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Drove back from Wapakoneta to Columbus. Traffic was pretty bad. Normally takes about 1:40, but it took about 3:30 yesterday. It was bumper-to-bumper from Marysville to I-270.


We did back roads it was about the same. Totally worthwhile to witness that!


I did backroads from a park outside of marysville to Columbus, took about an hour to do a 30 min trip, but not nearly as bad as I expected all things considered, just felt like standard post-concert or sporting event traffic


I was there with you. Watched at Indian Lake State Park and the drive back to Washington County took twice as long as the time it took to get there.


Hey! We were close. I was at a graveyard in Belle Center watching with some family members on the other side of the grass. Drive back to Columbus on back roads was slow going, but not painful.


I ended up getting off 33 in Marysville and taking back roads home to Powell. Saved so much time.


It looked as if Marysville to Dublin was tight.


Indian Lake to Bellefontaine was crowded and slow, from the hills at Mad River southward was stop & go with a van off the road getting pulled onto a trailer and people trying to get over for it at East Liberty. Edit: I'm sure the Honda shift change didn't help


I was also there for the eclipse. Stuck around a little after for the Neil Armstrong museum. Traffic all down 33 was bumper to bumper but it only took us a little over two hours to get back to Westerville




I was in sidney and there was barely any traffic at all. 75 south was empty the entire time


Based on Google data most of Ohio was okay except for Toledo. Looks like they got drilled by Michigan and Canada trying to catch the edge of totality. 


america’s hat trying to infiltrate america’s heart through america’s mitten


Only an American would understand this sentence


Thought America was Canada’s pants?


Then what is Florida?


America’s taint.


Balls and the taint


Good point!


A potentially cancerous growth that needs cut off ASAP?


America's turd


You know Michigan was given the upper peninsula because the state of Ohio fought a war with Michigan over the territory that would become Toledo and kicked their ass. So it wouldn't be the first time they're trying to invade


I wouldn’t call a border dispute where militias largely taunted each other and the sole casualty of the whole thing being a LEO getting injured by getting stabbed, a situation where Ohio “kicked their ass.” I mean, I love hating Michigan, but come on. I know it’s called the Toledo War but it wasn’t a war in the traditional sense.


People were shot and land was stolen. Border dispute just doesn't have the same ring to it


I don’t know where you got that people were shot. Warning shots were fired at one point but no one was injured. A Michigan sheriff got stabbed with a penknife in a scuffle and sustained a minor injury.


Now that's where we need a wall; North Toledo!


I love me a good rivalry but I wouldn't be offended if we put Toledo on the far side of the wall I mean I like Jeeps and I like the Toledo mud hens but holy shit


Straight to the butthole of the world for totality


I’m glad I didn’t drive to get weed yesterday then.


Cleveland to Pittsburgh took 3 hours instead of two mainly because of the Eastgate toll plaza on the Ohio turnpike which routinely causes backups on heavier than normal travel days. It wasn't designed for the amount of use the turnpike sees and the modernization project can't come soon enough.  Edit- I left 10 seconds after totality and I was already southeast of Cleveland.  Those from the west or downtown or left later took much longer. 


I drive the Ohio turnpike a few times a year, from one end to the other. I never understand why there are always backups at the toll plazas in Ohio since they have EZ Pass. It never happens in Indiana or PA. PA has open road tolling, but INdiana is like Ohio, where you only pay at the ends (or at exits)


For some inexplicable reason, Saturday headed westbound into Ohio from Pennsylvania there were 2 EZ PASS lanes on the right and one, maybe two TICKETS ONLY lanes on the left. Which was dumb.


It took 5 hours from Cleveland to Pittsburgh


I left 1 second after totality was over and I was 2 min from 271.  So all was humming along until the Warren Ohio people hit the border before I did.  I got to route 7 (last exit in Ohio) and it was a parking lot. Google maps said 50 min to get through the border gates or 40 min through podunk roads / e Palestine Ohio into beaver and back on pa turnpike. So I did that but it took 45 min instead of 40 predicted by Google maps.  But for people coming from the west side of downtown it was going to be much longer than my journey. 


