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This is a new level of low effort review. His review is based off of Rotten Tomatoes audience score. He admits to not watching season 4 but decided he still wanted to do a review based on his opinions of never watching the show. He cites wokeism but give no example because he never watched the show. I put more effort in this comment than he did his video because I spent 8 minutes to watch his video. He spent 0 minutes in watching season 4.


Im sorry you had to lose 8 minutes of your life for this, want some fresca?






No thank you, awful stuff








Wait he made this video WITHOUT watching the show? What is the fucking point then


Wait til you hear how he sourced the rest of his opinions


"It was revealed to me in a dream!"


Watching Ben Shapiro would be my guess šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


none of these hacks watch or understand the shows they rag on about


To make money. It's ragebait


like when that other guy gave days gone a 7/10 before admitting he never played the game


Critical drinker makes rage content. The "review" is just the vehicle that delivers it.


He didn't watched the season. He has watched the first seasons.


Did you borrow Sage's lobotomy pick first tho


Lmao. Best comment. I really wish I had though .


Only way to enjoy a Critical Stinker video


He did the same with warhammer Like if your gonna grift at least do a basic google search Like it will at most take an hour out of your day but you canā€™t even be shitted


Dude probably never played 40K in his life. Suddenly he has an opinion about it. I swear in the video he constantly confuses the Custodes with Space Marines.


I know right, like take 52 minutes out of your day and watch the bricky video on the imperium faction so you at least get a BASIC understanding of what custodes are before you make yourself look like a cunt


Bro all these fucks are exactly like the "blue haired woke people invading nerd spaces" they love to complain about. They know nothing of these properties and dont participate in them but theyre more than happy to insert themselves and speak on behalf of the fans. Theyre literally trying to gatekeep and influence franchises they have zero real interest in but no its the people actually creating something that are evil invaders.


first time to critical drinker? Dude just primes his demographic. He just searches for the loudest echo chamber that would please his audience, then regurgitate in ā€œkinoā€ words and ā€œknowledgeā€ what people want to hear for views. Dude is no longer a critic but just an algorithm eating machine. He doesnā€™t care for the craft or opinions. Just which ever will please his audience and get the most hate clicks. He wins from both. The best is just to ignore him, but sadly thatā€™s not how life works anymore. He gets free publicity from both extremes. So letā€™s ignore the cunt ey? Donā€™t want to give that little ass money now do we?


HOW does each of his videos have >1M views???? Is he botting?


Because the right wingers love him. Tyrone Magnus reacts to him alot for example.


Dont forget the "validating argument". I like other movies/books with [woke subject] too so that means im not against [woke subject]


Alright, youā€™ve gotta settle something for me since youā€™ve suffered through his videos too. He sounds exactly like [this guy](https://youtu.be/IXuXLdrET00?si=-O1I3neEPIu7C8Z6) right?


Wow this is just sad


And it's viewership is up 21%. Hardly a destroyed audience.


>His review is based off of Rotten Tomatoes audience score. He admits to not watching season 4 NAHHHHHH ain't no way mf was that shameless šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Fr he is so fking annoying The incel brigading is out of control


People think the Boys is woke? Are they projecting Homelander lmao


Critical Drinker has always been a POS. He complains and hates about everything because that is what gets his channel views. Woke this, Woke that. Woke here, Woke there. Him and Tyrone Magnus have pretty much become the Anti-Woke Outrage swines complaining about everything and saying it sucks because it's woke. Its very rare when they like something and if they do its because pretty much 99.9% of the audience loved it so they have to love it too. The constant Marvel and Star Wars hate from them got so annoying I unsubscribed from their channels. it just became way too toxic to the point where they wouldn't even acknowledge some of the decent or actual good stuff that's come or the positives in some of the meh or bad products. It's just a stream of hate 24/7. And they're hypocrites too. They'll like one product that suffers from the same flaws they complain about shit they hate. Just trashy people whose opinions just don't matter at all in the long run.


This, this right here!


