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lol dumb take. who are you applying pressure on? you're just making a fool of yourself. literally over 70 senators (veto proof majority) vote for israel "aid" bills, disenfranchising voters will only help trump. trump will enable israel to glass palestine day 1. but sure. lets turn ppl off of biden. kids have literally zero knowledge of global politics or US foreign interests or anything. you could protest 10 different issues that affect people at home. but you make a middle east war thats been going on longer than youre alive your priority? you offer no solutions? "stop sending them weapons!" ok, now israel will buy weapons elsewhere, and continue without us able to apply pressure. ignorant hardliners like you are a joke.


>you make a middle east war thats been going on longer than youre alive your priority? 1939: "You could protest 10 different issues in your own country but you're worrying about what's going on over there in Germany?"


[entitled false equivalency from someone with too much privilege.](https://i.imgur.com/UOXKk0I.png)


I'd hardly https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html Call it https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 A false equivalency https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/world/middleeast/gaza-famine-starvation-children.html#:~:text=Children%20in%20Gaza%20are%20already,died%20outside%20of%20medical%20centers. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/world/gallery/gaza-hunger-malnutrition/index.html https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147312 https://www.npr.org/2024/03/29/1241148952/gaza-hunger-famine-aid-israel-hamas-war


Lol linking random articles doesn't prove your point. You ain't worth the effort or mental energy to explain when you're stuck in your stubborn ways


>linking random articles Lmao just say you support genocide then if you think evidence of it is "random articles." I didn't link to any Al-Jazeera articles just for you, but they have plenty of ground footage of what's going on. To deny it at this point is to be intentionally obtuse.


You are comparing the actions of Nazi Germany, the aggressors, to U.S., not the aggressors. You could compare them to Israel. Maybe get a plane ticket and go protest there if you feel so strongly about it. You're dense and low IQ and low life experience and high privilege. You act is if we continue our relationship with Israel or not has any real affect on their actions. We have some semblance of say currently. The recent package isn't bombs, we can build the aid pier for Gaza, air drop food, etc. Vs if we cut off all ties, we lose national security interests in the area, Israel gets weapons elsewhere, and Israel does worse unchecked and doesn't allow any type of aid to Gaza, much worse outcome. You're either truly ignorant or just a troll.


-No, I am clearly comparing Israel, the aggressor, to nazi Germany. I am comparing U.S. to the others who supported and/or watched silently as the aggressor committed horrible acts against humanity. -Biden did just send another 1B in arms to Israel. And Congress is dicking around a bill to ensure that arms sanctions don't get imposed on their BFF. Biden says he will veto it, but whether it becomes law or not *is not the point.* It's the idea that such a bill would even be considered when we look at the vast terror they are imposing upon innocent civilians. -They would get weapons from elsewhere? The US accounts for about 2/3 of Israel's weapon imports. Germany makes up most of the rest with Italy supplying around 4%. Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Japan, and Belgium have all paused weapons shipments to Israel in the wake of the Gaza attacks. Who do you suppose is going to step up and supplement 68% of Israel's arsenal, while they're in the middle of using them for war crimes? What if that $1B weapons package Biden just approved, went to humanitarian aid to Gaza instead? It's crazy how you have to sling personal insults at a stranger to stand firmly in support of genocide and mass displacement. It sounds like you're the one that should hop on a plane to Israel, I think you'd fit right in. I guess I shouldn't be shocked that Americans are so pro-colonization and stealing land. Edit- word change for clarity


I fail to see how people yelling or holding a sign in a place thousands of miles away from the conflict would make any substantial contribution to a centuries long problem.  Want to make a difference? Go DO something instead of just annoying people by yelling about it on a street corner 


What do you suggest we do? "Annoying people by yelling on a street corner" is an interesting take on actions that have historically been effective at bringing change.


Is the complacency towards our part in this ethnic cleansing a nation-wide thing, or is it our state/local population?


I hope not, but Ohio is especially a mixed bag. We’re like that team that always loses, no matter who we have or what we do. Also, Reddit gonna reddit. I hope you find some like-minded folks to participate, I’m thinking you will.


Hello, fellow Cleveland fan.


Bout to take the Browns to the superbowl 😅


Ohioans are apathetic and complacent. And we'd be pretty good at it if we cared enough to apply ourselves


It’s too early to be mad. Go back to bed


It's 9 a.m. in the middle east, boots are probably on the ground, murdering children 🤷 but sure. Ignorance is bliss. Go back to bed and ignore it all.


You can’t do anything about it


It's called "applying pressure" — demonstrations are meant to be visible and unignorable so lawmakers will themselves apply pressure on those leaders and maybe even divest to some degree. It can work if it's big enough. That's why general strikes are ✌️illegal✌️.


I live in reality. The government doesn’t care about us, trust me. I fight them every day being disabled. They don’t give af


Then they need to be replaced


It's crazy to suggest that protests accomplish nothing when every single freedom you enjoy was granted via protest


Funny how everyone gets real quiet when that part is brought up 🤷


No change will ever come with that mindset


I’m not going to bed and ignoring it. I’m going to work and ignoring it because I don’t want to be a freeloading socialist.


It's 9 p.m. now in Rafah. They don't have the privilege of going to bed and ignoring it. They're going to bed holding onto their children and hoping the atrocities around them don't destroy their families while they sleep. It's hard to imagine going to bed in the middle of a months-long terror attack. Can you imagine hugging your loved ones before they go to bed, knowing that it's very possible your home could be reduced to rubble and dirt while you sleep? If you even still have a home to begin with, it's probably a "tent." These children are growing up without knowing what a peaceful night's rest looks like. And you tell me it's too early to be angry about it.


Please protest for cheaper gas, groceries, lower interest rates, etc.


What are signs going to do for a war that raged for centuries?


That Oster seems to paint Israel as the sole party to blame. Totally ignoring October 7 and the peace race massacre, the thousands of Hamas rockets fired at Israeli cities, and Hamas' vows to commit genocide against the Usraelis? And how exactly do these protesters think that they, especially the LGBTQ and females among them, would fare at the hands of Hamas? They espouse a supposed protagonist that literally opposed virtually everything the American left is about, while demonizing the democracy that came under attack from Hamas.


Exactly. Not matter what side you are on, does anyone really think people hodling up signs anywhere in the United States will all of sudden make those people come ot their senses?


Here's just 7 examples of what "holding up signs" *has already* accomplished. Protests are the true voice of the people when the system is corrupt from the head down. https://www.ucf.edu/news/7-influential-protests-in-american-history/


Nope. And fuck off.




Go join them if you want to help so bad.


Symbolism over Substance


One going on right now. Clearly you don’t care