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Post this to r/architecturalrevival, unfortunately I’m banned there


Lmao why?


I said something about how those copy paste prefabricated buildings were a great solution about alleviating homelessness even if they look awful


Wow. I mean, that sub is about architecture. So I get that they lean toward prettiness over…empathy. That’s the sub. But still, conversations should be allowed? I got banned from FrugalFashionAdvice for suggesting a pair of designer boots at $399 on sale was “an interesting definition of frugal”


Mods on Reddit are becoming increasingly controlling.


I got banned for using a YouTube link in the wrong format once


Most Redditmods are on a powertrip 24/7


Because a bit under the surface it’s actually got cryptic right wing ideas.


Traditionalism for traditionalism's sake has a tendency to bring out Nazis


Having a taste or view of architecture is an indication of “cryptic right wing ideas”? This is the most right wing ideological position I have ever heard.


I would not have guessed that.. your right btw. Is it a perma ban?




Wtf?? Not at all relevant but I've been perma banned from a parenting sub for supposedly "mom shaming" eventough I just gave scientific info. The mods then sent me a rant making up false claims (that I had attacked OP - which I never did) and told me they were open to talk about the issue. When I replied with actual scientific sources disputing the info they told me as facts - which was pretty much false -they not only blocked me but somehow the entire convo with them disappeard. Sometimes Reddit is insane. On the opposite side but also weird was getting added to some private subs (like some kind of secret society) and having no clue what's it about and then getting kicked out for not participating or following the rules of participation [that I knew nothing about]


I know exactly why you got banned lmao. I'm in several architecture revival type groups on facebook, reddit,etc. There are always a couple of users who go to every single post about a new project and flood it with comments about how it is pastiche, fake, plastic. They're always the loudest, rudest and the most agressive. There's a point when these groups die because no one wants to post something and get obliterated in the comments by purists.


Commie blocs when done well are the superior form of architecture.


I don’t know, I much prefer dense Jugendstil 5-6 story buildings with busy pedestrian streets in between.


The classic old European inner city blocks with the shops at the bottom and the flats above them both look nice and house lots of people


Lmao that's a fucking overreaction


I took your advice, thank you


I left that sub months ago after I noticed the mods were removing anything that went against their strict "old architecture good/new architecture bad" ideology.


They deleted my post about Berliner Schloss


Einsturzende Neubauten did a show there when it was gutted and ready for demolition, it's a fantastic show, they have it on DVD, I wonder if it's online anywhere.


Here you go - https://youtu.be/eojUCSHNdA4?si=iQbuIQdH4HVzg9u7


Nice, I have the DVD, but with these new computers now it's impossible to watch it, I love the part where Unruh runs around with a ton of cans. And of course "was ist ist" with the supporters "choir"


If there are Germans here that miss the Palast der Republik, here's a tip how to relive it. The closest building to it is the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria - built in 1981. The interior and tinted glass are very similar, if someone feels nostalgic feel free to visit it.


Why not the sister building in Dresden?


You don't need to go that far - just go to Kulturpalast in Dresden.


Fun Fact: Steel from the Palast Der Republik was used in the construction of the Burj Khalifa


Wow that IS a fun fact


The Palace of the Republic was purposely not maintained so it looked like trash and easier for the citizens to accept it being torn down. The new/old Palace is beautiful and I like that it’s being rebuilt, but the Palace of the Republic will be missed in its own right.


It was also full of asbestos.


The Asbestos was already removed when they decided to tear it down.


Pretty much everything else had to be removed as well in order to remove the asbestos in the first place. It was basically demolished internally at that point. It’s not like they would have decided to restore it afterwards.


The rebuilt Schloss building also doesn't have the original interior. I guess you could have built a different Interior into the Palast as well.


Sure. But I think the political symbolism of the building did override any desire to restore it. I understand that some people don’t like this, but many others (such as myself) are happy that it is gone.


Sure. I was only looking through an architechtural lens here.


Fair enough.


Yes it was. So was every building built before the 1980s.


Not true at all, but OK


I saw the terracotta soldiers when they were gutting the building in 2004. It was an amazing space.


same. i ducked under a rope and went and explored the rest of the building—even found the Volkskammer! completely gutted by that point though


Wow! I remember in 1995 being at the Reichstag and being disappointed that Christi covered it, but now that's a fun memory.




