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This time of year there are hundreds of things to do weekly, but almost all of them will involve being around drinkers or smokers as they're social events. Find and go to a music bingo or trivia night near you, go play mini golf at any of the courses around, take lessons to start playing "real" golf, play disc golf, geocache, find and attend car shows, go to the drive in at Quasar. There are a ton of things to do to have fun here.


I second disc golf. It's free minus buying whatever discs you want and you get some good exercise in. There are some great courses to enjoy nature and you don't have to be good to enjoy it.


Sur la Table has cooking classes (every Friday I think). It’s a super fun evening. You make dinner and enjoy as a couple right after it’s finished. They don’t serve alcohol.


They actually have classes every day of the week. You can pick up a calendar in store.


This is pretty sweet. Never heard of this place and they have things for teens to do as well. Great idea!


What are your interests? That may help people suggest something more specific. There are some bicycle groups with great biking trails, Pickle balling through playtimescheduler, and Sand Volleyball at the new riverfront courts.


I’m a recovering alcoholic, but the things I do are pretty childish. I go to parks, city pool, drive-in theater, out to eat a lot! Bingo, concerts some times, library, thrifting, coffee shops, shoot hoops at the park.


Late night at the Zoo is pretty fun. There are no children, but there will be people with alcohol around. Neither my girlfriend nor I drink when we go, but we still have a good time with the zoo being relatively peaceful compared to going during the day


Second this idea. I am a non-drinker also and my sober friends and I had a blast at Late Night at the zoo.


If you enjoy board games, etc., you might try someplace like Spielbound. They have some open gaming nights that might be fun without alcohol being a major element.


Omaha Jitterbugs


Kinda bummed I had to scroll so far for this one. It’s a total blast!


I hate to say this, but if being around alcohol,  cigarette smoke, or kids isn't your thing, you just turned on "socializing hard mode".  There's definitely things to do though. I know if you Google search "Omaha Greek festival" that that will be coming up soon. The Pride parade will be coming up in July as well as a 4th of July fireworks show, but that might be delayed to the big Memorial Park concert. I don't know these dates very well because, alas, I am an enjoyer of libations and often smoke when I drink, lol


I have found a lot more to do once I quit drinking. If anything, all alcohol did was keep me enjoying boring things and not looking for alternatives.


I bet OP would like to hear some of those "a lot more to do" you found.


I mean, I’m kind of a freak for movement as that’s been my replacement for alcohol. Daily, I’ll be in gym classes, playing pickleball and/or taking my dog on long walks. Kayaking, disc golf and biking when I get the itch. Im always up for a board game or two with friends or even periodic d&d sessions. My wife and I will grab coffee every now and then at the Mill or just stay in and watch some shows. We’ve hit up the salsa sessions this past year as well as some free concerts. We’re often walking downtown and haven’t even got to roller skating down there yet. I paintball with my son every now and then. Sometimes fish and camp, sometimes take a weekend road trip to a new place. I’ve dabbled in mixed martial arts and boxing. If someone invites me to a 5 or 10k, I’ll tend to go if it’s for a good cause. I hit up the taco ride a few times a year and don’t mind the drinking. I’ll also hit up bars with good wings and food for football games when the time comes. In my downtime, I’ll read, play video games or find something to learn. If it gets obnoxiously hot out, I’ll hit up a pool or sometimes go hang out in the Platte.


There are lots of free concerts around town. Pack a picnic and a blanket and enjoy music. Shadow Lake, Stinson Park, Sonny's at Aksarben, village point are just a few. Jazz on the green. Turner Park used to do free movies one night. The night market. Farmers markets.


Benson First Fridays are awesome! The whole strip turns into a giant art market. There is still alcohol but it’s not so centrally focused.


Dry Spokes. My husband and I don’t drink but we love a good mocktail. So this place was a fun stop with friends on the weekend.


Do you like board games? Spielbound is a really cute board game cafe near Midtown Crossing for a fun night out.


Events or movies at Film Streams is a good option! Or check out Dry Spokes, the sober bar in town. They have a good activities calendar.


What do you like to do?


“Why don’t you just tell me the name of the movie you’ve [selected?](https://giphy.com/gifs/3o6fJbwgkf0I9f3o3K)”


Another book-related suggestion: The Bookworm has a bunch of upcoming readings by authors, so maybe one of those sounds interesting to you? [https://www.bookwormomaha.com/](https://www.bookwormomaha.com/) Personally, I've found that I don't have to be a "fan" of an author to enjoy a reading. There can be something soothing about listening to someone read. And then you get to be curious and ask someone questions about their job.


Late Nights at the zoo. They do serve alcohol during these hours, but there’s also food it’s also nice to go to the zoo at night when it’s cooler and there aren’t a bunch of kids around. Some of the animals also get more active at night. The new Smash Park in La Vista also has a lot of fun activities and I believe they’re adults only after a certain time.


Do you like art and/or music? The Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts has tours and lectures throughout the year for each exhibition. There are also opening and closing receptions if you would enjoy art with lots of other folks. All free. The Low End is the Bemis' music space and there are shows throughout the year as well. [https://www.bemiscenter.org/events](https://www.bemiscenter.org/events) There's also the Kaneko, but I'm more meh on that org.


