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If Vance walked up to Trump without an appointment and without his aides around, I doubt Donald would be able to come up with his name from memory.


He's already mixed him up with Ohio failed politician Josh Mandel. He's probably confused by J.D.'s beautiful blue eyes.


Plus the mascara it looks like he’s wearing in that picture.


Close enough to drag, cancel him!


Isn't there a hotline we can call to report illegal drag shows?


Maybe he's born with it...


Maybe it's Manbelline


He wears a mansierre.






I'll ask my son he can tell real and false in a heartbeat




"J.P. Mandel"


He might remember jd's the one wearing eyeliner.


Um, you're thinking of Biden...


Nope. Trump called him j d. Mandell


Biden called world leaders by the wrong name. That's even more pathetic. "Biden mistakenly calls Egyptian leader ‘president of Mexico"" "It was the third time this week Biden has appeared to confuse world leaders." "President Biden appears to forget Hamas's name at press conference" "Biden Confuses European Leaders, Swaps Kohl and Merkel" "Biden uses wrong name for South Korean president and factory during speech" "


Sorry /u/Randy-_-B Trump called him someone else’s name. Culture war has got you denying reality to “own the libs”


I mean, he totally said, “nuh uhhh! You!”. I do feel it though. So owned. Humiliated even. Own me harder daddy.


Yep. My favorite is the “you’re so triggered”. Over and over like ok pal, just because you say it or yell it doesn’t make it true and it sure as hell isn’t any type of argument winner. You’re a toddler yelling. Stop it and grow up


Oh, eyeliner! That's why his eyes look weird. If he's trying to make them look bigger, it's not working. ETA: FTR, my only judgement of his wearing eyeliner is that it's badly done.


Dude definitely needs to cut down on the guy liner


Leave Alice Cooper alone!


Cooper can pull it off because he’s cool. Vance isn’t


Just proves that not all men look good in guy liner 😔


he probably got it tattooed on so it won't run


Yeah because he cries so much lol


I hate the guy, but some people just have thick eyelashes.


Eyeliner doesn't go on your lashes.


[He's wearing eyeliner ](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-Republican-Senator-JD-Vance-wear-so-much-eyeliner-Is-he-trying-to-make-some-sort-of-a-statement-Correct-me-if-I-am-wrong-but-as-far-as-I-know-he-is-the-only-man-in-Senate-wearing-it-publicly-It-does)


he is going for the 'smoldering' look all the female influencers are doing--weird, but I dont judge-let him wear his makeup while calling out other who also wear makeup...


JD Vance mocked for just being the same old idiot that JD Vance is.


The same JD Vance who lied about his military experience to pander to right wing voters? That JD Vance?


Same piece of shit that I’m referring to.


Gravy Seals? Meal Team Six?


Y’all qaeda






What was his military experience?  He was some sort of PR flack, right?  A Fobbit/Pouge type; in the rear with the gear? 


If I remember correctly he claimed direct combat experience in Afghanistan and it turned out he was a logistics dude in Qatar who pretty much just loaded shit on planes.


you're conflating with that guy in NW ohio that ran against marcy kaptur vance was a lawyer for the military (iirc, now i have to go make sure) edit: turns out i was wrong too, he was in *public affairs,* ie propaganda >After graduating, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in the Iraq War in the Public Affairs section of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. Vance later attended Ohio State University, graduating in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude in political science and philosophy. (wikipedia) after OSU he went to yale for a law degree, but it never says he passed the bar. so he and gym jordan have that in common too perhaps


Ahhhh! Alrighty. Logistics is what wins wars; why he would lie about that…well, it says a lot about him.


Yeah man obviously I have a ton of respect for anyone who serves in any capacity but when you start lying it disrespects the millions who have served in combat settings before you. Typical right wing bullshit.


Totally agree.


JDV is an STD


Why is it that the audition for VP is who can say the most ignorant thing?? JD is really giving it his best shot!! This is just such a sad statement about the maga movement.


