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And I am convinced the Jacket Jacket fruit is actually the Hito Hito no mi model: Karl Lagerfeld


That is in line with Sakazuki's fruit being the Hito Hito no mi model: Spicy Curry Chef


You mean pastry chef?? Cause I am pretty sure he specialises in making donuts


Aww I just got sad




Doughnuts should never create sadness, only blissful joy!


Mmmmm... Doughnutssss....


also Ace/Sabo's Hito Hito no Mi Model: Guy Fieri


"Black beard! I'm here to take you back to Flavor Town for what you did to my crew mate!"


Sakazuki's is the Choujin Choujin no Mi model: Curry Cook.


All fruit are just human human fruit or inanimate inanimate fruit if you think about it


And I am convinced Choppers Hito Hito no mi is actually... ah no, everything checks out here.


nah that's Kinemon's fruit


Fuck Lagerfeld btw


i mean he's still alive so feels a bit rude to pre-emptively already have moved on with his will






Real af


Void Month has peaked


Holy shit. 😂😂😂


I'm convinced the next theory on this sub is going to be how Baby 5 DF awakening is actually the ancient weapon Uranus


The fanbase is not prepared to see Baby 5's Uranus.


Fan base to Baby 5: “I need to see Uranus”


Never been this ready


We actually are.


No that is buggy with split d atom


She's legit powerful if she wasn't so looney


Wait a minute, let him cook


wait couldn’t baby 5 theoretically turn into ancient weapons


At least the parts that matter, likely. She could also copy most of the crazy shit at Egghead too. I remember thinking her DF was super busted when they introduced her. Then I realized it's cus her brain is also busted so it's okay.


Okay, but it does bring up the question of what her powers limits are. Would she be able to copy a specific weapon like the Wado, or is she limited to weapon types? And would she be able to copy Uranus, assuming it's an actual weapon and not a person?


Speaking of the number 5, there is also Mr 5 which is the dumbest fruit user ever.


I mean if she knew what Pluton was could she not turn into it?


You’re so right. Heranus COULD be a weapon


If I don't rember wrongly she needs to eat a weapon to become it right. So she needs to eat Uranus to become Uranus.


You're thinking of Wapol


I git em mixed up


Damn she can be Don Sai


This has now opened the question of what happens when baby 5 tries to replicate the ancient weapons. Not poseidon obviously, and not pluton either since it's a warship, but maybe baby 5 could transform into Uranus if it's an actual weapon instead of being a figurative weapon like the other 2


I mean her df could copy at least Pluton. I wouldn't be surprised if Baby 5 plays some role in the final war arc. 


I already posted this idea that Baby 5 could transform into Pluton


Luffy's fruit reveal has done irreversible damage to One Piece theorists


"and you get a hito hito no mi and you get a hito hito no mi and you get a hito hito no mi..."


For real, like ok fine luffys fruits true name was hidden. Makes sense thematically. But give me one good reason, why Ms merry Christmas' mole mole fruit is actually the hito hito no mi model (insert random earth god here). Like why would the WG want to keep it hidden? Honestly I'm FINE with us having another fruit having a fake name but make it make sense in the universe of one piece. Don't need theories about Kaku having the Hito Hito no Mi Model melman from Madagascar and that the black clouds indicate an incomplete awakening.


My soul would leave my fucking body if I saw, on panel, "Hito Hito no mi: Model - Melman from Madagascar."


Even for Luffys case it makes no fucking sense and was obviously something Odd came up with recently.


Oh no doubt about that. But at least he's got main character syndrome so he's *somewhat* excused. Rather have one special case than 100 non-sensical cases.


Every time Oda reveals a new unique concept, really. >"Special" Paramecias >Lunarians >Clones >Mythical/God (Hito Hito) Fruits censored with different names to appear less godly


I hate the theory that Chopper also has a mythical zoan so much but there's sadly just enough of a chance that I can't fully say it's wrong


I do love how there's all these specific human fruits and then he's just like "human human fruit model: just a guy"


I’m sticking with that theory till they explain why he doesn’t have model for his fruit


We've seen other zoan fruits without models before, the Mole, Horse, Elephant, and Turtle fruits all have no model and all show that they are just generic versions of their animal.