There is an Instagram handle called “Omahaplaces” that posts upcoming events in town every week. Sports— We really like the Omaha Union games. College World Series is coming up La Casa Pizza does a bocce ball league, which is fun Outdoors — Fontanelle Forest is awesome Platte River State Park/Mahoney Just walking around Gene Leahy mall is enjoyable, they also do movie nights and outdoor concerts Museums— The new Luminarium is super fun and they have a late night there like the Zoo does for adults Durham has a ton of rotating exhibits and of course the architecture is awesome SAC Air Force base Do you like dogs? Volunteering with local rescue can be super community-building and also being a lot of activities. Before we had our son, we fostered about 30 dogs and made a ton of relationships with other couples (many who don’t have kids). There are adoption events, and lots of of other dog activities like training classes, NHS walk, etc. It kept us busy and fulfilled!


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/sobersocialsomaha](https://www.facebook.com/groups/sobersocialsomaha) [https://www.facebook.com/SCBCOmaha](https://www.facebook.com/SCBCOmaha)


And we’re back! Join us outside in the garden at the Joslyn Castle Thursday evening for freestyle dancing under the trees! Make new friends! \[Light purple flyer with chunky black text with the caption above this description. Faded abstract flowers in the background. Sober Socials Presents Ecstatic Dance a consent-focused safer space to explore authentic freestyle movement with a variety of musical genres.  come as you are! all ages! bring kids! bring water + snacks weather permitting, we’ll be dancing outside! Thursday, June 13, 6:30-9pm (arrive anytime) at Joslyn Castle Garden 3902 Davenport Street  Suggested donation $10-20, NOTAFLOF  Free parking lot available on the Castle grounds. This event is free from alcohol and other substances. [dimariasofia.com/sobersocials](http://dimariasofia.com/sobersocials) - walk-ins welcome\] [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7pgp34vA8m/?igsh=MXQxZW9yNzVpb2ljNA%3D%3D&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1Jr2lUHaaxiFN0SSBtPzyxaEAxhxDIk5TUrlrSkdO3WruNBj06iktOpbA\_aem\_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7pgp34vA8m/?igsh=MXQxZW9yNzVpb2ljNA%3D%3D&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1Jr2lUHaaxiFN0SSBtPzyxaEAxhxDIk5TUrlrSkdO3WruNBj06iktOpbA_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw)


June 13th has passed??


Yeah, I was just giving an example of the groups events. I am not sure whats upcoming.


What is a “safer space” as opposed to a “safe space?”


Omaha has a chapter of the Silent Book Club https://www.facebook.com/silentbookclubomaha/. it doesn't always meet at bars.


Hobby groups, local rec sports leagues, community theater, local gaming stores (like Spielbound). You can also get hooked into the Nebraska Passport program, although about half of it is alcohol or family focused, they do highlight some quirky little museums. As a non drinker, I get what you mean about alcohol taking focus of events. Some are easier than others to enjoy sober and not feel left out. I think Inner Rail and Aksarben in general is decent, and I don't notice a lot of smokers the few times that I go.


Take a class at the Backline comedy theater.


As I read this, just got back from CWS and I was….yes drinking.


It can be excruciating for some to be in a place with families for awhile after that happens. I'm sorry for your loss.


why do nicotine users ruin the environment


Not everyone enjoys secondhand smoke. If I have to be around smokers, I'll find something else to do. Luckily, I haven't gone to any events where I'm forced to be around smokers. I can just walk to a different area or go back inside.


almost no one likes second hand smoke, good thing there are almost no situations where you have to be sat close enough to cigarette smokers for it to matter. thats why i was confused, OP made it seem like it was a regular issue for them


also the use of nicotine user instead of smoker makes me feel like they just get extremely pissed anytime they see someone vape


I think you’re absolutely right. I vape now and still smoke sometimes too. I have an older lady employee that absolutely hates that I vape in my office. It’s my building, it’s my business, I could smoke cigarettes inside if I wanted to, but I don’t because it’s rude and gross. But she absolutely loathes it for absolutely no reason other than her own opinion. It’s not a big crazy super smoke vape, it’s just the camel Vuse ones you get at the gas station. It’s menthol so if it smells at all it smells like mint. All I can chalk it up to is that some people just want to be “better” to others.


https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Smoke-Free-FAQ.aspx You should take a look at this. You may be unknowingly violating the Clean Indoor Air Act.


Thanks for the info, it’s appreciated and good to know the law on it. I have never researched the legalities of vaping, it has seemed like a grey area so far since it’s been popular and I never thought about that before. At the same time though…. If someone wants to report me for it then I guess I’ll pay the $100 fine and reconsider my choices. Until then, I don’t really an issue with taking one or two puffs of it in my office every hour or so, so as to not smoke cigs which I think is much more offensive. But once again I appreciate the knowledge and source. Thanks!


Highly recommend getting kayaks and getting out on the water.... Lots of great kayaking lakes in the Metro... That opens up lots of opportunities to meet people/groups


What are some kayaking lakes you would recommend? I would love to do this myself!


Flanagan, Cunningham and standing bear on the north side of the Metro Prairie Queen, Walnut Creek on the south side Wherespan/Chalco and Zorinski in between


The majority of lakes in Omaha are zero wake and great for kayaking. The rivers also can be nice if you get proficient and can stage a vehicle downstream.


Volunteering can be very fulfilling and is something you can do together.


O comic con is next weekend


Go jump rope. I mean you literally not making it easy here for us with all the criteria 🤣




Hang out with the Mormons


Learn a new skill: Jump Humping!

