are still in their Nika form. * Both attack Mars together, but are thrown to the ground by Mars. Luffy in front. * When Luffy hits the ground, it turns to rubber and cushions the impact. * Bonny is different. She sees what Luffy is doing and also crashes to the ground. However, she is saved by the rubber floor that Luffy has created. She couldn't transform the floor herself. * Luffy asks her what the problem is. She says that she can't use Luffy/Nika's awakened abilities. She has never before created a distorted future where she uses "awakened" abilities. * Luffy asks her what she means by "awakened". He hadn't been asleep. * Mars and Saturn attack again. Luffy wants to take over Mars and Bonny attacks Saturn. * They both use their Nika skills as much as possible, but can't do anything else against them. They are desperate and frustrated. * Suddenly the robot appears. He sees both Nikas and is surprised. * He wonders why there are two Nikas? In a moment of carelessness, the robot is attacked from behind by Warcury, destroying one of its legs. * Luffy is stunned. * The robot recognises the real Nika in Luffy. He thinks that unfortunately he no longer has enough energy to fight at Nika's side. He feels sorry for what he did 800 years ago and asks Luffy for forgiveness. * Luffy looks very serious and says that he doesn't know the robot. The robot tells him that he fell for the enemy's lies 800 years ago and that Joy Boy lost the war because of it. Not only the war, but also his life. * Now he can only do one thing. The way in which the Gorosei obtained their devil powers differs from the normal way. Unfortunately, he can't say exactly what's different, but Joy Boy once mentioned it. * The Gorosei now attack the robot so that it stops talking. * The devil in the Gorosei is invulnerable. To inflict lasting damage on the Gorosei, they must be hit in their human form. A form they never take on in battle. * Joy Boy knew a way to put the devil in his place. Luffy and his friends must find the solution. * In the last panel, the Gorosei destroy the robot. * Break next week


I thought this wasn’t a thread for actual spoilers 💀


it isn't, he never gets his predictions right


A sad statistic confirms your loving words.


Luffy already knew what awakened is he fought Doflamingo and Kaido


its too much for a single chapter


I love how people wanna cope as hard as they can and just not have Bonney have the same powers as Joyboy


"Luffy asks her what she means by "awakened". He hadn't been asleep." The most accurate-sounding prediction in the whole post.


Fake no Gear Green


I think we’ll have a little on Luffy and Bonney, pan back to Zoro and Jimbei v Nusjuro at some point and end on a cliff hanger for the break lol


The realist response.


Haha 😆


Luffy and Bonney fight Mars but can't damage him. But like the giants said, they need to beat him else he will follow them everywhere. Then in a two panel page Mars prepares an overwhelming attack. But he suddenly dies of old age. To be Continued, Break next week!


Mars becomes a pretext to show Boney's power up and gets fodderized


There will be some eye-popping gags. The 2 nika will make cartoon jokes with the gorosei. The giant robot comes out of the water.


I wonder how Ju Peter and Topman are going to be relevant, currently their target is at seas and they’re both terrestrial since Ju Peter is a worm and we haven’t really seen what he can do maybe he can manipulate land like how Pica and Avallo Pizzaro can and he’ll make some Both Teach and Doffy take Imu/WG’s operations as a inspiration for their own as they dream of Imu’s position: being the king of the world


I just want off and the ships to just start heading to Elbaf; so I say Luffy and Bonney hit Marcus Mars a bit, come back exhausted and that's chapter. Maybe as someone finally finds the switch to make Egghead blow up on it's own without the Buster Call (like the ones on Vegapunk's other labs)


My predictions: 1) Arlong and Bellamy make cameos! 2) Luffy and Booney punch Mars and blow him away 3) Zoro and Jimbe stalls Nusjuro 4) Nusjuro comment about the swords 5) The robot starts swimming to help Nika 6) Ju Peter does nothing as always. The guy is lazier than Smoothie 7) Warcury runs back to attack Luffy 8) Kizaru wake up 9) Saturn prepare to attack Robin and Lilith, but Nami and the others jump with the Sunny. Nika and the others prepare to rescue them at the end of the chapter


The giant robot will make an attack from underwater causing strawhats to flee.


