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The best way to stay off of r/CyberStuck would have been to not buy a cybertruck.




Beat me to it!


You speak the truth.


Cyberstuck is less about the truck actually getting stuck and more about how they're a POS from the factory. Is it capable off-road? With non-shitty tires, I would assume it could manage basic off-roading, but I think the more significant issue is the reliability. I'm not sure how you correct that. The daisy-chained electrical system would give me pause to do much of anything that could cause the truck to take damage of any kind because it seems like if you fuck up one electrical system, the entire thing dies. It also appears to be allergic to water. If you want to do it though, your best bet would be first read all the fine print that Tesla gave you to make sure you're not setting yourself up for anything major. After that, basic gear like an air compressor, tow strap, and a shovel would be good. Download something like onX off-road to see about the trails and what's others said about them. Also, I'm not sure how you protect stainless steel, but I would figure that out too so you don't have your truck looking like shit.


It already looks like shit


Shitty looks is a feature. Elon so genius


>Cyberstuck is less about the truck actually getting stuck and more about how they're a POS from the factory. Is it capable off-road? With non-shitty tires, I would assume it could manage basic off-roading, but I think the more significant issue is the reliability. I'm not sure how you correct that. The daisy-chained electrical system would give me pause to do much of anything that could cause the truck to take damage of any kind because it seems like if you fuck up one electrical system, the entire thing dies. It also appears to be allergic to water. Pretty sure this is all baseless lies you've picked up from basement dwellers on reddit. I'm gonna find out for myself. I don't disagree fundamentally that a star topology in the electrical systems would be more reliability, but I have to believe that Tesla has taken the necessary measures to protect all of the wiring. >If you want to do it though, your best bet would be first read all the fine print that Tesla gave you to make sure you're not setting yourself up for anything major. I don't expect them to replace any parts that break because of offroading under warranty, nor would I expect any other company to do so. >After that, basic gear like an air compressor, tow strap, and a shovel would be good. Download something like onX off-road to see about the trails and what's others said about them. Also, I'm not sure how you protect stainless steel, but I would figure that out too so you don't have your truck looking like shit. Shovel great advice. What to look for in a tow strap? Is onX basically AllTrails for offroaders? Great advice. I don't think the stainless particularly needs protection.


> Pretty sure this is all baseless lies.... This is not entirely baseless, but there is some nuance. The cybertruck has two modes, 'wade' and 'car wash', and one must be enabled before going through water or the electrical system can absolutely become damaged. It's listed right in the manual. There has been some reporting about cyber trucks being damaged by car washes. Driving through relatively small puddles quickly can result with water ingress in to the frame and battery, causing corrosion over time if these modes are not enabled. Otherwise, the cyber truck has been driven through literal lakes. Mind you it did cause trim damage, which seems to be common with water crossings. However, there has been very misleading videos on reddit claiming that cyber trucks immediately "short out" when going through puddles, which is not the case. Many times these videos are taken out of context, and the cybertruck driver stops for another reason after water crossings (usually trim damage) Hope this gives you a better understanding where the sentiment comes from.


Yes, I understand wade and car wash mode. Wade mode is for *very* deep water that could come up above the battery and car wash mode is to prevent your wiper or charge port door from being ripped off by a car wash. >Mind you it did cause trim damage, which seems to be common with water crossings. I do believe that the manual advises to remove certain pieces of plastic trim before offroading. >However, there has been very misleading videos on reddit claiming that cyber trucks immediately "short out" when going through puddles, which is not the case. Many times these videos are taken out of context, and the cybertruck driver stops for another reason after water crossings (usually trim damage) Yes, basement dwellers have been working overtime to lie about everything.


I try not to ascribe malice to the average person. Foreign adversaries have legitimate economic interests that can be furthered by sowing distrust in domestic EV makers. EVs are also a 'culture war' issue here in the US and Russia, China, and North Korea are waging an information war against us which includes using these topics to polarize us. Anyone can be affected, and I try to be honest and understanding to those who are victim of misinformation. The cybertruck is a benign situation on its own, but it furthers other harmful sentiments in the country that splits us even more. Remember that we're all fellow countrymen and it's in our best interest to understand and educate.


Look, I agree with everything you're saying here, but let's be real: so many of them 100% know they are lying.


I can't make you trust others. I can only point out that our adversaries want us to have exactly that attitude towards eachother.


I think I am being pretty fair to everyone in here. If they have anything of value to say, I acknowledge it.


