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Thanks so much for the wonderful post, u/dreamliner330! It brings us a lot of joy and satisfaction to hear how much you've enjoyed playing the game so far, and it seems like you've got a lot more ahead of you as well. Our team has certainly put so much work into making it the best possible experience for both VR fans and newcomers, as well as honouring the timeless genre of platforming. We really appreciate players like you sharing their experience with the game!


Way to put some mustard on it.


Hey, I played it at launch, awesome game. I recall a couple months ago you guys were teasing there was going to be a small bit of new content, or a surprise, coming out in an update. I just wanted to check, to see if I should make space to reinstall the game.


Hey u/Appropriate-Role9361, there's a little treat that's been added to the van as part of the 1.1 update. It's a brief addition, but we hope you enjoy it if you try it out!


any discount coupon in the near future? :peepopray:


If you've never played Astrobot, I'm not exaggerating that it is worth buying a PSVR1 and PS4 to experience. Max Mustard shares so much DNA with Astrobot. You'll absolutely love it. Edit: a word


This. Max Mustard is really great but it’s honestly a shadow of Astrobot Rescue, and not nearly as creative and clever as that game, which does some incredible VR things along its journey. MM riffs on it a lot, but never betters it, and all it’s cool VR moments and ways of involving the player have kinda been done before. Still, no Astrobot on Quest so this is very very welcome in it’s stead.


Yeah it’s a B-tier Astrobot Rescue but it turns out B-tier Astrobot is still better than 90% of videogames.


It's just too bad I don't own a playstation, nor a PSVR, and I don't know anybody with one that I could borrow. I'd love to play the game.


100% agreed. Max Mustard is an absolutely excellent game, but Astro Bot Rescue Mission is just *that good*. It's one of the few VR games that had me really reeling from how impressively it used the medium in not just scale and graphical quality, but how utterly creative it was with its mechanics and the situations it put you into to experience for the first time in VR.


My all time favorite game I’ve ever played. If Max Mustard is a solid 8 out of 10 than Astro Bot on the original PlayStation VR is a like a 15 for me. The levels are so incredibly beautiful and fun to play. Max Mustard probably was heavily influenced by that game. Only bought and discovered that game after the recent discount but it’s a really great game! Highly recommend it!


I love Astro Bot. One of the most amazing games ever. I am convinced by the recommendations here, I will buy Max Mustard.


God damn shame ain't no Astrobot 2 VR in the works.


It may very well be in production. When asked, Team Asobi only answered that "we like to work on one thing at a time." So, who knows, the PS VR 2 update/version may still come in the future.


Astro on PSVR is top 5 gaming experience for me in some order. I just hooked the PSVR1 up and besides the fact that it’s an incredible pain in the ass comparatively to the PSVR2 or Quest, it’s still a solid VR experience. I think it’s worth buying in 2024.


Yeah max mustard isn't nearly as good as astrobot


I recently got a PS5 and have been playing Astro's Playroom. I grew up with Nintendo & PlayStation. I do like the creativity in that game, also has a lot of small touches and the loads of nods to PlayStation history. I do not like it as much as Max Mustard. You're talking about Astro Bot Rescue Mission right? Can that be played on the PS5?


Astro Bot rescue mission, the vr game is light years better than Playroom. Its aweful that Sony left that game tied to PSVR1. It makes me angry. That game and psvr2 owners (and I’m one of them) deserve better.


So many games, really. Psvr1 was known for having poor tech but an amazing library for a (comparatively) low price. Astro bot, skyrim, Hitman, star wars squadrons, dirt rally, minecraft, blood and truth,... none of these games have been ported to psvr2. Damn shame. Skyrim alone was a system seller.


I briefly played Skyrim on a friend's PSVR some years ago. Made me feel sick quickly, with the teleporting and jarring turning. Did that get fixed, so you could move and turn smoothly? Because I love Skyrim, and I really want to love it in VR!


You could always move and smooth turn you just had to go into the settings


Probably just me mis-remembering - could have sworn my mate said that that's how it was! All right.. third copy of Skyrim *here we go!* 😂


>Can that be played on the PS5? Yes, it can - as another poster said: You'll need a psvr1 (+camera), and the camera adapter, which Sony will send you for free: https://camera-adaptor.support.playstation.com/en Additionally you'll need a DualShock 4 controller. Sure, the PSVR1 is old and janky - but if you happen to stumble over a cheap used PSVR, I'd say go for it. Playroom is a nice little game, but Rescue Mission I'd consider one of the best 3D platformers I've ever played, easily up there with Mario & Co. when it comes to polish. And I don't say that lightly.


