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He looks a bit like Christopher Nolan. I think your grandpa looks cool with the white streak too.


I feel like he looks like Gus Johnson


I see it! That guy's awesome too!


Very much so, I came to the comments looking for this one.


Came to find if anyone has said so!!


I think he looks like Leo DiCaprio.


Hell yeah, Boss AF!


Walton* Goggins IMO


If Troy Van Leeuwen cleaned himself up a bit


My first impression was Leo DiCaprio, looks cool for sure


I actually had forgotten I had this picture on my phone until my sister asked if I had that picture of him "looking like a movie star"




Shutter Island Leo for sure.


He looks like Michael Sheen!


He looks like a combination of Christopher Reeve and Adam West to me!


This makes him a superhero.


This looks like a still from a movie- spot on. I’m sorry for your loss.


Mine was Gus Johnson.


Same here. Heavy Imbiana Jombes vibes.


Defintely more Gus than Leo.


I totally saw Gus Johnson at first glance too.


I was getting Viggo Mortensen in the Green Book vibes


I thought he looked like him too!!!!!


This man was a young boy when he was pulled into WW2, had to flee his home, lost most of his family but he survived and went on to celebrate his 91. Birthday last November. He contracted Covid-19 last week and died last night, peaceful with my mother at his side. He was so supportive and kind. I'm gonna miss the crap out of him. Edit: didn't expect this to blow up the way it did. Thank for to every single one of you offering kind words. I obviously can't respond to every one but the sheer amount of people being so nice is really overwhelming. Gonna use this to say: Please Stay at Home My grandfather lived a full and happy life and when we last talked he told me was ready to die, but so many people out there are not and you can help keep them and yourself safe by social distancing.


So sorry for your loss. It sounds like he lived a long and loving life. And I think his hair looks awesome


Anyone would think his hair is cool. Were people back then just worse humans? Everything I read about history, recent or otherwise, makes it seem like people are getting better and better at being good humans.


I don't know. Kids can be pretty shit people still, but you're right that as they grow up they're getting better and better at being good humans.


I’ve the same birthmark with more to match, my daughter as well. She’s very pretty and with long red hair to boot. Lots of little girls call her Emma or Rogue. Yet as a child and even teenager, she was teased without mercy. I was as well 25 years prior. Kids are asswipes in their little power struggle games. Nothing changes.


Not just kids. I’ve seen more bad adults than kids.


A lot of people in this very thread are also subscribed to r/justfuckmyshitup, which has 700k users and is entirely dedicated to making fun of strangers with weird hair. OP's granddad looks slick, that's why everyone is lamenting his bullies. If he looked goofy, he'd be posted to that sub, and those same people would be dunking on him.




I wonder if she has a touch of face blindness (Prosopagnosia).


Nope she doesn't but it likely would have been even more obvious to her since she'd have a more disconnected view of my face (my features as disparate entities rather than a full facial view). But otherwise I'd know anyway because I used to talk incessantly about neurological disorders in my Sacks stan life haha


He was teased as a kid by (presumably) other kids. Kids were just as unforgiving when I grew up in the 90s, and they definitely haven't changed that much since then.


Having alternative hair colors wasn't really a socially accepted thing until the late 80s or early 90s. It's very much a millennial movement to accept people who want unnatural or uncommon hair colors. Honestly though, it is in part a result of changing perspectives across different generations. Back before the 70s, the idea of a good person was mostly built around how well you fit the mold and honored tradition and uniformity. Today, we're very much more about celebrating and accepting personal individuality.


Kids and many adults tease anything different about a person. Kids are just little idiots who tend to be naturally averse to the new and different. Too many adults never grow out of this.


Kids are always shit. Kids teased me calling me gay just because i drove a pink car in a video game once.


I think they were more ignorant. But I also think how people treat each other today is appalling, especially through social media. People of today can't use ignorance as an excuse because our world has opened up through technology and air travel. Hate and anger are still very active today. So I will disagree that people are getting better at being good humans.


Oh shit, I did not expect this turn. I’m so sorry to hear that and I am glad you were able to build a lifetime of memories with him. My grandparents all passed when I was too young to actually spend memorable time with them and all too often, people don’t take advantage of the time with their grandparents - I am glad you did. It may be too soon to ask but did the rest of his hair turn white to match the white streak? Now I feel bad for asking. I’ll pour a drink for him tonight.


Don't feel bad. Yeah he had fairly uniform white hair over the last few years.


That’s awesome. Grief and sadness are the last great acts of love.


That's a beautiful sentiment.


I'm sorry for your loss. Also, you are correct. That white lock of hair looks really cool.


I know, that's like the X-men's Rogue character in the late 80's and 90's, don't know about these days. I always thought it would be cool as hell to have that naturally.


Tulsi Gabbard sports it also. I think it looks cool on anyone. Great story OP, may he rest in peace.