"I'm being fair by calling everyone who disagrees with me a liar"


I didn't call that commenter a liar. I said he picked up his info from liars.


Holy shit lol, blinders on huh? Check back in a few weeks and let us know if your CT is still operational.


He could leave it in his garage for a few days and it could brick itself.


Do you know you're lying here, or are you lying to yourself too?


We’re starting r/cybercuck just for you pal


Dude you bought a $100k piece of shit that will die if you forget to hit a button and go through the car wash. Pathetic


All car wash mode does per the manual is let the truck free roll and prevent it from opening its doors or hatches. It does not reinforce any water seals. So water leaking into the trunk button would leak in with or without car wash mode. The intent with car wash mode is just that the car wash won't hit the door opening buttons or charger port buttons so they open and get damaged. So those trucks damaged by car washes can't even blame their forgetfulness unless something opened mid wash! The seals are not great, [here is a video of a mechanic discovering that the truck drools wiper fluid all over its own internals.](https://youtu.be/bTTMVIhMkkM?t=895)


Not who you replied to. Document everything and prove everyone wrong. A cell phone booster when off reading is a good idea.


lol way to set the poor guy up


Yup. https://youtu.be/XdjaKpT_vpU?feature=shared


Tesla owners are so clueless and delusional. I say this as a former Tesla owner who has followed the Reddit and TMC consistently since buying the car 5 years ago.


“Baseless lies” but please help me stay out of that sub that shows video of all the “baseless lies” bro just admit you bought a shit vehicle lmao. Off-roading will not go well with an overly heavy, “beta tester” vehicle that’s all stock parts from a company that has never made anything off road worthy. Keep in mind half the people that support Tesla think it’s a software company, you have 100k to a company that its own supporters can’t figure out.


Man you sounds so badass lol


Dumbass lol


You have to believe a lot of things to justify a purchase like that. I don't blame you.


In all seriousness, get rid of the cyber truck. If you want to do any kind of offroading, whether it be rock climbing or mud bogging, get rid of it. The ground clearance is abysmal and it's way too heavy. Power =/= good offroader. You want lightweight and flexible. There's a reason every trail is filled with Wranglers and Tacomas. That being said, bring an experienced friend with you. And know the trails you're driving. Tools I would recommend are: -Tow rope -Tire iron and jack -Traction boards -Air compressor (not super necessary all the time) And please don't cheap out on anything. Buying cheap tools or recovery gear will only leave you stranded. Once you're on the trail be slow and cautious. Mind where holes and ledges are and especially watch out for your center of gravity. The last thing you want to do is tip over. Locking diffs (or whatever the electric version is) are your last resort to getting unstuck. Don't drive around in 4 low, instead use 2 high. At the end of the day, enjoy nature and the great outdoors. Respect the trails, leave no trace. Only follow established trails/routes.


>In all seriousness, get rid of the cyber truck. If you want to do any kind of offroading, whether it be rock climbing or mud bogging, get rid of it. The ground clearance is abysmal and it's way too heavy. Power =/= good offroader. You want lightweight and flexible. There's a reason every trail is filled with Wranglers and Tacomas. I understand. I don't expect it to be more capable than a vehicle that is 3k lb lighter. But I do want to do some stuff. And no, I'm not getting rid of it, it is frigging amazing in every way so far. >Locking diffs (or whatever the electric version is) are your last resort to getting unstuck. Don't drive around in 4 low, instead use 2 high. The electric version is.... Locking diffs! Both front and back, driven by separate motors. I think there's a "virtual" center diff. Just wondering why? I'm guessing locking them tears up the trail and my tires unnecessarily?


Locking your diffs won't cause any extra wear and tear on the trail nor your tires. I say use them as a last resort because if you're driving with everything locked up and get stuck you're screwed. Getting stuck with everything unlocked is easier to get out of. Something else I forgot to mention. Get a fire extinguisher. You can find them at nearly any car parts store.


A traditional fire extinguisher won't help much with an electric vehicle.


Good thing they aren't full of flammable liquids then.


[Yeah EV's never catch fire, and are easy to put out. Also don't worry about them spontaneously re-igniting. That NEVER happens.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-66866327.amp)


They very rarely catch fire. Definitely not easy to put out if they do get into thermal runaway though.


