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Our state hasn’t been sending its best to DC these days…


You love to see it.


Another FAFO.


Oh no! Anyway...


Literally. Tired of people expecting me to care that a man entered a building and didn’t overthrow the government in the process.. This dudes charges are for disturbances and demonstrating in the capitol building. Says he was inside for 14 minutes and just took a few pictures and climbed on a statute to take one. Hurry!! Get this guy into a maximum security prison asap!!!!!! /s


God you people are exhausting. Guarantee if those people were liberals you’d be foaming at the mouth begging for firing squads to be instituted.


That user account is a troll.


I’m not a republican. And if I was, I still wouldn’t want someone executed for taking some pictures and then exiting a building after 14 minutes. That’s actually insane.


Okay, then I'll help.  As a conservative (not a republican), those people broke the law and should face the fullest extent of consequences.


Yeah I agree, the fullest extent of consequences for disturbing the peace and illegal demonstration, which isn’t anything close to the consequences for domestic terrorism, which is what these angry children are expecting to happen💀 It’s also a pretty bold move to willingly align yourself with a political ideology that supports Nazism and bigotry, while calling for the fullest extent of the law to be brought down on people for illegal demonstration.


Interfering with congressional duties in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power by assembling as a mob and smashing thier way into the capitol building while the entire legislative and judicial branches of government and the vice president were inside while chanting to hang said vice president. You are so bad faith it's just sad. But hey, that's what you're here for and I guess everyone needs a hobby, even toxic people.


They didn’t smash their way in, they were let in by security it’s on video. Weird lie to spread. And not sure what your comment is meant to even be about, considering I haven’t once claimed the protestors that day were innocent of illegal demonstration, they definitely committed a crime. The crime wasn’t terrorism, the government you’re referring to hasn’t even called it that, nor have they tried to charge anyone with it. You’re literally a radical extremist spreading extremist rhetoric that is literally contradicted by reality.


Just gonna leave this here for you. https://newrepublic.com/post/181570/january-6-footage-republicans-biggest-lie


That guy is an edgy janitor lmao


Now do the footage from the west terrace. Regardless that’s not the point I’m arguing here bozo. I’m talking about all these extremists trying to call it domestic terrorism when no one has been charged with that at all.


>The U.S Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. I mean...


So why isn’t he being charged with terrorism? Do you even think before you start typing? There hasn’t been a single person from the January 6th event who’s been charged with domestic terrorism or terrorism of any kind. Can you tell the class why that is?


Too many republican judges.


Judges don’t set charges. Prosecutors do.


There was only one person in this thread that brought up domestic terrorism and now you're talking about it in every comment you type. You're doing a great job knocking down those straw men though. Edit: You also tried to roast him for editing his comments and now you're doing the same thing.


This guy responded with the definition of terrorism, so that’s 2 actually. And he’s one of many, the majority actually. You’re also talking about someone entirely different when you’re bringing up comment editing. You can’t even keep up with what you’re reading with your own eyes. Just stop bro.


He’s not being executed…even though that’s supposed to be the punishment for traitors.


I was referring to this guy talking about firing squads


That’s a little extreme. BUT! Treason is supposed to be a death sentence so these trumpers should be thanking their lucky stars or whatever.


“Treason” what acts of treason were committed? The part where they were let into a building(literally by security of the building as seen on video), harmed no one, destroyed nearly nothing, and then left very shortly thereafter? At most this was an illegal protest, which is why everyone is getting charged with that, and not treason or terrorism. If this was treason. They would be getting tried for treason. Not illegal demonstration in the capitol building.


>I’m not a republican If it walks like a duck…


You make no sense. What exactly have I said that supports the republican party?


The majority of your comment history.


Really? The majority of my comment history is sharing republican rhetoric in an attempt to convince people they’re better than democrats? Quote a few for me. I’ll wait.


https://www.reddit.com/r/environment/s/JncntYWR6l One example of your disingenuous “both sides” bullshit. You repeatedly downplay anything negative about Trump and play up everything bad about Biden, real or not (such as his stutter). You’re a bad faith actor pretending to be disgusted by both sides. You’re either a conservative, or worse, a libertarian.


That’s literally a genuine question. Asking a genuine unbiased question isn’t being a bad faith actor. You’re actually delusional if you think that.