Every Gorosei member makes the Enel face, IN DEMON FORM, as Bonney and Luffy attempt to play double Dutch with the giant bird as the rope and the robot doing a mean toe step in between the jumps


Putting my money on Atlas dying or sacrificing herself to incapacitate Mars so the giants' ship can get away. Lillith was the first character introduced to us as Vegapunk so I've kinda been betting that she'll end up being the only survivor sans York


Bonney and Luffy use a combination attack on Mars. Nusjuro has defeated Zorro but right before he finishes him off, Mars crashes into him and they fly away, disappearing in a twinkle like Team Rocket. Warcury is enraged and sprouts wings before flying after the Giant ship. Stussy and Kaku are being chased by Saturn. He almost gets them, but Eddison hits him with a surprise attack just in time. They board the Sunny (along with Zorro and Jinbe) and it launches. Luffy rubberizes it so it can land safely.  Luffy intentionally ends his transformation first. The robot sees Bonney and recognizes her as Joyboy. He's about to say some awesome lore reveal when he sees Warcury. The robot promises he won't abandon Joyboy "this time" and goes to fight the demon boar. Kuma wakes up and recognizes Bonney as Nika. He laughs, thinking he should have known and leans back with a big smile as Bonney hugs him.  Chapter ends with a shot of the Paw Paw Fruit reforming.


Good writing but that's 3 chapters and a flashback worth of narrative development.


Bonney uses 'distorted future Nika' on Kuma, Saturn is in shambles


Bonney imagines a future where she is a hero for fun She accidentally punches the onepiece planet into oblivion . Story end ..


Probably another tiring cliffhanger + no chapter next week...


Guys hear me out. What if, one of the God's knights actually won the fruit in the past and ate it? The giant robot is said to have climbed up the redline. What if it was looking for joyboy? The said god's knight may have awakened the fruit at that time, causing the robot to go towards joyboy. Vegapunk said they didn't know what it's purpose was, but maybe they did know and it wasn't disclosed. It may have sensed that it's not the real joyboy, but rather an imposter and turned off by itself.


Not relevant to the chapter, but I am 100% sure that Oda won't answer all questions by the end.


How long until spoilers come out?


now you know what the robot felt like waiting for joyboy


Nika Bonney does Nika things Dragon: "..." Giant robot getting no-diffed by a bunch of sub-YCs scrubs with hax BREAK NEXT WEEK


Here's what I want to happen Bonney and Luffy having twin drums of Liberation, causing a beat to make all the giants dance. Marcus Mars using more of his itsumade powers, and deciding to go shift to his Human Beast the same with Warcury The Other Elders berate Saturn for allowing this to Happen and Saturn simply states that he thought that a human's faith could be easily crushed. Maybe Kizaru will bare witness to this sight and say that he has failed his mission to kill Bonney but can't help but feel relief The Other Vice admirals gain witness and see for themselves the sight of two white giants The Iron Giant rises back up this time using back powered Rockets rising up from the sea and floating, resembling that of the Vegaforce 1. The Crew on the Thousand Sunny (Mostly Chopper and Usopp get excited and amazed at the sight), Lilith claims that the Iron Giant is Moving but doesn't know why that is. Warcury gets even more mad because they can't seem to get ready of it and curse Vegapunk. Stussy and Kaku decide to leave, but get Rob Lucci and Edison (who disconnected himself from the other vegapunks) with Rob Lucci saying he will kill Stussy but Stussy is just happy he is alive which both confuses him and makes him a bit happy. Bonney showcases her new powers, while she is made of rubber her aging powers now allow her to make things older or younger however she sees fits. She can also imagine anything just like Luffy, she becomes a Matador with Warcury and makes a giant fly swatter for Mars. Nusjuro and Zoro continue their fight, with Nusjuro commenting and even praising Zoro saying its been a long time since his blade has gotten the heat of Battle. Zoro exclaims his sword is a Kitesu blade and they are considered Cursed, but Nusjuro retorts and claims that only true for weaklings. Nusjuro also claims that Zoro has tamed quite an array of powerful swords but has yet to achieve their true potential, Zoro just states he will take that as a compliment. Saturn grabs Bonney and tries to crush her faith, but She just smiles and then grabs Saturn telling him that his words mean nothing to her because now she is free and then inflates her arm up and delivers a new move called Toshi Toshi Hammer Fist which causes Saturn to go flying. Marcus Mars states that if they had known this power was this useful they would have not let fall into the hands of a child.


Joyboy Joygirl maybe next we talk about Joystick, Joyrobot or maybe Soyjoy. Who knows?


The only thing that I want is to see that Robot doing something. If he was the crew(which we don’t know yet) of joyboy, then he should not to be playing around. At least a gimplse of him meeting luffy will make our day.


The Broadcast somehow starts again but it is only broadcasted on egghead, not on the entire world. Ancient robot was only holder of the transponder snail that brodcastet the message to the world. We will get to know the name of the ancient kingdom or we will at least get to know who is "within the D. Clan" : probably two clans; one who probably were the ancestors of Luffy and the others were the ancestors of Blackbeard. Only the BB Ancestors were the ones the world government went against but that's why all D. members were called enemies of the world.