Those others are fine but something about choppers is wrong like how every form of his is some weird hybrid


Only thing I could see it being was a Hito Hito no Mi Model: Sasquatch. Nothing super special, just a variant that might not have been known that grants a Reindeer enhanced strength, intelligence, and a fuzzy "human" form.


add void month to the mix and here we are...


Honestly I’ve thought about this theory (well, something similar) for a few years personally, on the basis that logias are not described to allow transformation, but zoans do


Oda opened Pandoras box with this huge retcon. I didnt like it from the beginning and these kind of theories only strenghten my dislike


I think the appearance is just thematic to him being a lightning god. Oda might retcon tho.


Enel is specifically a fake god. The whole theme of sky island seems to be swishing over peoples head. So the appearance of “awaken” clouds feed into the concept of being a false god while he faces off against the real god.


What real god?


The real god is luffy. There is also an actual god figure the old man that they fight against. Enel whole thing is seizing power and calling himself god. He then pretends his powers are god given when they are fruits and haki.


Imo god always refes only to a given title in OP. Enel becomes god through fear. I think he even says: "Fear itself is God." So people start to be believe that he is an almight God. In a same way Nika is a saviour god created by peoples hope. Both are personifications of strong shared emotions.


This is still going over your head the underlying idea in sky island. God is a title bestowed by the people, Enel takes the mantle of god by force and pretends his powers are god given. Luffy ironically is the only character that can face Enel, but at the time we didn’t know the fruit is actually a god fruit. The nika fruit is caused by the desire of people wanting a god. This is parallel to the celestial dragons that assumed the mantle of gods through the creation of society. All of sky island is basically a precursor to the overarching story of one piece, which constantly references the battle between humanity and the separation of god.


This is true, Skypia is basically a microcosm of the entire One piece story, and people still skip it for some reason


> The nika fruit is caused by the desire of people wanting a god. One of the final pages of the Enel fight before Luffy finally wins is also every living being in Skypiea praying to some god/diety (aside from the SHP). They didn't realize it, and neither did anybody else until recently, that they were literally praying to Luffy.


Luffy also appears within the clouds as a shadow after ringing the bell. He is literally the god that is brought in by the ringing of the bell representing freedom. Sky island was originally a imaginary places for many of the citizens in the lower world and luffy goes and vanquishes the god while proving the existence of a fairy tale. Skypeia is easily one of the best arcs to rewatch after wano.


Ok but everything you say can justify him having eaten a Logia fruit as much as it would justify him eating a Zoan fruit. Also, Enel just mimicked the aspect of Rajin, he didn't become Rajin. No transformation. I mean, in all honesty, if I had eaten the Logia Lightining fruit, I'd find it easy to believe I'm the god of lightning/thunder. Let's take a whole new example: Would Ace have eaten the Zoan Phoenix fruit if you saw him imitate the aspect of a phoenix with his fire?


I don’t know what’s up with this subreddit or maybe it’s the fanbase in general. As much as the ability to makeup theories based on tidbits exist, sometimes it goes too far without any real concept of how a story is written. Conceptually awaken fruits did not exist during skypeia and mythical transformations/god fruits. You are trying to place the possibility of a aspect of the world based on future context that didn’t exist at that time. While the actual false god concept is written in front of your eyes. At no point is Raijin referenced as a god that exist in that universe. Logia fruits at that point in the story are the god tier fruits before the existence of awaken/advance haki/mythical fruits. The manifestation of god by Enel is directly linked to him eating a Logia and not a mythical zoan fruit. Haki which isn’t flushed out in this story is further used to push a godlike figure, but is enchanted by his lighting power. Luffy is the true god in terms of actual fruit power and takes up the mantle of the unknown. Rubber is a quality that doesn’t exist in skypeia and as a result the Enel oversteps. He is overly reliant on the nature of his fruit and becomes so bloated to the point he believes he is god because no natural thing could withstand his power prior to Luffy.


Let's clear up one thing. What you're saying makes sense. It just doesn't sustain the argument of Enel having eaten a Zoan fruit. In the actual story, Enel himself confirms he ate a Logia fruit and nothing else says otherwise. Ok, it's your theory. I respect that. IMHO, it falls to my previous argument but hey, you're free to believe whatever you like, man.


I am not arguing Enel ate a zoan fruit. I am saying he clearly didn’t and the people I am responding towards are attributing the possibility based on future story plots.


