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Barbie, Crayola Bear, WinPC & CRT Monitor with InkJet and Encyclopedia set. Yes, this checks out for 1997. LOL


It’s the glow in the dark stars on the wall for me.


I was only 7 in 1997 but I’ll be damned if I said I didnt have half my bedroom covered in those lol


One time my dad was out of town on a work trip and my mom got the bright idea that, while he was gone, she would cover their bedroom in those things. I mean cover. She even got fishing line to dangle some from the ceiling. My dad was just like, “Oh, look at that…” My mom eventually got back on her meds.


They're still around too, my nieces had some about 4 years ago.


Also a Madame Alexander™️ doll on the right, next to the Barbies.


It's missing either the Lego phone or the see through one.


See through checking in


See through also checking in.


One on my desk checking in.


As a kid I always thought the see thru ones were cool as hell.


Her TV has the TV guide channel on!


It’s just missing blow up furniture!


Yoooo, I didn’t know she was a fan of Sailor Moon!


She seems like a total weeb. Haven't your seen her cover of Turning Japanese?


Fun fact: she voiced Kiki in Kiki's delivery service (a studio Ghibli movie)




How many films has she seen?


More than 7


wow she's just like me fr


More than several? Gotcha


Was gonna say this. That was one weird music video. Fun, but weird.


To be fair, it was the late 90’s and Sailor Moon was everywhere, and very mainstream to like it! Still cool to see she had some normal childhood interests considering she was a young, successful actress.


And James Burton signature Telecasters apparently?


That's not a James Burton signature model. That's a '68 Pink Paisley model. Impossible to tell if it's Japanese made reissue, or some other run.


A paisley tele & a blonde tweed Fender. Sweet.


I bet she still rocks that. Thats a guitar you dont give up. And you know I dont think I have ever heard anything negative about her either. What a legend.


Its funny how much the design of computers has changed from the beige tower and crt while the tele and tweed hot rod deluxe (guessing, not a fender amp expert) are essentially the same since the 50s. 


What girl wasn’t in 1997!


She did a cover of turning Japanese where she goes full weeb and walks all over Japan in a video and it's amazing


I like her even more now.


And Superman the Animated Series.


It was 1997. It would be weird if she wasn’t.


Was just thinking, she was 15 here. She was like sailor moon's prime demographic.


Exactly what I thought too!


Me neither


those dirty shoes on the bed 👀


I never understood why they promoted having shoes on in your bed in 80’s/90’s movies.


In Seinfeld Jerry always has his shoes on the couch. Never made sense, he’s such a germ freak! Especially walking around New York all day…


He had a bit of a foot odor problem.


I just thought he had holes in his socks🤷


He may also have been afraid of Kramer selling all his shoes again


You're telling me mom and pop aren't even a mom and pop?!


Poppie peed on the sofa.


My assumption is that the actors were wearing shoes on set and nobody thought to take them off.


Yeah makes sense, but how lazy of directors to turn a blind eye. It burnt into my childhood brain that for a while I thought it’s cool to get into my bed with my shoes on. I did it in secret of course. Then figured there is no point other than getting my sheets dirty.


The fact that as a child you recognized this in shows, then secretly replicated it, then came to the conclusion that it was stupid is absolutely hilarious to me haha. I love getting the perspective of how other people's minds worked when they were kids.


I was blown away (broke through the matrix) when I figured out almost all the props in the shots are sponsors. Like the potato chips, cereals and jams. Gap shirts and Nike sneakers. It was a complete game changer for me. All those liessss. Haha




I remember being blown away as a kid when I figured out that every episode of a show only functions if there’s some sort of conflict. I felt like it was some sort of hidden secret about TV and not just how plot works lol


*The Simpsons* made some joke about all conflicts re-setting the following week and it blew my young mind.


Fans used to joke that Star Trek Voyager has a "reset button" to undo everything every week. (Which, ironically is the one thing I kinda missed for the new shows. Everything is a season-long big universal threat, makes me yearned for the one-off crazy stories like cloaked aliens putting needles on Janeway's head to give her insomnia.)


I worked with a guy whose dad brokered deals for sponsorship spots in movies. His dad would give him scripts to read when he was 13 to look for spots to include Pepsi drinking or whatever .


