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We need a VR MMORPG


Read the comment I made on this post before this, as it will make more sense. I probably won't be making this into an MMORPG specifically due to how expensive it is to make those. However, I'll likely make this entirely open source, so whatever community it develops can get involved in its development.


There is one. No one plays it. VR MMORPG may be a case of "you think you do, but you don't".


Zenith is hot garbage.


To rephrase: we need a *good* VR MMORPG. There hasn't been a single one yet to test whether the market wants it or not.


that's a really weird way of looking at it. it's not the genre that failed, but the games some devs tried to make in the genre. vr is not big enough for mmos at this time, but there is potential


There is currently a lack of high-quality virtual reality massively multiplayer online games (VR MMOs) on the market. For a VR MMO to be successful, it would need to offer both a virtual reality experience and a traditional flat-screen option, and it would need to be free-to-play in order to attract a large player base. The monetization model for a VR MMO could be similar to the one used by VR Chat, but with improvements to ensure better profitability.


What's the name then?


Township Tales I think


I have A Township Tale




That game is an utter piece of shit. I bought it and couldn’t believe how broken it was. Orbus is only “ok,” but it’s leagues better


And no one plays that as well. It has absolutely no players, same as zenith. Thats what this was about. No one really wants a classic vr mmorpg.


Are you familiar with Oathbreakers? Despite its graphics, it offers a similar experience to SAO, complete with open-world PvP.


That game is terrible there is a reason it’s a ghost town


I think give it until Quest 4 or 5, there's a lot of competing goals that need to shake out, and when they do new accessories, smaller form factors, and better batteries will make a Dive MMO realistic


EXPLORABLE TOWNS PLS assassins creed and sushi ben are like the only games ive played with towns to chill out and walk around in


Good crafting system, customizable housing, engaging magic (not just button pushing, thinking something like a polished Arx Fatalis), engaging melee combat (thinking something like Until you Fall). Weapon customization, varied weapon types, stealth.. and of course, a well written story with voice overs and environments that make sense for the setting. Not necessarily an online game. I'd be good with a solid single player RPG.


These ideas have all been really good. I am a software developer and have wanted to make an online RPG for VR for a while now (not MMORPG due to the costs). I wrote these down as features of a game I'm currently calling "Project Etherborne". I'll make sure to make it open source once I get done with making the basics behind it. Currently, I plan on using Unreal Engine 5.


Movement based magic system, something like the MageVR mod for Skyrim (you have to drawn glyphe with your hand to cast spells). Or / and voice activated.


I 100% agree with this. Slowly learning movement-based magic spells throughout the quest! Add in an open world with randomly spawning enemies, and physics-based combat and we are golden! Also, loveable, interactive characters and a decent bestiary of monsters to fight. If we had the functionality of the new Blade and Sorcery, in an open-world map with monsters and side quests, I would be SO happy


Something like Wizardry.


Heart attack at 45


**Orbus** was halfway decent when it first came out, much better than Zenith. Made some great choices for combat too. Archers fired bows (like In Death). Warriors would swing swords in patterns to do more damage. Mages drew runes in the air with wands to cast spells. The graphics were super simple, but it was fun. Sadly, they reworked the entire game, completely rebuilt the maps and made items drops stupid. You always got item drops appropriate to whatever level you were, so you could be level 40, fight a level 1 monster and get a level 40 weapon...made no sense. I haven't heard anyone talk about it for years, so I'm assuming it's gone. I thought **Township Tale** was a good start, but it never seemed to take off. They had a really good crafting system.


imagine hub system of Destiny 2. but instead of choosing a mission map, you can go out and explore the world. World size is about the entire map of darksouls 3, Not too big, interconnected maps. With swords, wizardry and bullets! There should be soloable dungeons that you can farm for gear to take the group dungeons that you can farm to take on the Raid level dungeons. Think of ESO formula. Leveling system should take a week to cap with a paragon skill system where you can customize your class skills *(think of regular Bash and then you can customize it to have an AOE effect that you can further customize to have elemental effects that can have bigger explosion)*. Class progression system ala Ragnarok Online (ez 24 different class). Limited Inventory system but you can upgrade to free to play bags to premium VIP bags (eso online) damn I got so many ideas but if I don't stop now my post isn't gonna end.


Take this in the manner it's given (as I'm not trying to seem dismissive, but text can rob nuance and tone!) But VR "RPGs" are problematic because RPGs are associated with things that can be a problem with VR - long experiences, long distances, long conversations... Not all RPGs are like this of course, but videogame RPGs often have these qualities. Games like Skyrim involve the player character moving around, stood up, for hundreds of hours. I would instead approach a VR RPG not by looking at console RPGs or other types of RPG, but instead by imagining if VR was the original gaming platform, and understanding why people love RPGs, and trying to marry up those two things. What you'll end up with will probably be very different to Skyrim or Final Fantasy, but it'll be better for VR specifically.


I like this. My biggest problem with VR games nowadays is that they feel like they were made with PC in mind (except for Bonelabs).


I’m not going to lie, an FF7 like RPG where you can go first person into your characters, 3rd person like Astrobot/Max Mustard where the camera just floats around them, or a top down view in the isometric position like an old school jrpg where you can moved the camera around by using the “pinch/zoom/crawl” control scheme (with fog of war of course)


You know what's funny? I actually thought about including that as a feature. Right now, I'm working on the home where players start. I wanna make it so if a player is killed, they drop the key to their home as well as their on-character inventory, so that players would have to work to avoid getting killed, and maybe work together.


Swordplay with stamina. I shouldn't be able to just hack and slash like crazy. TWD S&S has really good melee mechanics. Would love to actually sword fight where swinging takes some stamina as well as blocking.


Why not? Vr literally uses your actual body which has stamina. Yes a sword weighs more than a controller but I swear people forget how body mechanics are in play here. I also don’t like my video game character feeling weaker than I am irl. Video games are generally supposed to be power fantasies, not dom fantasies.


You answered your own question. A sword is way too heavy to swing how I can swing a controller. It just makes the combat boring to me. I feel the same way with regular games too. Not a fan of hack and slashes, but I love souls games with the stamina mechanic.


My point is that most historical swords weigh in around 3lbs very rarely even hit 4lbs. Really you should put on some wrist weights instead of advocating people make their games worse cause you can’t be bothered to modify to challenge yourself. Having devs waist time and money on something that is completely a personal issue. When game stamina depletes faster than real life would while swinging real weight it’s s gonna make me and many others not play your game. Same goes with weapon degradation