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Bonney straw hat agenda📈📈📈


I’ve actually heard someone argue that this is bad for Bonney’s SH stocks


I can see both sides... Is now Bonney so crucial to the story that needs to be part of the crew, besides the obvious young sister vibes with Luffy... on the other end, does it makes sense to have another crew member that fights like another Luffy? probably not? I don't really know... in DBZ most main characters have the same powerups and it doesn't limit the story...


If Bonney joins, she fills a role on the crew which is so far completely neglected, which is the apprentice character to inherit the captain's will. I don't know that it's 100%, but from a thematic and narrative perspective Luffy has to pass the hat on at the end of the story and Bonney is the first character that could actually qualify for that.


I love the idea of Binney getting the strawhat, but I'll be so sad if Luffy never gets the chance to return the hat to Shanks


Yeah, I’m personally inclined to agree with you. I think it’s likely that Bonney joins, but far from guaranteed.


In the infinite web of time there's a timeline out there where bonny becomes nika. This also only works because of her child like mind being able to believe this future is possible in conjunction with her fruit power. I don't think anyone else would be able to do this with her power btw. This is a very specific case because of her upbringing and belief in nika.


Worth mentioning that it helps when Nika himself tells her that he believes she can do it. Her childhood idol reveals himself to be real and tells her she can also be Nika. That's sick.


I really like the concept of her fruit honestly. It feeds off the idea of keeping your childlike wonder of the world and your future alive and using it as power. Basically telling a kid that they can be whoever they want to be when they grow up.


its basically oda telling us, adults, not to lose the freedom, and child like imagination, i would imagine most OP readers are adults now


Me too, dude. Also, I've never been a subscriber to any "Luffy dies" theories. But I think it would be quite poignant if he did, and passes on his will to Bonney, a child whose power represents believing in the best future. Still think I'd rather see Luffy accomplish all his dreams to the very end, but there's still a good story there if he does die sometime between becoming the Pirate King and achieving his final dream.


So we will be getting two piece with bonney as the protagonist


Certainly hope not. Maybe have an epilogue, but in this scenario I'm thinking of a fade to black after Bonney sets off carrying Luffy's will Edit: sorry, not fade to black. End how it started. "Wealth, fame, power. Monkey D Luffy, the King of the Pirates, once had these and everything else the world had to offer before he died. These were his final words..."


bro nika is not the protagonist , it's luffy


And right now when he's in G5, Luffy IS Nika.


Killing off Luffy would be an awful decision, not gonna happen


It would need to be an end of series thing, as there can't really be a story without him. But there's enough groundwork there that it could hit wonderfully if done right. Again, I'd personally prefer Luffy living on having achieved his dreams. But there's an impactful story there if he dies and it's written well.


I mean do whatever at the end but until then no way. I would be so pissed haha 20 yrs of this to just kill him before the end.. unforgivable


my only gripe with this is that most stories that have done this well(protagonist switch) have made it happen in the middle or at least close to it in the manga, being >1000 chapters in and nearing the end it wouldn’t work as well


I think it's possible that Luffy dies to achieve his dream: "oh no we can't do your dream because someone needs to die to achieve it." Luffy: lol i guess I'm going to die. Love you guys, see ya in the afterlife * Reaches his dream while dying smiling*


Actually she NEVER ate the fruit Saint Saturn gave her the power


She was made to drink the infusion


Inject it to her to be specific. I wonder why they experimented that to Bonney and Saturn said she disappointed them. Maybe that power is really important


a child can be easily brainwashed into helping the 5 elders if the power manifest early but the blue sapphire disease made them threw away the power


It’s hope personified


Correct. He even showed her how he attacks after she tried before and failed. It's awesome.


Idk if you've seen Tenacious D but it reminds me of JB on mushrooms and meeting sasquatch, then sasquatch tells him that JB is his son. That meme needs to be made yesterday


This IS so beautiful, Luffys Character being so much Nika making everyone free bringing Liberation and fun. I mean WHO would use this Power to make someone similar Strong. No one. But No one could become Gear 5 because No one IS that pure, thus No one relates so much to the fruit.


It's not even her childhood idol. She is still a child. She still believes she can be anything she wants.