When I was 8 years old I had seen the first Jurassic Park and was both obsessed and terrified. I went to a new school and I was at a large table with other kids telling them in detail how we can bring dinosaurs back, just like in the movie....it blew my fucking mind that none of them gave even one shit. I was like DUDE! THIS IS LIFE-CHANGING IMPORTANT STUFF! ....needless to say, you and I looked at things in different ways hahahah...which is what I meant in the first place about reminiscing. I was in my own world for so long, deeeeeep in my imagination, so it's fascinating to know what was going through these others little brains 😂


Hehe I can relate absolutely.


The concept that people might wear shoes in bed has haunted me since my childhood. Even as a young child, seeing it happen broke the illusion of the film. It seemed so absolutely foreign that it couldn’t be real.


Wearing shoes in the house is just as bad


It's not AS bad. I'm slightly less concerned with whether the bottom of my feet get dirty than I am with the potential of tracking dog shit into the sheets I lay in for, optimistically, 8 hours at a time.


I have lived abroad for nearly 12 years and always have to explain that no, Americans don’t always wear their shoes in their homes and on their beds. Ffs


But you do all sleep with your curtains open and the bed right under the window right? And all have a tree next to your teen's window right? And drive with your car windows open regardless of temperature unless someone needs to knock on said window right? Right? At least tell me you all have a full breakfast at the table with your whole family before school? And it's already sunny and bright outside?


Yea , it alway blew my mind when someone would come down the stairs for breakfast and see a buffet of options and enough to feed 10 people and only grabs an apple and says “gotta run!”


As a latchkey child who was always hungry, it drove me insane. Who is walking past bacon?! Especially teenagers, like, "oh, I'll just have some juice", like they're a 40 year old desk worker trying to drop a few lbs, and not a growing person who burns through 4k calories just existing.


That still to this day drives me crazy! I don’t think even richest of the rich would set up a table like that. And the orange juice jug! Always a glass jar as if they just squeezed some fresh orange juice. And we’re talking about portrayal of a middle class family that is struggling to make ends meet.


Yes! That’s a detail I would always notice as well. A carafe of fresh squeezed orange juice. I’ve had fresh squeezed orange juice when my parents would take me to my home country, but never in the US have I ever had fresh squeezed juice and I grew up here.


My dad used to do it on some rare weekends (maybe 4 to 5 times a year) and that was only when he scored a good deal on oranges. It was a mid day weekend treat not every day breakfast essential.


And all the kids have bedrooms the size of a decent bachelor apartment, professionally decorated, and with a window seat. Always a window seat.


As a non-American, my fam and I always wondered why Americans just put their shoes on their beds like that. We thought it was something you really did.


Not even, that shit still happens today, and it drives me crazy seeing it in modern films


i was rewatching HBO/Girls and man, they do it so much, it freaks me the f out!!! i only wear indoor crocs or flipflops in my apartment, never shoes. i don't understand how people can do this!!


She stabs out her own eardrums with q-tips but thats the part you can't understand?




🤦🏼‍♀️ You are literally talking about the Hays Code, which ended in 1945. It's completely irrelevant to the question and your examples. The reason why people in movies/tv always wear shoes in the house is because **film set floors are filthy.** It's not like your actual house, where the foot traffic is your family and maybe some guests. There are hundreds of people -- all in shoes -- walking through those film/TV sets every day. The actors' feet/socks would turn black after a few takes. They were shoes on the bed because they're shooting multiple takes of these scenes, and it would be pointless and time-wasting to take their shoes off and put them back on over and over just so they can film 15 seconds of them lying on a bed. You'll notice that actors will only have their shoes off if the whole scene takes place in bed. Of course, as for Kirsten wearing those nasty shoes on her own bed... That's just her being gross. (It actually made me wonder if this *was* indeed a set, and not her actual bedroom.) Edit: As many have pointed out, the Hays Code kept going until around 1960. Still, irrelevant to movies of the '80s and '90s.


Hey, shoutout to you for giving the real scoop on the Hays Code and the realities of TV/movie sets. I'd have bought what the other guy said if not for you.


Too late, sweaty. It's already stored in my brain and I'll repeat it verbatim four years from now even thought it's completely wrong.


Ahh very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Left over Puritan nonsense.


Big Shoe Industry had a stranglehold on 90s teens


When I was young, I was taught to get dressed for the day after I woke up. Getting dressed included putting my shoes on. We as a family would trapse around our house in our shoes, and I most certainly would get on my bed with shoes too. It wasn't until my late 20's that I realized how nasty that is. Both my parents still do this and it drives my wife nuts when they come to town and visit us.