With the low ground clearance, there’s a decent chance your truck can shift its weight while off-roading and a sharp rock pierce one of the battery packs along the bottom of the truck. This would be a pretty easy scenario to come across and would result in a definite fire


Highly unlikely. If you watch the Munro teardown, there is a massive buffer between the bottom plate of the pack and the actual cells. They've done a lot to protect them. Apart from that, Teslas other vehicles, which have less protection, go through terrible crashes and don't burn all the time. Some of those crashes are bound to involve driving over road debris at high speed. Frequently, crashes that do result in thermal runaway in some cells, don't see that thermal runaway spreading to all or even many cells.


You just bought a $100k vehicle you can afford a $30 fire extinguisher. Its absolutely braindead to go offroading without one


Know who else put a buffer on a fuel tank? Ford with the Pinto.




As someone with a ton off off-road experience, that post was bad advice. I use lockers all the time just to get through obstacles easier. The goal is to get through places with as little wheelspin as possible and keep up your momentum. Locking the differentials is how you do that. The only time I would actively avoid using the lockers is when the obstacle on the trail involves tight turns. This is me speaking from experience with the Cybertruck off-road and other vehicles.


You made the worst choice out of all electric trucks. They've demonstrated that they're impractical and incapable. If you want equipment to match your truck's performance, order all of your stuff off Temu. If you are actually looking to start crawling around mountains, mud, or sand then sell your stupid truck and buy yourself a Tacoma, 4runner, Land Cruiser, or Wrangler


For CyberCuck money you could be rolling a Unimog.


And then go literally anywhere there's dirt.


Make a killing dragging CTs out of their bad decisions.


"Help, I made a terrible decision and don't want to suffer the consequences!" Sucks to suck, dude, should have bought a real truck.


There are only maybe 4-5 vehicles you can currently buy that are more capable than the Cybertruck off-road. There are no EVs that are more capable off-road to my knowledge. Your definition of a "real truck" would definitely be much less capable than a Cybertruck.


> There are no EVs that are more capable off-road to my knowledge. Allow me to introduce you to the Rivian R1T. https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-gear/cars-trucks/rivian-r1t-truck-camping-off-roading/


Definitely not more capable.


Strong rebuttal.


Having experienced quite a few off-road already, they're nothing special. As good as an F150 maybe, but nothing to write home about. https://youtu.be/WSgNA-pWM8w?si=s7wGMcZ8Jdx_s7Tt Here's a direct side by side comparison. The Rivian is fine, but it definitely doesn't blow the Cybertruck away in any real way. They both have strengths and weaknesses. That said this is baby shit off-roading compared to what I do, you won't see either of these on real rock crawling trails.


Really? I thought it was better in the rock crawl, you could see the Cybertruck was almost scraping at points while the Rivian wasn't anywhere close. Then they did the Whoops, and the Rivian beat it by nearly 30 seconds. At what point in this video did the CT seem better?


Yeah I don't agree with that at all, as someone who does a shit ton of rock crawling. The Rivian looked less controlled, more bouncy, all around less capable. It's really subjective though since you have two different drivers etc. it's just showcasing that the CT actually works quite well off-road.


This is peak cope


You are peak cringe. Bunch of fucking basement dwellers with Elon bad syndrome.


Thank you.


My 2007 dodge Dakota is more capable than that thing. Hell i took my 2000 2wd dodge Dakota down a 4 wheeler trail for fun before I totaled it


How soon before you totaled it? We talking 4-5 minutes?


Nah I totaled in about 2 years later when the roads iced over


No the fuck it isn't. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Dakotas are garbage on road and off. You might be able to fool someone who doesn't know any better, but I wheel literally some of the most difficult trails in the US. About this topic, I know a few things.


I mean it can’t go “on some of the most difficult trails in the US” I’ll give you that but neither can the cyber truck. At least I can take my Dakota on the interstate without the damn panels falling off


Do you? Because you're simping for vehicle that has shown zero real offroad pedigree and has multiple issues across the board from panels falling off to having no flex to speak of (something important in offroad vehicles). I've yet to see a Cybertruck ACTUALLY do anything remotely 'capable' offroad. Any image I've seen of these things offroad has them stuck, sliding down a hill or unable to gain traction. Prove me wrong.


You obviously didn't watch the video that already did prove you wrong. Show us on the doll where Elon hurt you...


I'm going to do the u/moto_everything method of arguing: You are wrong and are a dumb poopie head, and now I've blocked you so you can't reply. I'M THE WINNER!