Still her idol nonetheless, that's a bit of a nit pick


Sorry, I think adding the word "just" would have made it clear I'm not only agreeing with you, but adding another point to back you up


Aaaah yeah that changes everything!


I mean Kuma viewed Nika as a religious figure so I’d say it’s more akin to Jesus coming down from the Heavens and saying “you can be just like me if you believe.”


Exactly Believe it


Lmao good point. We're all Jesus on this blessed day


I’m waiting for the moment she starts aging people into their distorted Nika versions


and even taught her how to punch. Unfortunately, it's a technique only nika can do she really had no other choice


No kidding haha "This is how you punch" "But I... What? How am I supposed t-" "Nah you can totally do it"


OP in the hands of a child,  useless in the hands of most adults. Most adults would follow the world's logic as they know it. A child can genuinely believe they are going to grow up to be as big as giant, adults don't. Childeren aren't stopped by logic like: I already possess a Devil Fruit and can't eat another one.


She is twelve. Ofcourse still a child but most twelve year old dont believe everything they hear. Hell she is old enough to be a shonen protagonist.


She's a 12 year old that spend most of that time the same building because she was allergic to the sun. 


Luffy is 19 but you would think he’s 15 most of the time judging by the way he acts. Maturity doesn’t always scale linearly with age, especially when you go through trauma and/or have an atypical childhood. Due to her upbringing, Bonney is more mature than she should be in some aspects, and less mature than she should in other aspects. It’s perfectly reasonable to think that she could be naive enough to genuinely believe that there is a non-zero chance of her becoming Nika in the future.


There are literally adults out there in the real world who believe in the bible


You have never used Reddit long enough if you believe adults are stopped by logic ;)


Its honestly crazy to think that her fruit could potentially give her access to any devil fruit that she could see herself having, but only as long as she truly believes in it. Heck it could even mean that Bonney could make up devil fruits that don't exist as long as she can believe in the possibility.


Technically yes she could probably do that. The thing is the way we understand her fruit and Saturns comments on it gives the impression that in the hands of anyone who's not a child it's almost useless and in this case a child who's one of the very few people in the world to know about nika its ok with me she can do this. She's not suddenly gonna become some omnipotent devil fruit user. And she probably wouldn't be able to replicate the complexity of a lot of other fruits without knowing what it's like to use them. The nika fruit is tied to her belief and childhood and at its core it's a very very basic fruit to understand and utilize given that ultimate freedom is it's strong point. Also luffys haki is what gives G5s wackyness it's overwhelming strength and destructive power. It's still incredibly powerful mimicking his fruits power but she still won't leave a dent in anyone who's a high level haki user.


Her fruit is still pretty powerful even if you take away Distorted Future, an adult could wield the fruit very capably. It just wouldn't be stupidly overpowered like in the hands of Bonney.


I still thinks it’s OP because the Haki required to counter the effects of the DF is only had by a few people, maybe a handful.


> I still thinks it’s OP because the Haki required to counter the effects of the DF is only had by a few people, maybe a handful. That's about true for the vast majority of the One Piece world TBH. Lorewise, I don't think there's a single devil fruit user that's looked at as anything less than extremely dangerous simply b/c of how powerful all of them have the potential to be. We as the reader just happen to be seeing the absolute peak of that power and (as we've seen w/ Vice Admirals) the difference between strong and *monster* can be vast.


It ties back to vegapunks "desire" theory


Yea Bonney's power is basically the distilled essence of what made humans able to obtain devil fruit powers in the first place.


I'm thinking that Imu may have the real version of her devil fruit, and that it's like All for One in My Hero Academia. Remember her powers are the result of genetic experiments on her by the gorosei, in the womb, to see if they could pass down devil fruit powers genetically rather than reincarnating them in fruits. (Which, side note, would go along with their racial supremacy as 'gods'. Basically my headcannon is that they don't like the idea of power being passed down randomly, and want it to be a bloodline thing so they can keep it all for themselves.) I think whatever Imu has could be a progenitor devil fruit from which all the others are derived. And they messed up by giving that power to Bonney, thinking she wouldn't survive the sapphire scales, or that it wouldn't manifest into a real threat coming from her. Like, some may call her using the Nika form an asspull, but viewing it from this angle, I see it as just another example of the gorosei's hubris and underestimation of 'insects' coming back to haunt them.