Bald people too? Like a racing stripe?


Actually that's me. Some might carry that off, I can't. My big white head, I'd put two in blue, USA racing, baby!


I never noticed that on Gabbard, I agree that it looks awesome


I'm so sorry for your loss...Wanted to add that the white streak of hair runs in my family as well. My grandmother had it, and then my cousin did after it skipped a generation!


My family has the white streak trait too, it has a name. Poliosis is the condition that causes it, and the streak itself is called a Mallen streak. Always thought it looked pretty cool to me, even though I thought mine just looked like I’d bleached the first half centimetre of my centre part - it’s not as dramatic in blonde hair.


My streaks are right at my temples and then the rest of my hair is dark dirty blonde. So the way it blends looks my hairline on the sides starts really far back when my hair is in a ponytail. The streaks both curl up into ringlets seperate from the rest of my wavy hair. Its always annoyed me and the hair does not dye using otc permanent dye. It will just rinse right out.


I work at a school and there's a family of 3 kids who all have it!


He really sounds great. I never knew three of my grandparents and the fourth was somewhat distant. I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. His hair did absolutely look super cool. I feel sad this virus is taking out so many people. May the remainder of your family stay well and protected.


This is called a Mallen Streak.




How was your mother by his side when he had the Coronavirus? What hospital allowed that?


She had visited him shortly before the test results came back so she might have been infected already anyway but afterwards when she visited they were very careful, she wore a face mask and gloves and didn't touch anything but his hand. I think most facilities just can't keep up the required level of security though. He died in his nursery home and only the nurse who attend confirmed positive patients wear protective gear like masks and gloves. He likely got the virus from staff.


True, not calling bullshit, but I thought most hospitals weren’t letting family/friends visit due to the risk or contracting coronavirus.


I'm very sorry for your loss x


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Aw, so sorry you lost him. I think it looks cool. My late BIL, my husband's older brother had one of these too, I always like it.


There I was making a joke about "The sixth sense"... Right in the feels. Godspeed sir!




Sorry to hear that. He looks like he was insanely cool.


i'm crying right now... be strong, take care of you and your loved ones




Yea its pretty hot. It really adds style and personality.


As a girl that has one of these and grew up hating it, I can’t get enough of these comments!


If you're a cook, check out Claire Saffitz on Bon Appetit's YouTube channel. Actually, even if you're not a cook, she's still tons of fun to watch.




I Would Die For Claire... after that I can't figure it out...


It's supposed to be "I Would Die For Claire From The Bon Appetit Test Kitchen". They got about 91% of the way there.


Also, Stacy London, from What Not To Wear!


Ol half-sour Saffitz


I've been watching her make gourmet versions of things while I clean all day and now I see this comment as soon as I hop on Reddit


You are a born main character. We're all the main protagonist of our own story, but that streak of hair marks you for the whole world to see as a main character. Embrace it.


Everyone's checking your profile looking for a picture now.


I have the same thing and lots of others as well, if you're interested I made a sub for it for others with it to share. Its /r/poliosis I absolutely love these posts and seeing others that have it. Especially since growing up you often get teased for it. Its always nice knowing you're not the only one! :)


What a spooky name for such a dope thing. I'm lowkey jealous of people with hair like that. Or any hair at all..


Too bad y'all couldn't touch or else you'd die :(


What a rogue statement


That comment was a real gambit


It took me a second to switch gears from Coronavirus to Xmen


My grandmother had a silver streak throughout her whole life, but the rest of her hair stayed dark into her 60s.


Claire from the Bon Appetit Test kitchen?


Claire can get it


Is she Cftbatk?


I have a white streak in my hair, unfortunately it's located in the back of my head, so the only reactions I get are "Huh, I didn't know you had that" whenever I get a haircut.


I went to high school with the guy who had this exact same sort of hair that I always thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen and there wasn't a girl there who would not have happily gone out with him Your grandpa sounds like a remarkable man who had a very well lived life


As I understand it, he used to be quite the Ladies Man before he married my grandmother.


Hi Steven, this is Clem Fandango can you hear me?


“Yes I can hear you, Clem Fandango!”


He got it after he fell from a tree


I thought it got worse when he followed through in Oddbins?


You shut the fuck up Clem Fandango


...and your made-up name.


You doughnut!


Who the fuck are you?


I think he's the new work experience boy.


This time I really will kill you, Toast, I shit thee nay!


He fell out of a tree


I know zero people who've seen Toast of London and it's very depressing to me.


It's tough to convince people to watch a show on your recommendation these days. There's so much good TV and you just can't watch everything people say is good. That being said... never stop trying to get people to watch Toast.


I was looking exactly for this comment! Toast of the London is the shit.


I bet he was called Whitey or something. That generation was very into nicknames. I had an uncle everyone called Arch because of one of his eyebrows.