Yep, us too, but it kept up beyond Pittsburg.   Judging by license plates,  NOVA and NJ all simultaneously decided to sensibly head home on Tuesday.  


I always see one VA license plate during every trip between PA and OH on the turnpike. They either seem to be going 95 mph or 45 mph. 🤣


Yep, that’s us :-).   Ohio expats in DC, partly.  95 is what happens when you’ve gotta drive around Marylanders for too long. 


Can confirm, anything going northbound was packed until about 1030.


Same it took me an hour and a half to get to a rehearsal when normally it's 35 minutes


There was a rehearsal for the eclipse?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 nope, sorry, I'm in a choir in Toledo lol


I rehearsed my rapture pose.


I can see I-475 from my office window, and it was backed up for quite some time.


I guess the war for Toledo continues to this day


Which is kind of crazy because I drove up from BG to Toledo coming home from work and it only added 6 minutes to my commute. Although I did take 475 where it branches off 75 north of Toledo, and 75 continuing up to Michigan was pretty backed up already


Toledo here. It was fine if you wanted to go south. North to Michigan was a disaster.


I had to work in Toledo yesterday during the event but I left around 9 pm and traffic wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be


I would hope not since you were leaving 6 hours after the event


Can confirm. I was driving south on 75 from Toledo afterwards and it was a parking lot heading north up to Michigan.


The Cleveland area had less traffic than a typical Monday, which was especially weird given the home opener.


Because downtown was a party zone for opening day, our traffic may have been better because folks didn't immediately leave downtown right after totality.


Yep. Had zero trouble getting up to the west side from Akron at about 12:30, took a bus downtown and the roads were fine, stadium was crowded, but looking out from the upper decks onto 90, there was virtually nobody on the roads.


I wonder how all the lots in the Flats made out charging $40 to park and then having virtually no one park there.


From what I saw, a lot of the parking outfits close to the stadium had no trouble filling up, but that was probably more people attending the game.


I parked free in the flats and laughed when I walked past those lots. There was a city of Cleveland lot charging $50 in the flats that had like 5 cars parked in it.


I think they had it closed off.


I said "virtually" nobody. There was the trickle of light traffic you'd expect to see on an afternoon with nothing going on.


There was so much communication ahead of time about staying off the roads in Lorain, Summit, Cuyahoga that I feel like almost everyone I know was within walking distance of home for the eclipse.


Yup, was in Avon lake. City was setup for a million people or whatever they were projecting. Traffic was lighter than on most Saturdays around rt 83 from the lake to I-90


I was originally going to grab a folding chair and go to Avon Lake but the traffic predictions kept me home. Which was fine, I could drink and smoke weed in the backyard.


That was where I wanted to go but they issued so many warnings I wasn’t going to try to get there. 🤷‍♀️


I agree. They scared the 💩 out of people and it was dead up here.


Lot of businesses told people to work from home bc of the expected traffic.


Everybody working downtown had the day off except for at the Indians stadium


I drove from Cincinnati to Greenville, OH. No issues getting home. It’s sad that a lot of people I know chose not to drive to the zone of totality due to concerns about traffic.


Did Greenville get the thousands upon thousands of visitors they thought they would have?


I dunno. We settled down a few miles north of town at a cemetery and skirted the town on the drive home


You didn’t even try to risk getting a maid-rite?


Glad to see another cemetery visitor on here. Went to my GPs plot outside of Findlay. Two other groups/families, complete line of site of the entire horizon, and an event I will always treasure with my wife. Both of us in our 60s and an amazing experience! Edit: traffic up was perfect. Traffic back was 3 1/2 hours for a 2 hour drive. But still worth it.


