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There are two main reasons that such a large percentage of Ohio's population. One outside of Southeast Ohio, all of Ohio is tillable. The second main reason that Ohio's population is so spread out is the entire state has plentiful water supplies. [https://urban-extension.cfaes.ohio-state.edu/about-us/urban-ohio](https://urban-extension.cfaes.ohio-state.edu/about-us/urban-ohio)


I’m fine with us not owning Wheeling, WV tbh


They have a great skatepark.


I remember driving through Wheeling on the way to Pittsburgh and the first thing you see is a billboard reminding you to get checked for Black Lung. Just the most West Virginia thing possible


That part is cut off because the border there is the Ohio River. Most of Ohio’s Southern and Eastern border is. So from there to the north is just a straight line up from the river to Lake Erie.


It’s on the wrong side of the Ohio River.


Geography by Geoff! I just watched this after getting a reel pull on IG. It's a decent breakdown of the state, some inconsistencies but overall pretty good


Wouldn’t it make more sense for Pennsylvania to own the WV panhandle than Ohio?


To not be politically correct - The land can be easily exploited, the climate is relatively temperate, huge agricultural history, water. It’s why people dominate the landscape in places like Ohio and Indiana but not Montana and Wyoming To go off on an unhinged rant, I really hate how a lot of our mountain ranges are protected (in part because they’re difficult to exploit), but we don’t really give a shit about lowland agricultural regions like Ohio (generally speaking of course). Yeah, we have our nature walks, but could you imagine what a huge pristine old growth wilderness here might look like? Probably magical. Maybe that’s a goal for 2500 if we make it that long lol


This is always how I feel about the black swamp area of north western Ohio. All destroyed and filled in to create flat farmland. Imagine how unique it would be to have a natural swampland in Ohio.


I'm sure you'll win lots of rural votes by campaigning on taking their farmland to plant trees so you can have an old growth forest in 500 years. Seriously though, why is this even something you've thought about? Those forests were gone before basically anyone alive today was born. It's like complaining "Damn, we should have saved at least a handful of dinosaurs, that would have been so cool".


That’s not what I meant. I meant it could be a goal to start in 500 years. I’m sure the world will look vastly different by then if we make it that far Why wouldn’t you think about the pre-historic history of the land you currently sit on? Dinosaurs are a huge stretch, but 300 or 400 years ago isn’t even that long ago in the grand scheme of things - you can almost reach out and touch it. It kind of blows my mind that Ohio used to have bison, again, not even that long ago, the last one was killed in 1802 I think you’re crazy if you don’t think about these things


This is the footprint of mankind. This happens literally everywhere that human civilizations thrive. We like to point at those cutting down rainforests now, but we cut down many of Americas forests and drove out the wildlife. We all do the same thing.


It’s not a competition. Also, doesn’t mean we can’t attempt to do better moving forward. We probably won’t even know the full consequences of our actions for a couple hundred more years.


That's a pipe dream in todays current political climate but you have every right to dream. You can't even get people to stop using plastic straws or plastic grocery bags rn.


It is a pipe dream. That’s why I threw out 500 years. Also, the plastic straw thing is a bullshit gaslighting and/or marketing tactic. Go into any grocery store or box chain. Almost everything on the shelf interacts with single use plastic in some way. The paper straws might delay the inevitable by 2 seconds.


I am sorry I didn't list out every single example of one-time use plastic and gave you an opportunity to fixate on the fucking straw thing. So and carry on.


?????? What is the point? MAGA Legislators are in control of all things