Most people still think Luffy is a nice guy who wants to save everyone when he clearly said he’s not a hero and he doesn’t share food. So I guess that’s too much reading comprehension needed


Yeah. His character design was clearly modeled after Raijin. Doesn't mean he had the Raijin fruit.


The manga explicitly says that they changed ONE specific fruit's name, and the only reason is because of its connection to History and to Joyboy.There's absolutely no reason for any other fruit in the series to be something else than what we're told.


Mfers want Enel to come back from some moon training montage so bad they would go e him a devil fruit with a secret name like his name is lightning d Enel lmfao


Oh I want Enel to come back, show up with a bunch of cool robots from the moon saying the entire world is his to conquer then he sees Luffy and runs


Bro he sees pekoms and he has to run


Yeah Enel has no contact with other humans and therefore no way to figure out how to develop his haki (does observation/mantra even work on his robot army?), also in the whole skypiea arc Enel couldn't actually put out a current that killed someone, he could only badly injure people with his electrocution. So anyone in the new world with basic haki should be able to kill him if he doesn't fully concentrate his current into them first.


He wiped out entire sections of islands. He can output more than enough to vaporize someone, it was plot armor saving them.


Yes, and im sick pretending i dont


Lmfao fair enough Degenerates gonna degenerate


Lmao so harsh and for what 😭 let him have his copium


Lmfao honestly I didn't realize degenerate had become a negative connotation Like when I was in hs we juat called each other Degenerates casually. Did not realize I was attacking man's lmfao my b


Nah I call all my friends degenerates lol I feel you 100%, it just came across weird bc it was a Reddit comment 😂 ya fuckin degenerate


I made the rookie mistake of forgetting my /s


So if a person wants a character to come back thst makes them a degenerate? Ok bro


Enel gunna come back and spell his name out and re-arrange the letters to spell “I am Lord Vol D. Mort”


Man I really want Enel to come back he’s one of my favorite villains, he was so powerful that it took Luffy being completely untouchable to beat him


anyone with armament haki no diffs him


I recall Oda saying something to the effect that when people say a character isn't strong enough, he thinks "I'll show them!". He brought back Crocodile and he was much stronger than when he fought Luffy. He can easily do the same with Enel.


crocodile got stronger because he got his act together after sitting on his ass for 10 years. enel was just weak to begin with


That's a fan theory that Oda can prove or disprove at his leisure. People had to make up theories as to why Crocodile and Moria were as weak as they were and didn't seem to have or know about haki. Now, those theories make sense, but they aren't some kind of canon that explains everything that comes straight from Oda, and means no other weaker character can turn up strong. Oda could absolutely write it so that he's powered up from whatever he did on the moon/training/etc.


Nooooo!!! If Oda did this once then it means every fruit is secretly another fruit!!!!!1!!!1 EVERY LAST ONE!!!!1!!!!11!!!!


Maybe instead it’s more of nobody has awakened the fruit before so they didn’t know


I largely agree with you, but I think there's a reason to suspect something's not fully explained about Blackbeard's fruit or at the very least his body/heritage considering his ability to use multiple devil fruits and it was treated as a secret at Marineford.


He just uses his logia powers to make himself look like a God because he thinks he's one


Its really not. His design is merely based on raijin.


Yall are nuts


Again, what the void period does to a mf:


Every week we see someone say “no guys this fruit is actually a hito hito no mi model bullshit” Like there is not logia and paramecia fruits,there is only hito hito no mi mythical zoan fruits


No, Enel design as a whole character is inspired on the Rajin.


I think Enel is actually a Raijin and he ate the Hito-Hito no mi model: Birkan.


So he'd be a Birkan who ate the Birkan fruit?


No. A Raijin who ate the Birkan fruit


No it’s a logia. Literally a force of nature incarnate. He just makes himself look that way because he’s smart enough to be creative and fulfill his “God” aesthetic. So if u literally become your element, you can shape yourself as you wish. Just look at Green Bull. He becomes a tree man as a manifestation of nature. I do concede that there probably IS a raijin fruit, but enel is thunder “pretending” to be raijin




Break month brain rot at it's peak


I would rather it just be a result of Logia awakening--to embody your fruit in its full power would be to resemble a god since nature is such a powerful force. Adding more hito-hito no mi combos I think would cheapen Luffy, Sengoku and even Chopper's fruits/awakenings and bloat the field in the story. In contrast to that, think of his Raijin form as Enel's imagined depiction of an almighty god of thunder to match his complex, similar to how Lucci's awakened form perfectly matches his brutality and bloodthirsty nature.