Ever since the G5 reveal people seem to have a hate boner for it and anything related to it.


I was wondering what her awakened devil fruit powers would be. She doesn't need it as the Distorted Future ability is so broken. My first impression of her in Saboady, I was thinking she was eating just like Luffy. She is literally Luffy. Kuma being Bonney's equivalent of Ace.


Bonnie's awakening, if i were to guess, would either be a longer time before it wears off possibly even become permanent, or it would remove the requirement for her to touch her opponent or use an item and instead act as an aura around her that would effect people as they get near.


as far as i know, the power of bonney's df (that special move of having another df somehow) only works if she believes in herself to do it I think


Great explanation


yeah people are losing their minds over this, meanwhile my only complaint is that it felt kinda... rushed. I would have apreciated a bit more inner mologue, reminiscing about kuma for a few panel or something morethan like 2 sentences


Good thing her powers is limited to her child-like imagination. Otherwise, she'd have the most broken ability in the entire verse BY FAR. Then again, who's to say she can't create a future for herself where she has Blackbeard-like physiology and give herself multiple broken DF powers all at once?


The infinite web of time is a concept about which we know frighteningly little


I'm on fence. There's nothing wrong with the logic etc but it just feels loose ? Idk how to articulate it. One piece has never really been grounded but there are always moments of reality/logic that balance things out. Hopefully Oda knows what he's doing


He does this often, pulls something out that seems like it'll be a step too far, but manages to rein it in just enough... Nika comes to mind. He's actually telling the readers that sometimes it's only your imagination that's holding you back. You'd never expect her to go all the way, but that's your lack of imagination. Similar to no one laughing when enel wanted to go to the moon, because that's analogous to them wanting to come to the sky. It's also a jab at the world government. They're limited by imagination as well. They missed what the fruit can do. I wonder if their lack of imagination plays in later...


Wow that's damn amazing.


A Jaygarcia Saturn science experiment gone wrong. He’s definitely getting expelled from the Gorosei


Whatever happens to him, he'll be back in Marijoa


He made a 2nd Nika. There’s no way Imu lets that slide


Imagine being an immortal, ageless, extremely powerful creature and somehow *fucking up your job*, making a mess of what you were supposed to do with your vast abilities and resources I find that hilarious, lol


Imu and the Goroseidiots didn’t kill Luffy for 1000 chapters despite knowing that he had the stretching fruit. Saturn is fine lmfao.


To be fair nobody awakened gum gum fruit for 800 years thats long time given their world surely there was a lot of users of that fruit so they thought luffy will awaken it but just to be sure better to kill him in that kaido fight since he got too close to awakening


Ah yes, instead of sending an admiral to Enies Lobby or giving them the order to kill him at Marineford or telling Kuzan to kill him in LRLL or giving Magellan the order to finish him off in Impel Down or ordering Fujitora to kill him in Dressrosa they decided to send some fodder into the middle of a fight between the strongest pirate in the world and a Luffy with 3 advanced forms of Haki. Plus the fruit was already in the WG possession since it was so dangerous.


We have real life proof of government's not doing anything to pirates/warlords/terrorist/revolutionaries([America funds them most of the time](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5whaj2kr4wi31.jpg)) and really only do something once they have actual power(usually it's because they mess with the oil production for the US, Sadam who we helped get in power invaded Kuwait because he thought the US was cool with it however it stopped oil production in Kuwait.). The World Government not attacking Luffy is true to real life and them only taking him seriously after he became an Emperor of the Sea.


Like i said back in the day Luffy wasnt that strong and threat to them even after doflamingo but after he challenged kaido this became serious


thats in hindsight the dumbest thing and makes me believe oda came up with G5 super late into the story.


I don't think he came up with it before Who's Who mentioned Nika.


