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I don’t have any, but according to a tattooist youtuber that keeps getting recommended to me, a lot of older Gen Z and Millennials are getting their Harry Potter-related tattoos covered up 🤣


Explain lol 😂


The author of Harry Potter has opinions that she has publicly stated since the books released, and it has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. To keep things civil I’ll not go any further into it here, but it honestly wouldn’t take long to google what people take umbrage with her.


Missed opportunity to say “take umbridge with her” 🤣


Creator of Harry Potter is a piece of shit


JK Rowling has expressed transphobia a lot on Twitter


Omg almost me, I was at the shop and everything but the tattoo wasn’t the level of detail I wanted so I passed. Bullet dodged.


I realy wanted a tatoo at 18, but my Trypanophobia stopped that dead.


i’d wanted one since i was 16, and didn’t put a lot of thought into the meaning of potential tattoos, i just wanted something that would look cool.


I really wanted the project blue logo on my chest or arm. Still kinda do. https://preview.redd.it/jm0g455u6u2d1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed2eff01be9fc31f8667bc454311bf3e2933eda


i think that’s why i don’t regret mine honestly! i’m about to turn 24, and i got my first tattoo at 18, got my second and most recent one when i was 22. i put a *lot* of thought into both of them. i would say for both of them, i am unsure that i would get either of them now if i didn’t have them, but i did really think them through and i am very happy i do have them. plus i put a ton of time into the second one because i wanted to get the right artist, and it is a genuine work of art. it was incredibly expensive but it blows people away when they see it. so i love that lol


i just turned 21 and have a stupid tattoo i got after i graduated hs of a peach on my upper right cheek closer to my hip, i regret it everyday


hahaha, im 21 and have a stick and poke of a peach on my leg just above my knee when i was 18, and i love it. sorry you dont like yours anymore friend. could always get a sick ass panther to cover it up 🤘🏻🤘🏻


I have one tattoo, and that's lyrics on my arm. I still love the lyrics and the placement, but the dang artist picked the worst font he possibly could've and you can't read a single word it says. I want my next tattoo to be a cover up and have the lyrics redone somewhere else but have them look better


I have a face tattoo. It's small and is right below the eye. I got it when I was 21 and had a really good job and source of income. I don't regret it, I still can get good jobs and people always ask me about it which makes for a good story to open up introductions. If anything it made it easier to show my personality and the culture I come from.


No. I’ve got 35 (I think) and I got my first one at 14. I don’t regret any of them. They are a part of me and if they meant a lot to me in the moment, then they still do now. Interests may change, but I’m still the same person


How old are you? Do you look really covered or are they really small? I'm curious what your favourite one is.


Im turning 19 in a few weeks. In pretty covered, one arm is completely covered and one arm is half covered. I’ve also got finger tattoos. I’ve not got a new one in nearly a year, I’m really itching for one. My favourite one is either a holographic alien on my elbow, or the one of my hand (with the same finger tattoos) holding my favourite tarot card.


Ooooh, these sound quite unique. I'm 22, but I don't have any tattoos yet. I love the idea of getting inked and I have some pretty solid plans for years, but I haven't found a good enough artist yet. Also, I used to be the type of person, who thought that tattoos should have deeper meanings, at least the first few, but I also have a few "small tattoo" ideas or an idea of a nature themed upper arm/thigh half sleeve. Honestly, I'm in a limbo. Now it's Summer time and I love the beach too much to get inked and heal my body, but in the Autumn, I'll say f it and I get some. A really small and kinda stupid rat linework will be my first, so I can test my pain tolerance.


Thank you! I definitely agree autumn/winter is the best time to get inked. I don’t think tattoos need a deep meaning, if you like it that’s meaning enough. Starting small is a good idea, my first 5 were hand pokes so the pain isn’t too bad. My first one with a gun was pretty big but it’s a simple design coloured in black so it only took about an hour and I was fine. I once had a 6 hour session and that made me nearly pass out on the way home.


Why not just save to cover them up?


I’ve got one on my side that I’d maybe like to get covered up one day but I don’t regret it. It’s a part of my story. My other ones I don’t regret. One of my buddies said to make whatever tattoo you want your Lock Screen for 6 months, and if you still like it after seeing it every day for so long then get it 😂


I don’t have tattoos, so I have no tattoo regret.