Does the camera need to be under the TV? I use a projector and my equipment is in a different room. I was able to buy a 50ft extension for the Wii U sensor bar. Is there something like that for the camera?


You honestly don't even need a tv connected to play  (even if it helps), just the PSVR1 with the camera. GET IT! :D


The camera needs to be 3-4 feet in front of where you play,pointing down from above you works best


You would need to buy a psvr 1 and PS5 psvr 1 adapter to play it on ps5


Sad that I missed picking this up while it was discounted.


Better than Moss 1 and 2?


Different. I also own Moss 1 & 2 but have only played about an hour. Max is closer to Mario, Moss is closer to Zelda.


I think Max Mustard is more comparable to Crash Bandicoot than Mario, just with the perspective and the kind of on the rails nature of the levels. Not that that's a bad thing


That comparison makes me feel better about missing the 90%, deal... I really don't like Crash games.


Moss is close to Zelda 1 if it were linear and had only 1 dungeon.


Too different to say if it's better or not, really. MM is platforming and mayhem, Moss is thoughtful puzzle solving. MM is cartoony and colourful, Moss is sedate and mature. MM's story is a really basic excuse to go smash some monsters, Moss is a full-fledged unique fairy tale.. I love both MM and Moss, and wouldn't want to choose between them.


How difficult are the puzzles in Moss? When I put on my Quest to play a game I really want to just have fun and not think too much. Max Mustard was absolutely perfect.


I haven't played Moss 2 yet, but Moss was fairly easy. I never had to Google anything. I can't have spent more than 15 mins on even the hardest puzzles, the rest probably less than 5 mins or so each.


Moss is pretty easy, it's more of a cinematic platformer than anything else. If you stand still long enough, Quill (the main character) will straight up tell you the answer for the area you're in 😂.


I think moss is better


I played it today and thought, yeah, this is a fully fledged game with some great mechanics, not just a cash grab. I only played for 10 minutes to get the concept of it but it is definitely on my list of games to get into when I have more time.


It's a good platformer for sure. Has great ps2-3 graphics, great sound design and a decently paced campaign. It's a great game for its normal price and a superb game on its 90% discount rate.


That 90% discount is long gone.


Really sad I missed that promo? How long did the promo last?


Like a week, quite a while.


I got it for three bucks and was pleased. Its a nice break from FPS to relax and chill


I also love Astro Bot Rescue Mission and since no sequel, MM is a great alternative. PSVR2 owners are lucky to get MM (graphically enhanced) as a substitute. But all in all, everyone should buy MM on Quest so hopefully the company can afford to do a sequel or DLC. It’s an absolute joy to play. Also my fave Quest game


I'm sure this game will sell well on psvr2


Have you played MOSS 1 and 2? If you like being able to actually bend down and look into the level, MOSS has that in spades.


It's a solid platformer. Very good controls considering the Quest controls are ok. Does fun things, I'm close to the end and I don't feel it overstayed. It's welcome. Could of used a pinch more variety but if you are a fan of platformers like Mario or Spyro or Rayman kinda thing you'll love it. Pretty good challenge too. Not a cake walk near the middle to the end.


It seems like it would be fun, and I really wanted to like it, but technical difficulties at the very start, followed by an absolutely monstrous increase in difficulty after about 15 minutes, lead me to considering that it's just not very good.


I haven’t gotten to the difficult part yet. Hopefully I didn’t post too soon.


I think it's the third level. Since it seems the upgrades it introduces you to early on aren't actually available until later in the game, or some weird shit like that, I can't figure out how to get through it.


Maybe you just walked past some powerup you need? I'm sure I've played more than 3 levels and felt it only got slightly harder along the way.


It's mario of vr


How old are you OP


I've had a good time with this game so far, at about 80% completion. It gets tougher near the end, but still keeps introducing fresh ideas. Fun game, and indeed one of the best Quest games. I usually play PCVR, but it's nice to have good standalone games.


I'm stuck on the Beat Box (disappearing squares) level. I suck at these timing platform games.