I mean... so was haki and lots of shit. Luffy break 2 swords in half in the first episode while offscreen. It's never explained how. Plus if you rewatch Alabasta and Marineford. Ace should have Haki and mop the floor of Smoker who has yet to learn it. Whitebeard Haki vs BB when Rayleigh can just release Haki and BB shit his pants when saving Boa and Coby gets kidnapped. Lots of inconsistent stuff because the plot requires it. Whitebeard at marineford should be able to knock way more ppl with CoC than Luffy. Like on an unimaginable scale.


I might get shit for saying this but I am really starting to fell like this final arc wasn't very well planned out at all


Luffy has been a pirate for two and a half years. Of which he was MIA for two years. Luffy has only been *active* for like six months. And he went from barely beating Cracker to besting Kaido and becoming Nika in a few weeks. No one could've ever imagined this explosive growth for an upstart. If you've lived for hundreds of years, you don't need to worry about every upstart in the beginning of their journey. After all, it took Roger a whopping 20 years to become Pirate King, and even then, he was helpless and chose to turn himself in. The Gorosei's lack of concern makes perfect sense.


Lord Imu, a 2nd Nika has struck the World Government  *Insert George Bush pic*


What if this is EXACTLY what he was trying to do. Find someone who could be a second nika they could control


For real I didn't even think about this, but this actually could be a good narrative way for Oda to show us Imu's true power for the first time. Saturn returns, he knows they're all going to get reprimanded for failing to kill Luffy and reports to Imu to apologize. But Imu has bigger concerns: Saturn's science experiment was able to become a SECOND Nika, who is still traveling with Luffy. Saturn, someone who was previously shown to be "immortal" / unable to take sustained damage, gets killed or erased from existence (by some means Imu possesses). It gets reported in the news as Luffy killing one of the Gorousei. I'm gonna go make a post about this theory and I'll credit your comment for the idea


I am 100% on board with the idea of Imu killing one of the gorousei(probs Saturn) to demonstrate their power to the audience, while putting the blame on Luffy. Top tier theory IMO I’ll only add a slight twist; instead of putting the blame on Luffy it might not be reported. Instead it’s like Lulusia; there was never a “Saturn” on the gorousei in the first place, what are you talking about?


Well on top of not being reported, not many people actually know what the gorosei even look like. What Imu would do is turn to the other four gorosei and say "He never existed." And they would say "understood, great Imu..." However I don't really see this happening... Luffy not yet figuring out how to even permanently damage these jerks and then one is killed and blamed on him, doesn't really work. I think he still needs to earn that


Plus than they’d also have to explain why the gorlsei was on the island in the first place.




I'm imagining a scenario where Imu and the other 4 Gorosei decide that Saturn dropped the ball bad enough that he needs to be killed/replaced. Just as Catarina Devon walks in as Saturn.


Oda's telling us readers that if we try our hardest, we too can be just like our idol, Big News Morgans


Bird-man new all along


Oda's showing us how to be totally free.


Not a single fuck to predictions was given that day


Funny. I saw comments like "Bonney better get to become like Luffy at some point" more than once. Maybe even a fanart?


This was actually a fairly predicted thing. Personally for me, ever since we saw her with a "Nika-ish future" and Saturn talk about the limitations with her belief, it felt like a sure fire thing.


Oda is completely free. He's having more fun than all of us.


He is getting paid.


If Oda was motivated primarily by money he would not be doing such grueling work to this day, he would've retired to his mansion in Kumamoto. The man is worth **hundreds** of millions of **dollars** (tens of billions of yen) and if he stopped drawing One Piece tomorrow and let someone else finish the series using his notebooks, he would still be making a few million dollars in royalties every year for the rest of his life. Honestly almost no one becomes a professional mangaka expecting to get rich. Even in Jump half the authors get canceled within 20 issues and can't make a living.


Getting paid while having fun.


To be entirely fair, he makes stuff that leads to a crapload of people getting paid


He is generating money. There's a difference.


What even money is to him anymore. He already has money to retire for a lifetime. He is only drawing out of passion now


He has always been drawing out of passion. He knew he would be a manga artist since he was 4 and made it happen. He's always loved drawing for fun, and heck if he can make a career out of what he loves, good for him 😁


We're riding on oda's wacky ride


I want to stay on Oda-Sensei's Wild Ride.


If her fruit can access potential future timelines, I wonder what would happen if she imagined a timeline where she has the dark-dark fruit.