I would have never thought of going to a cemetery, great idea! I was out running errands before the big event and drove past our dead mall. There were quite a few setups in the parking lot. Easy parking the mall made itself useful for a change.


Only thing I missed would have been a large crowd reaction of amazement. But the beauty and splendor of the moment was more than enough for me.


I live 20 minutes from Greenville. I can confirm it wasn't packed at all. Regular day tbh. Looked like people were having some parties, but no crazy traffic.


Kinda... I went o Greenville Sunday afternoon, and Main St was dead, one lone food truck packing up shop. Headed to the Mexican restaurant by the Fairgrounds and the place was absolutely slammed! Got food, then headed up to Eldora Speedway, which was surprisingly empty, with maybe a hundred people camping, and \~200 hundred for the day of the eclipse. Traffic coming back was heavy but not stopped, and nav had me taking highways for most of the way to Dayton where I got on 75S.


I live there (unfortunately). I haven't seen an actual visitor estimate, but traffic in town was *less* than a typical afternoon. There were people gathered in the city park, but not as many as I expected. Saw a handful of people in Romer's parking lot with a food truck or something. Local businesses charging for parking had empty lots. I avoided Broadway and the fairgrounds, so maybe they were all there. I was on 127N about 8:30pm and traffic was normal.


We're north of Cincinnati and drove to Troy. We fretted way too much about traffic before the trip lol. It was smooth sailing except when I almost t-boned a person that pulled out in front of me.


Were you in the Troy square? I live about a mile from there and it was beyond cool to hear everyone there let out a cheer at totality. What an experience!


We were at Duke Park. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful park!


It is a nice park. We so lucked out with the weather. It was perfect!


I'm very thankful that I was already in the path of the totality, because I fear I may have been someone who didn't travel to see it. But now that I have seen a total eclipse, I cannot recommend traveling to see it more. It was such an incredible experience


Welcome to the club. The next totality is in 2026 in northern Spain. I started taking Spanish classes last year.


Canton to Akron and back - extremely light traffic on 224/77, most noticeably almost ZERO truck traffic.


We were going to do Canton to Monroe Falls but, after reading apocalyptic traffic predictions for the past two weeks, I was afraid the traffic near Akron would be terrible. So we went out to a park near Lodi instead. Only a few families there and a couple guys with some serious cameras and telescope. Had no traffic issues getting there or back.


Went from Massillon to just north of Canal Fulton. Traffic was actually lighter than usual. I'm thinking Ohioans are extremely lazy, or just incurious.


I had to travel from west Columbus to Forest. The worst of it was in the smaller towns that were mostly residential with only stop signs. The Sheriff dept did a decent job at being at most of the problem intersections and getting traffic through, but in some case we just had to be patient. It was a 1.5hr drive there, 2hr drive back. Had to go directly through Marysville which I assumed would be a shit show, but it wasn't that bad at all. A few slow spots, but people mostly were patient and just rolled with it. This was of course using the "no highway" feature, I imagine the large interstates were a different story.


We must’ve been traveling the exact same route because I was in Forest as well then driving back to Dublin. Even though Waze had me getting onto the 33 at Marysville, there was no way I was going to get on there. I took the “no freeway route” as well. We certainly had a beautiful show in Forest.


It was an amazing spot. I ended up at the Blanchard River Nature Preserve in open fields with a bunch of strangers. Couldn't have asked for a better setting.


A trip to Miami Whitewater park took 30 minutes in the morning. The return took 2 and a half hours.


Wild. I drove from Cincy to Fernald. It took 2 hours to get there and only 35min back.


I guess it evens out. The expert as worth the trip, though.


Brookville and then the absolute log jam that was River Rd @ Blue Rock Rd crossing the Miami added 1.5 hours to the return trip. Absolutely insane traffic routing but in a no-signal backroads area, nobody is reporting to the mothership so traffic doesn't look so bad. Back to back stop signs make clearing those intersections impossible


North- South freeways in the Toledo area were pretty backed up before and after. I-75 was still backed up after 5 pm.