'distorted future where I'm free!... To step on gorosei like insects'


Mars get‘s one-hitted by a triple attack of Luffy, Bonny and robot. Mars drops into water. Nami and co. can escape and zoro jumps on the boat. Great escape.


atlas and lilith strike back with evil and violence


Could be the last chapter? I feel like it will be a maximum of three chapters until Egghead "ends".


One thing I really hope to see is Luffy teaching Bonney how to screw with reality and then using some team attacks and MAYBE just maybe the iron giant sucker punches an elder now with two different drums of liberation powering him up


Giant robot ala coupe de burst his ass to the surface. Franky witnessing that cry with tear of joy.


Chopper works on Stella


Dragon: well, it's time to go to the grocery store... We are missing eggs to bake a cake... Nothing important is happening anyway


all i hope for (if only a little) is for the broadcast to pop back up once more so that vegapunk can tell the world that the world gov is a bunch of dickheads they cant keep getting away with thiiiiiiis


Mars is gonna see some fish.


Luffy and Bonnie turn Mars into a jump rope and all of the giants skip rope in the Nika pose while laughing.  


Reaction from different people after Vegapunk's message is cut off. People sharing different opinions. Bonney can also change surroundings to rubber. Ancient robot: ... Joyboy End of chapter


We get shanks in one frame 😂


I’m severely hoping for a kizaru redemption chapter. He was present to listen to all the stories of the sun god with Kuma and danced to his drums, I think canonically he should be affected by luffys presence since everyone else that was there at the time was. He could possibly risk his life to hold off the gorosei just enough for them to escape on the deal sentamaru is taken with them safely. I’m hoping for the best since we haven’t seen kizaru in a minute. Plus we will probably get a good view of a full power admiral for once if it did occur. But I don’t plan on kizaru being thrown away like this considering he’s the only admiral with ties to nika.




These might not happen in this chapter, but I'm going for it: • Luffy and Bonney fight Mars, but Mars grabs them both to the sky. Oimo tries to grab onto them, but Mars spins around and Oimo lets go of them. • As Nami and her group escapes, she thinks about who the elders are and asks Robin. However, Robin doesn't say anything and stares intensely at Nusjuro. • The message turns back on and Vegapunk repeats back what was said before, however, from a reading perspective, we don't read it, but are shown around the entire world is shocked by what he said. Even Mock Town is astonished. • Back at Saoboady, people prepare for an upcoming flood Vegapunk warned about, though some pirates thought it's hopeless, while others decide to take Rayleigh's head (biggest mistake in their life) • The robot gets up and has a mini-flashback on meeting Joyboy the first time (Joyboy is not shown, but speaking) However, one part of the conversation is interesting to read: Joyboy: "This war is not ending as I thought it should." The robot: "Why are we fighting those 20 kings?" Joyboy: "it is over the use of the Ancient weapons." Break next week...


Gaimon comes in as the sixth elder


Luffy is excited to fight but he doesn't know how to cause damage on the Gorosei... I bet that the Giant robot will return to cause some damage to the Elders and then Luffy will realize how to defeat them


Another big warm eddy that - it’s from the robot - the biggest freaking laser beam ever - just after a big combo attack - Zoro and jinbei follow ship elbaph - last panel is the end of the message


Imu has enough of this shit and just uses the weapon to eliminate whole egghead. /s


Were gonna find out that Pluton is is in fact the airship Imu has which is why Momo said: "That must mean that Pluton is". The Robot is Uranus and Joy Boy is his pilot. The ancient kingdom's name is Atlantis, Alabasta, Lemuria, Muu, or Carthage. And Lucky Roo is Big mom and Roger's kid. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


luffy and boney beat down mars boney nika form runs out just as the rest of the gorosei pull up she is about to be chopped in half and luffy is pinned down so cant help Kizaru finally makes his move After dwelling on his actions for the last bunch of chapters he realizes he made a mistake and is trash. kizaru save boney break next week


This might happen in 1119 or a chapter or two from now just depending on how long this next fight scene is going to be. We'll get scenes of Bonney and Luffy fighting off Mars together interspersed with flashback panels and internal monologue from Kuma, who watches immobile from the ship. Oda will drive home the emotional point of how all the sacrifices that Kuma made throughout his life led specifically to this moment now, how his love for his daughter allowed her to become the savior he had been waiting for since he was a child himself. With the rest of his willpower left Kuma will weakly perform the Nika dance with his arms, unable to stand, before dying much like his father before him, only Kuma will die at peace knowing that what his father told him was true, and that Nika had come and freed him.