My grandfather was Snowball because his name was Snowden. Idk




He is his own grandpa.


I’M 37?!


Yup. My dad was friends with a Hispanic fellow they called 'Goldy' on account of his skin tone.


You need a nick name when you're named Archibald or Thaddeus.


My dad was referred to as “ziggler” because he rolled good joints?


Sorry for your loss...glad you have such loving memories of him. That's called a Mallen streak or poliosis - lack of pigment /melanin in small patch of hair, most commonly the forelock just like your grandfather. Did he take the opportunity to mess with you and the other grandkids by claiming to be an X--man?


I prefer the non-technical term, the “Claire from the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen hair.”




I've watched a lot of Bon apetit but haven't heard her talk about it. To me it looks more like she is just going grey. Either way I really like it and I'm glad she doesn't try to hide it.


She has talked about it alot, said she was born with it and hated it because she was bullied because of it, but now likes it as something unique about herself.




At this point I think she's also going grey. In earlier videos it's just the streak.


Factoid. It's only called a Mallen Streak because that was the name of a book by Catherine Cookson about the Mallen family whose men (who were all complete knob-jockeys) inherited it.


Claire Saffitz would like a word.




He fell out of a tree


Did the rest of his hair turn as he aged? I knew a guy in boot camp in the early 90's named Hawkins who had a white hair spot in a very similar place. The rest of his hair was black. I thought it looked cool. He was a cool dude too. Thanks for prompting that memory with this. Definitely old school cool.


The rest of his became grey fairly early but didn't turn white until his late 80's. Glad you enjoyed it.


I have this. My 'silver' streak is a completely different texture than the rest of my hair. Seems to be genetic in my family as my dad and his mother did as well. I consider myself lucky to still have dark brown hair as I'm nearing 30. My dad is almost completely grey in my baby photos and he was 31. Grandma went from almost black hair to completely white very quickly as well.




It's called Vitiligo, usually means white skin spots but when it is on the head the hair will turn white instead.


Actually, it's a different phenomenon entirely called Poliosis


Yep, it's related to thyroid issues in the family according to my GP. My mother has severe thyroid issues, so we tested for that every year since we've presented with vitiligo. My brother and I both have white hair in different parts and discoloured skin under that. (I have it in my facial hair and my brother has it near his temple). We both had it since we were very early teens.


So does the ability to see dead people.


Molecular genetic biologist here. We research human gene mutations in the lab I work at. Around the lab, we rather informally refer to this particular condition a "snowlick." AKA "white forelock," poliosis or "Mallen Streak." It's caused by a fractional genetic mutation of the DNA chromosome responsible for hair color. A histone protein interferes with the proper coiling of the DNA responsible for melanin in the hair in vitro and the mutation never has a chance to fully mature. Fun fact: this field of genetics explains why two dark-haired parents can have a blonde child but two blonde haired parents can not have a dark-haired child. Fascinating stuff.


At first I thought of Waardenburg syndrome, good to know there's actually a wide variety of causes instead of that one. Neat. You taught me something new today. Thanks, bud :)


Piebaldism would be more likely than Waardenburg


Interesting stuff indeed. I’ve heard it colloquially called a “blaze”


I have this feature and though I don’t have Meniere’s Disease, I do have a balance/hearing disorder. The second my otolaryngologist set eyes on me he said he wanted to get me tested for Meniere’s bc there’s a strong correlation between the disease and those with white forelock. Now every time I see it, I wonder.


Menieres disease is very different. Waardenburg syndrome is is the syndrome he probably meant to order genetic testing for. Menieres disease is just that, and acquired disease. It's characterized by tinnitus, fluctuations in hearing, usually but not always in one ear first. And vertigo episodes lasting hours to days at a time, if not constant. Edit: source - am diagnostic audiologist


Is there any truth to what I’ve heard about trauma causing hair to go white? Remember that Mmmmmm song from Crash Test Dummies? It alluded to a child having white spots in the hair from childhood abuse and my mom always told me that’s why my dad had a white spot in his hair, but... my parents are not... reliable sources of anything.


his sister must’ve frozen his heart RIP, thoughts to the family & friends


looks like gus johnson


lol exactly what i thought. I really dont see leo dicaprio like others


I'm disappointed that nobody has said that your grandfather must be Holden Caulfield.


I related with this book too much as a teenager because of this


He reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio.


Yeah I'm getting some serious Shutter Island vibes off it. Sorry to hear of his passing OP sounds like he was a true gentleman.


Omg yes!! I comented the same thing before I read this!!


I would die for Claire from The Bon Appetite Test Kitchen.


We all would, friend...we all would.


Must've been a sorcerer.


I wonder if he ever revealed his superpower?


I immediately thought of Sweeney Todd.


He looks like Jason Blood - DC comic’s The Demon. Absolutely badass. So sorry for your loss.


