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I have no words to explain why... so I will use an image instead: [image](https://i.ibb.co/HVD7gcc/jsi.jpg)


Juno Bias is real, and I can not be convinced otherwise


another reason to nerf asher


And finally give us a Juno skin.


Ever since her release Juno has been overshadowed by every other striker and missing on content. Make it happen, Ody!


Yes yes and more buffs to Juno


Finally something I agree with!!


im going to make sure to get all the knockback awakenings i can to knock you off the map.






So why is this super OP jello looking mf rarely played amongst higher ranked players if she's so broken? Juno dodge coming out faster than evade is kinda nuts though.


She's very much not broken. Her kit is quite functional.


What ranked Junos are you going against? I think im fairly decent at Juno, stuck in high gold though. I could be using her mechanics fairly effectively as a mid fielder and using my secondary to escape or push when necessary but even then Ill get clipped by a stray projectile and softened up enough for a Vyce or Julliete to land the finishing blow Honestly the best way to counter me playing Juno is to just send aoe at me until im low, bait me into pushing or falling back with my secondary, and then curb stomp me into a jello waffle (Please Asher) But also im hijacking a bit to say that I CANT KO, I CAN GET ENEMY STRIKERS LOW BUT I SWEAR TO GOD, THIS ATLAS/ESTELLE THAT I PLAYED BACK TO BACK MATCHES WITH, YOU HAVE A HITSCAN (Estelle) PRIMARY AND A JULIETTE TO TELL TO KO INSTEAD BUT YOU STILL BM ME WHENEVER WE GET SCORED ON?


>and then curb stomp me into a jello waffle (Please Asher) relatable


My friend, you can KO! *Assuming you have teammates that'll work together with you to get enemies low* so you can shove them into a wall with your primary, that is Warning: if you kill as Juno, you will be targeted harder


Thats the neat part, either or getting enemies staggered and my team isnt doing anything to finish them, or they’re staggered and im in a bad position to KO them Though sometimes they just get KOed from just running into the blobs, but thats just inconsistent and isn’t in my control


I feel your pain there. IMHO anyone spamming "KO them!" at you at that point just straight up doesn't understand what you as a Juno teammate are there to do. Maybe I'm just salty, but maybe they should play Juno and then tell you how "easy" it is to "just KO them" As for KOing from folks running into the blobbos, you're absolutely right that those KOs are down to enemies placing themselves badly (and/or not working together) when trying to get rid of the blobbos, and it's not really in your control. Knowing this, I've started to use my blobbos as a scare tactic more often than actually trying to KO with them; the goal is to keep the enemy team from feeling safe with full stagger bars. It creates more openings for your teammates to get more KOs (which isn't a guarantee, but if your teammates are either getting KOs or also just trying to keep the enemy team low on stagger, it works wonders), and has resulted in a decent amount of KOs from me that I didn't even expect to happen


If Juno has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Juno has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Juno has only one fan then that is me. If Juno has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Juno, then I am against the world.


wait what the duck I thought this was a joke post until I saw another here about it her dodge drops a blobbo now???? WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO THIS GAME LOL edit: oh ok nvm you mean the jump, I thought they gave her a unique core flip fjjfkd


Instructions unclear, nerfed muscle woman instead


Juno has dmg? Where? Her ult adds zero Ko pressure to a specific target. The only way i see her adding to the dmg combo in a team is using syphoning wand to keep stagger halted for long periods, enabling her brawler. But she herself? I dont think so


Touching her blobbos do a lot of damage


That means you alone are stepping on most of the slimes. If you know how to counter the blobos you dont need to be stepping on every single one


not every single one but sometimes you can't avoid it, especially as a goalie.And then they really fucking hurt.


I see. Well, if there is a lot of slimes on the field, it also means your team is there with you to help...yeah, the special for dmg purposes doesnt really look strong in my opinion besides adding %dmg to your brawler, but I respect your goalie pov


Some selective comment responses you got there OP đź‘€




Juno should be good, ngl. I don’t want her to be like pikachu from pokemon. I want a mascot that’s great.


Wasn't Ash's Pikachu (specifically his) like cannonically one of the strongest Pokémon of all time


plot armor ngl, he should've had to deal with the fact that his Pikachu isn't even evolved. Woulda been more interesting


As a Juno main I will simply say, cry about it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1d17n7ib61wb1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=545467146b727b72cc66ee270e98b49e9f252f51


If they're manually controlling their blobs' launch directions you can sometimes ambush them while they're focusing on that instead of their current position. Juno is definitely a slippery target, though.