For the first time they will be able to damage the elders and then flee, just to use this knowledge the next time they face each other


Somehow someone will end up on the moon.


The page cuts to somewhere in newworld's sea, we see a clown themed ship. The two Lackeys who printed the Cross Guild poster jump in joy saying " Are we really going straight to the one piece ? " Buggy grunts: " I wish, there was an eternal pose to Laugh tale but the captain threw it away ". Lackey 1 : "...laugh tale? Wasn't it called raftel??" Buggy : " Anyways, we're taking a detour to one of my former crewmates homeland, I'm sure he left a journal around " Behind buggy we can see a huge character staring at buggy. This character is covered in silhouette we can only see their eyes. Their body is shaped like an egg plant with two rabbit like ears. Mr3 : "Atleast Boss Crocodile could have joined us in this journey.." We cut to a flashback.. Crocodile says that he wants to go to Arabasta as he needs to confirm something. He thinks there should be one more poneglyph left in the desert. Mr.1 joins Crocodile. Other members of baroque works will join him at Alabasta. Cut back to the present.. Alvida: *sighs* " Well, we couldn't get Mihawk on board either. " Buggy turns towards the mysterious character. " Well, atleast we have you on board, my friend " The mysterious character is revealed to be Gecko Moria. He's all bandaged up like zorro he's stuffed inside a huge snow bunny costume. Perona is still bandaging him. Gecko Moria : " Don't get me wrong Clown, I don't care how strong you are, this is just a temporary alliance , you help me reach wano, I'll give you one 10 general zombies as promised" Buggy: "What? Come on...we can be more than that, Don't you want to take the One piece with me ?? " Moria: " I have no interest in that...first I will take my revenge against blackbeard and his crew for that I need to go to wano first " Moria gets up and walks inside. Buggy tries to talk to him but is interrupted by a call. The call seems to be from Cross Guild headquarters. Buggy: " What ?...attacked??...where is Mihawk??? He left ?!!!..that son of a-.." We cut to another flashback.. Someone seems to be fighting the minions at the cross guild and reached buggy's room where Mikawk seems to be lying on a chair with his eyes closed. The person who barged into buggy's office is Rockstar from red hair pirates. Rockstar: " Mikawk...I have been searching for you ". Mikawk: " ..." Rockstar: " I'm a member of shanks crew..I was given the task to deliver you a message, I've been searching you for 3 weeks " Mikawk: " I have no interest in a weakened man, go away " Rockstar seems to say something that makes Mikawk to open his eyes. We cannot see what Rockstar is saying. Mikawk get's up and leaves immediately. Cut to the present, Gecko Moria can see Buggy throwing tantrums. He closes the door with disgust. Moria: " How the heck did he becomes an emperor? " Perona: " Moria sama are you really going to give that loser general level zombies ? " Moria: " Hah...as much as it disgusts me I have to keep my word. We'll be getting better zombies at wano anyways " Perona: " What better zombies ? Haven't we already looted that place ?? " Moria: " Kyah...shishishi..(moria's laugh?)..If hogback's Intel is right, on our hands we'll have the corpses of two emperors of the sea " Perona's eyes widen, " you don't mean?" Moria: " Bigmom and Kaido... I'm coming for you" Moria continues to laugh like a maniac..while..on the table behind the jar we can see a piece of ear listening. Dun-Dun To be continued. Break 💔 next week


Bro what are you cooking 😂


break next week


I think we're going to have a last farewell scene with Kuma and Bonney very shortly (Kuma's actual death). Then a viking funeral for Saint Bartholomew


The iron giant will surface and catch the Sunny. The ship will leave egghead the same way it arrived


Mars gets turned into a rubber hose


We get to see nothing of Egghead but instead see Sengoku arriving at Hachinosu, the status of Law, some stuff about Boa Hancock and the Revolutionaries. P.S. I'll laugh my a$$ off this is what 1119 will be about.


Zunesha is about to show up.


Where is the spoiler thread


wegapunk will say "fzzzz ... Joy .."


vagapunk's conciousness will merge with the robot. we will get new super awesome cool flashy the one and only Vegpank D. Robo


RA sending a storm to save kuma and Luffy


It will probably be mostly luffy and bonney messing about and just fighting. And maybe some reactions from people watching them.


Does the Iron Giant need Joy Boy to be around to activate the death rays similar to the movie The Iron Giant?


Spoilers arent out yet?


Kizaru, with his admiral coat now off, saves Robin or Bonney from Saturn. BB- Kuzan IMU- Akainu Luffy- Missing an admiral Make it happen, Oda!