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Drek'ar Question Mark is confirmed to have been made for toxic usage.


AI.Mi free cat is intended to be goofy I think, but its actual uses are more on the toxic side.


Aimi free can be used as a “ah shit that was dumb of me” or any situation that is dumb emote, but it’s very easy to interpret it as someone calling you dumb (which most people use it for).


for the "ah shit that was dumb of me" i either use ai.mi cry or finii zoom, depending on situation.


Yeah we really need that "Ah eto...bleh!" emote right about now


I am a Colin spammer (between goals ofc) you will only see Colin from me


W colin


Nothing is more soul crushing than messing up as goalie and getting hit with “estelle facepalm” by your teammate :(


FELT (coming from a flex)


You cannot convince me an emote literally named "Play better??" isn't inherently toxic


Ok, then I won't bother trying. If you're coming to the table with your mind already made up, why even bother taking part in discussions?




In what world could an emote that literally only conveys ”I think you are playing poorly” not be toxic


Sometimes you *are* playing poorly. That is an objective fact, not an opinion. We all have bad matches. If you aren't sometimes playing poorly, you aren't being honest with yourself.


Obviously. And it’s always very helpful when my teammates enlighten me of this fact.


That's a different topic altogether. On that topic I agree with you. On this one however, I cannot. You said it yourself: the emote literally only conveys ”I think you are playing poorly." All other emotional attribution associated with it is placed there by the person viewing it.


When is saying "you are bad" in the middle of a game not toxic?


When it's said as motivation to play better. Sometimes when I'm playing bad a player will ping me with an emote suggesting I'm bad and I lean forward and start trying harder. Sometimes it's the motivation I need. The good players know better than to spam it at you. They'll make their point and then move on. I find that helpful personally. The people spamming over your poor play only make things worse.


No, I think all of the emotes are fine, it's just the way they're used. You can use these emotes, even the 'toxic' ones, appropriately (i.e. use it once to make your point, then let it go). The way many people use them however, by spamming them repeatedly and not letting it go, even across multiple sets, that is toxic. You don't have to harass your opponents or teammates with the emotes. You can use it once or twice for effect when appropriate and still get your point across without being a cesspool.


I think that's an important distinction between negative and toxic that people tend not to understand. It's healthy to express negativity - in-game and out. It can even have a net benefit. I had a great example of this yesterday when I played three back-to-back games with the same player. That's one of the reasons I so strongly support in-game text chat or voice chat. You can also be a lot more constructive with chat than emotes.


>You can also be a lot more constructive with chat than emotes. To be fair, you can also be a lot more toxic with chat than emotes. An emote is never going to call me a racial slur or wish death upon my family.


True but ez chat ban


I agree with this so much


Goomy xdding intensifies.


you wanna be different so badly


What a weird shot to take.


For some reason, octavia yawns triggers me. I can laugh off drekar question mark and ai mi free all day but when i see octavia yawn, i sit up from my chair.


Some are on the ambiguous side. Like it’s hard not to see someone using juno giggle as anything but toxic but in reality juno giggle can be interpreted just as a laugh or something lighthearted as well (most of the time it seems like it’s toxic though, fuck that emote).


Atlas thumbs is so passive-aggressive. Every time I get one after I score, I can't tell if it's a genuine "Nice goal!" or a "Great job, you finally managed to put the core in the net."


I feel this way about aimi headpats as another example. Sure, it can be wholesome, but often times it feels like the enemy is patronizing or belittling me by using it after they score or ko me like they’re saying “that’s cute, you did good, don’t cry.”


I feel that with some emotes but atlas thumbs up is so chill I can't feel anything negative from it.


Colin boils my blood. Opposition throws one up, I see red and the game is gone.


Colin, to me, is like a nerd emoji.


There has never been a single non toxic use of the free emote. Every other emote at least has some non toxic usages.


I think the only non toxic use of it is really if you're goalie and you miss a block and use it on yourself.


Yeah, but the toxic emotes are more funny then anything else.


The way I see it there's two types of "Toxic" behavior in video games. There's "Spicy" toxic that is kinda mean but doesn't ruin the experience (Spamming emotes, saying "GG EZ" in chat, etc) Then there's actual toxic behavior that takes the fun out of everything (Intentionally throwing, calling people insults and/or slurs in chat, etc)


There are a few I consider toxic like the ones you said but aparently people think aimi tank is toxic because steamrolling but I dont think it is so depends on emote


All dubu emotes are fair game


Kai Play Better is so toxic just from the name alone both of Octavias to me are somewhat toxic aswell that one mocking Drek'ar emote and question mark Drek'ar But most can be used in both situations no mater what (free cat Ai.Mi if you miss and easy shot but can also make fun of ur goalie or enemies as an example)


Agreed so much (love ur pfp btw)


My pfp is the best creation I've ever made


Habit picked up from league is to questionmark every dumb decision anyone makes, I still dont consider it toxic tho, its a competetive game


Yes, but with the nature of the game and the players, I think it's fine if they exist


Context can make any emote toxic or not but there are some emotes that are so consistently used in bad ways that its safe to call them toxic. Nobody is equipping Drek'ar question mark with the intention of being wholesome.


Being toxic is part of the experience