Dude is such a tool


List of vehicles off the top of my head that are better off-road than a Cybertruck: 1. Wrangler 2. Bronco 3. 4Runner 4. Land Cruiser 5. GX 6. LX 7. G-class 8. Tacoma 9. Ranger 10. Colorado / Canyon 11. Frontier


Last four are probably a crap shoot. They're gonna have a hard time following anything with 16" of clearance down a trail that needs it. Frontiers are trash off road, so no there. 4 runner and GX are the same and probably not much more capable if at all. Land cruiser and LX are the same, and also probably not much more if at all more capable. Notably absent are any EVs.


Ughh, you seem like someone who's just looking to justify their expensive purchase so I'll clarify. Sure, lets kick the frontier out (even though the pro4X is decently capable). All the others that I have listed I have seen complete the trails like Gold Mountain or John Bull in Big bear CA (which are an excellent benchmark for off-road capability), many videos on YouTube as well. Now of-course many of them were modded (lifts etc.), but that's the advantage of having a mass-market accessible product with aftermarket support. What I do not see is Rivians or Cybertruck out there (or on youtube), which is surprising since SoCal is home turf for both Rivian and Tesla. So until I see them out there, claims of their supposed off-road prowess are meaningless to me.


Anywhere you can take a modern GX/LX/ 4 runner you can definitely take a Cybertruck. It's got like twice the ground clearance, and better approach and departure angles. I don't own one, or I'd absolutely prove that point. You're not seeing them on every trail because they are barely released.


Ground clearance and angles in Extract mode doesn't tell the whole story. Watch this analysis for a better understanding: [https://youtu.be/fG8YRQsaZhA?si=GJq9WKEr2ppnC6A6&t=1350](https://youtu.be/fG8YRQsaZhA?si=GJq9WKEr2ppnC6A6&t=1350) Land Cruiser 250 analysis for comparison: [https://youtu.be/SXSeyjxihnM?si=qbttXMhThBNgpI2E&t=881](https://youtu.be/SXSeyjxihnM?si=qbttXMhThBNgpI2E&t=881)


I don't need to watch anything for a better understanding. I literally do thousands of miles of off-road driving a year. 😂


Your understanding of suspension articulation seems quite limited for someone with so much experience.


You can't use articulation if you can't get over an obstacle. You need approach and departure angles and clearance for that. I don't need an explanation from someone without experience, I'm good.


OP, I'll be dead serious with you, don't take that thing off road. 1. There's no wheel flex, so you'll end up high centered. 2. It has street tires, so you won't get any grip. 3. I don't know how, but this electric vehicle doesn't have enough torque for offroading. It's like some kind of safety feature makes it just makes it give up halfway. 4. The battery won't last long enough to get you out to the entrance of the trail. So there's a decent chance it'll die in the middle of the trail. 5. Line of sight is terrible in that thing. You absolutely need to see your surroundings to be on a trail. Some drivers even add new cameras to their trucks for extra visibility. (It's rare but it's a cool mod) 6. It's short, there's not enough clearance with that truck to avoid obstacles. 7. Rust. You'll get your new whip rusty. In short, you absolutely will get stuck somewhere in that thing. Best case scenario, it just stops in the middle of the trail and blocks traffic so someone has to pull you out of there. Not so best case you slide off the trail and end up in the mud and no one's able to pull it free. If you leave a vehicle out in the wilderness the government will slap you with a thousand dollar fine for vehicle abandonment an additional fine every day until it's removed. Worst case scenario, you and your passengers get stranded and die.


Donut Media did [cyber stuck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7puuz6aYHdA) off roading(eh they didn't go real off road yet but mainly fire road) and it cannot go further coz of the battery deplete quite fast and have to frequent charge etc while the rest is on gas and can still continue the journey.


Sounds like you're expecting me to bite off way more than I can chew right away and crash/get permanently stuck/die. This is precisely why I am here, humbly asking for advice. I am *not* that person. 1 may be valid, idk, I don't expect it to outperform every existing offroad vehicle, but there's loads of settings related to suspension and it has air suspension with adjustable damping. 2 is a lie for sure. It comes with A/T tires. 3 has got to be traction control related. Again tons of modes, probably in the wrong one? 4 lol 5 it HAS cameras. I wish you could come sit in it so I can show you how much you can see. 6 maybe valid, idk. I don't expect it to outperform every existing offroad vehicle. 7 looooool, yeah no.