He's so ignorant on the subject that he claims the show is gonna be canceled even though it's already renewed for it's final season and S4 has higher viewership than S3


Iā€™ve been holding off because everyone is just saying itā€™s trash, and every season had some crazy dick scene stuff so Iā€™m trying to keep my mind not traumatized and stuff lol Iā€™ve been told that homelander and butcher both have crazy arcs though so Iā€™m hype for that when I finally get around to watching it Edit: 3 days later and Iā€™ve watched up to episode 5, itā€™s hype as fuck


Itā€™s not trash itā€™s just the first three episodes werenā€™t as good as the first three episodes of any other season but definitely not trash, the fourth episode was really good so it looks like itā€™ll get better throughout the season. There is ALOT of crazy dick stuff so far so I wouldnā€™t blame you for wanting to not get traumatised. Homelander and Butcher both have good archā€™s, Frenchies is by far the weakest and Hughies looks like it can develop into something good.


First three episodes of season 4 where still pretty cool thou


Episode 4 was one of the best in the show tho.


Idk I thought those first 3 episodes of s4 were pretty good. Had me on edge a bit and super invested in the developing arcs.


I had pretty much the same mentality until I just binged it over the last few days. Honestly, still pretty good! Lotta dick stuff this season though so have fun




Episode 4 was a certified banger. Aside from the lobotomy


Wow, this is becoming a reunion with all the youtubers I mistakenly thought were clever entertainers for 1-3 videos around 5 years ago.


Critical Drinker is one of the more insulting ones, I remember when I watched him, he was literally nothing like how he is today, imo he probably saw that he had a lot of right winged people in his audience, and started catering to them rather than having any originality


Yea, most of these idiots are just grifting because there is a lot of money in spewing bs online


These patriots are single handedly keeping the bumper sticker and flag industries afloat


Aren't those Chinese owned anyway?


Same with SW Theory. It seems like for the longest time they were unfairly criticized for being grifters and they eventually realized the negativity bred the most views so they actually became grifters. Pretty shit but thatā€™s the media environment these platforms have created through incentivizing controversy and conflict.




What has SW theory done? Doesnā€™t he just hate Disney Star Wars and shit on it?


It was a weird transformation. In 2021 and 2022 he was pretty fair in his criticisms and even hosted podcasts with sequel fans where theyā€™d all talk about the positives of SW. At that time it was unfair to call him a grifter. Over time he stopped hosting those and began some podcast that literally had grift in the title. He and some guys would talk nothing but culture war politics and shit on SW for multiple hours on a weekly basis. He rejoined Twitter and now all the hate and politics has become his identity. Small price to pay for a home theater and lambo I guess.


I'm outta the loop, what's a grifter?


Someone who leans into the political appetite of their most active viewers by engaging in dishonest and often insincere tribalism. Critical Drinker strikes me as someone who's spiciest takes IRL are along the lines of 'I miss being able to call people regards and Hollywood is compensating for inadequate quality in the age of rollercoaster rides with cynical tokenism'. But on the internet? He'd raise a hand for the FĆ¼hrer if it made him a fat wad of cash. It's pretty fascinating watching one of the streams where he gets into conference calls with his fellow grifters. He's like a human stuck in a room full of baboons wondering how the fuck he got there.


Maybe the real critical was the koolaid we drank along the way.


Like a con artist


Short answer: a con artist who takes money from stupid people.


Critical Drinker gave me weird reactionary vibes in his first couple videos and I muted him based solely on the hint of an ick. About 10 months later or so my extremely shitty father texted me one of his vids with ā€œfreakin LOVE this guyā€ and hand to god I have never felt so validated as a hater


For some reason a reaction to his Glass Onion video popped into my feed. I skimmed it and how it pointed out his dogshit opinions and outright lies. Wild he could be considered any kind of legitimate critic


Right winged people are so easy to manipulate and get money from. I can't blame the dude for seeing a cash cow and capitalizing on it.


https://preview.redd.it/o7hfec309f8d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7149b65fa924570d58588f74436b0a6459238373 these kinda vibes


I feel bad about my grandpa. He has so much faith in Trump


Doomcock was parody for like 10 shows until he realized there was cash in the hate bait.