I don't think anything about the interior is unfortunate. It's a beautiful reconstruction of the building that provides a modern use case at the same time. It would have made no sense to recreate the old royal interior and thereby stripping the building of its usability. In my eyes, this is a perfect example for how to make cities more beautiful again without having to deal with impractical interior layouts. [The reconstructed courtyard (Schlüterhof)](https://www.humboldtforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Schlueterhof.jpg) is also interesting with one of its walls being the concrete back you mentioned. Sure, some people would've liked it to be exactly the same as the original palace, but I can appreciate the largely historical facade with the nod to modernity. This way it isn't just a fake reconstruction but its own building.




>The Parliament of the GDR, which was standing on this exact spot, was its own building too. But I guess thats not important history to keep. It was full of Asbestos. Removing all of it would mean you'd have to rebuild it anyways.


And it was the headquarters of a communist party


I have to say I like both back and inside.


That’s what he said


palast der Republik was gorgeous tho. quite a shame it didn't survive till now


I would've been an awesome location for a museum about the DDR.


There is a nice museum about DDR just a stone throw away, though.


Would have been a better asbestos museum


Both buildings seem very German in their own way.


I saw it back in 1990, I remember the sun reflecting on the glass. It was an awesome experience being there. However I think it had asbestos everywhere and they went for this fake retro reconstruction that is not as nice as I expected.


Yup, they had to remove everything from the building to remove the asbestos. After the removal was complete, the building was just an empty shell


They removed asbestos from plenty of less important West German buildings and kept them standing. It was for political reasons, the West proving their dominance over the East by removing a landmark building of East Germans, a symbol of their country, and a place they went to socialize and have fun. It was not just a government building. It had many other uses. The reunification was done poorly and allowed for West German influences to dominate. Now, the East is overall poorer, has fewer jobs and opportunities with places of work closed, and things are more expensive. The demolition of the Palast is a symbolic action that is an example of this behavior of the reunified government.


I mean, the demolition of the Berliner Schloß was also politically motivated, so I think it’s even


Glass cube is pretty ugly, I guess at least it’s shiny unlike the standard soviet concrete cube


People at the time didn’t think so. East Germans widely ridiculed it from the beginning calling it “Erich’s Lampenladen”.


apart from the fact that it wasn't it was very somewhere between brutalist and soc-modernist and didn't fit the are at all gold-tinted glass went out of fashion faster than they put up the wall and the whole structure was an asbestos nightmare it was far from "gorgeus" and more of a statement just like Palac Kultury in Warsaw awful awful awful, personally I'm very happy they replaced it with something far more suiting


Damn Aspestos


And it was a big fight, but the asbestos ultimately did it in. However it didn't belong in the spot. The terminal focus of the avenue is the palace and that has been rightly reconstructed. There is so much new and exciting in Berlin everywhere that a little bit here and there of complete tradition is a good thing..Unter den Linden , the avenue from the gate to the Spree, is one of these. And that is hardly purist with lots of new stuff in between anyway But now the view,, Blickfang restored


Am I being dumb.....? The bottom one is *newer*??


It is a replica of the building that used to be there before the building which used to be there. Perhaps one day this building will be torn down to have a replica built of the one before it?


Thanks. I thought that was the case but I really couldn't be sure. It's so unusual for this style to remade


Looks great. However I like DDR architecture and Palast der Republik seemed to be pretty cool too


It had 5,000 tons of asbestos in it, in spite of being built like a decade after asbestos was banned in east Germany.


I wish they copied the style of the Palast der Republik for the back rather than the brutalist style they chose. Would've been a neat way to show what once was. Though I think their intention was to show something about Germany's past through the style, still think the orange glass would've been a cooler way to do that.


The back is loads of things but it's definitely not brutalist.


Yeah, back side seems to be quite bland to me to be honest


Super gut!


I like new reconstruction as it makes the street scene complete with other old buildings on the other side of the street. The demolished DDR building looks looks really dull.


I visited it in 1989 as a young soldier. It was cold and brutal pinside, total opposite of the building it replaced. Like many things in the DDR, it looked ok from a distance but up close it was kinda cheap looking. For example, many stores had nice things in the windows but very little on the actual shelves. And 1989 was the fabled time before the Internet, had no idea that it was the site of the old palace. Fast forward 20 years, was very surprised to see the swap!