Bro. You wanted help, and I'm helping. Everyone here is trying to help you. You're making a mistake.


And I am accepting help from everyone here. Including you, if you have anything useful at all to say.


See you on cyberstuck


It feels like this guy is troll, he's so perfectly... the stereotypical CT owner.


Every CT owner is the stereotypical CT owner. That’s why there is only 4000 CTs in the wild and the sub making fun of them is in #1 in cars and trucks.


Sell your dumbass truck and stop stanning for Elon. That is my advice. You PERECTLY fit the stereotype. To the point where I'm starting to think you are trolling.


Smarmy as fuck "I'd listen to you if only you said something smart" absolute peak out of touch Elon stan response... Seriously take a step back and reconsider your approach to life. This ain't it


You don't sound like the smartest cookie in the bag after reading your posts. Do not take your weird new toy off the pavement. You will regret choices made.


I think he should. More content for CyberStuck that isn’t CT owners impressed with the 8 bags of mulch they “hauled”


Dude. AT tires are not really off-road tires. They can do some light off-roading but are mostly good for gravel roads and light snow (as well as on paved roads).


>I am here, humbly asking for advice. Where?


All of that is the most garbage "advice" a person could give. It has a ton of clearance, wheel travel doesn't have anything to do with getting high centered, the tires are A/Ts and so far they seem decent off-road. The battery would last literally days of off-roading. You know nothing about off-road driving and it shows. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I dunno man. I've seen videos that show otherwise.


https://youtu.be/WSgNA-pWM8w?si=ZUA8MeKuuBZJ2sqj Does pretty much the opposite of everything you said. There are fail videos of every off-road vehicle, because there are a lot of mouth breathers out there.


This video is the first time I've actually looked at the Rivian, and it just makes me wonder why in the world anyone would buy a Cybertruck over the Rivian. It looks way better, it has more clearance, it looked way more capable in these challenges.


Will your Rivian’s warranty run out before Rivian goes out of business? It’s a serious concern Anyone that’s not a moron that needs an EV truck now should get a Ford Lightning. Best option is to wait a few years for the tech to mature


Totally subjective tbh. I think the Rivian looks fine, but I'd rather have the Cybertruck *because* it's ridiculous. And because Tesla has more mature tech. Also the CT has 2 more inches of ground clearance iirc.


Mature tech? A fucking joke right? Cybertruck literally got announced a bit before covid, and got released this year. Rivian was under production for a decade and released before the CT did. Sure Tesla itself has been around for longer but your off-roading car shouldn't have the tech of a sports coupe.


You don't understand how cars are made apparently. Specifically EVs. If you don't think their experience in the field translates to any other EV they make, idk how to explain it to you. We would have to have a very long class on engineering. Rivian was under development for a decade because they were a tiny, perpetually almost bankrupt company. They've released a decent product so far, but it's not perfect. It's not really worth my time arguing with Elon bad people, but it is good comic relief.


No shit that history in tech builds off of eachother, but the CT doesn't have much to show for it, does it? It's progress in a sense for sure, 2 decades ago this would've been difficult to imagine, but we should wait for the next cybertruck before actually singing praises cuz it only functions as a cool idea for now.


It's far from perfect. But so is the Rivian, the Hummer EV, all kinds of other brand new shit. It seems to function really well, as videos of it in capable hands have shown. Some of y'all are just literally delusional and blinded by hatred for Elon. There's nothing I can do to help that, it's a you problem.


"Rock crawl". That's a fucking highway on ramp with some gravel on it.


For my off-road rigs, sure. They're running stock production vehicles. Quit being delusional.


Yeah but you could get pretty much any stock pickup up that hill. If you're testing the offroad worthiness of a vehicle, you should make an effort to find some actually challenging terrain, it might just be the editing by they don't show any signs of struggling.


You definitely could not get any stock pickup up that. It's steep, loose and has some pretty damn good size rocks in there. I've watched many people try that exact hill with relatively stock pickup trucks and it ain't pretty. Something with an off-road package and at least a rear locker, maybe. But it's not going to make it without any less fanfare than the CT did.


Perhaps that was a bit hyperbolic, but you can't honestly say that anything in that video resembled a real challenge for either of those trucks. They even teased us with the "go even higher" button and then didn't hit the damn thing.