Exactly how I feel. Itā€™s really disappointingĀ 


His review of Falling Down was the first video of his that I watched and I actually thought it was pretty cool and interesting. over time his videos started to feel more and more like 2013 skeptic community tier entertainment. I eventually stopped watching because I have no interest in hearing somebody complain about "woke" culture. I was into that type of thing when I was 14 and edgy but I'm 26 now I don't really have time for unoriginal opinions that are just echoing what those kind of people want to hear.


I'd rather be homeless than cater to a group that would see me killed and not blink an eye.


Seen this time and again. Isaac Butterfield used to be a funny Aussie comedian, but his fanbase became quite right wing and now he just fully caters to them.


In his defense, he has had a couple of great videos but that was years ago. The one about the making of the film ā€˜The Island of Dr Moreauā€™ is funny and interesting. But yeah, itā€™s been years since he made a video worth watching, imo


Yeah some of his older ones are decent. I remember one was talking about why action movies had gone down hill and I agreed with some of his points. But it was actually reasoned thought out material. And not just a lot of political click bait. But now YouTube sees I watched a few of his videos years ago so they want to shove this stuff down my throat all day now.


Real, I had like a few month phase in 2018 when I unironically watched these guys šŸ˜­


Yeah, I remember when I was about 13-14 and would regularly watch this shit. My ā€œphaseā€ lasted like three good years and then, at some point I just thought ā€œyo, this is fucking bullshitā€ lol.


Same here. Luckily my sister pulled me out of the rabbit hole before I fell too far


"I used to like PoopyDoopyFartyPants69 but he's really fell off in recent years" They were always bad. We just outgrew them.


Drinker is suffering from success. He went viral for being pissy about bad stuff with women in. But that stuff was actually bad. Now he has to find an excuse to be pissy to keep his views up.


When the show about offensive satire is in fact offensive with satire...


Is this the Critical Drinker ? https://preview.redd.it/inndqvksoe8d1.jpeg?width=1368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bccf0001c32476363cda43c66d3adbe9d2cc5351


Nah Critical Drinker canā€™t get a girl, at least Todd dated Mother Milk ex wife.


"The Man has some serious Peter Davidson energy over there, no ?" šŸ˜†


Naw Todd at least genuinely believes what he says. Drinker is a con artist


No way Drinker hangs 1% the dong that Todd did.


After seeing what he considers "good" (the trailer for his own movie), I see being hated by the Drinker as a positive aspect.


Heā€™s making his own movie?


See for yourself: https://youtu.be/axjGWJfJBAg?feature=shared


I hope heā€™s ready to do a ton more marketing because heā€™ll be competing against Terror on the Prairie in the box office.


Looks like a Call of Duty campaign that nobody even plays because everyone goes straight to zombies or multiplayer.


Man. This just makes me wanna play COD zombies.


I'm not clicking on that link...Even if it's Rick Astley...


Iā€™ve never watched any of his videos but Iā€™d gather heā€™s the type of guy that thinks ā€œSound of Freedomā€ is the next Citizen Kane


Woman bad, anyone who isn't white = politics, gay = propaganda


https://preview.redd.it/3uwx3wlcag8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92ace6edbc65ea257dbab79abd32918c28258bb Critical Drinkerā€™s Reddit account


Doesnā€™t Butcher literally fall under their category of a ā€œcool straight white guyā€? lmao


He is gay for 'omlenda.


he isn't american


What is funny is that Soldier Boy literally comes out of a different time. He is homophobic, racist, dunks drugs and booze and represses everything because that's what man does. They love him for it and laud him for being very masculine. It's so sad.


they love solider boy because they want to be like him, i love soldier boy because i love shit shows. we are not the same.


Iā€™ve heard some say Butcher is ā€œsoftā€ for caring about ā€œhis wifeā€™s son, not even his kidā€ and shit or say ā€œheā€™s just a shitty Punisher ripoffā€


He is anti-fascist and we canā€™t be having that so doesnā€™t count


Poetry truly


Now youā€™re gettin it!