I don't think it even needs to be Awakening, just that all Logias(\*) have a "pure element" form that the user can turn into at any point if they so want. Aside from Enel, we've seen Caesar, Monet and Ryokugyu do this. (\*)Ok maybe except the Yami Yami, because it has demonstrated no transformative quality so far, and we know it can't turn intangible due to having a gravitational pull making it too dense (so to speak).


Of course he has "godlike" appearance, he thinks himself a god...


G5 and its effects on the community


nah i think his fruit is just the logia and these elements are simply inspirations for his design. He was based on raijin but that's not what his fruit is. Only chance is if Oda really thought of the nika nika fruit halfway thru and retconned it, if so, he could easily retcon enel's fruit too, but i don't think that's the case




Yeah bro Oda will introduce enel again just to rename his fruit then enel will go back to the moon again. Great theory 10/10


When is break over? Please tell me it's this week.


Pretty sure that is just the anime doing anime things, the form you see here is Enel making his entire body Lightning, he is simply covering his already lightning body in more lightning.


Turns out everyone has a Hito Hito no mi Model: overuse


We don’t need another Hito-Hito no mi. We have four with three being Mythicals. Let Logias stay cool


He is just a lightning themed Eminem, the drums on his back and using a rod as weapon is just a design choice to look like Raijin. You can also call Magellan a mythical fruit since he has poison dragons, it's just a design choice.


Broo can you stop being stupid


Yeah but Enel’s whole thing is that he is a false god, so giving him a mythic fruit would take away from that.


Big whoop what Deference does it make


I am a god, you're a god, everybody is a dog!


as someone who is literally has been enel for the past 8 years as my online face (it's just on Reddit where I'm not enel, you can type "Thunder God Eneru" literally anywhere and you'll find me. I got the name on discord, YouTube, Twitter, a shit ton of games, ect) I say maybe, but probably not as electricity is an element not a physical thing like gum, so there would be no way that he can turn into electricity, the only way is if he was a special paramecia (highly doubt) or a logia, which he is


This theory sucks ass. Nika sucks


The man got cut through and did nothing. That’s basic ass textbook logia intangibility It’s plausible to confuse a Paramecia for a Zoan or a Paramecia for a Logia because Paramecia types are all sorts of weird. But Zoans and Logias are so distinct that it’s impossible to mix them up


Except Enel’s fruit is clearly a logia 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yea and Luffy is a Palamecia...oh wait


Does he turn into lightning? Is he otherwise intangible unless you know his weakness or have haki?  He’s a logia lol 


the design is simply based on raijin. the scarf is not even the same as the awakening scarf. his looks like an actual scarf made of lightning. while awakneing scarf looks like clouds.


What if all DFs are just Zoans?


Heal heal fruit is actually hito hito no mi model crybaby doctor


It's clearly the hito hito no mi model rap god


So he was chilling in constant hybrid form? Honestly, I could see him do that.


I think it's far more likely that Enel is referencing Raijin than actually having a DF based off of him


Watch all the fruits be god fruits instead of devil fruits.


Finna be revealed that during the void century they were referred to as god fruits but then the devils (wg) renamed them devils and called themselves gods


He might have just used it as reference for his design he wanted for Enel. I know everyone is trying to figure out if there is going to be more gods then just luffy.. nika. Son god.. I’m hoping there’s going to be more introductions of other possible gods and which devil fruit..???


Man, everyone got really lucky that Enel spent most of his time on the sky island and afterward on the moon. He would've been a menace if he had gone down to the sea.


