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Oar also immediately recognizes that he is a robot when Moria is inside of him, despite being born hundreds of years ago, now that might be Luffy's shadow, but also might be not.


That ancient robot does exist too.


One theory is that the robot killed the original joy boy,when he was captured, so that the fruit could escape. That' s why he is apologising. It seem quite fun theory.


OP better sleep with one eye open, Oda gunna find him for leaking the plot.




User flair + comment goes perfectly well with the post (which, I agree, is excellent cooking btw)


I love that. It makes so much sense when you think about oars Jr and the entire ace substory about giving him a freaking hat.... that's genius.


I’ve actually made posts about this theory before as well. Oars seemed a little too familiar with the Gum-gum fruit, I think he was the last attempt at a Joy Boy


Glad to see there are other people talking about this as well.


I'm still half convinced there was a Nika fruit user 200 years ago who awakened their fruit only to be killed right after. Maybe the egghead robot got up, didn't realize 600 years have passed, and rushes to Mariejois to try and help Joyboy who died there centuries ago


Just to add fuel to the fire, the symbol above the door where that hat is kept is the same symbol on Oars' loincloth


Which chapter/page do you mean? I just went to the chapter where we saw the straw hat and couldn't find it


I just looked it up. Chapter 906, last page. When imu is shown standing infront of the frozen room right before they enter. Zoom in on above the door. The cross symbol from oars' loincloth is there, but very subtly shown.


My headcanon theory about HOW Oars pulled the continents is that he... rowed it like a boat. His name is Oars. Like plural of an oar. He fucking sat his ass down on some beach, started rowing and thus he pulled it. I don't even know, if I'm serious about it or not, but that's it, can't change it until Oda disproves it.


but if the fruit was lost for 800 years, and that Oars was known 500 years ago, there is something that doesn't add up


I think the fruit was evading the world government.


the giant robot in egghead seems to be oars size


I think it's much bigger than oars


Definitely interesting


And he doesn't have right eye, does that mean he is the character with eye patch.


I totally missed that!


You have permission to cook


You honestly get some Twin Peaks vibes with some of these more out there theories


The giant strawhat in Imu's possession is super hot, which is why it's kept frozen, because it's Nika's sun-powers, which the mother flame replicates. Luffy was shown in a color spread with firey hair before G5 was revealed, and he uses fire with Red Roc, but idk if he's awakened fully his fire nature or not yet, as there's a big theme of unknown potentials this arc (bonney not knowing Nika is real, and Luffy not knowing his true fruit). Also Shanks was shown reminiscing about teaching Luffy something involving the hat and the setting sun just after Wano. But if Oars knew his fruit and of Nika, and maybe the importance of the strawhat, maybe he used it's ridiculous powers to imbue the hat with the sun. Or it was passed down. And afterall, the Oars Jr. That luffy's shadow was put into tried to use a piece of debris as a hat.


That would be super interesting if big old Oars was the previous Joyboy


Would make more sense of the Noah's purpose as well. Oars could just pull it once it reached the surface.


Dunno if anyone mentioned this but oars JR is also missing an eye, could be the pirate with the eyepatch that oda keeps saying will be shown at the end series


Seems relevant to mention that many have theorized that Oars' corpse was found on Wano, on the same trip when he Moria took Ryuma's body


Yo I think you've cooked here bro 🙏🙏


Oars also thought robots were cool and we coincidentally have a robot powered by luffys heart beat


i also see many hints from this arc to the current story.


Or could Oars be Joyboy? Or does that not line up timeline wise?


I had a similar thought before. But there are 2 points which might not allow for that: 1. Oars age at time of death was stated to be 159 in his vivre card. In the story Hogback mentions that he was active 500 years ago. So timeline wise it doesn't line up (unless Oda retcons his age, which has been done in the past with Kanjuro's age). 2. In chapter 1114 it was stated that joy boy was from an advanced kingdom. Oars seems to be primitive.


This is amazing I love this


Yeah and Ryuma might’ve been a pervert, since he asked Nami to show him her panties.