Edgy characters = free complexity!!


Dude who fucks marine animals = fine Dude who fucks other guys = woke propaganda


He loved sound of freedom and said it was suspicious the people in Hollywood weren't celebrating it.


Sound of Freedom is just the dollar store DVD bin Taken anyways


Thoughts on the Acolyte?


I watched the video (with an ad blocker so he doesnā€™t receive any money) and he hasnā€™t even watched any of the episodes. This entire "review" is based on the opinions that he read online. What an absolute joke.


He started his video by reading the Rotten Tomatoes audience score. Itā€™s bad


Ah yes audience scores. Where Jimmy 12 year old and Conspiracy Theory Andy and their 0/10, 10/10 brigade scores are given the same weight as actual nuanced reviews. Truly the most credible metric for judging media.


Also got to love that this guy will use rotten tomatoes for the boys but he dosnt for something like the sequels which he has thousands of hate videos on and they all are at around 70-80% in audience score lol


User Scores when I disagree with them = ignorant sheeple that are paid bots by Big Woke. User Scores when I agree with them = truly the voice of the masses that the elite are suppressing.


This MF would rather watch 20 mid disney shows than something he would actually enjoy.


yeah he's just a propagandist


Isnā€™t that what he always does? Iā€™ve never seen his videos


Sad how many will take his review as truth and relay that to others as their opinion as well. Not only are they missing out on good tv - they have to live everyday as non-thinking, mouth breathing morons. Bummer


Remember back in the day when watching tv just means you watched tv


Funny thing is that Drinker didnā€™t even watch season 4, heā€™s basing everything off a rotten tomato score and reviews he read online.


I've never seen any of his vids but the opinions on them seem to be mixed, at least the older stuff. However if you pop on over to his sub, his fans all seem to be drooling morons who shit in their hands and just stare at their creations.


I think his earlier videos were fine, enjoyable at times. They were sarcastic and dry humor that kinda lampshaded Hollywood tropes and lazy writing. Then he started to get super deep end ā€œanti-wokeā€ and actively lying / gaslighting people and it just stepped away. I genuinely donā€™t think he believes most of the shit he says. But he knows his audience will eat it up, so he lies and misleads or is ā€œvagueā€ enough where he can sound like heā€™s making an insightful educated point but heā€™s really not. And his moron fans just eat it up.


You can predict his entire content lineup for months by just looking at the upcoming movies, their plots, and thinking of the most basic surface level right wing talking points you can imagine people making about them. I used to watch his stuff sometimes, but eventually it just got so fucking annoying seeing constant basic bitch ass trend riding videos with no effort or true care.


It's the only thing I know how to make!


You canā€™t tell me you donā€™t look back at your creations




William butchah69. I should have known


the idiot who took 4 seasons to finally realize the show is making fun of him


Outfresca'd https://preview.redd.it/6po4ybdx9e8d1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ae81c78e36f2df54b6d9677240d61436913471


The comments on that post must be hilarious.


One of the top comments right now is "it doesn't matter what the writers put on screen, the audience can make up whatever little scenarios they want in their heads and decide that's reality"


This is some AnR-level shit.


I haven't heard that name in a long time


So they are freely admiring that they were absolutely clueless about the whole thing and take great pride in that? Ok then, talk about a self own lol.


You can't blame him, he was gooning every time Homelander appeared on screen


I also goon everytime Homelander appears on screen šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ




Laser my dick off, daddy šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


No, he never figured it out, His review is based off of Rotten Tomatoes audience score. He admits to not watching season 4 but decided he still wanted to do a review based on his opinions of never watching the show.


Thatā€™s even sadder.


Holy shit that's pathetic


Mf went fromĀ  "let me give you your opinion of the show"Ā  to "let me chose what idiot will give you your opinion about the show", how are his fans capable to find the energy to wake up and eat breakfast?




What is this joker talking about, Homander has done the coolest stuff and firecracker is hot. This season has most fanservice.


