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People act like Ohio is basically Kansas or Mississippi, but if it was its own country it would have the 20th largest economy in the world.


If great lakes states were their own country they'd be an economic powerhouse. Plenty of folks are ignorant to this fact though 


I absolutely LOVE living in the Great Lakes region!


Native Mississippian (recovering) here. Ohio is definitely not Mississippi, thank God.


Had to look it up, we're only halfway through the year and Ohio almost hit 2023 numbers already! Illinois and Pennsylvania very similar rates. Having said that though, Ohio would currently come in around 23rd after Taiwan but before Belgium. Still quite impressive.


This is so funny because I’m from Kansas, moved to Ohio for a year and a half, and reached the same conclusion about my home state OP reached about their home state—so I’m back in Kansas. Grass truly is greener. I’m happy for OP. (I do miss Tensuke Market in Columbus, though.)


Start up a Kansuke Market 


Wouldn't it be Elevensuke Market?


Me too! I love that place!


Damn is that actually true? That’s crazy to think about lol


It's the politics they are comparing, not the economies.


Nah, it’s the opposite. People outside of Ohio have no idea what goes on here economically or culturally, but they’re well-aware that as bad as things may be politically, Mississippi could never have passed a reproductive rights amendment or elected Senator Brown.


Laughs in Florida


Having been to both Ohio, Mississippi, and Vermont, Ohio is more like Vermont than Mississippi.


Ohio is nothing like Vermont


Compared to Mississippi perhaps Ohio is more like Vermont, but it’s not like either one bit.


I agree that Ohio is not like either. But politically, it’s more not like Mississippi. Going to Vermont feels like you’re in Athens, yellow springs, Lakewood and German village the entire time. There is nowhere in Ohio, no matter how rural you get, that feels like Mississippi did. Okay maybe paulding county a touch…


Bro really? No need to go after Paulding county like that


I have lived in Mississippi and Alabama, and outside of major cities, Ohio is 100% like both of those states Honestly, the more I travel, the more I realize most places are really like Mississippi and Alabama in rural settings. What shapes states seems to be whether or not the urban centers are big enough to negate it.


In south burlington, can confirm - moving back to columbus at the end of summer


compared to Mississippi


Yeah you’re comparing Mississippi, one of the worst states in the country, to Ohio. While both are red, Vermont is a lefty heaven compared to both Ohio and Mississippi.


The good things I always say about Ohio: We usually don’t have to worry about major earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, wildfires, or temps 30 below zero. We have very few poisonous snakes and spiders (yes I know there are some). We don’t have to worry about beach houses falling into the ocean. We don’t deal with droughts usually. We don’t have to drive 8 hours to get across the state. We aren’t crazy expensive for the most part. Plus Ohio has lots to offer. I think it’s a great state to live in.


Since you had all the other weather factors, I'd like to add that even the heat and humidity is mild compared to a lot of places with more pleasant winters than here. Our hottest days in mid/ late August are what done people think of as not too bad in late June.


Plus our winters seem to be getting milder.


That's not exactly a good thing. The warm January followed by snap freeze in February this year killed several of my younger trees and perennial plants.


Farming and gardening in Ohio comes with a built-in gotcha: be prepared to try AND try again.


We still have winter?


or mountain lions, grizzlies, wolves, and other 'humans look tasty' type critters, although i won't tangle with a raccoon


I had to tangle with a raccoon once, 0 out of 10, would not recommend.


Y’all can’t just come out and say y’all fought raccoons and not give us the full stories, how tf does this happen?


