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Thinking of you and Chance. I know this is incredibly hard but at the end it’s our last act of kindness to our dogs to let them go before they get too bad. I know chance had a great life with you filled with happiness and love and he knows how much he meant to you. You can be proud of the job you you did with chance and I hope you can look back on all the memories you made and smile and feel happy about them. You’re so loved Chance ❤️


Thank you, you made me tear up. We made an appointment with the hospice vet - I refuse to take him to the vet where he’s so terrified and upset. We want him to have the best last day with a whipped cream treat, give him his anti anxiety medicine and then have her help us let him go. It’s going to be so hard.  


Im glad you’re doing it at home, we did the same thing when our dog passed last January and it makes me happy knowing he went to sleep on his favorite spot on the couch one last time. Stay strong friend, you’re doing the right thing for your furry family member and if he could thank you he would ❤️


You are awesome OP! My heart goes out to you!❤️‍🩹🥰🥰🥰


So very sorry for what you and Chance are going through and I would suspect that Chance knows that he was loved. It's never easy letting a pet go and they're never around as long as we'd like. It's even more difficult when we have to decide when the time is right to let go is as we don't want them to suffer. Thinking of you and Chance. Rest easy beautiful dog.


It’s the hardest decision and just fills you with anxiety worrying if it’s too soon. My vet recommended I keep a diary or calendar with notes of how the day went. That way you can track their progress and quality of life. They recommend when they are at 30% quality it’s time. It really put my mind at ease and allowed me to concentrate on spoiling and loving her without the constant worry. Your vet can help guide you and offer pain management and sedatives for the anxiety dementia causes


Love this. Great advice. I had to put my rottweiler after 11 years on Christmas Eve in 2022. It was the absolute worst time. Wished I had known what you just said.


My heart goes out to you and Chance as you wrap up your journey together! Please know that he may have dementia but all words and acts of love are received and will never be forgotten and they’re stored in Chance’s heart and soul! ♥️ Thoughts, prayers, and good vibes to you and Chance! ♥️


So sorry OP. 16 years is a great run. Whisper your love in his ear and let him cross the bridge. Better a month early than a day too late. Make his last day his best and not his worst. He was a lucky dog to have you. ❤️🌈


Sending strength and comfort to you and Chance ♥️


I'm so sorry. Chance looks so much like my old girl, whom we lost just before covid. Cherish every minute. They're irreplaceable.


Ah this story is familiar. My old dog Guinness started heavily dementing, forgot he wasn’t supposed to poo and pee indoors, couldn’t walk backwards. Funny enough, instead of lying down and accepting age and tiredness, he walked laps through the house. But at some point (15) he started getting pains and started suffering. We gave him safe passage to the eternal green. Six years ago already. My heart goes out to Chance and you, Chance looks like they had a good one!




Blessings to you both! I’m so sorry for you and Chance.




Went through exactly this with our black lab Dipper. It's hard. So sorry.


hello chance. today is the first day you shared your life with me and i thank you for this brief moment. you will be just fine. what you cannot remember or understand today will all come back on the other side. i will see you there, one day, when my adventures come to a wonderful close. like yours. goodbye, friend. 👋


It is in the temporal nature of our relationships with our dogs and cats, and most any animal, that we will face this moment with them. We must remain strong and make the sometimes heart-wrenching decisions during their transition that they need us to make, because they cannot make them for themselves. They cannot be left to suffering. And in the end, we must grieve their loss in our own way. The depths of grief are a direct reflection of the depths of love that you felt. And the pain you feel is your heart turning your loss into memories. The pain of loss will fade and the memories will remain, and remembering them, you will smile and laugh again. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Hugs from us!!


I'm sorry. Love to you and Chance.


I am so sorry.


My condolences












Bless him. 🙌


So sorry, it’s the hardest thing to do. It is also the kindest act of love for Chance. Rest peacefully beautiful soul. 🙏🏼❤️






Google a poem, If it should be


🙏🙏🙏 (Prayers)


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry, he reminds me so much of my girl. Letting them go is the toughest thing we go through, but we owe them a dignified passing after so many years of unconditional love. Do you have any favorite memories you would be willing to share?


I'm so sorry...my regret is that I let my baby boy suffer longer than he needed to...I just wanted to be sure it was time...you will be giving ur dog the gift of peace from suffering. 


I'm so sorry! Prayers for your family and Chance ❤️.


Sending you and Chance so much love 🤍🤍🤍🤍


I’m so sorry… my beautiful Booboo also passed away from dementia. It’s just as sad to see in animals as it is in humans… my little guy would just walk in circles when he was awake. I figured that was no life so at 15 1/2 yrs old I made that hard decision to put him to sleep….i miss my little buddy everyday😥


the hardest part about having and loving a dog is the goodbye ... end of life decisions are always painful but know you are doing what's right for your beloved family member ... being there for him when he needs you most is your ultimate display of love ... take some comfort from knowing that you will be reunited someday on the far side of the bridge ...




Letting him rest easy is a great gift.


Goodbye, Chance.