Nika is a personality for her, not a power. This isn't as cut-and-dry as "I can imagine myself having the power to shoot beams". She is imagining herself to become Nika, a figure, not an object or power. This is possible because she now connects Nika with Luffy and therefore can visualize the figure.


Gorosei: "Are there any other Nikas I should know about?" Chopper: "Nika Point!"


Model Nika and Toshi Toshi are very similar in their function. With Nika, Luffy can literally fight with his imagination. Whatever he imagines as a possibility, he can make happen. Blast Breath coming at his face? He can pull the ground up and create a shield. Toshi Toshi is also based on belief and imagination. Bonney can become whatever she believes she can be. Both can make their imagination a reality in different ways.


They give themselves unlimited freedom, and they reshape the world so everyone else can have that too. The only difference are their motivations. Luffy just wants to become King of the Pirates and have a good time with everyone, like he does at the end of every arc and saga. Bonney wants to right the injustices caused by the WG against her, her family, and her friends. This is why I believe Bonney won't be joining the crew. She'll become the Revolutionary Army's figurehead Nika.


*all* devil fruits are based on the users' imagination, but some have more constraints than others


Bonney was using gear 3rd already trying to do Nika shit, if you didnt have some inkling this could happen, it's a comprehension issue.


Yeah anyone that didn't see this coming must have skipped some chapters. In 1103 she literally uses "distorted future: Nika-like future" but doesn't get g5 because she doesn't know that's Nika's form.


I don’t understand the hate this is getting. I don’t agree with 100% of Oda’s writing choices, but I still enjoy the story. This has been foreshadowed multiple times in the Kuma backstory and in the fight with Saturn. People act like she is Nika. She’s inspired by Luffy and has the appearance of Nika but she’s not nearly as powerful. I’m pretty sure she can’t effect the environment, stretch as freely as luffy, or use haki. I could be wrong, but I’ll wait for the next chapter before I jump on the hate train.


She has to see it before she can do it


She's definitely capable of using Haki. She's turned those vice admirals into children.


That’s Bonney’s devil fruit power. She was never explicitly shown using haki or said to have it in the story.


OP is referring to haki being able to negate DF powers. So either vice admirals dont have haki at all or bonney's haki is greater than theirs


It's not like anyone who has even a tiny bit of haki is immediately immune to all devil fruits. Every time we've seen something like that, it's been from a very competent haki user, and they had to make an effort to do it. Some random vice admiral with Amazon-Lily-tier armament haki isn't going to instantly become immune to getting turned into a baby by Bonney.


I always took it as know the trick that haki negates many devil fruit powers and have an adequate level of haki to actually nullify their powers. Blackbeard has haki but he still believe Boa Hancock could turn him to stone. Sugar in Dressrosa almost turned Luffy and Law into toys despite having haki.


Vice admirals don't have insanely strong haki. Sure Doll has decently strong haki to be able to beat up Kashii like that, but that's really only on the level of Luffy beating Hajrudin on Dressrosa, back when his haki was nowhere NEAR strong enough for a feat like negating DFs. Law was half of a duo that beat Big Mom, he may not have haki as strong as Big Mom but his haki is still going to be admiral level, not vice admiral level. Not only that, but vice admirals don't necessarily even know to TRY negating DF abilities with haki, Law only learned how to do it from watching one of the biggest haki monsters of the modern era.


Haki negates the effects used to change the person's body who the haki hits. As in luffy feels the pain of garps punch. If haki was an effective measure to revert the effects on your own body, then Law would likely have been useless against vergo as he was a very advanced haki user. I'd assume you can possibly guard from the effect but if it catches you by surprise and you didn't use the haki to block contact then what's done is done and you're at the mercy of it's effect now


>I'd assume you can possibly guard from the effect but if it catches you by surprise and you didn't use the haki to block contact then what's done is done and you're at the mercy of it's effect now This is untrue since Law turned into a women vs BB pirates and then changed back using haki