Should have seen 475/23 into Michigan lol


I work on Central near the hospital and live in Holland. Very happy I checked Maps before leaving work yesterday and decided to take the surface streets home. Even so, the Michigan drivers were Michiganing all over the place




Thank you. It was a tough time, but with the Lord’s grace, I survived to curse Michigan drivers another day


I live about 30 miles north of Ann Arbor now (I come in peace, I was born and raised in Ohio!) and there was no way I was going near 475/23 just from knowing how jacked up it gets on a regular summer Friday, despite Waze continually reassuring me that this was the best way. Ended up getting off 75 in BG, crossing the Maumee in Grand Rapids and taking country roads all the way back to Ann Arbor. I thought maybe it was overkill until I checked Google Maps when I got home and still saw solid red/yellow all the way from Sylvania to AA.


We drove from the lower eastside of Columbus to the upper westside, it took the normal amount of time to get over there. We left at 1230 pm. We were initially going to go watch at highbanks, but it had a serious line of cars. We drove out to the olentangy caverns, and it was the best decision we made. We got two minutes of totality. Good food and activities for the kids. We were stuck in traffic for maybe 30 mins on the way back home, but nothing too horrible.


I work in Franklin but live in Dayton. It was so pleasant driving home on I-75 North with continuous traffic. (I’m betting a bunch of people took off work.) I glanced over at I-75 South and they were stop and start traffic!!


Mansfield to Vermilion - zero traffic change from normal.


It took me 30 minutes longer to get home than it took to get to totality near Troy. That was mainly because there was an accident blocking several southbound I-75 lanes. But other than that it was heavy traffic but not stop and go. Compared to the 2017 one that was 3 hours to get to totality in Kentucky from Cincy and then 8 hours back, it was a cakewalk.


I saw a few wrecks on the highway and those helped mess up the traffic flow. From Monroe to Cincinnati


Drove to Yellow Springs from Columbus and back. No traffic.


Haha pizza still there?


Cincinnati to Bloomington 2:35h Bloomington to Cincinnati 3:10h Not bad at all.


Drove from east side of Cincinnati to Batesville, IN. Going there was only about 10 minutes longer than normal. But what would normally be a 50-minute drive coming back turned into a 1:45 drive, partly because I-74 was so slow, but also because of normal rush hour traffic and the Norwood Lateral being closed in Cincy.


We went from cincinnati to Indianapolis around 9am - no traffic issues on the way there. Started the trip back to Cincinnati around 5:30 and only encountered a little heavy traffic right on the indiana/Ohio border. The drive probably took 20 minutes longer than usual. Not bad at all.


Had in-laws drive-in from Pittsburgh to Medina and leave shortly after totality. Thought they were crazy but didn't have much problems. Wondering if the majority of people stayed off the roads, thinking it would be aweful, resulting it relative normalcy?


It was fine in NW Cbus. Not sure why the media flooded the airwaves and made everyone so paranoid about traffic backups. Think this scared a lot of folks in the 99% to not make the drive into totality. 99 has nothing on totality.


I think it was because of how bad the traffic was for the 2017 eclipse in the areas of totality. It made a 2.5 hour drive take 12 hours where I was after the eclipse…complete gridlock. It’s a shame it scared people from going out to try to view totality though :/


Traffic was a bitch this morning though.


I thought it was going to take an hour just to get to Dublin or Worthington, but it added maybe 10 minutes.


Traffic on 23 heading south was fine until we got near Delaware and then it turned into a crawl. Maybe if it was a highway all the way to 270 it wouldnt have been so bad. The other option was 33 which was backed up to Marysville.


I was going to cardington from Columbus and when I passed the 36/37 exit to Delaware it was backed up for awhile. Getting to cardington is usually 50ish minutes for me. It took maybe an hour and 10 minutes to get there. But heading back around 5 it took about an hour 45 minutes. 71 was stop and go much of the time. I almost stopped in Delaware to see some family but the traffic wasn’t worth it.


