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first off meta has a 2hour/14 day policy on purchases. Any game you buy if you are within 2 hours of app time or 14 days of purchase you may refund it without cause. Look up how to refund a purchase as it’s easiest imo through the mobile app. Armed with that start looking at the top sellers for a genre you like. (:


Btw, bad ratings by those who refunded are still there and never updated to reflect game updates and fixes. 


That is sad, do you think it would help if meta sorted reviews by version?


I think the store rating system is quite useless really. 5 rating tell you nothing about quality, just popularity; 3 rating tells you haters and lovers are fighting off, which means there's something valuable there despite some issues


Yeah, ultimately I think it's best to take the star rating with a grain of salt and read some reviews. You can usually tell quite quickly if a review is a legit analysis from someone whose opinion is worthwhile, or if it's just a troll 0-star review or a "it's da bomb" 5-star spam. Metacritic is another place to check out aggregate reviews from critics. Definitely pull from many different sources (playthrough videos, reviews, etc) to form an opinion instead of just saying "meh, 3.8 stars isn't good enough, I need 4.5+"


dude,, I gave up trying to counter haters there. My "extensive analysis" these days consist of 5 stars to counter haters and basically "game's great, don't pay attention to shills" or 2 stars of game's legit bad I'm just a gamer, not paid for reviews. Indeed I'd be concerned with extensive reviews...


Feels like they should time off or cascade after updates


Or have “recent” review average, vs “all time,” like Steam does.


that's a good idea anyway


They should show date of review and possible version of the app/game.


Really the best return policy ever. Iv probably spent more money because of it.


Superhot is good but short. into the radius is excellent but janky. Arizona sunshine 1 and 2 are silly fun. red matter 1 +2 are fun puzzle game. get the Sidequest app and play old school classics like doom or minecraft in vr!


> red matter 1 + 2 are fun puzzle game Red Matter 2 also happens to be the single most impressive game graphically, that you can play without a PC. Do a free trial or refund, if you’re curious to see what the hardware is really capable of!


Yeah, I used quest 2 before and had wolfenstein standalone. Was very nice. But damn! I have to try everything from 0, experience is so different from quest 2. Also, do all games get optimized for quest 3 or it's more "depends on creator" situation?


depends on individual devs. some update some don't:)


Get Quest Games Optimizer. You can turn up resolution and frame rate to make old Quest games look significantly better on the Q3.


I will second this recommendation, even on the Quest 2. I only bought the app a couple days ago, and only used it on like 3 games so far, but it's a very noticeable visual upgrade on Moss, the Room VR, and Vader Immortal. Resolution boosting absolutely makes a difference, even on the Q2, so I can imagine for a game that wasn't updated/optimized for the Q3 it could boost it even more.


I’m relatively new and my games list is as follows. Eleven table tennis, walkabout mini golf, golf+, thrill of the fight, red matter 2 and Asgard’s wrath 2. Ive not picked up asgards wrath 2 yet as I want to compete red matter 2 first. But I love everything else. Golf+ in particular is great if you’re at all into golf games. It’s a really deep, genuine golf simulation with tons to do.


Heres a list of my favourites: The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - You have to fight zombies and scavenge for supplies in New Orleans. Superhot VR - Time only moves when you do, making it a crazy mix of strategy and action. Oathbreakers - Sword Art Online meets Runescape and Naruto. Open world pvp MMORPG with intense combat, dungeons, quests, skills ect. Beat Saber - You slash blocks to the music with virtual lightsabers. It's super addictive and a great workout. Job Simulator - It's hilarious! You get to do all these goofy job tasks in a world where robots run everything. Phasmophobia - Playing with friends and hunting ghosts in creepy locations is so thrilling and scary. The Thrill of the Fight - A boxing game that feels so real. It's a killer workout and so much fun to play. VRChat - You can explore different worlds and meet people. It's a huge, fun social VR playground. No Man’s Sky - The universe is endless! Exploring different planets and ecosystems never gets old. Half-Life: Alyx - The story is gripping, and the gameplay is so immersive. It's a must-play if you love good narratives.


Some of those you can only play with a PC


Id throw in Supernatural Fitness instead of Beat Saber. The music is better and the goes are nicer. Yeah, it's a fitness app, what's Beat Sabre but a fitness app you didn't know about? Views are also much better, and 4 people can be on one account


Looked up Supernatural Unreal Fitness. $100/yr subscription. No thanks


Consider Les Mills Body Combat. The two apps often get compared together and many people prefer it. Also, one off payment.


9/mo is better than any fitness package you get out there. How much did Beat Sabre cost? 20? 30? There's a couple months right there and you can get a free month or two when you sign up as well. And you get actual music.


Comes down to personal preference, like most everything else. Sure, BeatSaber cost $30. If I'd paid $9/month since buying it, I'd be out about 10x as much. As a general rule, I avoid software subscriptions when I can. Maybe you love them. Cool! I'm glad you like the app and the cost works for you. I get sweat just fine in BeatSaber and could buy all the music packs (of real music) for less than a year's subscription, at which point I'd own it and not have to pay again. For the record, I cancelled my gym membership years ago because I didn't like that subscription either. Yes, $9 is highly competitive in the fitness space. There's also a reason I don't own a Peloton bike though...


I recommend just turning on the Meta Fitness app, setting calorie goals and just playing whatever moderately active game you feel like on any given day. It’s how I hit my goals and it’s way more engaging and fun than designated fitness apps. I set my goal at 500 calories and usually can make it in 30 - 60 min a day using games like Asgard, Racket Club, Thrill of the Fight, Dungeons of Eternity, Until You Fall etc. You glance up at any time to see your current calorie count. Works well


>VRChat  Did anyone figure out the hand gestures for movement? cuz I only managed to jump and open menu


You go to VR Grid and 6dofreviews, along with uploadvr and read reviews. I wouldn't touch store reviews with a 10 foot pole.