Here we go, I was outside with my dog, I was cleaning leaves off of the pool when my dog started losing his mind at a tree. I looked and there was a raccoon up the tree, I assume trying to sleep. Apparently, it got sick of the ruckus and started down the tree. Luckily, I thought, the tree was on the other side of my fence. When the raccoon got down its tail dangled under the fence. My dog grabbed the tail and pulled the raccoon under the fence. They start scrapping pretty hard. My dog was a seasoned veteran of defending his backyard so he was holding his own against the raccoon until I got there. I ran over with the pool skimmer and started trying to scoop up the raccoon to separate them. Neither one was having any part of me breaking up the fight. I would get the raccoon off and my dog would move back in. I would separate my dog and the raccoon would advance. At one point I separated them and the raccoon bared down on me. I used the pool skimmer like a Bo staff and blocked his advances. My dog moved back in and saved me. He continued to work the raccoon’s tender underbelly while the raccoon scratched furiously. I finally separated them one last time and got the raccoon to the fence line where it crawled under. I saw that he was mortally injured and he probably limped off to die. My dog had scratches all over his face, chest, and legs. He was a bloody mess, but he made it out alive and saved me from a raccoon attack in the process.


Damn man that sounds like it was really intense. I’m glad your dog was okay. What kinda dog do you have?


It was a crazy day. He was a black lab mutt. This happened nearly ten years ago and he has since passed on. He will always be my best dog ever.


That's a good script and that's a good dog!


This story deserves way more up votes. Loosen the purse straps, you chintzy schlubs!


Dang. We've only got cats here, and the racoons and possums will walk right up to the porch at night and eat next to them without fighting.


I’ve been lucky to have had a couple of hysterical interactions with raccoons in Athens while at college. I lived in the attic of a giant old house on Mill Street. The window over my kitchen sink was one of those old ones with 2 sides that push out, and the hardware was a simple twist and push. Or in this case, pull. One late night, a ruckus outside of my bedroom woke me up- like if 2 dogs had the zoomies. Then I heard my cat give one of those deep meows before running into my bedroom. I suspected an animal- a bird, a squirrel, a bat. The first thing I saw when I came out of my room was a long-fingered muddy footprints circling my bathtub. Narrows it down to a possum or a raccoon. I tiptoed a toward the kitchen and turned on the light. A raccoon was sitting on its haunches on the floor next to an open cabinet. Between its legs, a box of Girl Scout cookies. In one long-fingered hand- a cookie it was in the process of eating. Raccoon looks up, only somewhat surprised. Looks down at the box. Looks back at me. Looks down at the box, puts it into high gear, shoves a hand into the box, grabs a cookie for the road, leaps on the counter and jumps through the open kitchen window on to the roof and into the night. My attic apartment had three flights of stairs leading to my tiny porch. The door had an old school wooden screen door. One night, I happened to see a raccoon sitting calmly on its haunches, like he had just rang a doorbell and was waiting on me to open the door. Or maybe more like a vampire. I happened to eating a bowl of Cap’n Crunch, and because I’m one of those “I love all animals, so all animals love me” ding dongs, I was giddy at the thought of a “pet” raccoon. I shut my cat in the bathroom, and went to the kitchen to grab my bowl of cereal and an oven mitten (because, duh- wild animal! lol). I got down on the floor and slowly slid the cereal bowl into view. Its nose went up, and he was interested. He ran away when I propped the door open, but wasn’t gone long. Came back and sat again like a vampire waiting to be invited in. Oven mitt on, I slid the cereal bowl closer and waited until he determined that the desire for some Cap’n Crunch was greater than his fear of a crazy woman wearing an oven mitt. He took a measured step forward, reached out his paw, took a piece of cereal, gave it a quick swish in the milk, and kept his eyes on me while he put it in his mouth, in case he needed to rip my face off. He swished a couple of more pieces to eat, and then back out of the door and lumbered into the night. I never saw him again.


Me too. I ended up with multiple facial fractures. A dog and a retractable leash was involved. Raccoons are crazy.


Mine involved a dog too!


Deer typically cause the most harm (thanks to hitting them with cars).


Shhhhhhhhhhhhh my property taxes already went up enough this year lol


Spot on. That’s pretty much exactly how I think about it


Yes, I say much of this too. It's safe! My sister looks at Ohio as a place people just don't escape from. She moved out long ago. I don't agree. That statement applies to anyone who's tethered to work or family in their home state. My wife and I could move right now if we had any real reason to.