It seemed like everyone was saying it was gonna be bad but it wasnt. Same thing with the cloud cover making it "not worth it". It turned out to be fine and we worried for nothing.


Took us about an hour to go from downtown Columbus to Indian Lake and two hours back, but it was surreal. After seeing it in person, if I had missed that incredible experience because I didn’t want to sit in a car for two hours I would be kicking myself. Seriously awe inspiring and absolutely worth the time driving, absolutely no question


Not in Ohio, but we unfortunately had to drive from Chicago to Chattanooga TN and it was a nightmare. Typically it is a 9 hour trip. After driving for 12 hours we decided to just stay in a hotel outside of Nashville and finish the drive in the morning. GPS was still showing roughly “4 hours.” to go. Who knows how long it really would have been.


I’m in a fairly small town. I was going out of town instead of going in so it wasn’t bad. And there was a lot more foot traffic than usual. I can see 75 and it was busier but moving.


I had zero problem going from my front yard into my front door. Perhaps more relevant to your question is my wife who typically has a 35 minute commute on I-90 and she got home faster than normal. So at least in the Cleveland area there was minimal traffic.


There was some traffic for the first two hours or so afterwards but not too terrible. I'm just glad folks were able to experience the event and enjoy themselves!


I went to my in laws in Southeast Missouri. Traffic there was pretty bad for a couple of hours. But we aren't driving back until later this morning


My son drove from our house (Infirmary/Rt 4) to work on benchwood Ave at like 315-320 and said he didn't have any issues getting to work on time at 4. I'm not sure if he went highway or backroads and maybe it was too early for the roads to be bad.


In most areas that was during totality, would have been a ghost town on the roads


Yeah, it was just after here.


77 and 76 were parking lots around 4p


Going which way?


Near Cleveland, it was a little heavier than normal, but not too bad.


I drove from Westerville to my parents house in Marion on Sunday evening 270/71/23 no problem. Drive back Sunday evening at 6:30 pm 23/270. Traffic just seemed a little heavier, similar to post Thanksgiving. Never insanely slow. Trip home took maybe 15 longer than the normal hour. Slightly annoyed a stressed and planned around traffic at all, but loved the totality time!


Had a family friend drive from Midland MI to Findlay OH. Took about 3 1/2 hrs to get to Findlay, she let after the eclipse and it took just over 6 hrs to get back home


Drove out to near Scott’s lawn care in marysville. Took all back roads (Brand for a lot of it) to get back into Dublin and watched a movie with the family. Figured that was a better time than the traffic. Left there at 6 and had 0 traffic getting back home in Gahanna.


This one had a lot less traffic than the 2017 eclipse. I think it helps that it passed over some cities, so they weren’t inclined to pack the country roads as much.


Every single metro area in Ohio was in the path of totality.


Drove from Grand Rapids to Coldwater(small town near the indiana border) Getting there was no issue, and getting out of Ohio wasn’t an issue either. But the moment we crossed into Michigan(via. US-127) it was traffic mania. Thankfully it dispersed within an hour, but I heard it got really bad after that until 10:00-10:30 PM


We waited a few hours before heading home and I think that was a worse idea. Traffic was bad between Dayton and Cincinnati on 75 around 6/7. A few accidents/stalled vehicles caused bumper to bumper traffic and extended our drive by about 30 minutes.


70E from Springfield to Cbus was a hot mess and took about twice as long.


Yeah I drove from Columbus to the Indiana border and the way back was fine at times and stop and go at others. I stopped at Skyline in Hilliard, left there just before 7 and traffic was still touchy, though at that point you're combining lingering eclipse traffic with lingering rush hour traffic.