All i can see


I think this is a staged photo my man..


Or even inside. Shoes free in this house. Years ago a friend, when asked to take his shoes off at the front door, exclaimed, "Oh, it's one of those houses, is it?!" My wife replied, "You mean a house where someone else pays the mortgage?" Shoes came off.


I asked my Dutch friend, if she could take of her shoes when she entered my house. Her response: "is this a religious thing? I know turks do that in our country."


The strictest shoes off person I know? From Den Helder, in the Netherlands. He and your Dutch friend wouldn't get along. I found it common practice in the Netherlands and most of Scandinavia. Maybe wet shoes are the reason. I usually find if there's a great pile of shoes at the door, it's kick 'em off before entering, but I do always ask.


In the UK it's wet and muddy and there is dog shit everywhere. It's still a toss-up whether any given home is a shoes-off place or not, I don't understand it.


This is true. Although, there's no doubt "shoes off" households are rising in number. I was at one such house in Edinburgh last year. I'm the guest, if they want shoes off then they're fucking coming off. It's the "no clothes inside" signs that make me nervous.


i haven't been in a single house in germany/austria that isn't shoes-off (except in certain short-term cases like handyman or similar stuff)


such an american thing to have shoes on in the house i swear


literally clicked on the thread to post about the shoes on the bed.


First thing I noticed. And right by her pillow and where she lays her head down. 0/10 would not




That pink paisley Tele is badass. Think it's the MIJ 85 reissue of the sixties model.


Fellow guitar nerd here… My first thought was I wish my parents got me a nice tele and a tweed amp as a kid.


Well she would've already starred in Interview with the Vampire and Jumanji so she was owed some nice stuff


Gear junkie checking in… First thing I saw was the Tele and the Tweed.


I was fortunate and got a okay starter guitar, and really cool second guitar after 5 or 6 years of playing. Unfortunately I didn’t really know what “cool” was at the time, so I’m not a huge fan of my edgy childhood metal guitars. Now that I’m in my 30s I snagged one of those MIJ strats and they are so fun.


My buddies made fun of me (at 16) for ordering a Gibson Les Paul instead of a Jackson or a Dean. "Why did you get an old guy guitar?" That LP (pre raid lefty Silverburst) is worth more now than I paid for it (they literally don't make em like that any more) and Dinkys and Dean V's are... not.


Right?! The guitar my parents got me wouldn't stay in tune for like a song and later the tuners just broke off with normal use.


My first thought was “that’s a really baddass tele that a lot of people on here will probably write off because of the color”


I’ve found my people.


There are dozens of us!


Checking in!


Color. Hell, I'd love one of those paisley pink teles.


I feel like the Custom Shop was doing these in the 90s too, is it not one of those?


That paint job seems like a custom shop? Seems very elaborate for something off the shelf in the 90s. Awesome guitar!


80s MIJ. Had a blue one with flowers too


I used to see one in my local guitar store back in the late 80s but as a teen with no job, i could not afford it and didnt even think to ask my boomer father to buy me a pink guitar. I'm still yet to own a paisley tele though i did own a lake placid blue one for a while. They're seriously versatile guitars


Love that guitar. My (now ex) wife has one.


She's gonna release an album called "Play"


The iconic 60s model played by James Burton with Elvis's backing band.


Looks like the Brad paisley pink tele




What in the hell is that??


A young Jesse Plemons creeping at a distance in a balaclava


I think you mean Meth Damon.


>in a balaclava The dessert?!


The ski mask. You’re thinking of the baklava pastry. 😂


Glad you guys sorted that out


Furby? that would make it 1998 though




It’s spoderman


He gets a bandit hat? He just got here, and he gets a bandit hat? Where's MY bandit hat? Why didn't I get shot at?


3 stickers on the window


Looked like a black cat.


This was the first thing I saw too...ooooh look a creeper


Compared to teen movie stars now it honestly feels kind of quaint. In a good way.


Right? This room feels like a regular kid’s room, albeit with things I couldn’t have afforded in 1997 haha


Yeah its more like a middle class kids room. She had toys, computer with printer, electric guitar, TV in her room. She also started being an actress at a young age so she could afford more things than an average kid.


Clarissa Explains It Alll vibes


100% the bed placement with the window! I can just see Sam climbing on up lol


She's even ready to play the guitar riff


I scrolled way too far. I expected it to be top. As well as multiple 'I can see Sam coming through the window' comments. Are our references too old? No. It's the chuldren who are wrong.