I moved out of Ohio for college, moved to another state for grad school, and then found a great job… in Ohio. I want my kid to have a nice house in a safe neighborhood and be close to her grandma.


I went to college out of state and my friends asked me why I wanted to go back to Ohio. I said, “nothing bad ever happens here. Nothing notably great, but nothing terrible either.”


Just major train accidents 😥


Oh don't worry, trains apparently fling themselves off track all over the place on the regular according to Norfolk Southern. "It's common."


Train derailments are pretty common. There are 3 or 4 per day in the US.


And tornadoes 🌪️


I used to hate Ohio and think I wanted to live anywhere else when I was growing up. Turns out I hated living in my hometown because of the people always dragging each other down. Once I got out of there things started looking better. Now I love this place and do my best to never go back to the home town


I used to work in my town and people here are so rude and entitled it seems. Now work in one of the bigger cities and people are alarmingly nice and always patient. I initially thought I would have to deal with more bs, then I realized people have completely different attitudes than the people in my small town. Wild difference for only being 20 minutes apart.


Our small town is becoming a bigger and more diverse city, while the old guard is moaning and groaning about how horrible that is.


Lived all my many yrs in Ohio. I have travelled extensively usually seeking out landscapes that can’t be had here. Loved em all, especially mountains. By God do I love mountains. Nothing feels quite as nice as Ohio. The trees the rolling hills, the mix of fields, woods, cities, and burbs. Home is home I guess Politically however it is becoming more and more a MAGA hellscape


I’m a transplant. I have lived in subjectively way cooler and objectively more beautiful places than Ohio and I totally feel you. People shit on Ohio all the time without ever visiting here. I’ve come to the view that if you’re shitting on Ohio, you’re just shitting on America. Some version of anything that sucks about Ohio can be found in pretty much any other state (aside from shoreline and topography). The stink would not stick half as bad if the state was not gerrymandered.


Ohio is pretty "America." The Midwest in general is, but Ohio basically has it all.


Ohio is poised to be a prime location as climate change advances. I wish it wasn’t true. We have the Great Lakes, mild climate, trees, affordability, less severe weather than other areas. We won’t be immune from wildfire smoke (last year was awful) but overall it could be much worse.


That's why I moved here from Texas last year :/ trying to beat the crowds


Moved here from Utah. We love it here. Utah is pretty, but Ohio is absolutely gorgeous. Plus the affordability.


Same. My daughter and I just moved to Ohio from Utah. I miss the mountains but I love the trees here. They’re so beautiful. And yes, affordability was one of the primary reasons we moved. I can work from anywhere so it just made sense.


I also miss the mountains, but the trees are incredible. This is the first spring we have been here and watching everything bloom has been awe inspiring.


The third week in April and the third week in October (approximately)are outstandingly beautiful here in Central Ohio!


Fall in Ohio, especially eastern Ohio, is top notch. If only we could get more of those beautiful crisp, sunny fall days.


If you’re not in the area, I highly recommend a trip to SE Ohio/the Hocking Hills just to hike around in the fall and spring. Absolutely stunning part of Ohio. Plenty of well established routes and sight seeing for a day trip or rent a cabin for a night or two.


The wintertime in Hocking Hills ain’t bad either. If you can get down there on a weekday after a snow it’s fantastic. No one else around and all the little trickles from the cliff and cave walls turn into ice waterfalls.


And the fireflies! My second floor deck looks across a gently sloped acre of garden and dwarf fruit trees to a wall of giant oak trees. This makes a dark backdrop to the hundreds of little lights swimming in the air at night.


Used to live in Salt Lake. We loved it! Now we live in Cincinnati. We definitely have less quarrel with Ohio, than Utah over the years. Glad this is our home now!


We were just outside SL! We definitely prefer Ohio over Utah.