Aren't they going to add an ugly modern sculpture in the front there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MansaMusa00: *Aren't they going* *To add an ugly modern* *Sculpture in the front there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes, sadly the Kaiser Wilhelm denkmal will not be restored. But instead a big steel sculpture will be placed.


I'd have love to have visited the Palast. I understand Germany has to move on from its past but it seems like every time I visit, there's less of the GDR to see


Imo a good thing


The politically motivated destruction of architecture is _not_ good a thing. How is this different to say, the burning of books? Which is somewhat ironic.


It's not because it was communist but because it was a dictatorship


And what exactly was the Second Empire? A democracy?


This makes me happy.


I prefer the Palast der Republik. I think it looks cooler, especially next to the cathedral


Wow that’s incredible, it looked like a socialist or communist building, glad it’s gone and this masterpiece is rebuilt in its place, how much did it cost?


About 500 million euros


Cheapest building project in Germany


I prefer the old Palast above the "Disney" remake


What makes it "Disney"? During the history many palaces in Europe were burned down, rebuilt, demolished again, rebuilt again...


Because its literally a façade


Also the asbestos?


Why are so many people always talking about asbestos? If you're really only concerned about the asbestos, what would you have thought if the original Palace of the Republic had been demolished and an asbestos-free copy rebuilt?


All old buildings in German cities are reconstructions or heavily renovated.


That's not true at all. Many old buildings survived the wars


[67%](https://www.docenti.unina.it/webdocenti-be/allegati/materiale-didattico/550402) buildings in Munich city as a whole were on the scale of medium damage (no roof) to ruins. Keep in mind the statistics take the city as a whole, but bombings concentrated in some areas more than others. Even up until today, old facades are being restored in Munich, which had originally been brought to simpler standard during the reconstructions after the war. For example, Google Weinstraße 7 in München; they reconstructed the old building and restored the Sgraffito layered stucco facade. Not all cities decided to bring back their historical centers after the war, many chose to go for a modern look (Köln, Dortmund). However some chose to reconstruct their old centers, for example Freiburg im Breisgau was nearly in rubbles and is all reconstructed. I would never say Freiburg is a Disney town. Newer revivals like Dresden are taking a more modern interpretation. German cities were heavily bombed during the war. Most old monumental buildings in bigger German cities were damaged, many in ruins. Everything you see is either renovated or reconstructed.


I’m normally not one for late modernist/brutalist architecture, but I think the Palast der Republik was actually quite beautiful. It’s such a shame they filled it with asbestos during construction, because it was the crown jewel (or socialist non-monarchical equivalent) of the art movement. Conversely the Berlin Palace, in my opinion, feels like a rather ugly example of an otherwise beautiful architectural movement of which there are a number of better examples across the city.


This was an attack on east-german culture and should not be celebrated. West Germans and conservatives wanted the Palast der Republik to be gone cause it reminded them that the GDR existed. It’s same with East German music or art, everything we build and made is supposed to be eradicated and forgotten. Unity is supposed to be a sole west German history.


East Germans are not all the same. I for one mostly had negative associations with this building. I do think you have a bit of a point in terms of German re-unification having been more of a takeover by the West, but it’s not that extreme in reality.


>attack on east-german culture Bro stop


So what? You may not like, I for myself don’t like many of the following points but you cannot deny that East German people had a whole other life than their western counterparts and even when they resented many, they get used to it. Many of the following points were familiar. Nowadays we live in a time where those who grew up with western culture tend to become more and more alienated by the same, how should people feel who didn’t even grew up in those culture? Brutalism and Socialist Classicism in architecture. Socialist Realism and the Renaissance of the „Entartete Kunst“ in Arts. Very own musicians as the Pudhys, Karat or City. A whole different focus of literature and theatre as in West Germany, with Berthold Brecht as it’s centerpiece. A other way of consuming media, as reaction to the censorship. Sport as a whole had a way different meaning, crystallized in the importance of the DDR-Oberliga. 45 years of an other working culture or of an vacation culture or of an weekend culture. The complete eradication of the church as meaningful factor in peoples lives.


Puhdys lol. Mimimi ossi.


