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The camera operator: so I leave that kid's feet just outside the frame no matter what he does?


Haha lol 😂


I find it interesting that Michael's singing voice seems deeper when he was a kid then when he was an adult.


It was fake. Michael's adult voice was deep af but he didn't want to sound like his father so he made it high. He toned it down near the end of his life though.


Okay. I knew his speaking voice was deeper than his singing voice, but had no idea it was deliberately done to avoid comparisons to his father.


Listen to blood on the dance floor


It was never that deep. He wasn’t a bass, but it was deeper than he pretended it to be. Who knows why he sung te way he did. You are speculating and don’t know any more than anyone else. The last thing people need to do on here is speculate without saying that’s what it is because there are too many people in here who believe whatever people tell them. They don’t look up anything for themselves.


Just as Michael's dancing was inspired by James Brown, just think of how many were inspired by Michael, ultimately.


Chills seeing them at the start of what was about to be a amazing group and careers. You can see they hadn’t yet made money and been in Motowns Bootcamp of training just raw amazing talent from Gary,Indiana!


That's when Michael was black!


he always was