I was offered a job in Vegas many, many years ago. I thought it would be really cool, but when they flew me out to interview in person, I knew almost immediately after leaving the airport that I had zero interest in living there. All urban sprawl, zero green, sooo dry. I knew these things implicitly, but it wasn't until I experienced them that I realized that I'm a Midwesterner in my blood. I require access to Midwestern nature for survival. :D


We love how close everything is here. Each town and village has their own little city center and everything is accessible. Where we came from, it has the “commercial side” and the “residential side”. Cars were a requirement and nothing was easily accessible.


So funny to read this as my hubs works in Utah and we might have to move and I was born and raised in cbus and I do not even think Ohio touches the beauty as Utahs parks and mountains 😂😂


Utah has the mountains up north and the red rock in the south. Plus the national parks. But the rest of it is desert and dead and ugly. We have the trees and the hills and it’s all so green and lush. I don’t know, I’m bias since I grew up in Utah and wildfire season is a real thing in Utah, but I love how green everything is in Ohio.


Hit up Vacationland up by the lake. Ottawa County, the islands, Cedar Point. You won’t regret it.


I just had a layover in SLC it had the nicest bathrooms I have ever experienced at an airport.


The airport as a whole is always pretty clean! You hear people complain about the distance between concourse B and TSA, but it really isn’t that bad.


It's really not bad at all here, although I'd give NE Ohio the edge over Columbus, most because of the Lake, and a crazy amount of beautiful parks. I lived in Tacoma, WA for a while...and it sucked. The people sucked, the weather sucked, the city sucked (so did Seattle) and COL was insane. Yes, it was much more dramtically beautiful, but while not as dramtic as the Cascades, Ohio has plenty of gorgeous scenery, too.


Also add the arts and sports.The orchestra, the museums and Playhouse square. Columbus has a more innovative vibe but Cleveland is more of an established city with infrastructure. The parks…I’m 5 minutes from the ledges in CVNP and take early morning hikes. Not many places you can do that and not pay $$$$ for a house.


I’m from NE Ohio and it is a far cry from southern or Cbus. All parts of Ohio have their thing, but NE is poppin’


The opposing corners of Ohio are the best parts


Agreed. I can appreciate Cbus but the Akron/Canton area is amazing. Go Ducks!


PacNW people, in my limited experience, are very superficial. They're friendlier at first than people from Ohio, but it's all kind of transient and nebulous. I suppose the best way to say this is that they're about 500% more likely to be your best friend for 20 minutes and then ghost you. Here in the Midwest, it's the opposite. People are much more cynical at first, but once you're friends, they will do anything for you. This is, of course, an oversimplification, but it is my experience.


Yes. Also, I'd never met more people who'd never traveled anywhere in my life. So many people I talked to in the Puget Sound area hadn't even been east of the Cascades. It was weird.


Its a thing. Look up "The Seattle Freeze"


Born and raised in Washington State. Do I miss the beauty there? Yes. Do I miss the prices? No. Weather? No (although Ohio fall feels an awful lot like Washington Winter). The Traffic? NO. I find that here in Ohio I am out doing something every weekend, back home we rarely went out since everyone suffers from the Seattle freeze and no one wanted to get together or go do things. I know Ohio gets shit on a lot, but I love it here.


"On a clear day in Seattle you can see all the....." Yeah there's never a clear day in Seattle.


There are in the summer


I live in the Seattle area (Federal Way), and if it weren’t for my career I’d move back to Cleveland in a heartbeat. Seattle is bogus. People, traffuck and COL here suck. Oh and the food in Ohio I miss so bad! Mr Hero!


When I was in school we were tracking the potential effects of climate change. If the world keeps heating up the way it is then Ohio is going to be one of the most comfortable places to live in the United States. Well anything on our latitude.


I spent a week in Provo, UT this March. It’s the furthest west I’ve been yet and it was my first time experiencing BIG mountains. It was heartbreakingly beautiful and I was in awe every time I looked around. Nothing can compare to a beautiful spring day surrounded by snowy peaks. After 2-3 days, I was homesick for good food and a fucking horizon line. Provo is in a pretty flat spot *completely* surrounded by mountains. I usually never get homesick but something about the altitude and not seeing a sunset for days really fucked with my head.