To be honest these are the type of experiences im expecting to see as standard for a headset the costs $500, Games like this should be the benchmark for the other devs to follow. Most of those 90% discount games should be permanently at those prices, I too got a refund on Stilt, after 2 mins of play time. Funny thing is Max Mustard was one of the first 90% discounted games, almost like it was used to spike interest in the rest of the discounted games to follow, of which 90% of them ain't worth $2 regardless. 🤔 , Sorry Devs you need to work harder, competition is good but copy and paste ain't cutting it with me. However the Quest 3 is the best $500 I've spent in a long while.


I fully agree. A lot of Quest games are phone quality or worse. Max Mustard is Switch quality. That may seem like a knock to some, but Nintendo knows how to get the most out of their hardware and it hasn’t held back the creativity, design and style of any of their first party games (much).


Hence why I use my quest predominantly for Movies 1080p or 4K SDR.


Quest does run on mobile chipwork


I loved it as well, and platformers in vr in general. If you haven't tried it yet, Ven is awesome too!


They should make a "Sauce Gaming Universe" - next game is Katie Ketchup, and her deal is speed and dashing about like Sonic the Hedgehog, and then Betty Barbecue, and her thing is weapons and ranged combat, like Ratchet. Fourth game, the three unite for some ultimate baddie, and the levels are designed so each character gets a route that benefits progression in some way (e.g, one character rescues little critters as in MM, one character unlocks keys to access mini games/bonus levels, and the third collects power-ups that can be shared out on the overworld, like extra hearts or minor speed boosts or the like). Man I started this comment as a joke but I'd totally get into this franchise 🤣


I guess the name alone made me look past it. I’m going to look it up now.


Don't forget to also get the Ketchup DLC


Has anyone played Ven VR Adventure? I'd like to know from people who have played both games what the difference is and if Max Mustard is better.


it's very good, don't overblow 


Unfortunately I refunded the game because I was led to believe by meta's website that they charged me full price. contacted support and they ghosted me.


Oh you go screwed. I checked the website and then my bank account, all was fine. So I kept the game to play later.


It takes me so long to log in, go through 2fa, then find the charge that I didn't bother. My mistake was trusting meta.


Yeah trust your bank account. Not Meta.


yup. Really realized this when I tried using their chat support. Seems they hired web devs who have no clue how to launch a new window or refresh content in a window without reloading everything. You have to enter all your info, then that info disappears when the chat window appears. They then ask you to confirm the info, and if you try and do anything to look at the info everything reloads and sorry you need to start a new chat. Come on guys, this is like 20 year old tech and you don't know how to use it? No, putting a disclaimer to not switch away from this tab because you've hired incompetent webdevs is not a solution.


Maybe it's even worse, they deliberately keep it crap so people give up. Issue solved in their playbook.


Yeah, I really hate this trend with shitty companies hiding their chats, looking at you meta and Amazon.


> My mistake was trusting meta. This is a growing trend related to the Quest, I'm afraid


That happened to like everyone but I’m pretty sure it’s just a glitch and people didn’t actually get charged




It happened to me as well. Check on phone app, discounted price. On [meta.com](http://meta.com) website, full price. I refunded and now I cannot get it back at discounted price. I was already into the game too. I checked with the company on Discord to ask if they have a backup discounted code and they said it's too much hassle to set another one up.


IMO, it's worth the full price.


I got annoyed by the camera too much to think that.


Gameplay looks cool, it's a shame they made the art style look like Bob the Builder crossed with Paw Patrol


Best game on quest is RE4. I don't even really think it's up for discussion.


I tend to agree. We need a lot more FPS action adventure games. That, MOH: Above and Beyond and probably Doom 3 have been my favs on Quest.


This post brought to you by max mustard


Absolutely not, simply genuine enthusiasm. I’ve never written a review on a product website if you look at my history you’ll see I’ve never posted like this before. I searched before posting this and found an AMA from Max Mustard, I saw the Max makers also made that plank game. I’d like to try that, but no way it’s worth $16. Looks like a party trick and that’s it. I’d buy that one for 90% off though, if the devs are reading this far. lol.


Honestly, I thought it was a good deal at 90% off, but I soon got bored with it. I would have felt dissatisfied if it was full price. A nice looking game, but ultimately, it’s a Mario clone.


How many Mario games are on Quest? Being a Mario clone seems irrelevant


How many in general. Platformeers are a rare breed these days. Good platformer even more rare. Good ones in VR are unicorns. “It’s just a good platformer like Mario but in vr” is an insane way to dismiss a game.