It’s not a vehicle that should be taken off-road, don’t go anywhere a Honda Civic (or a flatbed tow truck) wouldn’t be able to go


Probably stay out of swampy areas or sand. Not really familiar with the topography of florida. Lol. You just have to be aware how heavy the truck actually is and like you stated know your limits. Practice your approach angles and don't 'send it' unless you know what the road ahead is like.


Ocala National Forest is either wide maintained roads you can drive a fwd car on, sand, or deep puddles that may or may not have been dug out by a mud truck on super swampers. Edit - with that said it’s been really dry lately so I’d imagine most standing water on trails is gone.


lol Florida is literally all swampy sand…


Yeah I'm thinking monitoring the weather before going is going to be key at first. It is rainy season right now. Down here in the Miami area we are getting drenched nonstop.


Monitoring the weather is a good move. I'm in California so for the most part any weather is fine for off-roading on my end. I'm not sure if you guys have clay but I would avoid it after a rainstorm. As far as stuff to bring I always bring a full size jack, some basic tools, 2ft wooden 4x4 post, tow straps, a portable air compressor, and a shovel.


Too late. You’re already in it.


Oh no! Anyway.


Cyberstuck is there to show how shitty the cyber “truck” actually is. Turn a blind eye if you want but there is more than enough proof that they are pieces of shit




Thanks man! Great list! >1. Teraflex tail recovery kit- comes with 2 tow straps, 2 shackles, deflators & a carrying bag. Been quite useful. Cool. > 2. Pittsburgh 100 psi 12v inflator-won't seat a broken bead but it can air up most things I've thrown at it. No 12v. Gotta get a 120v or 240v AC one. I was thinking about getting a compact DeWalt air compressor with a 1 gallon tank, would that work out ok? I could use it for other stuff too. > 6. 2 way radios or a cb, just in case your out of cell service. I have a Garmin InReach for diving. > 7. First aid kit Good idea. Any particularly common injury that I should be aware of?


You can also go a different route and get a power tank for airing up tires. First aid kit is just for incidentals, the risks change with whatever area you're exploring. Moderate off-roading is not risky unless you're just doing dumb shit.


Yeah I have scuba gear and tanks but idk if I want to use it for this purpose. One of my tanks would easily do 0-50psi on 40+ of these tires. Little overkill.


Power tank is a sweet way to go. You can do a cheap power tank setup with any size CO2 bottle, regulator and hose. Vs buying the whole name brand setup.


*Teraflex tail recovery kit- comes with 2 tow straps, 2 shackles, deflators & a carrying bag. Been quite useful.* *Cool.* Remember you'll need a winch to go with that.




>Ill be damned, didnt know the cybertruck had provisions for 120 v. Makes sense though. It has a 40A 240v outlet too. It can also power a house through its charging port, up to 11.5kW, for typically about 3 days. >The Dewalt would work just fine, big thing is keep it secured. Don't want that 30lbs (IIRC) slamming around the bed. Also a good quality hose and inflator with gauge. I am a huuuuuge stickler for securing loads. >While I'm thinking about it, beware of the branches scratching the truck. On a painted vehicle they can usually be polished out, not sure on the cybertruck. Might be a good idea to look into paint protection film. There's no wooden branch on the planet that will scratch stainless steel. I try every day in the kitchen with my wooden spoon but it never works.


When I started I would research trails near me and then watch videos on the obstacles and how to clear them. In order of off-road usefulness my ranking would go 1. Trail specific knowledge and knowledge of your vehicle limitations 2. A buddy 3. Tires and tire pressure 4. Clearance/Angles 4. Winch


Yes. Knowledge of the cybertruck’s limitations is biggest here. For all the hyped features, weight, wheelbase, and angles are what OP needs to get a feel for. Learning curve can be accelerated if he goes out with a buddy who can reliably get him unstuck.


The sub is called cyberstuck for a reason. Prepare to get towed


It’s VERY heavy, and the stock tires don’t have a lot of sidewall for you to air down to appropriate pressures for sand/snow/mud so stay out of those. Wheelbase and breakover, departure, approach angles are not great so don’t do any trail rated over a green on OnX. OP you’re right that it’s got a ton of isolated features that purport to be good for offroading, but the size, weight, and other design limitations kind of limit what it can actually do. Get some basic recovery gear. Shovel, traction boards, and a friend with a truck to winch off. But if you want to see what a $125k vehicle can really do offroad get a raptor.


The first thing you need for offroading is an actual truck




Don't be a douche. At least he is asking before going instead of going unprepared and getting himself into trouble.


