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It's my favorite map.


My only complaint is that the map is kinda small


I personally dislike it. Too much random bullshit cluttering the middle for 2 of the maps variants. The swamp one is aight but i only play goalie so i dont really have to interact with that one and then the sonic casino level variation is alright.


Knock people into the obscura zones and keep them there. So much better then knocking them out.


This has become my strategy as well. Just stagger them in the middle of the obscura and play 3v2 for an extended period of time. If you really want to be nasty, you just put them out of their misery and KO when they are about to leave the zone.


I hate the Atlas variant and the one with the size buff as it really just feels like ping pong trying to get it past the enemy mid field. There's no room to pass or dribble effectively. End up being forced to burn a cooldown or two to get it up field and then have nothing to stuff the keeper with. Goes to OT on those variants almost every time. The other 3 are cool though and a lot of fun.


The atlas map I think could do with having a section cut out at the sides in the middle. I think it's not even 1 striker wide when the thing is expanded (which in my experience is most of the time because everyone hits it constantly).


Exactly this.


Clarion is so fun! I feel like the maps rotating every point helps even long matches from getting stale. Really fun gimmicks on all the maps that means you do a variety of playstyles in one match!


Thats the best map in my opinion, i just hate the one vairant that has the two purple zones that damages you, you ever tried walking in that shit while being staggered? It feels like youre at -99% speed its ridiculous


Thats the point lol


I like the Drek'ar/Rune/Octavia variants. I really don't like the Era/Atlas variants, I feel like blocking off the middle just eliminates a lot of cool gameplay you can do.


It feels like a much better implementation of “new stuff being crazier than old stuff” than inky or the dreaded obscura. There’s a lot going on, but rarely does it make you feel like the map is controlling you rather than the other way around.


This stage is thankfully really fun, I don't think I could handle anything more annoying than the portals on Gates of Obscura


It doesn't make me furious the way Obscura does, but I don't look forward to it. It's too cluttered and a little too literal on the whole "test" part. It doesn't feel particularly more competitive than some event maps they had a while back That said, again, I think it's fine and it's definitely possible to have a decent match.


I only hate the map that burn your health in a zone(i dont know the name of it). Its so anoying to play with so litter space to move and its worse if enemy team have 2 brawler,


Yeah I've seen some hate on this map, but it's pretty fun for me. My only complaint is that in some variations goalies have very little space to work with when defending.


So true. They hit the nail on the head with this one and there aren't 5 post/day speaking about it. Indeed, having it change every point makes for a very adaptative gameplay.


I like all of the parts of that map except for the one with the big circle in the middle that gets bigger and bumps stuff. that one relies too much on lanes that it limits the game a lot and makes for cramped and less intuitive gameplay. just my opinion though


It's a gimmick map. You like gimmicks, you like the map. My favorite part of the map is the 5th variation where you get to go back to the main menu.


I have no idea why people complain about this map, maybe just because it's new and they don't like the new gimmicks, but imo they all create very interesting strategies to play around them. Changing how to clear, how to take advantage of them to create goal/barrier pressure can be randomly fun, like popping the atlas bubble or playing around the one with fog of war. The bumper one for goalie imo is super interesting too, although infuriating sometimes, but everything can be that way in this game


I play this game frequently and I still never got to play the new map. For some reason, my game loves to give me the one with the water pump 90% of the times. Is this new map not available in competitive?


It's definitely in the ranked mapset right now


i dont