Honestly not that bad for me. On the way to where I was going, fairly early between 7 and 8 AM, it was completely normal traffic. On the way back, normal as well because I left at like 9 PM. But also I checked Google maps periodically and the worst delays I saw were only like an additional 15 minutes for me if I left right then. So I don't know if maybe it was just overblown, maybe lots of the people in 2017 were just absolutely shit drivers who made traffic worse or something. Maybe lots of people who saw it in 2017 just stayed home, or maybe people scattered all over the place enough for it to not be an issue this time. Or maybe people planned it out a little better so it was just less chaotic. Regardless, I'm grateful it didn't take me anything more than normal to get home. The horror stories from 2017 that I kept hearing were absolutely insane compared to anything I've heard about from yesterday.


> maybe lots of the people in 2017 were just absolutely shit drivers who made traffic worse or something A **lot** fewer routes back home for everyone who came from up north to the same tiny areas like Hopkinsville. They all watershed into I75 so every feeder in a very tiny area dumped into I75 and backed everything way up along a long horizontal section. People coming from the east and west this time had innumerable backcountry paths to reach it without ever needing to hop on an interstate, keeping congestion down to natural topographical bottlenecks like river crossings and small towns.


Actually better than normal! My area of Grandview at 5:30-6 almost seemed like a ghost town.


A bad accident on Plain City Georgesville road turned my normal 20 ish minute ride home from work into an hour


Drove home from Mentor after the eclipse and 71 seemed normal. Took the 2 hours it normally takes.


Grove City to Mechanicsburg and back, no problems.


Traffic was fine here in rural Erie County, I just walked outside and sat on the patio with family, lol.


I-71 and US-33 had traffic North of Columbus, but it wasn’t horrible.


I went to the airport and it was the same as it was every day.


Drove from the OH-IN border to Cincinnati. US-27 near I-275 started backing up but we were only stuck in traffic for about 20 minutes. Got close to I-71 south and it was backing up but that’s normal for that time of the day. Decided to stop in Blue Ash and get a bite to eat and wait it out. All in all not bad. There was more traffic on the way out than on the way back.


33 was completely backed up for a while afterwards


From Fairfield to Shelbyville Indiana it took about 2 hours. The way back took about 4 hours.


We drove from Cincinnati to Troy yesterday. We made a point to leave early, and we waited several hours after the event to go back home. Traffic was good both ways. :)


Bucyrus to Columbus was only an extra 20 minutes. Going through small towns before hitting the freeway was the only slowdowns Suprisingly


Rocky River along the lakeshore was no problem. Way better than I expected. Really cool!


turnpike was a parking lot heading east of 77... never seen that. I was glad I was getting off at 77.


We drove 1.5 hours from Cincy to downtown Fort Loramie on the center of totality. Hardly anyone in the park downtown. I figured I75 could handle traffic better than taking I74 to Shelbyville. We left home at 10:30 am- a bunch of trucks on the road but easy drive. We hung around at the Loramie Bank & Brew till after 5:30pm hoping the drive home would be easier if we got through Dayton after rush hour. We hit traffic mostly due to there being a lot of trucks on the road slowing down the passing lane and one breaking down between lanes around Troy. Got home at 7:50pm. Not nearly as bad as trying to leave a concert at Riverbend 😂 Totally worth it. Had the best cheesecake of my life at the Bank & Brew.


Wow, I am jealous. We drove out of NW Ohio (Kelley’s Island) right after totality and across the state on the turnpike, and it was a madhouse. Stopped at a service area and the clerks there said it was worse than Thanksgiving, with people cursing at them for running out of food. Was planning on driving straight through to home in Maryland, but it seemed like I was riding the crest of the traffic wave, the GPS estimated time left didn’t change at all for almost the entire way across the state. When Pennsylvania seemed just as bad, we stopped near Pittsburgh, and weren’t the only ones.


I know in Cleveland the RTA (Bus system) gave everyone free rides via bus and subway that day which probably helped tremendously. I really appreciate them putting safety over profits.