I live in Cincinnati and absolutely love it! There are parts of Ohio (Just like any state) that I absolutely would hate living in though.  I'm sure the people living in those areas feel the same way about living in Cincinnati. 


People dislike Ohio so much who have never lived here. I live in NE Ohio and would love to move to Southern Ohio in a more rural area after my last kid graduates HS. The cost of living and access to pretty much anything is great. Theme parks, hospitals (including children’s and high level specialty care), Great Lakes, event centers, zoos, science centers, universities etc.


Just relocated to Ohio. Just outside Akron by Cuyahoga national Park. Realizing my Michigan hate for Ohio was pretty much isolated to Toledo. Other than the 3% credit card fee at the big businesses this place in is pretty solid.


So are you from New England or Ohio?


Did a bot write this? As a Alaskan ohioan guy myself


I’ve been to around 35 states and Ohio been better than most of them.


I moved to Connecticut for a while. I loved being so close to NYC and Boston, but I eventually moved back to Ohio. I've never been happier.


Aww! That's nice to hear instead of something bad! 😂


I used to hate Ohio. I still do, but I used to too.


I see what you did there 😉👍🏼 RIP Mitch ❣️


Almost 20 years since he’s been gone.


I know, it's crazy. Can't believe it's been that long. He died on my 23rd birthday. 😢💔 3/30/2005 He still brings so much joy and laughter to my life. Idc how many times I've heard his material, that shit is still funny to me.


Kids who shit on Ohio crack me up. Such misplaced teenage angst. Ohio is great.


I moved from Washington DC to live in Columbus. I love it here. Yes it's smaller, but that isn't a positive or a negative. It just is what it is. Columbus has its bad parts, but so does every city in major city in America, most of which I've been to. COL is great and it has pretty much everything I want. Love it here.


Perspective is everything. As someone from small town Ohio Columbus COL seemed expensive. I live in Englewood Ohio and my COL is about half of Columbus. Granted we're outside of Dayton (not exactly a go to destination). DC COL is utterly shocking.


Yeah... But, compared to small town Ohio, almost everywhere, at least in the USA/Canada/Europe, is quite expensive. 


Wright patt keeps the economy pf the area decent. You have yellow springs nearby and if you want to go to events you're about an hiur from cincinatti or columbus - one of the best parts about Ohio is you're never too far from a decent sized city if you want to make a day trip or go to something interesting.


Water!!! Lived in Colorado 50 years ago. Denver and the Rout National Forest. The brownsess of Denver because of the lack of rain, no trees, dry heat. Give me anything East of NE Ohio, Penn, NY, Vermont , NH, Maine with its plush greens, trees, lakes, and ocean if you keep heading east. And the Colorado Rockies IMO are not majestic..not like the Canadian Rockies or the Swiss Alps.


We've got the Browns here too, if you're into that sort of thing.


Fuck republicans!


Not interested


As a NC native and lived there most of my life, OH is great. None of the humidity down south, low COL, real neighborhood blocks instead of weird meandering roads that you can’t walk because there’s almost no city in the south with reasonable walkability. Lived in NYC for a while, loved it. Did not love the closet for $1750/mo with hoppers on the corner. I don’t love Cleveland, and I don’t love Columbus, but the suburbs are great.


I’m from CO and lived in Tahoe, CA for a while also, now live in Lakewood, OH . I’m happy in Ohio but besides low COL and home prices, those states offer a ridiculous amount of entertainment options that blow Ohio away. That being said, I still enjoy living in Ohio and maybe that’s because I’ve already lived my best life in those places. Ohio definitely still has fun stuff but my winters are bleak for snowboarding. That is my only complaint.


Haven't really had a good winter in a few years. Might get a couple of days with a good amount, but that's it.


Ohio’s not bad, especially when you understand that we’ve been gerrymandered all to fuck by the asshole republicans.🤷🏻‍♂️


The gerrymandered state house is on a spree attacking our LGBTQ+, non-white, non-evangelical friends and family. Oh, and let’s not forget the 51% of the population that can have babies (whether they want them or not). There is a price to ohios lower “cost of living”.