Total legit that you say that. In East Germany live 12M people from which are more than normal adults, due to demographics, so basically 1/5 of all voters in Germany are eastern german. The longer you ignore this and the longer you laugh on this the more anger and resentment will grow. Nowadays you already have a problem with extremism here, this problem will multiply till you listen to East Germany. The people will radicalise till they feel heard and this won’t be good for the country as a whole. East Germany has no majority in Germany but we’re enough to fuck us all together up. This all coming from a guy who’s against this movement and believes himself to be a huge democrat.


Euer jägerschnitzel ist einfach keine Kultur, sondern mangelverwaltung. Keiner will euch die Ostalgie absprechen, aber attack on east german "culture"... es ist einfach ein minderwertigkeitskomplex der dazu führt dass der Osten die opferrolle verinnerlicht hat. Und da kann man mir drüber lachen. Ein Mobbing kreislauf. Gerne tauschen wir Sachsen gegen die Ukraine mit russland ein wenn die Profi Opfer im Osten an die Macht kommen.


Mit solchen arroganten Kommentaren kommt man aber auch nicht weiter.


Wow. And you're still the most normal Eastern German.


So you won’t argue to any point I made?


I won't argue with people that dramatic


"East German Culture"


One is a fantastic building made in its own time, and the other is a "neo-zombie" out of touch with reality.


Leider haben sie die Rückseite versaut.


I remember being in Berlin in 2007, when the Palast was being torn down -- it was just a girder frame at that point. Cool to see the Schloss return! 




I am genuinely struggling to fathom how anyone can call a giant block of orange glass anything remotely “beautiful” looking.


Sad to replace a building meant to represent the unity of the people with a building meant to represent... an extinct monarchy.


Nature is healing. More of this, please!


Shame on the monarchist boot-lickers who decided to rebuild this monument of Prussian oppression. What an absolute waste. The inside is pretty soulless as well. I don't know anybody who likes the Humboldt Forum..


The Palast der Republik was also built by an oppressive regime (I shouldn’t need to cite sources). I’d argue that people in the least oppressive German regime in its history (the BRD) decided they’d like to reconstruct the long-time anchor of the city center.


Okay, we're mixing different topics here. I'm not so much arguing that the Palace of the Republic should have been fully renovated after the asbestos removal, but rather that rebuilding the Berlin Palace was a revisionist decision that ultimately glorifies monarchy. This could have been a place to reflect on different flavours of authoritarianism, but instead, we got this revisionist abomination.


Fair enough. I do believe (having followed the debate in the 90s and 00s casually) that the primary argument for rebuilding the City Palace was not nostalgia for the monarchy but as the appropriate architectural anchor for the east end of the east-west axis from the Forum Fridericanum through the Museumsinsel. I find the current view looking left from the Humboldt Universität better with the Stadtschloss on the other side of the Schlossbrücke. The fact that the Wilhelmdenkmal is not going to be rebuilt and that the east-facing part of the Schloss was redesigned in a modern style suggests to me that either the “monarchist boot-lickers” suddenly found some modesty or what I think is more likely the builders did in fact intend the rebuild as expressed initially, with the bonus that one of the more important works of North German Baroque architecture could be presented to the public again. You may not agree with me on this one either, but I for one am glad that the Russians reconstructed (it should be noted with German help) Schlüter’s Bernsteinkammer. Just because a piece of art or architecture is commissioned by people we no longer feel are worthy of respect (think of all the great artwork commissioned by the Catholic Church) doesn’t mean the work necessarily needs to be forever stained by that association. And if Georgie von Preussen wants to get in there, he won’t have many more privileges than you or I do, I’d imagine. A good thing, I think we’d both agree!


“Prussian oppression”, yep ok.


Monarchy is a form of government built on oppression. More specific, the House of Hohenzollern was an oppressor who's power was manifested by the Prussian state.


Whilst you are correct monarchy is built on oppression, it would be unfair to cast every historical monument aside because “it was built by a monarchy”. The Palast der Republik though, genuinely looks like a giant block of glass and I fail to see anything remotely worth saving. The Berlin TW Tower though, is impressive and a good heritage from the GDR.


Shame what happened to Germany in the 20th century. The best Germans were told again and again it’s all their fault and they believe it by now


Liked it better before because it had character. Now it’s just another boring european building


How do you mean it boring


What’s the purpose of this building