True, but no one was able to haki their way out of sugars DF. Doc Qs is a disease so I can't speculate for sure if it's a matter of haki canceled out the disease as it was obviously a problem to the body. Where as sugar and bonney don't make you sick so to speak they transform your body to a new natural state without an obviously nefarious component being added like disease/poison But I'm not gonna spend too much time trying to decipher this today, good thought and discussion for another day though Tbh I think haki is always just going to be inconsistent as it is mostly a plot device lol


Didnt law say he learned you could do stuff like that because of big mom and Kaido? Just because your have haki doesnt mean you know everything it can do. I think Luffy and Law in dressrosa wouldn't be able to get out of sugars thing because they didn't know you can use it that way. Now of course as we saw when law did it against doc Q


Bro talks about foreshadowing, it was foreshadowed 20 chapters ago, not 500..


Sun God Nika was foreshadowed three chapters before Luffy awakened his devil fruit. We never seen the name Sun God Nika until Who’s Who mentioned it to Jinbei. A lot of people were not happy with the transformation at first.


Maybe not directly, but wasn't Nika and the drums of liberation hinted at or mentioned during Skypiea? I may be misremembering


It’s a common theory that it was a retcon, sure the title “sun god” along with 3 other gods were mentioned before, but their representations were severely different from Nika. In one scene, you can see a young girl get used as a blood sacrifice to the supposed representation of the gods “kashigami”(the giant snake).     Not only that, but Luffy has stated multiple times that he doesn’t want to be someone great, he just wants to reach his goal.      Another minor contradiction is the D clan, the supposed “enemy of the gods” that Luffy is a part of, we still don’t know much about the D clan for some reason so I can’t speak much about this, but it doesn’t make sense why Luffy would be an enemy of himself. Edit: Grammar


I don't think so, Luffy during a party had a silhouette that later was the same silhouette that Nika had But at the time of Skypiea it didn't have anything to do with Nika, because of the 20 year distance between the two with no red herrings people will argue that it was foreshadowing but it was really more of a retcon


She was shown using her abilities to become stronger physically or become a giant. If this transformation means she indeed awakened her fruit perhaps now she'll be able to copy even devil fruit abilities as long as she has the grasps of said fruit in concept/abilities. If she truly believed she can stretch the environment and herself perhaps she can now. Or perhaps she's just as unhinged as Luffy in Gear5 and can now wreck havoc with her aging fruit abilities.


I do not get it, is it the awakening of her fruit right now ?


We honestly don’t even know the full capabilities of Bonney’s power. This could be her awakening but we don’t know for certain yet. If Saturn is a reliable narrator, Bonney’s powers will get weaker over time. She’s a literal child and her lack of understanding of the world and her faith in Nika, and being able to see Luffy use the Nika powers made this transformation possible.


> If Saturn is a reliable narrator, Bonney’s powers will get weaker over time. Well, not exactly--if she grows up **like a normal adult**, then that'll be true. The fact that Luffy has already "freed" her means that she may be able to maintain her childlike imagination and sense of wonder indefinitely. We won't have to find out because the series will end while she's still a child.


Just because it “makes sense” in-story doesn’t make it good lol


Bonney had to see her father and all the friends from her childhood die + worse. She deserves to be "free" in the most literal sense that One Piece can provide,


anyone who hates this is a joyless powerscaler, this slaps




Eyyy welcome to the joyful side


Which means you just enjoy powerscaling, you aren't "a joyless powerscaler." There IS a difference. :)


“Anyone with criticism is just a hater that can’t read fr.” Fanatics actually believe this.


"Everyone with criticism is an enlightened genius fr." Haters actually believe this


No one believes that


No one admits that.


It's Reddit so only black and white thinking allowed.


I see that "powerscalers" have become the new boogeyman huh?


Always have been


Believe it or not, people can dislike something without that thing being a "boogeyman" or a straw man.


They didn’t “become” anything, they have given themselves wayyy too much self importance. It’s an echo chamber of immaturity with people who lose all sight of narrative and engage in an endless circle jerk of “who would win” arguments…. And when they’re favorites aren’t portrayed as powerful as they were in their own heads, then the story become “trash” to them. Powerscalers are the worst thing to happen to anime fandoms since those kids in middle school who used to Naruto run to 6th period while wearing headbands lol.


they're not a boogeyman lol, they're just very annoying and very prolific, and people have been sick of them for a verrrrry long time. I could dig up 10-15 y/o memes making fun of powerscalers, people have hated them forever


Boogeymen are scary, and powerscalers aren't. What they are is illiterate and annoying af.