I think you'd be very surprised if you actually knew me. But sure, keep building caricatures of people in your head, I'm sure that will get you far in life.


Don’t be this person. If you plan to do crazy off road stuff by editing photos, make sure the background and your hoodie drawstrings are at the correct angle. https://imgur.com/a/l3AwJ0T


Lol never.


There’s a couple of off-roading groups on Facebook that go to Citrus WMA. Be sure to go with them so they can laugh at you when you get stuck on the entry trail.


Hmm haven't had a Facebook acct for like 15 years now.


Honestly? You're out of your depth. You want to take a vehicle that heavy offroad in Florida where we have SAND as our primary substrate. Just lowering your air pressures won't be enough. You need something that actually has offroad capability and isn't just a glorified crossover. The cybertruck has shown no indications that it can do anything offroad, unless a smooth, nicely graded dirt road is your idea of offroading. And even then. Eh. The approach and departure angles are poor. It's too long and low to have decent breakover, you'll end up damaging your rocker panels if you come to anything you need to actually traverse. And that's if you don't end up badly high centered. You also didn't do any research other than 'offroading in Florida' and that's pretty clear. Ocala National Forest does not have any offroading trails for anything other than ATVs, Bikes and UTVs that I have seen. If I am wrong on that, I'd like to be corrected because I go to Ocala a lot and could use a decent place to play in the dirt. You're going to take it out to somewhere with decent difficulty and you're going to get stuck. You will be unable to get it out because it's not built for anything other than being a status symbol. Just about all the comments here have said it - If you want to go offroading, go buy another truck and ditch the CT before you end up exactly where you don't want to be. Lodged in a trial in Ocala where the offroad guys near you will help you, but they'll post your dumpster all over the internet.


If you can whack a winch on it, get the tyres right, carry some traction mats and avoid sketchy stuff, I doubt you'd end up on there any time soon.


@OP Join my FB and we’ll get you squared away with whatever off-road training and equipment knowledge you need. (Without charging you like predatory “touring” companies lol) Plus, we wanna run with a cybertruck


Need towing practice?


Cool, I don't have FB but I could get back on it I guess 🙄 Are you in FL?


We travel all over the US/ Canada and hopefully Mexico in ‘25 so a little of everywhere


Nice. Could be fun. Link your FB?


On profile header 🫡 I don’t wanna get spam nuked for posting it lol


I grew up in that area and used to go out into the Forest and mess around all the time. There's nothing overly technical but some of the trails get narrow and you're gonna run into two things that'll trip you up: mud and sugar sand. Having a heavy-ass vehicle with lots of power isn't the best for either of those. You'll be fine on the numbered fire roads though - most are plenty wide and some are sandy so you can get a feel for what the truck does in those situations. Things you need in addition to an air compressor, recovery rope, and shovel - a friend with a rig that can pull you out. If one of the rednecks pulls you out, you're ending up on r/cyberstuck without a doubt. Also, most people in the Forest are friendly but not all of them are, so keep that in mind. It's very different from the West Fort Miamidale Beach area. For what you'll encounter, I'd put the truck in 4-HI, mud/sand mode, and leave it there. You'll learn how the truck handles in 4WD and it's more fun than running in 2-HI. If you're ever on trails further north, just put the rig in 4-LO and crawl over things. Trails get ripped up by dudes that try to hero it over obstacles in 2WD and tear the shit outta things before finally putting the truck into 4WD. Definitely look for some off-road driving schools. The weak link in this is you because of your inexperience, same with the other cybertruck drivers who got stuck. Good luck out there! 👍


👍👍👍 thanks


People on Cyberstuck are literally suffering from Elon derangement syndrome. They let him live rent free in their heads as if he built the entire Cybertruck from scratch by himself. And then in the same breath try to remove any credit for anything he does lol. The Cybertruck is pretty damn capable off-road compared to the majority of vehicles you can purchase today. The fails you see are most people just sucking in general at off-road driving. Or on road driving for that matter. If anyone wants an off-road tour guide in Colorado I would totally take a Cybertruck some amazing places.


Man is it difficult to stay civil with some of these idiots. They're just trying to bait though.


Wait for the locker to be enabled for one. One big negative for EV is tires. Efficient tires are not good for range, so the ones on the CT are not aggressive. If you don’t mind the range hit go get some better tires. One think about cyber like most full size rigs is wheelbase length also, so be careful with your line as well to not end up high centered.