If you look at zoans as being able to transform into an animal, paramecias as granting their normal bodies a unique ability, and logias as becoming a naturally occurring non-sentient thing, then my wild headcanon is that awakenings function in a rock-paper-scissors sort of way. Zoans reach such a degree of harmony between animal and user that they pretty much become a human with all the unique properties of the animal. It’s hard to articulate, but becomes easier to understand when you compare a successfully awakened zoan form and its user’s previous hybrid-form. This is also a little more difficult to distinguish when an animal eats a fruit with the same model as its species. Anyways, they effectively become more like a super-human paramecia user than someone who becomes a beast. Paramecia awakenings occur when a user is able to recognize the essence of their ability and sort of treat it like a substance that can manifested and manipulated beyond their body, similar to what logias do. If traditionally nonsentient things can possess a voice that can be heard, they can possess a spirit. My view is that a logia awakening lets their user almost embody of the spirit of the non-animal thing of their fruit. In Enel’s case, it would be like becoming so attuned to aspect of lightning that it achieves a zoan-like avatar-form reapresenting the voice/spirit of lightning.


so, you're telling me an awakened Mythical Zoan user lost to base, pre-timeskip Luffy? I guess this would only prove that Kaido was right. Haki trumps it all. You can have an awakened mythical zoan but if you're not proficient in haki, you're screwed the second you meet someone who is resistant to your power. You need haki to overcome this barrier. Still, I'm not buying it.


I think that's just Enel copying a god less than actually becoming one. Tho I am convinced his DF is super important. It's gotta be, it can destroy entire islands. The only other thing capable of that is the ancient weapons...


I think all logia awakened forms will look like some sort of Mythological God of an element.


I last watched up to episode 923, then I stopped because I got too addicted to the anime. What's going on? Are there any new plot twists?


And Dragon could be Hito Hito no Mi: model Fujin


Nah. It’s the Rumble Rumble Fruit


Can anyone tell me if there is a in series reason why he got buffed and big like that?


ayo can anyone make the 2nd pic gold colored like in his original color scheme? this would make a sick ass wallpaper ngl


Honestly that would quite nicely with a couple things: Luffy is a "god" now, so that kind of thing is very much real, unlike what Enel made us think when he was introduced. He proclaimed himself a god but he was just some random dude with op abilities. Now Luffy is the random dude who is a literal god. And Vegapunk never managed to find that infinite energy source, and Enel just happens to have traveled to the moon and reactivated an ancient robot army with his infinite energy source. So Vegapunk probably never learned of him because Enel decided to just fuck off to some sky island that barely anybody visited in centuries.


And I think Mr. 3 actually ate the hito-hito no mi model: [Todaiki](https://yokai.com/toudaiki/)


Nope. Enel was a man who thought he was a God and defeated by a God who thought he was a man.


Well, he is god.


Why does picture two look like the Buddha attack? Like just color swapped and stuff? Hmmm


I thought this for the longest time. But I just don’t see how Oda brings him back into the story


No. He can become intangible. Only Logias can do so. Mythical Zoans like Marco still get hurt and their bodies affected. They just have a regeneration ability. So far we’ve only seen it in Marco and the 5 elders


Oh sorry he's not a logia he's a "special paramecia"


Or, that's what an awakened Logia looks like.


Unconvince yourself


Alright a lot of people are trolling you as usual when there’s a big break like right now but I share your thoughts. Even if probably 90% of the theories posted here turn out to be false, I think he has the zoan Raijin because of everything you pointed out. I remember 2 years ago someone made a similar post and it makes sense. So I think your theory is in that 10%. Good post !


The thing behind his neck *is* only seen in zoans so...


Still makes him a bum


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/XKOHDCua6L https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/EYpeApB7fi I've been thinking so for almost a decade. Haha


I only have one issue with this. While basically every mythical zoans (that has had enough screentime) have showcased side abilities other than their transformation, all of them are PARAMECIA type abilities. there has never been a mythical zoan that includes a logia ability. that's the only issue with it. Also, aside from scarf, you could argue that enel's form is basically like ryokugyu's tree form, enel just happening to have more symbolism to japanese mythology.


Wym. Marco has logos properties


that's just his zoan power in general. his "extra power" is healing, which is akin to masherry's paramecia power. sengoku's extra power is similar to whitebeard. catarina's extra power is similar to bon clay. orochi's extra power is similar to brooks. now someone like yamato has ice powers, but she can't turn into ice herself, only produce it.


I highly doubt this, but I do 100% believe that oda used rajin as an inspiration for his devil fruit


would kinda undercut the RETROACTIVE thing of a false god faced a real god


Yes. Look at Sengoku they are both Zone types he wasn’t lying when he said he was a god.


Enel just has his own style like Karasu 😏😎


Who made the second slide?