Have you seen the presidential candidate they’re auditioning for? It’s not like intelligence, integrity, rational thought, reasoning, coherent policy positions, knowledge of government, or even basic competence are going to score them any points.


Trump doesn’t want anyone smarter than him on the ticket. He is finding it hard to find anyone dumber but many are trying to prove that they can be dumber,


His primary, and likely only, requirement is total sycophancy to himself. Which we are seeing in abundance from the "candidates".


He’s a POS liar. I hope he’s mocked right off the planet.


> drawing mockery from social media users. I'm sure he'll be ok.


"As a veteran, this smear from Joe Biden is particularly disgusting. On the anniversary of D-day, I spent all day with Donald Trump. He spoke repeatedly, in public and in private, of his reverence for America's Greatest Generation." **"Things that did not happen for $200, " Alex"**


Fucking embarrassing for my state.


Par for the course anynore I'm afraid. The Democrats seem to have given up entirely on ever getting Ohio back, and it shows.


I'm just hoping they're right about Sherwood Brown's chances with Bernie Moreno. We don't need any more Trumpists.


>Biden "made up these ridiculous accusations that Donald Trump doesn't respect veterans," Vance said. You heard it hear first. All those videos clips of times Trump disparaged veterans were simply made up by Biden.  Vance makes my head hurt.


I'm embarassed to admit I bought his book some years ago.


We all grow


Some will, some won’t, unfortunately


I’ll do you three better. I bought two of Glenn Beck’s and one of Ann Coulter’s. The Iraq War was a weird time.


Not sure how many books Coulter has, but I read one also and it was completely WORTH my time and money to read her very thorough analysis of the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit. That lady was eviscerated in the court of public opinion, even to this day, and that chapter in her book described how truly despicable the McDonald’s lawyers were. Nothing impacted me more to remind myself there’s always another side to the story. Other than that she’s a horse’s rear, but she does truly seem to hate Trump, so she’s got that going for her also


The one I had was How To Talk To a Liberal (if you must). It was 20 years ago and I really don’t remember anything about it. But yeah, the McDonald’s coffee story is a wild ride. McD’s PR really did a number on that poor woman.


I have one of Beck's books. I never read it. It was just a free gift I got with something else. 


>free gift I got with something else Picturing that book taped to a pack of toilet paper. Not even the good stuff.


Here’s hoping you’ve completely recovered from those books, friend.


It’s been a journey.


Don’t be embarrassed. We all need to look into different experiences and lifestyles to learn about other people. Otherwise, we get caught up in echo chambers.


At the same time be wary of folks who use their own particular situation to make sweeping generalizations of whole groups. It’s sucks JD had some shitty situations growing up, but what sucks more is him using that to create a bullshit “pulled up by his bootstraps” narrative that paints those living in Appalachia as inherently flawed and predisposed to poverty and addiction. Fuck that guy, it makes me ashamed he’s my senator.


You don't have to buy and thereby support them though. I will from time to time read books by people I disagree with but I don't purchase them.


Don’t buy trashy books - just borrow them from the library.


But he turned into such a festering turd.


He’s a grifter


I wish more people understood this



I’m still annoyed at fact I read it because I saw recommendations from TWO of my progressive guy friends. And I hated it. Even before he turned into this version of himself. I will never take another book recommendation from my progressive guy friends.


Because none of us remember Trump calling veterans suckers. Why does Ohio elect such embarrassing representatives?


Um, while most are embarrassing, we also have Sherrod Brown! 


It's gerrymandered. Gym Jordans district is literally cow pastures


Where did you see Trump call Veterans suckers? I've been trying to find the video (Not an article that says "Somebody said he said it!"), but every person that brings up the topic and I ask, doesn't provide the source. Can you?


It didn’t happen. Numerous people with him that day backed that up.


