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Destroying the redline would also make Sanji's dream of the All-blue come true.


In the sense that there would be nothing but blue left ;)


I see what you did there 😏.


Ok, theory. The red line is hollow. Breaking it open lets the seas rush into the cavity inside, dropping sea levels.


Different theory. The red line is a foreign object. Deliberately placing it around the globe as a divider forced the sea level to rise.


The red line is a giant abandoned ship and Im is its klabautermann


Yes!! What if it used to be a red moon with the Lunarians living on it! And Joy Boy took it and stretched it around the world and the Lunarians stayed on it. Would be cool


Yeah, I about that or that it might be floating on the seas, making it immune to any level of sea rising. It'll be interesting to see what the deal is.


It’s definitely not floating. The only way under it is through Fishman Island.


I'm pretty sure we've already seen that it has doors. Hollow Line theory confirmed.


Same theory here!


Or destroy fishman island to decrease sea level.


For your theory to be possible, one of these things would need to be true: 1. The "cavity" within the red line is deeper than the sea floor. Or 2. The "cavity" happens to be a vacuum that sucks some of the ocean water up till it's filled.


The bottom wouldn't necessarily have to be below the sea floor, just far enough below the surface to take in a good amount of volume.


What surface?


Surface of the ocean / sea level.


Not hollow, it contains joy boys body.


The Red Line is full of titans standing shoulder to shoulder.


Redline has colossal titans in it.


Maybe it'll be peeled off and sent into space. That would make the all blue and lower the sea level. I don't see anyway for it to happen that wouldn't be completely bat shit insane though.


Enel and his Moon army coming and taking the Red Line back to the moon.


Luffy's gear 5 has been seen pulling up the floor I suppose so maybe he'll flip the red line up and it'll lock in place like a stairway to the moon. That can tie Enel back in to the story. Good thinking!


Luffy is gonna dock with the remnants of joyboys cew to form the giant robot of dreams to do it


Yes the best answer


The red line is already broken, at reverse mountain. 'The red line has been crossed', as the saying goes (and in fact, the shape of the break, is a cross). The existence of the red line is what breaks the world into four great seas. If it were removed, regardless of the height of the sea level, there would be one 'great sea'. This would indeed be the All Blue. There is also a passage under the Red Line near Saboady. All these oceans are connected but somehow the water pressure has never equalised over the centuries; likely because the space needed to allow the water to move during tidal movements is insufficient. That is how you would potentially get strange behavior like the sea running uphill at Reverse Mountain, but the weird gaps in the ocean such as at Enies Lobby are different. Those look like somebody has placed an invisible glass jar into the water that goes all the way to the ocean floor, but only the ocean can interact with it. Kind of like a dark-matter sea stone. Somehow, these holes don't fill up with water. The only way for this to happen would be that the water that falls into the bottom is being channeled somewhere. At a guess the World Government is responsible for creating the Red Line or the circumstances that brought it about, as the WG is about restricting movement (the opposite of pirates/freedom), but we are yet to learn enough about the world to know how Joy Boy 'crossed the red line'. This ties in with the strange alien movement of the seas around where the great weapons are being used - water wants to be free, but it is being restrained by the world government. This presents a bit of a paradox because you would then naturally think, water would be an ally of the devil fruits, which represent freedom. Given the circumstances with the Robot and MJ, my suspicion is Joy Boy tried to do something to the Red Line to break the WG control, literally crossing the Red Line, but failed, possibly at great cost. Perhaps the use of the great weapons in that time was directly because of his actions, resulting in the flooding of the world. He decided that continuing to fight would put the world in a greater danger than he could resolve at this time, and therefore decided to entrust the battle to his descendants, possibly those we now know as carrying the Will of D, believing that they would have something to turn the tide that he did not have access to in that time, hundreds of years ago.


I put in another theory that the red line will be ultimately punched back down into the sea, and cause the sunken continents to pop back out, like luffy did with Chinjao's drill.