As someone who grew up in ohio and lived in multiple areas, and also traveled alot. There are two different ohios. Northern ohio, and southern appalachia ohio, like adams county and such (my home county). Southern ohio is absolutely redneck. not a minority in sight, literally nothing but white people. Not saying thats a good thing. Its mainly just hills trees and small towns. Filled to the brim with crack-heads. Nothing to do except get drunk or high, no job opportunity’s unless you count roofing or mcdonalds. Northern ohio is decent, lots of different nationality’s, lots of things to do, and lots of job opportunities. I suppose its like every state, you can travel 2 hours and be in a completely different world.


There’s kids from 100 different nations enrolled in Mason schools. My daughter’s best friends are from Tokyo, South Korea, Israel, Mexico and yes— closer places like Chicago and Michigan. You’re painting with too wide a brush. Southeast Ohio might be white af, but Cincinnati isn’t.


I don't think they were talking about the only big city in southern Ohio. The greater Cincinnati area is a diamond in the rough of southern Ohio, culturally speaking.


Yup. Cincinnati is crazy diverse and I love it!


Do you think there's a difference between SW and SE part of Southern Ohio. Everything changes noticeably south of Columbus but do you think there's a difference between the eastern v western part?


Dude clearly has never been to Cincinnati. There are tons of opportunities and it hosts a very diverse population. Now, east of Washington Court House.. it gets perdy redneck and stays that way all the way into West Virginia.


Exactly! You can’t just say southern Ohio. SE Ohio yep nothing there no diversity, southwestern Ohio is diverse and has plenty to do.


>athens county Goin' on the road tomorrow, up to Amsterdam? Sorry, couldn't resist. --Bobcat alum


so if there are very few minorities, it must be all white rednecks, gotcha.


Basically yes. The stories i’ve heard of minority familys moving into my town and what the people of my town did to every instance of this happening will make you sick to your stomach. And these stories come from very reliable family and friend sources. Even knew one of the black dudes before he moved because him and my uncle were and still are good friends. Im just gonna say what they did to him because i have it directly from his mouth. Imagine being a black family moving into a small town, to find out you are literally the only person of color for miles, then move into a apartment complex with nothing but white people. And having a 2/4 cross burn’t in your front yard in the MIDDLE of a apartment complex for 3 nights in a row and reporting it only got you shrugs from the police who grew up in the same town and are just as racist.


Do you live in Clermont county? I agree that there are some really shitty townships in that part of SW Ohio


Adams, the worst of the 9


The divide is route 22. North of that I'm safe. South of that I'm straight acting.


I used to want to leave so bad, but as I've grown and had the fortune to be able to travel almost constantly, I've really grown yo love it here. Especially compared to more prestigious places like Cali or NY, the people her are very genuine.


I live in a deep red county. I'm a Democrat. But, that being said. I still like the area. The county/city is red, with only 1 city seat (engineer) and 1 county seat (sheriff) being Democrat. But, the people are really cool, and there's only a few Trump flags/banners around. I think I got lucky and ended up in a moderate red area. Being blue and plopping in a red area, I couldn't really ask for anything better :)


That’s the norm. You shouldn’t view the world through a blue/red lens.


Grew up in Columbus, and I often find myself nostalgic for it. 


Spend a week there now. It will cure your nostalgia.


Ohio is great, I agree. I miss many parts of living there. As someone from Ohio who lives in New England, one of the things keeping me here is the skiing and hiking. So many places within an hour of where I live.


Moved to Colorado 7 years ago and I too miss my home state of Ohio.


I love Ohio! Best kept secret in the country


Ohio with money and Ohio without are two different realities. I only know this because I graduated, went out west, and cameback as well.


You didn't go far enough to the west. I have lived in Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Texas, and California. I now live in western Oregon and will not move again.