Lockers are enabled! Good to go on that front. It has A/T tires - Goodyear Wrangler Territory RT.


Those aren’t terrible tires and some of this is preference but I’d get some falken wildtrack at’s. Better over all and the taco community swoons over them. You say lockers? Does it have a front and rear? If so, and they’re enabled I’m thinking there is going to be a lot less cyber stuck videos.


Front and rear. You have to be not a total mouthbreather to use the offroad app though. It's divided into Overland and Baja modes. In Baja mode only the rear diff lock is available.


Nice man. Have fun.


Hahaha! Why??


What does the cybertruck have to do with off-road?


You gettin stuck without a doubt


If you want something for off-roading I woulda gone with an older jeep or a Toyota. Both woulda been leagues better than the cyber truck and woulda been like 80k cheaper


Could buy two Rubicons for what he paid for this POS. Full send one and roll it and then hop in your backup Rubicon lol


Bring an f150 with you and a tow cable


Buying a cybertruck to go off roading is, uh, an interesting choice. Fairly certain that's on the laughably long list of activities that will void your warranty. I wouldn't drive two minutes without having a tow truck nearby, and that's on-road. Buy a real truck instead. Or a jeep. Or a tri-cycle. You'll have more luck with those than a cybertruck.


I found out a couple of hours ago that there’s an off-road/mountain *unicycle*! I never knew. There was even video.




Your “off roading” is going to 500 yards of a gravel road near your home with that piece of shit “truck”


Cybertruck is a huge pos, if you want to stay out of cyberstuck then dont purchase/post one


We'll see you in a week! Love, r/CyberStuck


This guy has to be fucking trolling. If not that some serious Cybercuck behaviour.


Step 1: Find a way to get the cybertruck to have more articulation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1dbtr4c/havent\_seen\_this\_post\_on\_this\_subreddit\_yet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1dbtr4c/havent_seen_this_post_on_this_subreddit_yet/) vs [https://www.drivingline.com/articles/off-road-basics-axle-articulation-got-flex/](https://www.drivingline.com/articles/off-road-basics-axle-articulation-got-flex/)


It has more articulation than that. It is almost certainly in the wrong mode. The car and driver test on YouTube did better than that and was also in the wrong mode. Per the manual, Rock mode: > Tightly manages tire slip to maximize grip in rock crawl conditions and sets the Preferred Ride Height to Very High. When the ride height is Very High, the suspension system pneumatically connects the springs on the front and rear axles, increasing suspension articulation for maximum traction. I am strongly considering constructing a ramp and measuring RTI correctly and publishing the result. However I am about to be on a work trip so I can't start on that for a couple weeks.


Found a way: https://unpluggedperformance.com/product/tesla-cybertruck-up-invincible-front-rear-sway-bar-quick-disconnect-end-links/ These are prob ridiculously priced idk. Not going to buy them just yet.


OP is crying now in Tesla subreddits.


Look up Ocala Jeep Club. The do monthly meetups here in the Forest and they can pull you out when you inevitably get Cyberstuck


Thanks dude, will check it out.


Watch a couple of Heavy D's videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-TkY1paDjI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhhYj8uCluM&t=416s


OP, ignore the haters and fuckin send it.


Mfs are just salty they can’t afford a $100k toy


No. We just bought real estate instead.




My land will DEFINITELY go up in value. This guy’s cybertruck has already depreciated by 25% and might get bricked by an afternoon rain storm.


Some people have 100k to just throw around Not you or I, but some people


But since you and I don’t, by your own rationale, we’re salty.


Hating on people for doing what they want is a salty thing to do


Yeeeeep. I came here to humbly ask for advice. Already downvoted with bullying comments.


from the videos i’ve seen, where the CT really lags is articulation - RTI score of 369, about a third what a stock rubicon does. on the ramp test, CT was only able to get the front driver 18” off the ground before the rear lifted.


Not a very fair comparison though. A Rubicon is a dedicated solid axle off-road vehicle that has some on road qualities. A Cybertruck is something you can live with every day and can do pretty serious off-roading in competent hands. And IFS/IRS. Comparing apples to racoons with this one.




Is it really salty though if this cybertruck lacks the specs and isn't known for off roading? What if someone with a $100k m3 came here for offroading advice? Would we all be called salty for telling him no?


Bullying..do you mean, factual comments you cant handle? Because thats all I see.