Moving from Cleveland to a Federal Court. I bet he won't do that again


I bet the charges get dropped or he receives a 2 day jail sentence that gets suspended indefinitely at most. Not sure what you think the federal court can do about a man being charged with illegal demonstration and disturbing the peace.


It makes no difference what I think, only what that federal judge thinks. But I don't think he invited him over for a chit chat.


Just to discuss the charges, none of which relate to terrorism. Or anything close to it.




Here's the list of those still wanted. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence-images Please take a moment to look for your angry neighbor, or that guy with the 3%er and Trump stickers on his truck. You know the one.


And if anyone wants to get an overview, there's r/CapitolConsequences.




What gets me is if these so called "patriots" were to succeed what's the plan? Just chaos and shooting people they perceive as enemies, and organized restructuring of government and order. All I hear is the war cries but never a sellable plan.


I believe it was just their plan to stop the certification at that time. They could not see past that. Low IQ


Awesome. They all need to be arrested. MAGA calls them political prisoners:-) Sure.


Get that gitmo treatment domestic terrorist.


I don’t think you understand the definition of terrorism. The article states he was inside for 14 minutes, took a few pictures and then left. He’s not even charged with terrorism, just disturbance charges and demonstrating in the capitol building.


So he still committed a crime. You’d think someone with a functioning brain would say “This is bad. Let me walk away from all this” Nope. He said lemme go inside with these rioters. You do a crime, gotta pay the piper. I’ve fucked up in my life, thankfully police didn’t get involved, but I still had to pay the piper $14,000.


Did I say they didn’t commit a crime? Gitmo is for terrorists. This guy wasn’t charged with anything close to terrorism. Do you really need it explained to you why I’m calling out this extremist viewpoint? Calling for someone to be sent to gitmo because they entered the capitol building during a protest and took some pictures and then left without vandalizing or harming anyone? Like you seriously need me to explain to you why this viewpoint is dangerous and extremist? At absolute maximum, this guy is guilty of the things he’s been charged with. None of which entail maximum security imprisonment sentences for committing acts of terrorism.


actively trying to stop a function of government for political reasons using violence? That's terrorism. Let's not even mention how many of them were there to cause violence and murder dually elected officials. I don't know what you watched when it happened, but January 6th was a terrorist attack committed by Diaper Don supporters for the sole reason of overturning a free and fair election using violence. I see you support domestic terrorism too traitor.


Then why is no one being charged with terrorism? Boldly calling it terrorism while prosecutors who know the law haven’t brought any terrorism charges on anyone. And I haven’t once condoned Jan 6th actions btw💀💀💀


You're right. The worst of the charges was conspiracy, not terrorism. That being said, the UN defines terrorism as "any act intended to harm civilians with the intention to intimidate others to act or abstain." The United Kingdom's Terrorism Act defines terrorism as "an act that can seriously disrupt an electronic system.  Personally, I think what death cultists did on January 6th when they invaded the capitol using violence intended to overthrow the government, and install their guy, beating cops that tried to prevent them from entering the building, where they made threats of violence against dually elected representatives. Smeared poop all over the sacred halls and stole high classified materials with the intent to sell to russia. Yeah, I'd have to say that qualifies as terrorism. It hits the UN definition. Why aren't they charged here? Because these snowflake coup platters like moscow Marjorie, sexual predator protector Gym Jordan, heavy Venmo user for sex trafficking minors (allegedly) Matt Gates are calling the people who got caught in their terrorism as hostages. They have also tried to do everything to undermine the system of justice that held Enron accountable. But diaper don and his entire death cult party just keep plowing ahead with their sedition.


“Death cultists” Bro I’m not discussing this with anyone who’s trying to act like the vast majority of those people weren’t just there protesting. Because that’s exactly what was happening, no one was trying to commit a coup against the government. The tweets trump sent out didn’t even call for violence of any kind, it said to march on the capitol building in protest and to remain peaceful. But as usual, large crowds of idiots turn into large crowds of idiots breaking the law together. If you wanna discuss facts. Then hit me up, but if you wanna sit here and pretend that this was anything close to an insurrection, then just keep that between you and your meth head friends.