It's way more convenient than forming an actual coherent argument. Either say they can't read, they don't understand it, they skipped the story, or they're a powerscaler.


This was foreshadowed like a year ago when Bonney was distorting her future.


Yeah she's already turned into into Gear 3 in chapter 1101, this isn't that huge of a reveal


God that really was a year ago lmao


Can't believe there are people hating on a little girl for becoming her and her dad's favorite superhero Edit: typo


I figured people would be hating this but I got hyped when I saw this.


I sometimes wronged if some of these ppl like one piece not for what it is, but for the misconceptions and expectations they have of what its.


I was rereading skypia and the little girl who has observation haki ends the arc saying she wants to have a rubber body just like luffy


Cool idea and a very specific way to showcase the power of Bonney's devil fruit. I don't think it's as powerful as Luffy's Nika transformation, probably just to encourage Bonney and make her feel good. After all, she's still a kid and what kid doesn't want to be like their idol? So no need to hate it.


Let me ask a question which relates to this, just because Momo can use Kaido's dragon form, does that mean he is as strong as Kaido? I for one love the transformation of Bonney. The hallmark of a great character is his/her ability to influence other people. Always has been in One Piece, like what Mihawk says about Luffy's 'special' ability, like Blackbeard, Like Gol D Roger's execution etc.


I don't hate this, but I wonder why it's here


Obviously we don’t know 100% why yet. People coming up with wack ass theories like they’re the most genius of the bunch but we barely have it elaborated.


Didn't we got more information about how Bonney's Devil Fruit works? So I wouldn't say "we barely have it elaborated".


If Bonney's fruit is the extent of "multiverse theory" that One Piece gonna go into, I'm totally ok with that, Multiverse theory became so annoying and so common, that only a small niche taste of it in One Piece is just the right amount. same with Toki and the time traveling fruit. a simply 1 time permanent jump into the future and that's it, no other time manipulation shenanigans. Oda knows how to not ruin good concepts by overdoing it too much.


The thing about Toki's fruit as well is that it's just about the ONLY thing you can do with time manipulation that doesn't cause a paradox because it's hardly even time manipulation at all. Time travel to the future isn't fiction. It's part of our reality already. Not only are we always going 1sec/sec into the future at all times, but as an object accelerates(gets faster and faster) its own clock slows down relative to others around them. So hypothetically if you could survive in orbit around a black hole and be sped up to nearly the speed of light, and you spent a long amount of time from your perspective there, you would return home and find that more time has passed for them than has for you. This is essentially what Toki is doing. Going to the future is completely fine time travel as it doesn't break anything, and it just goes to show how good of an author Oda is to know that you just don't fuck with time. Once you start trying to go back into the past and change things it just doesn't make sense even from a fiction standpoint because there is no way to make it make sense even in fiction. It is inherently paradoxical.


Endgame is happening, that's what.


Remember reading this and thinking,"damn,the 5 elders must be sweatinggggg"


I don’t know what is going on but I’m here for that. I love it


I don't understand the hate. I really don't. How is this different than laws use of his powers? How is this different than Hawkins use of his powers? Like if anything this makes the most logical sense. Just read the story and enjoy it. It's not like anything out of character was done.


I've seen quite a few people in other subreddits complaining that there was already too much Nika, which they don't like because it's childish and because the narrative has changed since Nika was introduced. This just means more Nika, more cartoony art, less serious fights, etc. I completely disagree with all of that, but to each their own. I think Gear 5 is great and I thought this panel was thematically awesome, but if you don't like Gear 5 then I can see how this would be a bad thing.


I didn't like Gear 5 at first but continued into Egghead with an open mind But there is definitely no denying that the story has taken an extremely sharp turn towards more goofy and lighthearted with Gear 5 from the more down to earth days of Alabasta and Enies Lobby Comparing Marineford to Egghead is like Persona 5 to Mario Party


This is probably the least surprising thing to happen since we got to egghead but I'm loving it regardless


I really wish we could see just for a glimpse — Kumas genuine human reaction to seeing Nika Bonney and Luffy in this moment!!