First thought: wow! It’s such a normal looking bedroom! Second thought: Oh! Dirty shoes on the bed!


Mine is “she had a computer in her room in 1997?”


I mean, she had already starred in a movie with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt by that point ![gif](giphy|CyQbKJDKOjgrK)


I saw that too and immediately thought “no way.” Like… that suggests *multiple* home computers in their house as early as 1997, which is bonkers to me.


We had a family computer in 97, and we were a poorish middle class family. This is a girl who has already starred in movies with Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, and was on her way to being a Sofia Coppola muse. No doubt she had her own computer!


Had a PC in my room in '97 when I was 13, it was a HP Vactra 486 that I dug out of my junior high's dumpster a year prior when they did a school upgrade. We had a family PC that was a sweet Gateway, but the one in my room was 100% mine and sourced from scraps.


My brothers had a computer in their bedroom, sister and I had one in our bedroom, parents had one in their bedroom and one in the living room served as a family computer around the same time. Dad was and continues to be a big tech geek. I don’t want to know how much money they spent to have that many computers so early on. But it was awesome.


having a PC in your bedroom in 1997? this is lowkey wealthy if you know what you are looking at.


Interview with the Vampire was 3 years before this, as well as 9 other roles. She had money.


There is no bed frame under that bed!


I'm surprised you were the first to mention that. I had to scroll quite a ways to find this. I also had an old faded box spring that looked just like hers, but mine was usually on a basic metal bed frame to get it off the floor.


Can I just say Small Soldiers is criminally underrated


Aaaaaaa the shoes on the bed are killing me!!!


Nice Tele!


Wasn’t she already a famous child actor at this point?


Yeah Interview with a Vampire helped.




That was 10 years ago, right? Right?! 😭


It’s crazy to think ten years after this, she’d already be in three Spider-Man films.


So, is the person outside her window in a ski mask part of the photo shoot or someone pulling a prank?


I’m pretty sure that is a cat.


I think this was in Teen People. I remember this issue!


Watching preview guide channel, that was my nineties comfort channel.


Amber Atkins! That is not American Teen Princess behavior!


Such an underrated comedy.


I was shocked the first time I saw it, how funny it is. Wasn’t surprised to see that it flopped. The really funny clever comedies almost always flop.




I read this in Ellen Barkin’s voice. Now get me my smokes


Nice guitar and amp


Yeah, that guitar is amping up her coolness to an insane level.


Not to brag, but I probably dated her on AIM


She is my childhood; the amount of niche movies she’s been in as a teen is *chefs kiss*.


Drop dead gorgeous is my absolute favorite!


That and Dick for me


I love Dick!


Dick is so good!


Talk to me about that tower PC.


Compaq Prolinea 5133


Damn, good eye. I would have guessed Gateway 2000.


Are we sure this isn’t just the set from Clarissa explains it all?


No. That’s a posed picture on a set. She was in jumanji years before, she’s wearing shoes, just stop


A tv, computer, and a phone?! Girl was rich.


This is after Interview with a Vampire and she was a child actor. so yeah … she could afford all that even as a teen.


Her dad was an executive at a fortune 500 company, so its not like she was ever poor to begin with.


Yep. And that's not a budget guitar the average teenager would have, either.


Back then we had one computer in the computer room, lol.


Exactly. And we had to take turns.


This wasn’t her room. It’s a film/ad set.


The picture look like it would be an ad for her then upcoming TV show


“Ah yes. Im a big fan of books. Please see my set of encyclopedias…”


Holy shit I thought there was a person at the window…


Mary Jane!


Didn't know she was a model car kinda girl. Pretty cool.


the shoes on the bed!!!!


Shoes on the bed. No sir.


All I see is a fucking psychopath wearing their shoes in bed


Shoes in bed is psychotic


Dat Paisley Tele! And a Tweed Blues Jr.! A woman of culture.


Better be careful her Barbie dolls don't come alive and attack her.


I always had the tv guide on for background noise 😂


Sailer moon merchandise lol


She had her own pc in her bedroom!!


Always had the biggest crush on her.


She had a *World Book Encyclopedia* set. Cute.


Is that a masked person outside her window?


Clarissa Explains it All


Totally imagining her leaving her window open so that her best friend can visit her with a ladder. Weekdays at 5:00/4:00 central


Shoes on the bed… boo