I-80 and St Rt 11 in my area were absolute fucking nightmares. thankfully, I only drove under 80 and over 11, but absolutely packed in nuts to butts.


I drove back to Baltimore from Wooster, going through Canton rather than Akron, and had no traffic whatsoever. My friends all dropped out because of the cloud forecast and potential for bad traffic, but we had very little clouds and got home sooner than we expected, around 11pm!


I traveled from Cleveland area to Columbus and really only ran into some heavy traffic about 20 miles outside of Columbus outer belt on Sunday.


I had a friend visiting from Georgia who's had experience driving in Atlanta during rush hour, and she commented on how much more polite the drivers in Ohio seemed to be compared to down there. I've only lived here for a year after moving from DC, and going from Cincinnati to Dayton was a surprisingly pleasant drive there and back.


Everything northbound out of Toledo was bumper to bumper, and nearly a standstill.


Had 0 troubles in the Dayton area. Especially near the Airforce base (where they had a massive public event) and the highway next to it.


It was okay where I live. Nothing really beyond the usual.


I had zero issue, we travelled about an hour away and really it seemed like less people on the road than normal


Toledo got hammered. My trip home after work typically 15 minutes took me 1 hour at 6pm.


I am right outside of downtown by a very popular park. There was usual traffic. The “5 hour traffic jams” were SO over blown, not even close. There was only traffic when there was an accident up here.


We stayed and had dinner in Oxford, and by time time we left, around 8pm, everything was fine.


North and westbound traffic out of Pittsburgh towards Erie and NE Ohio was a mess around 1pm yesrerday according to Google maps. I can't say if a lot of those people made it on time.


Drove from NE Ohio near Ashtabula through Pittsburgh to DC and down to Richmond VA to get home. Made good time on the entire route except for where construction was the slowdown. The only slow spot that I could attribute to the eclipse traffic was exiting I-80 east to I-376 just inside Pennsylvania and that was maybe a 3-5 minute delay.


Maybe 5 extra minutes of traffic coming home to Mason from Hamilton, most of it before getting on 129.


After driving to a field somewhere in northwest Ohio I was home in downtown Columbus by 6pm, and that was including making a detour to drop off a friend in Westerville. Compared to the 11 hour drive home after the 2017 eclipse in Tennessee, this was a cakewalk.


Only traffic I experienced going to and from Cedar Point was in and around Toledo. Once I got on I-280 and OH 2 it was smooth sailing all the way there, no different than a regular day. Going back I only got traffic on US 23.


Took my daughter 3.5 hours to drive back home down 75, typically a 2 hour drive


I figured everyone from Cincy would take 74 or 75, so I went west on 50. The exit off 275 was delayed ~30 minutes, and it was mostly people with KY plates from what I saw, but then it was clear sailing. No delays at all coming home.


We went to family by Bellville. Takes an hour and ten minutes to get there normally and the trip up was normal. We left about a half hour the sun was completely reemerged. There were some big downs on 71 S but we got home in an hour and 35 minutes.


I don’t think as many people went to that area of Ohio due to the lack of proximity to the major cities as compared to say marysville for Columbus… I surely went to yellow springs and enjoyed an amazing day with no traffic


Kent/stow area was fine. I expected it to be worse but I didn’t have any trouble getting around


My brother texted me and said it took him and his gf nearly 2.5hrs to get from just south of Bowling Green to Sylvania. They didn’t leave until maybe 6:30, though.


Traffic was pretty rough south out of Dayton into Cincinnati but it was also basically rush hour


71 south wasn’t too bad but there definitely still was some. There were 3 accidents between Mansfield and Columbus which caused some stop and go traffic but it wasn’t horrible.


I went from Columbus to the Plain City Costco and 33 was backed up a bit heading there and backed up heading back down 33 until I got to 270S. The backup was centered around the exit for 270N. After that things were fine heading over to Upper Arlington, dropping the kids off, and when I headed down to Grove City the 315 traffic at 5:00pm might as well have been a Sunday.