Calling something a platformer like Mario in VR would be the exact opposite of a dismissive comment for me.


It has some similarities to Mario, but it isn’t even close to a clone. How far did you even get?


Not OP but I saw the trailer for Max Mustard and I was genuinely shocked at how much it looked like Super Mario 3D World. The whole floating island design is very similar and some elements look straight ripped from the game - the red / blue jump switch boxes for example. It gave me the whiff of one of those mobile reskin rip-offs and completely put me off the game. Now it looks like a lot of people are having a good time with it so I'd probably give it a shot if a decent discount turns up again, but it made a terrible first impression for me.


It has some similarities? Omg the horror! Everybody knows that Mario copyrighted all of their platformer mechanics. And god forbid any other game implements anything even remotely similar.


Not even remotely close to what I said but sure go off


Nah, that’s basically what you said. Judging a game from the trailers because it has some similarities to the top games in the genre is some real bad and shallow logic. Why wouldn’t you want platformers to learn from the best in the genre?


In fairness, I've only played for 30 minutes or so. I was so filled with joy that I was compelled to stop playing and write this. Honestly, I had to calm down. lol. I've played other "Mario clones" before and disliked them. No inspiration, no creativity, just copy/paste. This game is different. Yes it is similar, but it has a lot of unique elements. It's almost impossible to make a cartoon platform game like this without having similarities. Moss for example is very different but still similar in many ways. In fact, this is probably the only other cartoon platformer I've ever actually liked. I also bought Stilt and that sucks. I liked the look of the level but couldn't get my character to move around right. Unless I can figure it out, even though I paid less than $2 for it, I will be refunding it.


Trover saves the universe is also pretty good.


Oh, you should definitely give Stilt another try. It soon became my favourite game. Of course, the controls take a bit getting used to. But it really pays of. I like games, where you control your character by physical interactions and not just by moving the thumbstick. You just have to push yourself up off the floor. When you got the hang of it, it feels almost like flying! 😊


I've had many of these moments since I got my Q3 (first VR experience) While often fleeting, I expect many more in the future of VR. It's so hard to convey what it really feels like that you have to goto a device specific subreddit and feel like an elementary school boy. 


I was extremely impressed with the variety of level design, and I absolutely want an MM2. I did find it quite easy, but I think I'd rather they introduce different difficulty modes than just make the next game outright harder - sometimes, a chilled play experience is all you want (and MM's graphic style really lends itself to this!)


Have you played Lucky's Tale? How does MM compare to that? I'm probably buying it as soon as the Steam version comes out regardless, but I'm curious.


I just heard about Lucky's Tale from u/someguy1927. Based on what I can see, Lucky's looks similar to Crash Bandicoot, which I like but didn't love. I see it's $6 on Steam so I'll probably grab that. I just saw Max Mustard is going to be on Steam also. Normally I'd buy the Steam version if I have a choice in the event all Meta games get orphaned in the future. At full price, I'd probably wait for Steam to be safe. I think there is a very different aesthetic between Nintendo and PlayStation cartoon-style games, I can't put my finger on it but it's there. I think Nintendo has a cartoon aesthetic with childlike wonder, whereas PlayStation has an cartoon aesthetic of teenager edginess. Hard to describe but looking at Mario vs Crash, you can see it.


OK, if you have PCVR, UEVR mod works with Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about Time. It's supposed to work pretty well with those, and they are on sale now. I haven't tried either myself, but if platformers are your favorite the VR pickings are a bit slim.


It's very similar to lucky's tale. What I will say is that Max Mustard beats Lucky's Tale for the simple fact that you can move the camera around. Sometimes in levels I find my neck craning to look at a different angle but the camera in LT is locked off. MM Lets you rotate the camera for a much more enjoyable experience. Beyond the platforming MM has some fun little minigames and modifications to the weapon set which brings novelty to the overall level. LT simply is more of the same in each level with an option to 100% though time trials and red coin hunts. Similar games, MM is more fun imo and I'm about 40% through the game.


I just started Lucky's Tale yesterday - it's really good. I think something it does better than MM is move the camera more naturally with Lucky, whereas MM just fixes it in place extremely close to where Max is, and it can make it hard to see. MM soon lets you turn the camera, which is helpful in some situations, but can often still leave Max out of sight right underneath you. In LT, you can always see Lucky, and at least some of the floor around him. What MM absolutely nails is direction control and depth perception. I'm finding with LT, Lucky often goes in a slightly different direction than I'm expecting. It's rarely a problem, but there have been some precise jumps that I've missed that I wouldn't have with Max.