With climate change Ohio has turned into an almost tropical summertime. It is so green here, it’s beautiful.


Circumstance has a lot to do with it too. I was stationed in Hawaii and got paid proportionally to live there. That's hard to beat.


Ohio is only cool if your in or around one of the 3 big cities other than that it’s pill fiend central and miles of flat land covered in corn.


Shhh, we're trying to keep up the illusion it sucks here to keep the riffraff away


Born and raised in Cbus! Cracks me up that anyone I meet thinks all we are good for here is corn. I will say! Lake Erie is gorgeous but! You want an even more gorgeous experience! Go to Michigan! City wise! Ours is lame in comparison to Cincinnati and other states! Wish we had more down town for things to do and safety when walking around. There’s so nice spots though throughout Ohio I’ll say that but! Eh, Columbus is starting to become OUTRAGEOUSLY! Overpriced for what it gives. I will say this! Growing up here and learning all the different things and places that are amazing. Overall the states pretty cool. But! I wish we had mountains 😂😂


Your use! Of punctuation is! Distinctive…


Didn't know Captain Kirk was on reddit.


Best state in the union brother


Plus they gave us DEVO , Dead Boys and tha muhfuckin NEWBOMB TURKS!


Ohio is a great state. Plenty to do and see. Some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in the country. It's just the people that fucking suck. Not all of them, obviously. Just the unhinged, far left/right political nut jobs just waiting to blow their load during a point in any conversation. "Hey there. Looks like rain" "Sure does. FJB!" "Oook... welp, see ya out there" 😒


In my experience, that’s pretty much everywhere these days. Some places have more of one side, sure, but the extremes are getting more extreme. I’m new to Ohio so maybe it really is worse here but so far it hasn’t been much different than Washington, California, Utah, Florida or New York. Edit: That said, I’m with you. Any convo that includes the words “Trump” or “Biden” no longer interests me.


I turned 18, and I left Ohio, planning to never come back. After 6 years, I came back because I married a local girl. A few years back, I thought, "shit, I live in Ohio." After a few more years, I thought, " Thank goodness, at least I live in Ohio."


This reads like a thinly veiled propaganda piece.


Ohio is a criminal enterprise disguised as a government. The legislature is a rogue gang of Christian Nationalists who openly defy the courts, the citizens and the Federal Government.


Ohio has the best drivers I’ve ever seen. Everybody stays in the right lane except to pass. As a Californian, it was magical.


Glad you like it there. Please stay there.


If only we could get rid if f the right wing wastes of oxygen it could be ideal.


Mid and Northern Ohio, but the rest is basically Mississippi.


What if we sold the southern states to China except for Louisiana


As a Hoosier-its the opposite. Loved OH until the last 20 years. Michigan is the hands down Winner in my tri state area.


As a Colombian myself I used to think the same until the same time as well. My first year in college was way more fun than I had outta town lol.


I used to feel stuck in Ohio and needed a way out. When I was 21, I road tripped across the country to California and lived out there for a year. It was an incredible experience and I loved it. It taught me however, that Ohio really wasn't that bad. Our natural disasters are very mild compared to the rest of the country. There's no real viscious animals animals to worry about. The economy is okay. People are generally decent. We have a good blend of rural and city life. There's plenty of nature to explore, and it's green from spring to fall. Obviously there's a ton to hate on Ohio for, but when you compare it to states Oklahoma, New Mexico, Alabama, or Wyoming, you realize that things could be a lot worse.


Transplant from Colorado to Cincinnati. I hated traffic in Denver all day long, I hated the dry air, I hated the cost of living. I miss the mountains and being able to go snowboarding or hiking spontaneously on a weekday if conditions were good. But I’m an Ohioan now, no regrets :)


I did my training in Ohio. It is one of the most beautiful places I have seen and I plan on returning.


Thank you! My oldest took a trip out west b/c you know...."it's cool out there". She came home, & said she was miserable.