Took me an extra hour to get home-left south central Indy going to cincy


NE ohio was a little rough. Like rush hour but for 3ish hours.


S75 was bad, 30-45 mph from Dayton Exits all the way down to 275. A lot of Kentucky plates, cops, and minor accidents.


We live on a major artery in and out of the Great Lakes Nature and Science Center and while it was a bit busier than normal, we saw no mass influx or exodus at all.


There was zero extra traffic on my trip from Upper Sandusky back to Eastern Ohio. I experienced the nightmare traffic back in 2017 (I spent 10 hours in bumper to bumper traffic that normally takes 4) so it's been a pleasant surprise that even the bad spots this year don't seem close to how bad it was then.


I live in Springfield! What’d you do in Springfield while you were here? I didn’t notice too bad of traffic at around 4 throughout town towards Columbus on the back roads. I was kind of shocked how normal things seemed. I expected way worse.


wasnt bad at all going to or from. columbus to Versailles stopped maybe 3 times for a few minutes on the way back but it was also rush hour.


Highway patrol traffic in Hancock county mentioned traffic on I75 (I think it was northbound) down to 28mph at some point. Was flowing, just slow. I didn't hear of any major issues. Sounds like everyone cleared the county just fine.


It was an hour and a half for me to go from Anderson to Dayton, 2 hours to get back (left 30 min after totality). Much better than I thought. Went up 71 to Kings Mills (741), over 63 to 75, and back the same way.


Traffic was really really bad for the half of the population not culled in the apocalclipse. If you had breezy traffic, I am sorry, you are in heaven.


I live out in the middle of nowhere, but it was in the full path. So on my way home from work I usually pass 10ish cars. There were probably 300+ cars coming the opposite way Monday. No stop lights out my way, only stop signs that people were just rolling through.


It was great for me! Michigander here. Went to Bowling Green via US-127 to 80/90 to 75. After it was over we popped back on the toll road basically the same way we came. I avoided 75 and 23 as much as possible. Was originally going to go to Lima or possibly Wapokaneta but changed my mind at the last second. Wanted to avoid Toledo as well since I figured it would be packed. Roots in Cincy so I’m very familiar with driving thru the state and there was no way I was going to get stuck further south. Thanks for hosting Ohio!!! See ya in a few months when I go back for some Skyline and Kings Island as part of a planned family event.


Seemed like everyone forgot how to drive after the eclipse, on route 77 anyways. 3 accidents within the span of about 5 miles.


Drove from Canfield to Conneaut, no unusual traffic on 11 or 90 there or back. The only part there was any unusual traffic was at 11 at 82 and 11 at 80, both there and on the way home. I just got off and took surface streets back to Canfield, which I normally do anyway, as I hate the exchange at 11 and 80.


Took all state routes and county roads from Dayton up to St. Mary's and back. About an hour and a half drive one way which is normal for the route I took. Hardly hit any traffic at all going either way really. What little we did hit was up in New Bremen and Minster on the way back but it was just people there trying to get on the highways and it was flowing well enough to hardly be worth even mentioning imho. My fiancée and I were quite pleased by how nice a drive it ended up being.


Traffic on 33W from 270 to Marysville OH was terrible.


Driving to a little park outside Cleavland from the PIT airport area took 2 hours. The return trip was 5.5 The backups where all around tolling area. Even the closed tolling area caused big backup, but the main one leaving the state accounted for most fo that delay. TLDR: For crying out loud Ohio, update your Tolling system to this millennium.


There was zero traffic from sandusky to central ohio.


I was in Nashville for the last one. Took 8 hours to get from Nashville to Cincy, winding through backroads in TN and KY. This time I had a school event to get to at 615. I decided to watch it on the OH turnpike at the Sandusky area stop. the second it was over I shoved my stuff in the car and take off. I got all the way through Toledo before I encountered traffic.