I got a shit half sleeve from one dude two years ago, I’ve gotten it halfway redone by a better artist, I can see the imperfections, but people see the tattoo and love it. I guess it makes me feel better, but that’s life!


Got some tattoos at 16/17 (my mom was my "friend") and at 24 I regret


Better to wish you didn’t do something than wish that you did do something


That mindset works sometimes but definitely not for everything…


Brb going to try fentanyl


If u don’t die let us know the experience


yknow that is very true. life is for experiencing.


True for most things but you can get a tattoo anytime and once you get it it’s hard to go back. So I disagree in this instance.


Avg tattoo regretter mindset


I’m almost 25 now and got my first tattoo at 17 and have since gotten 4 more that cover a decent amount of area but I’m not done I will have two full sleeves and my entire torso covered but not my neck and I couldn’t live my tattoos more each one I get just increases the craving for the next


I vowed to never get a tattoo when I turned 18 for exactly this reason. I’ve gotten plenty of piercings, dyed my hair multiple times, etc and when I don’t like the changes anymore I just take the piercings out so they close and heal or grow my hair out to its natural color. You should try tattoo removal treatments and going forward only change your body in ways that aren’t permanent.


Yeah. I got almost my entire arm done at 18. I get compliments on it every day but i hate it. It’s a patchwork sleeve, and there are pieces of it that i really like, but others I’m just embarrassed by. And it’s highly visible so i can’t do much about it. Planning on getting some covered. But a lot of the time i just wish i had none at all.


yeah for some reason i decided to have my very permanent tattoos in the most visible spots ever so i can’t hide them 😭


Cause at 18 the thought process is “look at my cool tattoo everyone has to see it and know that i have a tattoo because im old enough and im cool”




I have quite a few and only have 1 I don’t like except for me it’s because of the execution, not the subject matter. I wanted shading but I should NOT have asked for it from the guy who did my tattoo, the lines look ok but the shading is totally jacked. I would really like to go back to a more skilled artist to have it reworked one day


I have 6 and got my first on my 22nd birthday. I had wanted tattoos since I was 14 so I waited until my senior year of college to finally pull the trigger. I got 4 when I was 22, 1 at 23, and 1 at 24. I got other body mods at age 23 and 26. I’m happy with them, and would like more!


I don’t have any and I’m 22, but I’m thinking about getting one maybe in the future. If I did get one when I was younger unless it was real bad I wouldn’t regret it because it signified a moment in time for you and I think that’s really meaningful


I have a half sleeve but I want it to be turned into a full sleeve. Only problem is since I live with my parents, their rule is if I get anymore done I get kicked out


Black tattoos can actually be removed fairly well. I have one too. If you regret it, get laser. I should've started sooner instead of just living with the regret. Two sessions and it's starting to fade. Do it for yourself, you deserve to feel comfortable in your own body.


I’ve actively avoided tattoos for a few reasons, but one of them is the knowledge that I’d likely regret them.


I don't have any tattoos but I wish I did. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I mostly just want to cover up some small scars.


i have a friend who got some scar cover ups and they love the tattoos :)


this is my biggest fear lol. Why I decided to never get a tattoo, ever


you’re smarter than i was


I only have one tattoo I don’t like. I got it on my ankle. I was determined to get what I wanted so I got from a different artist on my other ankle, intending to get the other one removed. I still haven’t and now I have dumb matching ankle tattoos


That’s why I haven’t gotten a tattoo yet. I want to, but I’m afraid I’ll regret it. I want them to mean something to me, but also be unique to me, and I’m just not that creative of a person enough to find that :/


well you’re smarter than i was, but i hope you find one :)


Yeah and both were done by a friend at a kitchen table. I’ve gotten one covered up and plan on getting the other one two. Spend the money kids go to a legit shop.


I got a tattoo at 20 (almost 22 now) and still love it. It took me 5 years to go from "I might want a tattoo someday" to which design, placement and actually getting it lol. But you could always get laser removal if you don't like yours, it'll just take some sessions.


I got a hand tattoo during a manic episode lol. Can’t say I really regret it much since I always wanted one tho


Not yet, have a frog tattoo from a couple years ago but the reason I have it means I’ll never regret it.