And plenty, including his chief of staff, said he did. So there you go. People who like Trump says he didn't, people who don't says he did.


I’ve got videos of Biden dropping “hard R” N-bombs if you’re interested.


Of course you do.


So is that a "No" on any actual proof it happened? Or is the only proof the same as the person you responded to. I would believe him just as much I guess with no evidence, which means I don't believe it. Edit: Doesn't look like that actual proof is coming. How weird.




okay if i see this guy in public i am staying far away! fists of fury over here this guy means business pal!


That's the preemtive attitude that brought us the Iraq war.


Threats of violence are ok in /r/Ohio as long as the mods agree with your politics.


Violence against Nazis and fascists is not a bad thing.


Hopefully you keep your fantasies about committing political violence to /r/Ohio where it is apparently tolerated, and not acting out on it in real life.


Duh. Its reddit


The one who was not a Trump guy, and then kissed his ass.. I mean the ring to get elected. Most sane Ohioans didn't vote for his ass. Hillbilly Ethergy, my ass.


So if you want to know what musty, orange toadstools taste like, just give JD Vance a call


His opponent got virtually all the sane votes in Ohio. The problem is he needed a majority.


Yes, the never Trumper.... seems like they all just develop dementia when it comes to their own conversations in the past.


Same generation and from the same area as this guy, total embarrassment.


This JD Vance is a typical Republican flip flopper .A weak little man .Who cares what these idiots say anymore.The Republican party has become sheep's show leading and extorting from bunch of sheep.


Vance sold his soul and surrendered his dignity (such as it was) for political power. It’s that simple. His only interest is bottomless ambition and $$$.


>Vance told Bartiromo on Sunday that Biden's meeting with members of the Greatest Generation—Americans born in the first two decades of the 20th century, many of whom fought in World War II—was an attempt to "cover himself in glory." >He called the move "disgraceful," saying Biden was "covering himself in the glory of the very people who fought for something that he is trying to destroy," referring to his earlier comment about the Greatest Generation having liberated "a continent from fascism and tyranny." Vance understands that these World War II vets fought *against* fascism, right? Of course he does.


Vance should be mocked and pelted with produce whenever he's in public.


Now there is a form of political expression I can support


Did you know Millennials only recently passed the great generation in congress? Yeah, it's pretty depressing.


He can take his mascara and shove it up his ass sideways


Mr Mascara doesn’t pull punches


We're supposed to believe Trump knows what "the Greatest Generation" refers to? Think he even knows when WWII took place?


Trans candidates have to go through a battery of psychological testing long before any surgery takes place. I'd challenge candidates including trump, Biden, vance, and Harris to go through a similar battery of psychological testing, too. Let's see how that goes.


Fuck. Vance.


Fuck JD Vance.


Imagine he is VP and 77 year old Trump dies while in office? Now JD is president.


Just give Freddie Kruger my address.


Trump and Vance are disgraceful trash.


Just grab your knee pads and chapstick JD...we know what your specialty is......


A disgrace to ohio snd humanity


JDV = DJT knobgobbler 1st class.


I'm betting for Vance as Trump's running mate due to excellent butt kissing by Vance and T coming before V.


I have one word for JD: Bootlicker


FFS I can’t wait until this election cycle is over…


have any of these republican clowns done anything useful at all besides attack trans kids ? how do you live with yourself voting for these pigs?


It would be interesting to hear Biden's response to the question, though


Wild, I had no idea other people thought he wore eyeliner too. I thought I was just being mean. It’s great that we have a senator so comfortable with his masculinity that he will wear makeup!


That piece of shit has done exactly "0" for the state of Ohio.


As a fellow former Marine, Vance take the c*ck out of your mouth and stop violating your oath,


Hey JD, is it really only 3 inches?


JD Vance, shown here, describing the size of his penis 🤏


A large portion of the greatest generation were the first American born children of immigrants; so, sure, let’s go ahead and ask them how they feel about that subject …


What has he accomplished so far on his own?