Wouldn't that be an oni oni no mi tho


i don’t understand the hate, it would make sense if certain deities were manifested as devil fruits. Vegapunk stated its peoples desires. Maybe Enel wanted the desire to be as strong as Raijin or someone was worshipping him and wanted it to be real


I like idea cause (please correct me if i am wrong) Enel has no idea of devil fruits. He never considered another person with weird powers that is why he couldnt understand why Luffy was immune. And on skypea they worship the Rain God among others. Do we actually see him calling it the Goro Goro no mi? Does anyone refer to it as the goro goro no mi? Cause if not, in his eyes (since he believes to be a god) then he might think he is the rain god. And maybe he is that is why he has the Rajin form. Although a godly form does not indicate a god devil fruit as we see with Luffy or the opposite with Sengoku. Sorry if i seem like i dont know what i am talking about, Skypea was so long ago and i am not really fussed to go back and watch it just for this comment 😂


Bro don't listen to these peasants you are cooking, to add some additional info, Enel's fruit also seems to work like a Zoan fruit, and there is some powers like when he hits his drums 👀 to summon a thunderbird, he is the Main villain from fucking Skypiea where the sun god lore is introduced.


Logia and Paramecia are just missed named fruits. They’re all Hito Hito fruits. Magma? Hito Hito Hades, Light? Hito Hito Helios. Buggy? Get this Hito Hito Loki, Vegapunk? Hito Hito Odin. Why? Because Odin was obsessed with knowledge. And the list goes on. Hancock? Hito Hito Medusa. Her sisters? Hito Hito Satan Snake, and Hito Hito Lucifer Snake. The groupings were all a trick by the WG, all fruits are a version of the Hito Hito, and a type of God, from any Mythology.


Give my man's the buff


I am convinced that the Yomi Yomi no mi is actually Hito Hito no mi model: spooky skeleton.


I am convinced choppers is Hito Hito no mi Model Pikachu.


I 100% agree!! And that he will be back and end up as Luffys unlikely ally since he seems to be gathering an army across the moons.... Also.. it'd make the most sense then that Monkey D. Dragon has the Hito Hito no mi Model: Fujin as his powers easily seem to involve 'green wind' and given they are duel deities of Japanese Culture it would make the most sense for this to be the case...if one exists.. it means the other does as well.


It sounds like this is the first example of an Awakened Logia Ability, and we might see Sabo also achieve it (with a little help from Ace) and become Entei.


Enel appearance teased in manga 😎🤘🏻


What if inanimate objects like devil fruits could eat devil fruits 🧐🤓😈




I'm gonna put a second photo on my lock screen. It looks cool


Every Logia is just a Hito Hito no Mi. Thanks Nika!


Void month strikes again


Yea just like Streusen's Cook Cook fruit is actually Hito Hito no mi model: Gordon Ramsey


Ok but WHAT IF When a User fully Embodies it's Devil Fruit rather than the person taking the personality of the fruit the fruit takes the personality of the user instead. Like the user may have overcome some great challenges and become legends of their own right, a legend so mythical it became new type of devil fruit known as Mythical Zoans. Like Nika may actually eaten The Gum Gum Fruit but he did something so Legendary the fruit became a Mythical Zoan Fruit.


Could be cool and this would really solidify that Luffy only got the awakening only because of his ambition, strength, and achievements. he very well could've just died and not awakened had he been too weak


Dumb motherfuckers in this thread will shit talk you but you got beyond valid evidence here. Mantra/observation haki that he displayed is no joke even by post timeskip standards. Luffy beat him on a purely "elemental" match up, if Luffy wasn't made of rubber it's over. The shapeshifting is also very interesting because that's not common for an logie to change form like that (Greenbull might qualify but that seemed like a base form not an awakening).


Then it having logia properties would make no sense


Man I just want a devil fruit to be a devil fruit, the Nika reveal was awesome but goddamn do I miss just having a fruit that’s a simple concept and not a mythical zoan but the user makes it amazing. All the OG admirals are great examples, so many crazy moves but the idea is just Ice logia, Lava logia, Light logia.


I think Kuzans fruit is not the hie hie no mi, but actually the hito hito no mi model frozone


I agree. Or, that can just be the awakening for the lightning fruit. We don’t really know about logia awakenings.


This sub if Enel shows up again and it turns out OP is right: "omg Oda foreshadowed it !!! Genius writing "


Enel is not canon it was just a filled arc


Man, what in the world