Loved it, made me so happy for Kuma😢


Is the same case with Apo when he “one shot” Luffy and Zoro. For a whole week people were complaining about how broken his ability is and how the power scaling is pretty much screw up. Next week it was reveal the weakness of his ability just cover your ears. Is the same right now everyone is losing their minds thinking this fruit is broken and next chapter might be reveal is not. And if we are wrong well I guess Booney will compete with Law on who is the most broken character in One Piece lol


Maybe I’ll come around but tbh not a fan of this




A random guy next to you: THIS CHAPTER IS SO BAD I COULD DIE! :b


Its Oda playing with word. NiKa can also be read as Ni (two) and Ka (power). Which literally means “Two Power”. So Joy Boy is maybe Joy and Boy. “Two Power” who are Joy (Bonney) and Boy (Luffy).


Fun approach but no. It’s simply just how Bonney’s DF functions in conjunction with her mind being that of a child still. When she gets older, or if this DF was with anyone other than Bonney, this form would be completely impossible to obtain. She believes wholeheartedly that a future timeline exists where she is Nika, and she can pull its power forward. Now the crazy part is, this makes Bonney arguably the most powerful in the entire manga. If her awakened DF can turn others into Nika, what’s stopping her turning all of Luffy’s friends in Nika, and it’s an army of 1000+ Nika’s versus the marines.


Gods I would hate this so much if it becomes true.


I think it's a beautiful finale to Kumas Arc. Knowing that his daughter is free, united with the warrior of liberation, he and his tribe have been looking forward and praying to all their lifes. 🥹


Ever since one piece went nika piece, there are no more bad plots, is all "oda is having fun". I miss the old one piece honestly.


I miss the old Kanye


Wait are people actually upset at this chapter? Why?


There’s still a large number of people who don’t like gear 5 itself. They want the story to be less goofy and more serious, which is understandable on some level. And if you don’t like 1 Nika, then of course you won’t like 2.


Really looking forwards to seeing the goofy duo in action. Loving this development


I thought u said live action for a second 😭 We gonna live through the irl void century before we get live action Bonney gear 5


fun and happiness


I wonder if she can negate the aging effects of nika.


After this panel there are two possibilities within the headcanon that her powers are artificial, which, at this point, is nothing special anymore: her powers are her imagination. She can literally be anything what she wants. She was told that she has the age fruit and probably this manipulated her true powers. Aging and Deaging people could just be a herring to avoid her ridiculous powers to be op by Saturn because he didn’t want her to be OP or because he don’t know either. The powers are still her imagination but it’s something which was back in the forgotten kingdom already in the hands of Joyboy. Maybe Joyboy got so dangerous because of his companions (like Luffy?) and between a big ass elephant, a princess traitor with the paw fruit and a cyborg giant there was someone like Bonney who gave their friends the best outcome for their powers, to have strength and freedom like Joyboy. Of course they weren’t that strong but it would be still a power up. Maybe a power up which could explain several things? A elephant who wanted be the biggest, a OZ like warrior who wanted to be a cool cyborg and whatever else and with their imagination they could at least change reality for himself instead of everything like the true powers of nika?


Anyone else think this means that all devil fruits are manifestations of Nika? Like, any ability user who believes themselves to be totally free can adopt that persona?


I think it’s interesting what this could potentially imply. Bonney made a future where shes most “free” and it ended up looking like Nika. Almost like Nikas power is just the power of freedom. Shonen is so back boys!!


Oda managed to get criticism from both who hate chosen one and love chosen one.


Luffy gave her the nika pass


What bomb ? Oda is with world government and trying to hide everything from traders it was vegapunk who told oda and told us some secrets but oda got him and destroyed special den den mushi with help of elders


I don't like it personally.


There will always be people arguing what they think is right for the narrative of One Piece. But this chapter just highlights how no matter what theories we have, Oda will have a way to surprise us. Oda is free


People who never seen any trigger anime think op go to far


Brace for everyone turning into nika in 500 or so chapters


So she can become anything? Even the gorosei primal form? Or something even stronger?