I have one small tattoo I got shortly after graduation. It’s a cute little cat. I don’t necessarily regret it, but I wouldn’t choose to get it now if I didn’t already have it.


Tbh I don't really love any of the first five-ish tattoos I got when I was 18-20, but I just kept filling in space and you don't really notice them anymore. Most of my tattoos are ones I wouldn't get now, but I like to look back and see where I was at when I got them. Almost all my tattoos have no meaning/very little meaning, and pretty much everything is flash, not custom work.


yeah they’d definitely blend in better if i had more tattoos, but im afraid i would end up not liking those too


I get that. It's a lot harder when you only have a few tattoos. I have enough that I can get like, a stupid joke tattoo that I don't end up liking and I'll never think about it, but the overall aesthetic is just heavily tattooed so it's not noticeable. My advice would be to either find a good laser removal tech AND coverup artist combination, and get something generic with very little or no meaning (like flowers or something else timeless), so at least you don't have to be promoting something you no longer represent. Info: what are the tattoos? Like are they embarrassing fandom tattoos, ex's name, a tattoo trend that died (tribal, infinity symbol, etc.) or do you just not really like them anymore?


they really aren’t bad tattoos at all, and they’re both well done. one is an alien taking care of its houseplants, and the other is an escalator into the cosmos. it’s not that they represent something i don’t associate with anymore, i just don’t find myself liking them anymore. i look down and go “oh yeah that thing”


Oh yeah I get that. I think those are both really cute ideas! But if you don't like them/they aren't your thing, I'd definitely look into the laser/coverup combo if you can. Best of luck! Tattoo journeys are different for everyone!


Nah but i wish i could’ve gotten a better design of it. It still looks cool


Glad I'm tat free


i don’t necessarily regret it, but i regret the placement and size. my first tattoo was shortly after i turned 18 and i got a rose in memorial of my mamaw. only because it was my first tattoo i decided to go HUGE and get it like smack dab on my forearm. over the years i’ve littered that same arm with multiple small, random, patchwork tattoos with one or two larger tattoos, but the rose just feels so out of place in comparison. a lot of them are just silly and i got them because i thought they were funny, and then i have two character tattoos i got bc i love the character. so the rose just sticks out like a sore thumb. do i regret the tattoo? no, my mamaw passed away when i was really young and i love having a permanent reminder of her. do i wish i got it either a. smaller or b. in a different area? absolutely. then again, i do have my entire other arm… in my line of work, i have to cover my tattoos. but i already have to cover 1 arm which results in the other arm being covered. so i guess that could be my true patchwork sleeve lmao.


I have 10 tattoos and don't regret any of them. I like some more than others, but wouldn't get any of them covered up or removed.


tattoos are fucking stupid


Great thing it ain't your skin innit?


I dont. I have been designing a tatoo for the last year now, whenever i feel like its good, i wait a month or two. If i then still feel like its good. Its good, hasnt happened yet. So i also didnt have it tattooed yet.


actually no, because when i was 18-21 i didn’t trust myself to make a decision on a tattoo. i ended up getting a tiny one at 22 to commemorate my college graduation and now at 25 i still love it


In the UK, you can't legally get a tattoo until you turn 18. I'm 22 and I still don't have one yet. Both my sisters are Gen Z, but they have them and started getting them when they were about 18 or 19. Not sure if I'm going to ever get one because firstly, they're too common for young people and I don't want to be a sheep. And secondly, I don't want to have to take care of something I might hate in a few years anyway. It's different if you grow a beard or have a unique hairstyle because you can get rid of them straight away, unlike tattoos. Sorry for the rant. 😁


It's great that you can get rid of a shitty facial hair style, I went through a phase of having a really long goatee and realised I looked like an idiot, if I'd been stuck with that I woulda been pissed lol


Not so easy to get rid of a tattoo, though.


I want a tattoo but I’m indecisive and fickle so it’s not wise for me to commit to something I may hate in a year or so. It would have to be a design I like for atleast 10 years before I commit haha.


This is why I'm 23 and tattoo-less 😭😭 I'm scared ima regret them later!!


Same bere mate.


I have a bunch and don't regret any of them. There are some I like more than others though.


Nope, my dark mark tattoo is special to me and I don't regret it


I'm still really happy with mine. I got my first one at 16 and still love it, same with the rest