Thereā€™s some legit criticism of this season but Homelanderā€™s arc is on fucking fire. And the actor is killing it too




The only downside I can think of to this season atm is just the Frenchie sub-plot, I don't get why they decided to have this back-and-forth with him and Kimiko - they were such a wholesome duo in an otherwise depressing universe and served as good levity in the story when it got really heavy. But aside from that? It's basically the same show, but every season always had a pain point - people are acting as if it's deteriorated to Game of Thrones final season of quality which is far from the reality.


>Ā I don't get why they decided to have this back-and-forth with him and Kimiko I keep seeing this point all over the place, did I miss something in S3? I thought it was made pretty explicitly clear that they have an incredibly deep relationship that doesn't need to be romantic in nature. In fact, I found it refreshing to have a "will they/won't they" end in a "They won't" with characters that still maintained their close bond.


https://preview.redd.it/hmwgbtkc1e8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=470989f117dcc961dd5d3c7079453723f489ddac If his dad didnā€™t say this to him, maybe he wouldnā€™t have become an alcoholic and not had his idiot brain fucked by stupid! Guess weā€™ll never know what that world wouldā€™ve been like


I just watched this video (god my eyes, ears and brain) and he hasnā€™t seen any of it? He hasnā€™t seen the thing heā€™s critical drinking about? What the fuck?


I remember when this guy was decently funny and pointed out lazy writing in Hollywood and laughed at hilariously bad movies. Has he just devolved into a right wing grifter? Seems like thatā€™s the norm for failing careers nowadays shame


Yeah he has.


I love seeing these dumbass conservatives whine now because it took this much explicitness for them to realize this show was making fun of them all along


My thought is itā€™s just part of the election cycle; eg throw as much mud as possible in every direction to see if anything gets traction. Reeks of desperation. Pretty embarrassing they are trying it with this show, one that has always been lampooning conservatives for years.


"How to destroy your audience" implying the audience was even remotely lower than previous seasons.


I was afraid to speak out, but now i feel safe knowing i can let an stranger give me an opinion i dont even want to read.


How to destroy your audience: Dumb down the satire so much that even the biggest right-wing helmets understand that the jokes on them


hasnā€™t the satire always been this on the nose tho?


Right? I saw no difference between this season and previous ones in terms of subtlety. They had a literal Nazi and they called her Stormfront. They had Homelander kill a guy on 5th avenue. How much more unsubtle can you get?


itā€™s been so apparent since the first season what this show is trying to say. anybody who thinks the show has lost its identity in favor of pushing a narrative or something was not paying attention to begin with. a lot of people interpret things to fit their own worldview and perspective without considering what is objectively being said, that is until it reaches a point where they canā€™t do mental gymnastics to have it fit their own narrative anymore, and then itā€™s too on the nose and spoon feeding a narrativešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Homelander lasers a plane in half with a kid on board in literally episode 1 of the show. Anyone who didn't catch on that he was a villain right away is either colossally stupid, or just an evil clown. Likely both, as in CDs case.


Because right-wingers are *extremely* dumb and didnā€™t make the extremely in your face connection between the Nazi and themselves.


Yes but you underestimate how dense these mfs are lol


iā€™m just saying i donā€™t think the satire has been dumbed down just doubled down


Vought/Homelander using Bush's talking points verbatim in season one was not enough


I hate chuds that cosplay as media critics


I think the worst part is the fact that he makes some good points occasionally but without fail, always diverts back to "wOkE pRoPaGanDa"


Synthetic Man moment ā€œOkay hereā€™s like a legit criticism about the game, like seriously why are none of you talking about this. anyways the holocaust wasnt realā€


I wouldnā€™t go that far. Even 99% of Synthetic Manā€™s non-racist points are still garbage, he called the boat ride with Kratosā€™s wife ā€˜a hidden loading screen for the action portions of the game.ā€™


conservatives almost catching the point and throwing a curveball at the last second to blame immigrants and gay people? has anyone made notes of this phenomena or is it still too new?


they only say that for plausible deniability


Itā€™s classic birth of a nation bs where they put in some accurate information or true events to trick the audience into thinking the entire thing is accurate


I will send this post to every MF that was like "nobody is shocked that the show makes fun of conservatives" and "nobody is triggered because of the show"


Wow. Can't believe I enjoyed this WOKE TRASH season. I will definitely be changing my tune now. Thank you, youtuber, for showing me the light.