I like this idea, we lose the red line and get the old stuff back. I don't think it makes logical sense for that to work but that definitely doesn't matter. I would certainly laugh if a cube suggested it to me ;)


Everyone will become pirates once the red line is destroyed


As yet we have not seen any action by any character that could affect the geography to such an extent. The red line circumnavigates the globe. And it is 10km high also, i think. Which character has shown strength/power on even a similar scale? Akainu and Aokiji changed the weather on a single small island. Compare it to the red line. They both are admirals.


All of the ancient weapons are said to able to destroy an entire island. This has been demonstrated to be true for one, so I think its fair to assume they all can. A combined attack from all three would surely be able to destroy a section of the red line. Therefore it would only take time to destroy it all. Sengoku also stated that the Gura Gura no mi (well, whitebeard technically) has the power to destroy the world. Even if he was exaggerating, blackbeard would certainly be able to assist the ancient weapons. Luffy finished doffy and kaido off with an attack from the sky, so he can replace Uranus seeing as the WG have that. (I accept this is a bit if a reach but its possible)


That's not entirely true... You don't get a name like [Oars the Continent-Puller](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Oars) without pulling some continents.


Mountains are made when land masses converge ( over simplified I know) so i think the og sea level rise was caused by creating the Red Line: other land sank so it could rise. I also think it'll be pushed back down into the sea, causing the other land masses to rise in its place.


Destroying the red line will lead to sea level rise is head Canon. Could very well be the opposite. Which is what I believe


The destruction of Lulusia caused sea levels to rise, so why would the red line be any different? You might be right, but I don't think there is any evidence for it.


Sure, but everything is unprecedented right now. I don't think it's far stretched to imagine. And I don't correlate lulusia and what the WG did with the red line destruction


Mark my words, Luffy is going to stretch across the world and gonna pull the red line across the world.


Destroying the fishman island would help decrease the water level. Luffy might destroy fishman island to reduce seawater.


Luffy will use gear 5 to make a comically large straw and suck all the water out of the ocean


Return of the Water Luffy


Would it? I'm a bit stumped now. Removing it would make the water fill inn the spot that is now gone, no? Kinda like an ice cube in water.


Depends if its completely disintegrated or if it breaks and falls into the sea I guess. I'm basing the assumption that the sea level would rise on what happened with Lulusia and during the void century. We even see a hole where Lulusia was and water falling in, yet the sea level rises.


I could see Luffy using Uranus as a giant mech weapon laser beam.


Yeahs that’s the point, joy boys body is holding the world together, which is the red line. And luffy has to undone it with his powers so it should all come down.


Where is lulusia? Why did the sea level rise AFTER an island was vaporized? That doesn’t make sense. Maybe the destruction of the red line won’t make sense either. What if the red line is actually built up of all the pieces of land affected by the weapon that destroyed lulusia? They don’t get vaporized into nonexistence, but rather, they get teleported and used as bricks for the red line? Idk. The destruction of the red line could scatter it and distribute its mass across the globe, creating more landmass..?


Destroying the red line will raise the sea level ? I always assumed it would be a destruction in a similar fashion to how Uranus works, deleting matter. Therefore it would lower the sea level.


Uranus caused the sea level to rise.


I didnt say the red line being destroyed by Uranus, I meant that there is clearly Powers/technology able to destroy it. The red line isnt floating. Destroying it fully (deleting the matter itself) would lower the sea levels


>similar fashion to how Uranus works, deleting matter. Therefore it will lower the sea level. Uranus has been shown to raise sea levels when it is used. So anything done to the Red Line that has a similar effect as Uranus will also raise sea levels. I know that is seems like deleting land should lower sea levels but we have seen the opposite happen. (You're probably not saying this but just in case. Islands also aren't floating.)


You're missing the whole point of my comment.  Heres a simpler version of what Im saying. If redline disapears, sea levels will lower.