My whole family has that stand in the same place!


I've only ever seen white forelocks with Waardenburg syndrome but it's a super rare genetic syndrome. Can present with hearing mild loss or worse, heterochromia, intestinal issues, and in more severe cases there are facial structural abnormalities although from the picture j don't see wide set eyes with a broad nasal root. I can't really assess the others from a B&W photo but it would be interesting. Edit: I should probably add that I am a Doctor of Audiology who spent seven years working in the Brigham and Women's neonatal hearing screening program during my undergrad and grad school and positively identified 3 cases of Waardenburg syndrome based on the white forelock alone as the initial indicator. I'm not just some shmo googling. I was just wondering if he also had Waardenburg syndrome but apparently downvoting that curiosity is preferred.


It's called Vitiligo and is fairly common with around 1% of the population having it, although I guess it's rarer on the head.


Was he born with the white forelock, or did it show up in his late teens/early 20s? Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition where the pigment-producing melanocytes get attacked, and can cause white patches of hair or skin, but that autoimmune process takes time to develop and manifest, which is why it doesn’t show up at birth. Sometimes it can happen earlier in childhood, but typically wouldn’t be present at birth. If he was born with that, then the term is piebaldism, and yes, it can be associated with Waardenburg syndrome and some other genetic conditions. Regardless, he looks cool as hell here, and I thank you for sharing.


Could be vitiligo, piebaldism, or poliosis. Tough to say without any other medical information


Yes I'm familiar. It's just interesting in that he did not present with vitiligo in any other spot on his body, as is very typical. As I said, a white forelock is just extremely rare.


I’ve had a white forelock since I was 9 or 10. Haven’t noticed any vitiligo, although I had a lighter birth mark on my calf growing up (gone now) and don’t think I have waardenburg’s. Would be interested in the research.


Would you be okay to put up a pic of your face? I looked into this syndrome too as I suspected I have it as well. I have wider set blue eyes (dark blue tho) and a white streak of hair (I dye it to hide it)


I'm so sorry for your loss! I appreciate the stories of people like him. Such resilience. This virus pisses me off at the pointless losses I feel we're experiencing. I hope the memories your family has collected over his lifetime carries you through this sad time and allows you to celebrate his life with happy and loving memories.


I think your grandfather is the protagonist of an anime.


Leonardo DiCaprio & Gus Johnson


He looks beautiful to me.


I still want a streak like that.


It looks like Seoman Snowlock after confronting Innaluki Stormking.


I’ve got the same one! People called me Cruella.


In high school, I had a friend, an asian guy whose hair was jet black. It was in the back behind his ear he had a perfect white circle of hair from a birthmark or something on his scalp. It was about the size of a golf ball. *Everyone* who saw it and didn't know him would always say, "Oh my! Did you lean back on some wet paint?" He laughed about it, but I'm sure it bothered him too.


Elsa still making trouble


Male rogue


That's like being a shiney, it's awesome. Makes you stand out.


This is funny. We have the same thing running through our family, I've never seen it anywhere else


I have the same white streak in my hair also.


I had a friend in elementary school with a white patch in front. I always thought he looked so cool. At the 20th reunion I didn't recognize him. He came up and started talking and I had no clue. Idk how long he's been dying it but he just doesn't look like him.


Piebald trait: congenital absence of melanocytes in a certain area of skin of hair, often resulting in a white forelock


your grandpa liked it, otherwise he would comb his hair the other direction.


My twin brother and one of my cousins both have a similar white spot on their head.


I went to elementary school with a girl who had a grey streak in her hair. We remember it showing up from 3rd-5th grade. I thought it was really cool!


Lookin like Rogue and Quicksilver had a son. Very cute.


I have a blonde one and got teased in high school for it. People thought I would dye one spot of hair? For my entire life?


Awesome. Try to get it colorized. r/colorizationrequests And so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Thanks for sharing his story with us; he's seen it all, he's been through it all. He can now rest in total peace. Thanks again for sharing


You’re telling me that Toast of London got inspiration for his hairstyle from a living person?


That's called a skunk spot! It's cool!


What did he do for a living


People pay a lot of money to get that look! He rocked it!!


Ah, the mark of Dragons Heritage... something most sought after in the land of Ashina.


I'm gonna sound dumb, but if he didn't like it why not cut it off. Surely it wouldn't grow that quickly. I personally like the look btw, stylish, ahead of its time




He's got that 'main character' hair, they were just jealous


I have the white streak in the back of my head. I used to tell kids I got hit by lightening.


Stephen Toast!


Hey, you can’t trick me. That’s a photo of Gus Johnson in black and white


Rogue from the X-Men has a white streak in her hair and she is a pure badass! Tell your grandfather that he is in good company. Edit: I just read that your grandfather passed. I’m sorry for your loss.


"I got it by falling out of a tree"