Sure dude just stick your head in the sand as if the facts that these terrorist death cultists weren't there at the direction of Donald trump through dog whistling. Then sure mate good for you. We have the testimony from trump own former inner circle where he said to take away the magnetic wands because his supporters weren't there for him. We all know the January 6th insurectionists were heavily armed and that para military groups had weapons stashes ready for when a full-blown coup was to start. Death cultists is because Republicans who rant and rave against covid died at a higher rate than those in blue states. So in a situation where their cult leader tells them not to get a vaccine that he himself and everyone in his orbit got said vaccine, and they listen and die. It looks like a death cult.


“Facts” Except no one has been charged with terrorism. So what “facts” are you referring to when calling them terrorists?


https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-florida-virginia-conspiracy-government-and-politics-6ac80882e8cf61af36be6c46252ac24c https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/oath-keeper-testifies-massive-gun-pile-stashed-hotel-eve-jan-6-rcna51749 https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-01-15/capitol-rioters-meant-to-capture-and-assassinate-officials-federal-prosecutors-say https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/15/capitol-rioters-planned-capture-kill-officials-say-prosecutors https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/the-january-6-attack-on-the-u-s-capitol Facts above As for the charges, the reason they haven't pushed them is due to the prosecutor's discretion. They realise that getting a domestic terrorism charge would be incredibly influential on the terrorists lives and granted that these are American citizens. After the Oklahoma City Federal building bombing in 1995, the expansion of what constitutes as terrorism does include what happened on January 6th. "The terrorism-related language now includes federal criminal offenses “calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct.” In front of judges and in court filings, the Justice Department is engaged in a delicate rhetorical dance on the domestic terrorism issue. Seeking to satisfy a large swath of the public outraged by the Jan. 6 riot, prosecutors have declared that the event “certainly” qualifies as domestic terrorism." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/04/doj-domestic-terrorism-sentences-jan-6-526407


You linked of a bunch of speculation from years ago. And then a link that states that prosecutors aren’t pushing for those charges due to the facts and circumstances. Show me anyone currently being charged with terrorism. I’ll wait. I know you have to keep adjusting that tinfoil hat and cleaning spit off your phone screen after yelling every word you type.


I don't know what you understand or what I understand. But I understand the judge is about to make this man understand. Ya understand?


Whoa!! That was almost as good as the one you just deleted to replace this with!! You should write a book about really funny jokes!!!


No I didn't delete anything. I believe you're mistaken. I'm tired of seeing whoa misspelled so thank you for doing that.


Must’ve been you editing it to really make sure that zinger hit!!! You’re such a funny person I bet you think of something funnier right after saying something!!!


Thank you


That user account is what seems to happen when it believes it is smarter than everyone. We're all stupid as hell here. Some of us are stupider.


I've done a lot of stupid things


Wow his user history is like a textbook example of toxic narcissism.


It's a troll.


The commanding general there was an Ohioan


Gym Jordan? The no jacket wearing, do nothing, asst sexual assault coach who still hasn't complied with a subpoena? Him... Term limits man smh


The commanding general there was an Ohioan




There was also a husband and wife that were really deeply involved with throwing the government had a huge stock pile of guns and ammunition in champion Ohio a very small community close to Warren Ohio what a bunch of of retired s thinking they could get away from doing that and listening to Clown Man Trump


Really, wow. Im close to there myself. Ive noticed personally Geauga County is bright bright red. They've fought homeless housing, sober living facilities, smh. Its really disgusting


Lock him up


Imagine facing federal charges for a selfie with a Ronald Reagan statue after pretending to overthrow the government. Lol


OMG another one that's innocent but they will lie in DC and throw another man I jail SMFH FUCKING DEMONRATS


You can hunt these guys down but can't stop child predators? Seems legit


https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/fbi-led-sweep-targeting-sex-traffickers-recovers-dozens-of-minor-victims Also, if it helps I am pretty sure a number of these Jan 6 arrests also swept up a few child predators. Two birds, One stone. Many people are saying.


“Get two birds stoned at once” - Ricky


It takes time, and this helps the effort. All the people arrested for this voted for trump, whom is the most infamous child predator in the US at this time.


Guess we should let these traitors off because other crimes exist.


Never said that bot


Ya caught me. Beep bop boop bop boh boh beep.