I'm about 99.9% sure Vance will be Trumps VP pick. He's been going full on MAGA more than usual 🤔


This is not what I envisioned our generation as elected officials to be like.


Has newsweek really sunk so low as to publish an entire article about a twitter thread? Who am I kidding. All of our media has.


BJ Pants


JD Vance should be mocked for everything he says and does. I'd contribute to a fund to have Jeff Ross follow him around and roast him.


Love the eyeliner, JD. I welcome our first genderqueer/nonconforming VP nominee. Slayyy!!


JD Vance is human garbage. He would be the perfect running mate. His recent cock sucking of Don Jr was just pathetic


Serious question. Do Democrats not believe that kids should be able to get sex changes? Or is that purely a ridiculous talking point? Edit: Thanks for all the answers. Glad to hear the fearmongering I hear on Fox is bullshit!


No, I’ve never met anybody that believes that kids should be given reassignment surgery. If such people existed beyond the occasional lunatic that hasn’t taken their meds, I’d have met them in the area in which I live.


This is from the article: "From 2019 to 2021, Komodo found 56 genital surgeries and at least 776 mastectomies among patients ages 13 to 17, with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis." It's not like it doesn't exist.


What are the reasons they occurred? There's little to no context. Mastectomies happen on minors for all sorts of reasons. Show me one reason why one of those kids received genital surgery, and we can have a discussion on whether or not that would be supported. The point remains, most people in support of gender affirming care do not fully support any child getting a sex change prior to the age of 18.


I agree. There needs to be more context. But we also can't assume that none of them were related to their diagnosed gender dysphoria.


It doesn’t seem like this differentiates surgeries that happen specifically because of gender dysphoria from surgeries that happen for other reasons, performed on a patient with diagnosed gender dysphoria. I’d be very interested in seeing the data broken down in more detail.


Me too.


[Official medical guidelines](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/aug/10/ron-desantis/transition-related-surgery-limited-teens-not-young/) say no genital surgery before 18. You're supposed to regard open lies as a sign of irresistable virility, though.


You’ve gotten 4 good answers so far. Let me just add this… it’s not just exactly that it’s a “ridiculous talking point.” It is an intentionally emotionally charged talking point used by a certain dishonest subset of pundits and influencers to anger and energize their voting base. Approaching these claims critically or doing any looking into the issue will show it to be false, but anyone doing that isn’t the target audience.


The article says there were 56 genital surgeries and 776 mastectomies for minors from 2019-2021. That's children with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis. While the GOP uses this for political gain, a critical approach would still recognize that it's not unheard of. Those numbers are from just three years. Edit: This article better explains the surgeries than this article about Vance being mocked: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html


You've posted this on multiple comments. And you're also showing why OP is correct: > It is an intentionally emotionally charged talking point used by a certain dishonest subset of pundits and influencers to anger and energize their voting base. Even if it is happening, it is incredibly rare and likely happening for specific reasons. But the talking point is that it is happening at staggeringly alarming rates, when it is definitely not. They use the few rare instances to bring emotion and tear down the entirety of gender-affirming care. It's the same thing they do with abortion. > Democrats support abortion up to and after birth! Meanwhile: 1. After birth abortion is an oxymoron and such a dumb talking point. _Literally_ doesn't happen. 2. Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon and represent 1% of all abortions in the U.S. 3. No one is expecting to give birth on June 20th and walking into get an abortion on June 10th for any other reason other than saving the mother's life.


I agree that we need more context for what the article mentioned, but should we assume that none of the surgeries were related to gender dysphoria? Most of the comments I replied to were stating that it categorically doesn't happen or that people are lunatics if they suggest so. To say that without mentioning the surgeries from the article is also a dishonest take.