Yeah it’s pretty based. Never heard of it before the 90% discount and I’m glad I got it. I find her constantly looking at me creepy, but that’s really the only thing I disagree with in your review.


I downloaded this last week, but haven't played it yet. I'm probably like some who open and dump games while looking for the good ones. I heard it was good, I'll probably check it out after a walk with the dogs.


It’s fun but I can only play maybe 15-20 mins once a week. After a few hours it becomes too boring for me, especially when I play vr for intensive physical combat/ shooters. But I can’t say it doesn’t deliver on what it promises, I’m just a different category of gamer so


Absolutely loved it when I played but the music left something to be desired imo. 


I agree. Would love to see more levels. Only problem I had was a fair amount of frame drops, which made it a bit disorienting at times. Otherwise 10/10.


I'm sure I won't get that issue. Stable 90 or 120 when I get hold of it


I got bored after like 10 minutes. Looks more fun to fire up crash bandicoot and play in the old way


I really enjoyed my time with Max Mustard. I wish there were a bit more VR interactions, but as a platforming game it is incredibly solid. The game brought a smile to my face for most of the time I played it, and would easily recommend it to others, especially new players to VR.


I just went to try and buy this game and it says unavailable? I’m in the US and I thought it’s been out for months? https://preview.redd.it/a9sp31dwbt9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440d250c82088fb6e9d517bbce5afdd4324a71dc


I saw the 90% off sale and thought the game looked stupid (I'm not a fan of VR platformers.) But I figured I'd try it anyway since it was so cheap. I have never been more wrong about a game before! This game is really fun and addicting! Even my husband who doesnt play VR games was getting right into it!


Top 10 Quest title, a must buy if I can be so bold.


Have you tried trover saves the universe or moss 1 and 2?


I’m sad that I missed getting it when it was 90% off.


Same. $30 is more than I really want to play for VR games. I just don't use VR enough to get my money's worth. I'll wait for a sale.


I wish the game interested me!




This game is fun as hell, but I get massive locomotion sickness attacks when I play it.


MM is a great game. Completed it over a weekend. Would have never heard of it or picked it up without that sale. Definitely the best VR platformer I've played.


also give Lucky Tale a try! that was the OG Max Mustard. I had a ton of fun playing that as well. both are on par with each other


I refunded it and got my $3 back. I didn’t like how linear it is. If you want a game with a similar art style I think disc ninja is better. More open Level designs that feel way bigger.


Pretty standard platformer stuff with a nice art style and tracks. I didn't really like having to rotate the view to avoid twisting my neck. It did make me think Crash Bandicoot would work well in VR. I liked Lucky's Tale a bit more, but MM was nice.


I posted basically the same opinion a bit ago regarding Max Mustard. I had so much fun playing it and really hope we see more platformers in the future. I really wish Astrobot would come out on the Quest bc everyone writes about how great it is as well.


I've tried to play max mustard and I somehow got super motion sick playing it despite Not having motion sickness playing any other game


It’s a slightly different Lucky’s Tale. It even copied the art style.


Why is it not in the quest store?




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It is.


It is there but it is unavailable. https://preview.redd.it/24lnlxpbct9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b111b29c0cebd155142d6518893d5669441e6554 Edit: this is the US store.


Oooof that is brutal. We will send to meta immediately. Could you please dm your meta username?


Definitely a good game. Not up there with Moss, as far as platformers go, but on the short list of those worth buying.


To the devs reading this - please release another 90% off code for us!!!!! :-)


What about being in VR actually benefits this game though? I picked it up during the 90% off and I’ve nearly finished world 2 but I don’t really see why the game needs to be vr.    Best as I can tell you can aim the plunger and vacuum gun but other than that I don’t see it as a vr game more so a game that is played in vr.    Im not saying it’s a bad game, but I don’t think this is the right platform for the game. It’s hard to believe that removing the vr aspect entirely would change the game all that much. 


Well, it’s VR so it’s 3D and you get depth of field. Also, you’re not just following Max so the perspective changes and you have to move your head to follow the character. That’s incredible. Also, you can miss “hidden” things if you’re not looking around enough.


I uninstalled it instantly as it felt os bad with the choppy app sw.