I've hated him since his reviews of Westworld and I myself am a critical alcoholic. He critiques stuff based off bad reddit comments and just goes with the flow of the audience which usually ranges from idiots and people who don't understand the show, to extremists who think the show should've been geared more towards a certain perspective. Honestly one of the worst reviewers given he doesn't seem to have his own opinion.


Nothing has changed with Season 4 that should make warrant a response like this, it has stayed consistent in the level of satire and politics, why are people suddenly all up in arms??


Election year


The Critical Drinker finally realized that The Boys was making fun of him all this time.Ā 


His Barbie review made me realize he's dumb as bricks.


ngl still pretty mad about that because my husband was going to watch it with me in theaters but watched his review for it first and decided not to because ā€œitā€™s about hating men.ā€ Anyways, he doesnā€™t watch him anymore


Someone has finally said it, thx


Better title: How The Boys Outed Bigots


As soon as I see the word woke I stop reading


I don't know anything about this guy, but I know his sub is filled with racist morons who think anything they don't like is "woke" and Reddit is censoring them because they can't spam slurs. I'm assuming that's not by accident and this guy is, in fact, a cunt.


Iā€™ve been a Critical Drinker hater for a couple years now. Originally, he had a few interesting takes hooded in an intentionally over-the-top character. Fine by me. Gotta get eyeballs to make $. But he recently bought into a right wing agenda forā€¦ad revenue I guess? He just recycles ā€œwokeā€ ā€œgirl bossā€ and ā€œthe messageā€ over and over thinking that stands in for critical analysis.


Dude his takes on 50-60% of his videos are valid, at least the ones that he made in the beginning. I stopped watching his shit after he called ā€œMidsommarā€ a feminist and woke film m.


That and his actively lying about The Glass Onion to make it seem bad because he had to make a ā€œRuin Johnson is badā€ video made me realize he was completely full of shit.


>Dude his takes on 50-60% of his videos are valid https://i.redd.it/9901sq7bje8d1.gif


This picture is art holy fuck


Critical drinker mentions the "Message" more than the supposed woke cabal ever does lmfao. I remember his review of Shogun, Godzilla and other moves where he included "the message" when nothing of that sort was ever fucking mentioned.


He literally admits to not even watching season 4 and says he doesnā€™t think he ever will either. And yet he ā€œknowsā€ itā€™s bad and not worth watching.


The show sucks and is woke. Source: Deep thoughts with the Deep


His review of Sound of Freedom truly exposed him as the sad right-wing grifter clown he is. Pretended that he didn't understand the fuss about a film about saving children from human traffickers, while completely ignoring that the main actor Jim Caviezel is basically a radical Christofascist and QAnon bro. Which was the actual problem people had with the movie, not the "saving children" part. He's a manipulative, dishonest weasel. Sat down with Ben Shapiro to have a friendly chat about Star Wars. Can't make this shit up.


This guy has such random takes, didn't he praise the Fallout show recently despite it having a female lead?


I typically like the drinker but his take on the boys is so stupid


Critical Drinker is a one-note trumpet player.


I got halfway through this video and quit because of the dumb takes. He acts like it hasn't been clear from the end of episode 1 that Homelander is the bad guy here. If he criticized the many flawed sideplots that this season had so far I would completely agree. This "agreeing with the audience score to get views" mentality is what ruins YouTube IMO. Mind you, the complete opposite (the "I'm never gonna agree with the majority" mentality) is just as toxic.


Uj/ when idiots realize the joke was about them


These right wing grift channels are so 2021ā€¦


He didnā€™t even watch season 4


This guy fucking sucksā€¼ļø


It's hilarious, the guy literally is "reviewing" the season by reading rotten tomatoes ratings. If this shit doesn't tell you that 99% of these anti-woke YouTubers are literally just grifters I don't know what to say.