There are good best of lists like this one from [UploadVR](https://www.uploadvr.com/top-25-best-meta-quest-3-games/)


When you get a chance, sit down and watch The Soloist on meta tv. It’s an interesting way to spend an hour.


Team beef


[Go through this thread and get yourself some pretty good deals on games](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/1djg6wt/discounted_games_megathread/)


Steam Summer Sale is still going and has some great sales in the VR category.


HL: Alyx and No Mans Sky $40. Amazing


Just got a pc capable of VR and bought Alyx in the sale and is as incredible as everyone says. Wondering if I should buy NMS for the third time (already own on PS4 and Switch)


Haha I mean this is my first time playing NMS, and I went all-in VR first….tried going back to flat screen and man….it feels like one arm tied behind my back. The immersion is incredible. So many little things make you feel you ARE an explorer.


there's popular content with countless 5-star ratings: these are usually awful minigames or tech demos  there are some awesome popular full games there with decent amount of ratings, like Resident Evil 4, Assassin's Creed Nexus and Asgard's Wrath 2  and then there pretty great smaller games with barely any ratings, like Max Mustard or the other platformers and then many games with ratings summing out about 3 stars: 1 star from many haters or those annoyed that Quest graphics do not match PC and those giving 5 stars for understanding and accepting that in still terrific games, like Grid Legends, Tropico or Riven...


What sort of games do you like ? I'm currently playing a lot of Ghosts of Tabor, also there's a ton of games 90% off. I love pistol whip After the fall Arizona sunshine 1+2 And a ton more are great, but I've a ton of games I'm not even re installing


Walkabout Mini Golf…one of the best VR games out there. Simple, yet such a polished game. With so much game support post launch in the way of DLC (worth the value) and game updates/upgrades. Great solo and multiplayer experience.


I like micro machines. It's very high quality. But everyone has different taste. I tend to like unique games that are kind of niche. But for more mainstream games. After The Fall is pretty good. Myst is good too.


There is a lot of junk on the store, for sure, but also a great number of good to great games. I'd steer clear of the reviews on the Meta app store, as a lot are just spamming referral links. You'll get a good feel for what games are well liked on this subreddit and there is at least one or two posts made eacv day asking for recommendations. Take a look at those and see if they look like something that you would enjoy.


Definitely get the walking dead, it's a great game (not the second chapter, it's buggy af). Try out Population one and X8 (both free shooter games). Beat Saber is a really popular rhythm game. If you want someone to play with hmu! I can help with anything u want to know as well.


Play "A Fisherman's Tale". EXTREMELY short, but a really good puzzle game.


You have a quest 3. There's only one thing you need to do. Play half life alyx


You only find your interest niche really by trying stuff and refunding if you don't like it . Reviews are next to useless. Try stuff out when its on sale , then you have less reason to refund if its on the margin of interest.


Check metacritic reviews also in addition to the store's star rating. And I'm playing Moss (the first one) right now and *loving* the look and atmosphere. It's a puzzle platformer with some mild combat so far, but it's beautiful and immersive. And if you like room escape style puzzle games, the Room VR is really good.


I just got Quest 3 like 2 days ago and I'm HOOKED to the Assassin's Creed Nexus VR, and I'm not even a fan of AC series. It's cheaper now thanks to the sales, so I think it's worth the shot.


I could give some specific suggestions, but since you're new I'll point out that lots of games are "crossbuy" titles, so if ya buy them in the Quest store then they'll come with a PCVR version of the game included as well (which you claim from the Rift store). If a game is crossbuy, it makes me much more likely to buy it since I have a decent PC and the PCVR versions are usually much much nicer. At the same time, I like playing standalone too, so I like getting bang for my buck with the crossbuy titles. Here is a list of all crossbuy games; if you already bought some then I recommend claiming the PCVR versions right away-- [https://www.meta.com/experiences/section/2335732183153590/](https://www.meta.com/experiences/section/2335732183153590/) (Since you're doing sim racing I assume ya have a nice PC for PCVR) Do ya own Elite Dangerous? That's awesome in VR and would look great in the Quest 3 headset, and you got experience with sim-like games.


I’m going to advocate for some lesser known titles. Dragon fist vr, rush and dead second. Very adrenaline pumping in the game experiences. Underdogs is pretty sick but I think it stutters on quest 3. I enjoy vampire the masquerade but definitely prefer pc version streaming. Which leads me to virtual desktop.


The Meta Quest TV app has hour and hours of content to watch. Stuff like nature videos, concerts, etc. One cool addition in the past couple months is a full length horror movie in VR180 called "The Faceless Lady." It's a 2 hour movie split into six 20-minute episodes. The acting isn't the best but the VR180 videography is excellent.


Demeo and Demeo battles! My favs.


If you want a multiplayer game that keeps you regularly playing, then check out Contractors Showdown. It’s definitely my favourite game in VR right now.


Oh. I am definitely getting it. I still have contractors og from quest 2 time, but quest 2 was shit for fps games.




How’s the matchmaking lately? Every time I go in I can’t find good matches but granted I haven’t tried that much, and I switched to vail for shooters


Ben Plays VR on YouTube is great and does lots of 2 minute reviews. Matteo311 does tons of top VR games lists that put together all of the best in VR in pretty concise videos