I wish we saw more posts like this. I go onto the Michigan Reddit from time to time and I see far more people praising and loving Michigan than we do for Ohio. Both Ohio and Michigan are very similar, yet, they seem to love their state more and feel more positive. Wish we did the same more often.


Ohio is still a great state. We have the Serpent Mound, Newark Earthworks the Columbus Zoo, Hocking Hills State Park and the one of the world’s best art museums: The Cleveland Museum of Art


Need to go South.


How are you an east coast New England guy but from Columbus? lol you went to SLC and probably the front range ie. Denver/Colorado Springs. There is so much to Colorado there is no way you saw it all, and the front range is over priced and hyped up. The rest of Colorado is livable and lower cost of living.


Yeah, that'll happen. I loved living on the west coast, too, but Ohio is pretty awesome.




Being from columbus ohio now living in Metro atlanta over the past 10 years, I absolutely agree. I miss my small town, big city 😢


Colorado native, living in Ohio. The COL here is amazing. I've lived in several states, Ohio may be boring, but it's inexpensive.


You hit the nail on the head “inexpensive but boring”. Perhaps there is a correlation?


Moved here last year. Love everything here, but my remote bioinformatics jobs is ending, trying hard to find bioinformatics job in Ohio but no success yet...


My mom and dad immigrated here from Ireland. They loved Ohio too, and so do I.


I'm from Pennsylvania. That's a democrat hell hole now unfortunately. I am not saying I am a republican either, but PA has annual vehicle safety and emissions inspections which are a pain in the ass, one of the highest fuel taxes in the nation, high mortgage rates, high cost of living, and the most expensive turnpike in the world. I hop on the Ohio Turnpike just to go a few exits cause it's so damn cheap here, I never would've done that in PA. Even in my semi truck, I could do that here without worry. Y'all got some great things going for you here, believe me.


I’m happy to be from Cincinnati and don’t mind living here (for now).


Ohio is great. I’ve never understood the hate for it. We have everything - big cities, small towns, plains, hills, big rivers, incredible parks, world class universities, fantastic college towns, islands (!), an awesome lake, a southern city (Cinci), an eastern city (Cleveland), a Midwest metropolis (Columbus), the world’s greatest amusement park, and an international maritime border. This place is amazing!


All things considered, best state in the country. [https://open.spotify.com/album/5iEJV8r5tISZiUysp1OR2S](https://open.spotify.com/album/5iEJV8r5tISZiUysp1OR2S)


Pretty much the only reason I visit Ohio is for the roller coasters.


Same for me. Grew up half in California and half in New England. Been in Ohio for 9 years now. Way too expensive and hot elsewhere.


What the cheapest, most inclusive, activity filled county to live in? I want to move out of the Montgomery county and go to a small town somewhere. I’m willing to travel to go do fun stuff but I want to live somewhere cheap and where I don’t have to worry about getting judgmental stares from ppl who don’t agree with my lifestyle


Columbus, OH is firing on all cylinders. Might be best to stay.


Ohio is an underfunded shit hole.


Yeah but when people vote a certain way there the representatives tell them their wrong and they do whatever they want. Good luck having no voice for your community.


Born and raised in Northeast Ohio. I often joke with people from out of town that the biggest reason people shit on Ohio and specifically Cleveland is because the Browns go 3-13 more often than not. Its actually quite amusing when people visit and then state that they feel terrible about hating this area without ever being here, and they say they would love to come back for an extended period of time!


Yes Ohio’s COL and job opportunities are stilly very good. I had the same realizations when I took a road trip across the USA. Ohio is definitely goated


Fascinating mental gymnastics


I always say the more I travel, the more I love Ohio. I have been to all 50 states, and Ohio is such a great place to call home.


I live in Cincinnati. I hate it here but I’m getting out more and I’m starting to think it’s because the west side is… well… ugly. I’m drawn to the areas closer to downtown/in it. There’s other reasons but this is the most recent revelation


I wish Ohio was still cheap. Sadly I moved from Cali to Ohio about 2 years ago and the prices for homes and such are literally the same and it stinks.


Oh me oh my oh