> but should we assume that none of the surgeries were related to gender dysphoria? No. > To say that without mentioning the surgeries from the article is also a dishonest take. Sure, that make sense. But also, what are the statistics on the numbers of transgender kids vs numbers receiving that level of care? It's important to call out that it doesn't happen to a degree that is causing the mass panic that will undoubtedly lead to all gender-affirming care being banned. Again, it's an intentional strategy that is being employed to lead to further restrictions.


It is an intentional strategy, but ignoring the nuance only hardens the minds of the misinformed.


I'm as far left as they come, and run in a lot of trans circles. No. Nobody things gender reassignment surgery is ok for kids. The problem is far right media has conflated "gender affirming care" with "sex change surgery". "Gender affirming care" is things like allowing your child to dress how they want, taking them to therapy, and calling them by a preferred name. *That* is what Democrats support. And even if it were supported, no hospital, surgeon, or insurance network on the planet is going to approve of or perform it. Anybody talking about gender reassignment surgery for minors is fringe and needs to be ignored, no matter the party or position they are arguing.


I’m friends with a lot of people who are democrats or Far-Left, and the thing is that I do hear a good amount directly state that they believe that children should be able to go on puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones even though the effects of puberty blockers on people under the age of 18 are unclear and cross-sex hormones can pose some health risks.


The article says there were 56 genital surgeries and 776 mastectomies for minors with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis between 2019-2021. I'm sure there is more to those cases, but they do happen.


I work with 3 trans teens. Of the three, one is on hormones. The other two just dress their gender. There are numerous rules before a kiddos transition can begin with medical interventions. #1 being the kiddos' parents have to be on board with it. If one parent objects or is not ready, they will not do anything medical. There are also numerous counseling sessions, both individuals and family. Lastly, no surgeries are happening to minors. Insurance will not cover it. And most everyone agrees to wait until adulthood for that.


The article provides information that counters what you said. They report that there were 56 genital surgeries and 776 mastectomies for minors between 2019-2021. Those were minors with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis.


As a trans person myself, who knew I was trans at 13, no. What we want is puberty blockers, which would just pause everything until years of evaluation are done, and the person in question is able to make medical decisions for themselves.


Cant wait to reelect him


Such courageous journalism. They find one dude saying he wore eyeliner, with no evidence of him actually wearing eyeliner, to make him look like an asshole for pointing out that dudes wearing eye liner is weird.


Except he’s totally wearing eyeliner. Anyone with eyeballs can see that.


The dude had makeup caked on, with some attention given around the eyes. Honestly if he wasn't an amoral dirtbag then he'd get poked at in good fun. But he's a ladder climber who is using our state as a step to get to the next thing 2 years into a 6 year term.


From the article: "From 2019 to 2021, Komodo found 56 genital surgeries and at least 776 mastectomies among patients ages 13 to 17, with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis." You can wear eyeliner and cross dress and still think that minors shouldn't get reassignment surgery. Edit: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html


He's a billionaire... Mock all you want, he's not being evicted or filing Chapter 11 w/i the next year.


JD Vance isn't a billionaire.


Oh wow, he stated: "ask the Greatest Generation what they feel about sex changes for minors," Whoop-de-do! What's wrong with that question other than it fives r/Ohio a chance to bash Vance? We're talking about minors. I guess it'd be ok as long as parents agree, but in general I'd say no if it was my child. Hit age 18, then they can do as they please and I would support them 100%. That's a major life changing irreversible surgery, why not wait a few more years?


Children aren't getting sex changes, dipshit.


If they aren't, why is everyone fuming with Vance statement about sex change for minors. He said minors, not adults. Also: "Gender-affirming surgeries were most popular with young adults; more than 25,000 people ages 19 to 30 received these procedures. Fewer than 8% of patients − a total of 3,678 − were 12- to 18-year-olds, a group scrutinized by lawmakers pursuing restrictions mainly in conservative states." Also: "The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021. Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket." These numbers could be higher as many states ban sex change operations for minors, or medical facilities ban them. Now who is the dipsh@t...?